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Latest revision as of 04:23, 19 May 2022

Tales to Tell
Date of Scene: 17 May 2022
Location: The Hanging Tree - Park
Synopsis: Phoebe, Robbie Reyes and Gabby Kinney are sitting in and around a tree, T-A-L-K-I-N-G. First comes Freebird, then comes Goops, then comes Charlie with an allez-oops!

Plenty of talking, and planning to be had.

Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Gabby Kinney, Robbie Reyes, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe Beacon can sometimes be hard to track down. Between her duties to Gotham, her responsibilities in NYC, the Bats, the Dark, her dads -- she's a busy girl.

    But today, she's taken the evening and made it hers. There's a cool breeze coming off the ocean, winding its way through Gotham City. People rollerskate and rollerblade and bike and jog by as the girl with her dark hair in short, chunky braids plays on an old, amber-colored acoustic guitar, plucking strings with her calloused fingers. The fact that she's thirty feet in the hanging tree is a minor detail.

    Her motorcycle is below the tree, making her position, but her go-pack is up with her.

     (Music inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxt4Z2Ko5mM )

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The tree was large and full of places for those who perched, to perch. Phoebe wasn't alone in her attempt to relax. Gabby was with her, draped casually over one of the limbs of the tree with her leg dangling off one. The other is bent up to rest on the branch that she lays out on. Really it was a dangerous position but this old tree was up to the task of keeping her in the air.

She's surprisingly quiet and still for the most part as she gazes up through the branches of the tree just listening to Phoebe play for the moment. Her hands lace together on her stomach where she has a single can of orange soda caught in the crook between her thumbs so it doesn't spill.

"Do you know Freebird?" She finally asks out of the blue.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
It's an unfortunately named landmark, and one which Robbie spends at least a few minutes googling at a stop light for some kind of colourful history. He didn't find any, which was a little more disappointing than he'd like to admit.

The '69 Charger certainly makes itself known as it swings onto the street over which the massive cedar presides. The engine's restrained to a low thrum as it prowls to a stop, then killed entirely. Robbie climbs out and slams his door, shoving his phone and car keys into his jeans pocket. He's in his usual street punk garb: leather jacket, ratty black tee shirt, black jeans and his favourite converse.

He squints up at Phoebe, and notices she's not alone. Does she expect him to climb the damn thing?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses. And then the opening riffs for Freebird echo from her guitar. She doesn't sing it, but she's more than happy to play the requested song.

    She hears the rumbling of the charger a moment, drawing her eyes along the needly horizon as Robbie makes his way into the park. She feels his presence.

    "Nope." she replies to Gabby inspite she's playing Freebird.

    "Afternoon Robbie." she calls down. "Going to join us? There's a hammock spot up here with your name on it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can't help but to grin when Phoebe starts up with that song she had jokingly requested. "Oh, cool! You do know it. I've never actually heard it, it's just what they always ask the band to play in movies," she explains perhaps unnecessarily. Already she's rolling her attention toward the sound of the approaching Charger.

"Ah hah. I guess Robbie's here." With a little huff of breath she swings her bent leg down using the momentum to bring her torso up from her lounge. The soda is brought with her, and raised to take a quick gulp. "Hey Robbie," she greets. "Come hang out with the cool kids." The cool kids were apparently wearing cut-off jean shorts and a t-shirt this time. It was warmer out.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie appears to seriously debate this for a few seconds, the invitation to come up and join them. He doesn't honestly remember when last he's climbed a tree. Fingers raked through his dark hair, he hems and haws about it a little longer, and calls back, "Couldn't you just come down? What if I fall out." He glances down the street, then back up to the pair. "And break my neck?" Yeah, pile on the guilt, Reyes. That'll work.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's wearing torn jeans and a green T-shirt with a skull with a butterfly on it. She pauses her playing a moment, and then slooowly turns, balancing carefully before she swings her legs.

    "I'll catch you before you fall." Phoebe replies, giving a small grin, but then reaches for her guitar case. "But if you're scared of heights, I could come down."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only shrug a little bit at that. "Guess down it is. It was nice up here though," she has to admit with a grin as she looks toward Phoebe. While she's reaching for the guitar case, the younger teen knocks back the rest of her soda with a single gulp. The emtpy can is allowed to drop down to the ground below purposefully missing Robbie.

With a quick "HUP!" Gabby grasps the branch she's on and flips, swinging down. At the last moment she lets go entirely. It's a perfect superhero landing as she ends up crouched and bouncing back to her feet with a glance thrown upward. "Want to hand the guitar case down to me?" she offers.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Pausing, brow raised like he hadn't expected that to work, the young mechanic watches as Gabby starts the process of swinging down and out of the tree. Really, a broken neck is nothing more than a temporary inconvenience to a Ghost Rider, but.. on the other hand, he clearly wasn't relishing the idea, either way.

He's ready to catch the younger girl as she drops, but clearly it isn't necessary and she's more than capable. "Thanks," he mumbles, jamming his hands back into the pockets of his leather jacket while he waits for Phoebe to join them. And, "Sorry."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's a big more careful. She moves her way down hopping from branch to branch before she hands down her guitar case, and then swings herself down, somewhat less athletic than Gabby.

    "No worries. You did me a solid back at the castle. LEast I could do." Phoebe replies with a slight smile that just seems to scream she wasn't going to go into detail.

    "And don't apologize -- the tree'll be occupied in a couple minutes. It's what people do. Hang out in it." she jokes, and gives a shrug.

    "Good to see you in a state of 'not about to fight all the things'."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a grin at Robbie along with a quick wink to reassure him that it was all okay. After all, being acrobatic as well as hyperactive was kind of her thing. Not to mention climbing things. Trees, buildings, billboards. She turns to reach up taking the guitar case carefully so as to not damage it while Phoebe gets the rest of the way down.

"Yeah, it's a popular place for that. Or for just hanging out under, both are good," she assures while taking a step back to give Phoebe all the room she needs. A concerned look is cast back toward Robbie though. "I hadn't really seen you like that before myself. I'll take care to stay out of your way if you need me to."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie looks puzzled for a moment when Phoebe mentions the 'solid' he did her. He isn't really in the habit of doing people favours, so-- "Oh." Right. The body bridge. "Uh. Don't mention it." He digs his hands deeper into his jacket, checks out the street again, then back to the two girls.

"Seriously? So that's why it's called the hanging tree? Because people hang out in it? Joder, que decepcion." Gabby's comment gets a little frown. "Like what?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Nah. It's calling the hanging tree because supposedly they used to hang people and suicides happened a lot in it, but there's not really much evidence in this world or the next for it. So it's kind of a anarcho-boho hangout place?" Phoebe states, rubbing the back of her neck and looking up at the tree itself.

    "It's a nice tree though. Very strong. Survived a lot of Bad Stuff."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks at Robbie a moment just a bit confused. "Like... Freaking out flamey faced trying to lunge at another Rider? Anger muffin?" It's shrugged off though and she offers the guitar case back to Phoebe. "Not a big deal anyway, just I was gonna try to step in between you if Sara hadn't. Which, might not have been good." I mean. She heals. But ow.

"Eh, I just like the tree because it's cool," she remarks herself with a shrug. "And there's usually cuties around jogging or something."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Oh yeah, *that*. Robbie makes a strange face when she calls him an anger muffin, though. Like he wants to frown even more at it, while simultaneously trying not to smile. Eventually he huffs, and sets his jaw slightly. "Ain't gonna happen again, don't worry," he murmurs to Gabby. He flicks her a glance. "And don't. Try to get between Eli and whatever he's flipping his shit about. Just don't." Because he likes her, and that would be.. messy.

Back to Phoebe, "Anyway, I had some stuff to show you.." He digs his phone out of his jeans pocket and starts scanning through his pictures.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe accepts the guitar case back from Gabby with a wry little smile. "Anger Muffin. That's a good one." she compliments the younger Outsider, and then leans against the tree as she sets it down. She narrows her eyes a moment, and she breathes out, tilting her head back "Yeah, I wouldn't get between anything Robbie's extraneous family members and their quarry, it's probably a Really Bad Idea. And you're flamable." she explains quietly, and she shrugs, leaning forward.

    "Stuff to show me? What're we looking at?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands with a little shrug at the nickname she'd come up with. The look from Robbie doesn't make her smile any less over it. "Which is why I said I'll avoid getting in the way," she completes with a solemn nod bringing her thoughts around back to where they had begun.

Stepping up beside Robbie on the side opposite Phoebe she leans in to peek at the phone as well curiously. "... Is it a cat? Or a puppy? No probably not. I've got plenty of those on my phone if you two want though."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie seems satisfied by that answer, and goes back to hunting for whatever it is on his phone. With a little sideye for Gabby when she sidles in close to peer over his shoulder. Does he *seem* like the type of guy who collects pictures of cats and puppies? Okay, maybe one or two, but shhhh or his tough guy act is blown.

"Here.." He pauses to show them both a blurry photograph of what appears to be a vaguely humanoid shape composed entirely out of black, spiky tendrils grappling some guy for a gun. "And here." He swipes, and the next picture is of a greenish purple oozy.. thing with talons for hands, again in the rough shape of a person. "Holdup at the convenience store in Hell's Kitchen," he explains. "I think they were friendlies. I had to get outta there before the Rider got out of control, but figured you might be interested."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    We don't judge. Tim Drake's phone is filled with yellow duckies reminding him to drink water. Because Phoebe keeps sending them to him.

    "Phoebe folds her legs down, sitting in a half-lotus as she tries to pluck the phone from Robbie, pursing her lips a moment as she goes through the two pictures.

    "Two friendly goops? This the convenience store in the news?" she questions, drawing her gaze up to Robbie, and then over to Gabby. "You're more experienced with the mutant population, do either these two look familiar to you gabs?" she questions the dark-haired hero.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crosses her arms over her chest while chewing on the inside of her cheek in a completely thoughtful manner. Not just because Phoebe deffered to her in this regard, either. She honestly is wracking her brain trying to see if anything jumps out to her as familiar.

"No... Not quite. The goopiness is weird, not any mutant I'm familiar with. But there was one girl that could use a TK Field around herself like armor but in any configuration or shape she wanted."

Bending forward at the waist she peers down at the phone again shaking her head. A hand breaks free to tuck her hair back behind her ear given it slid forward into her view. "Going to have to go for a negatory on this one. If they are, they're not ones I'm familiar with. But." Here she pauses, hand lifting to point upward again.

"I was on a mission with another team I'm on and we ran into this woman that could kind of turn into liquid blackness. I don't *think* that's her in the picture."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"That's the one," Robbie confirms. Thankfully, he did *not* go flame up at any point in that little encounter, and bailed before the cops showed up regardless. He does permit Phoebe to borrow his phone, and scroll between the pictures. There's a third, showing one of the symbiotes swimming out the half-open shop door, and a couple of other bystanders, including some chick in a full gas mask. Gotham's weird.

The *next* picture is one of his brother sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes so that only the whites are visible. He reaches for his phone. "Well, shouldn't be too hard for me to find 'em again," he tells Phoebe. "You ever decide you want to know more." To Gabby, he shakes his head. "Nah, don't think either of these were like that."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Gotham's weird. No doubt.

    Phoebe only looks at the pictures that are relevant -- though if the picture of Robbie's brother appears, she gives a slight smile, and she surrenders it to Robbie.

    "Text me those pics, yeah? I'll send out some feelers on the 'net and see if I can't catch anything. If they're supernatural in origin and if it was New York, there's some places I could look, but here in Gotham..." she trails off.

    "I've kinda estranged my contacts here in Gotham as far as the supernatural goes. It happens. I'm sure if I brought something to Zatanna she'd at least let me in though." she purses her lips a moment as she shifts her weight, and then holds up her hand and makes a flip-flop motion. "I do miss hanging out with her and Charlie, but things happen. Choices made, yadda, yadda, yadda." she shrugs, and then she reaches into her bag. A mostly crushed pack of cigarettes is in one hand as she searches for something.

    "Not anything I recognize either, two goops stopping crime."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just shakes her head offering an apologetic smile to both. Robbie had come to ask Phoebe's help after all. This magic thing was new enough to her, or at least her involvement in it outside of just being dragged into Limbo was new enough. She didn't have contacts for it.

"I mean. I know a few magical sorts but not ... not the sort that would probably know vigilantes or the like." She has to stop and pause. "Or at least not from that side of things." Her chin dips to rub at it thoughtfully before she lets it fall away letting out a sigh. "Kind of feel like I'm not bringing much to the table for the group."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a twang of chaos magic from above in the tree. Then a branch creaks as a bit of purple and pink smoke filters away on the night breeze.

    Sitting on a branch is a teenager wearing a wonder woman hoodie, hood pulled up, with beat to hell jeans, and nice stompy boots. She just rocks back and forth there on the branch her feet kicking a bit like it is a swing and she has no fear of falling to her death.

    She abso-fucking-lutely was not there a split second ago.

    "I miss you too...." she notes and then blinks "Wait, what choices made, did I miss something..." she cocks her head a bit and looks between Phoebe, Gabby, and Robbie now. "I feel like I totally squirreled something important here.. why wouldn't Zee let you in..." she squints a bit. "What is goopy?"

    Then she squirrels perfectly and looks at Gabby "Hi!" waving with one hand, the other not holding on to the branch though, that would be too sensible.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Speak of the girl --" Phoebe trails off as Charlie makes her appearance, and she tilts her head up, giving a grin. "Oh. Ah. I stayed on with the Jay-El-Dee, I just haven't had much time to try and apologize to Zee, with the angels and the what not and everything." Phoebe gives a smile. "Some goopy people helped out with a robbery at a convenience store. I'm not sure if you know Robbie -- and this is Gabby." she states, and then she motions upwards from where she is seated at the base of the tree.

    "Robbie, Gabby, Charlie. Best teleporter I know and has gotten us out of tight spots."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie looks up sharply as Charlie appears in the tree, gloved hands curling into fists. He might be mistaken for some street punk causing trouble here; the souped-up muscle car parked nearby, clearly his, doesn't help his case. He's about to open his mouth and let something less than friendly fly-- when Phoebe seems to imply it's a friend of hers. He runs his tonguetip along the edge of a canine, then accepts his phone back.

"Hey," he greets, a little gruffly.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head back to grin up at the newly appeared Charlie with only a little twitch of her nose. "Hi!" She greets back lifting a hand to wave up at the unfamiliar girl that Phoebe seems to recognize, and vice-versus. She's about to say her own name unbidden because she's just that kind of person, but Phoebe beats her to it. "Nice to meet you!"

She seems about to say more when her phone goes off drawing her attention away. Frowning thoughtfully she pulls it out to stare at the screen a moment, take a deep breath, and then she turns away to take the call with a mumbled apology to the others.

"Something up?" She asks quietly while stepping away slowly. A few 'mmhmms' are given, a surprised, "Really?" and then she pauses just staring off into the distance a moment. "Right. How much is bail? ... Yeah, yeah, I'll be there." Whirling back toward the others she offers a rather sheepish, perhaps guilty, grin. "Ah I have to go do a ... thing."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Appologize to Zee for what?" puzzled. "You can always call me if you need anything and Ill show up Pheebs, anywhere anytime." she leans forward dropping out of the tree, it is very high up, though a split second into the fall she vanishes with a slash of pinkish purple smoke and appears a heartbeat later by Phoebe in a similar slash of smoke. "You say the nicest thingsss.. though passengers is the old fashioned look a portal spell sort of dealio because the other way.. supes messy."

    She is all friendly smiles though to Robbie and Gabby, "Hi Hi." despite the gruffness from Robbie "I think I saw you in the VR." virtual reality, Velvet Room, one of those things. Probably the later.

    Then her attention bounces to Gabby "Ah shoot... maybe we can proper meet later sometime.. oh.. do you need bail money for your friend?" she is digging into a pocket helpfully even as she asks. Yup she seems totally willing to give a stranger who seems to be a friend of a friend bail money.


Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "No worries Gabs, go, deliver bail, be safe." Phoebe states with a small smile to Gabby, and she gives a friendly little elbow to the shorter mage.

    "Trust me, she's fine for bail money. *Very* resourceful family." Phoebe gives a small smile. She seems not put out at all by the pink and purple smoke and disappearing-reappearing Charglie Gage.

    "Zatanna had to pull away from the JLD. I chose to stay on and help rescue my adopted Dad. Turns out... maybe it might not have been the best choice." she explains to Charlie.

    Not the best choice, but it was the only choice.

    "I haven't had the chance to catch up with her."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie gives the girl a blank look at first, until he seems to clue in to what she means by 'VR'. It takes him a minute, but nobody ever accused him of being the sharpest tool in the box.

"Yeah, okay. Well, I gotta go," he murmurs, digging out his car keys as he backs up toward the curb. Looks like he's tapping out, now that this has gone from information exchange to meet 'n greet. "See you later, Phoebe." Charlie gets an upnod from the kid, and he turns and climbs into his car, and slams the door. Machine's got a beast of an engine on it; it growls to life, all eight cylinders, then peels away from the curb and roars off.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, for sure! I love meeting new people," Gabby agrees only for her hand to shoot up quickly with a firm shake of her head as she laughs. "Ah, I appreciate it but not that kinda bail. A friend of mine has a pet tiger, and he likes to take a soak in the hot tub. The tiger I mean. But my friend wanted to enjoy the hot tub alone and closed the door and so the tiger is pissed and laying against the door so he won't let him out. 'Bail' is gonna be about fifteen pounds of steak."

With all this explained she gives a grin, and tucks her phone back into her pocket. "I mean really he should know better, Rasputin like his bath time. Anyway, see you!" With that she turns to run off to where her motorcycle is to hop on and ride away. Vroom vroom.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Take care, Robbie. Send me the pics. I'll see what I can do." Phoebe states, watching as Robbie makes his way off, and then she leans back. Both the others are gone now, and it's just down to her and Charlie.

    "How you doing, Charlie?" she asks quietly, seeming very worn out.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie looks after the two of them there "Okay he seems shy and she seems to be a lot of ..a lot... I want to meet this tiger and her friend who owns a tiger." distracted still for a moment looking after them.

    Then she blinks and looks back to Phoebe. "I'm doing pretty okay. Though I had no idea Zee stepped away from the JL-D or that there was a thing about staying or going or anything." she furrows her brow. "I stayed ...and didn't step away from Zee..." mostly because she wasn't paying enough attention to the anything between everything she has in her life going on. It's a lot of boxes to try to keep organized and she isn't the most on top of that sort of thing if she is honest with herself.

    "I'm sure if you reach out Zee will be cool. I meant it about missing yah Phoebe." she smiles to her. "You look tired as all get out... you doing ok?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Tired. Closed a gate to Hell on Sunday. Training. Have so much going on." she states softly, and she gives a smile, looking to Charlie.

    "You're chaos incarnate, Charlie. I don't expect you to keep track of everyone's lives," Phoebe says the shorter hero. "And I figure she will. Just... sometimes. I get everything crossed in my head and make the assumption everyone hates me. Which is silly."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    And that is when Charlie just hugs Phoebe tightly, tucking her head against Phoebe shoulder and just .. hugs. It is one of those long ones two unless Phoebe manages an escape or judo throws Charlie across the park. Which is possible. Her guard isn't up right now for judo throws.

    As long as the hug is successful she finally speaks up after a time. "No one hates you. Least I don't. Promise."

    She does eventually release, once happy brain chemicals are produced. "Also I feel left out, I'd love to close a gate to hell."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Gy-ee-yee..." Phoebe tenses up as Charlie hugs her. She stares straight ahead, and takes a deep breath, not escaping and not judo-throwing Charlie across the park. Phoebe breathes out, and then just sort of... pets Charlie on the shoulder, gently.

    "Oh, I'm sure there's people who hate me, Charlie -- but I'm glad you don't."

    And she gives a toothy grin, extracting herself a little bit from Charlie's arms. "You would have been useful. For a moment I thought it was all going to turn south. Luckily I have some really decent friends."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie releases and steps back when Phoebe extracts and grins back, having missed any of the awkwardness, or at least she is absolutely not commenting on it.

    Everyone needs a hug sometimes in Charlie's book.

    "Go south like to hell. I got that." which may not have been at all intentional but she grins. "I'm glad you made it out... oooh hey hey .. I learned how to enchant my gloves so when I punch demons or angels it like.. actually hurts the jerks!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, but we made it out, all four of us. The Happy Bubble will be troubled by imps no more." Phoebe plays down the danger she put her friends in slightly.

    "Oh yeah?" she questions, and she holds one hand up "Lemmie see one, give it a punch." she states, and grins "But gentle. I'm delicate."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Oh.." she pulls her hoodie up now and reveals the batgear utility belt under it. She pops a pouch open, one of the bigger one and pulls the gloves she usually wears fully geared up out.

    "I mean.. it should only really add whammy to really supernatural problems like ghosts.. demons.. you know but..." she shows them off. They are her usual weighted bat gloves, but there is very fine silver thread of some sort that only shows when they catch the light this way and that. Complicated runes and sigil work.

    "Doing the bat-a-rangs ran into problems with the mythos attached to them... too much inteference from the Batlegend around here was mucking it up but Orphan suggested gloves and wham worked way better." she is just rambly as she pulls them on.

    Then she pops a rabbit punch into your palm. Not expecting it to flair up but who knows. It is also a very pulled strike.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "NO, no, I understand. I mean, I'm not exactly all the way human. So it should only be a little reaction against the supernatural, right?" Phoebe reasons, and she has her shields up, just in case. Phoebe looks at the gloves with fascination, looking at the fine silver as it catches the light, watching it glimmer and shine, and she gives a nod, holding up her hand.

    "I had a pair of gloves lifted from The Laughing Magician -- the bar, not the man -- was pretty useful when I let The Enforcer use it." she states, and she holds up her palm for Charlie to punch at.

    There is, indeed, a snap of light, and Phoebe shakes her hand out.

    "Yowsa!" she exclaims, almost playfully. "Yeah, that is some serious power there. I'll hate to be on the wrong side of a haymaker!"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie almost pulls the punch entirely when Phoebe mentions being a bit supernatural. Still her friend seems confident so she follows through with it now.

    The snap pop of light though when it lands makes her start a touch and then she relaxes at the compliment. She even beams a bit grinning toothy "Thanks, I put a lot of work into it... I figured if I run in with the demon three again.. next time I am going to punch them back to hell instead of having someone banish them."

    "I mean.. will still need to banish the jerkfaces but you know.. punching them will be very satisfying." she moves to pull the gloves off and put them back in their pouch now. "Evidently I'm not very human either.. I mean I am related.. homo-magi which is evidently a thing... thoguh the chaos magic still has peeps confused." her included.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Seem to be coming out of the woodwork." Phoebe explains, and she gives a wry smile at the revelation that Charlie's homo magi. " Makes sense though. Natural affinity, so maybe your biologicals had a bit of knack for the chaos part. Like Zatanna's family does the word-magic. My family were all healers and exorcists." she explains gently, and she breathes out in a soft huff, and she goes to get to her feet and grab up her guitar case.

    "I can teach you some binding and banishing circles. That stuff I got really good at under my first mentor." she gives a smile. "Still have all my coloring books for it, too."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I'd like that... and thing is my mom was super normal and .. I mean my dad died when I was little but mom said he was a construction worker." she sighs.

    "Zee wants me to meet someone named Amy for some reason.. not sure but .. I'd love to know more about how I got this blood." the zing of her chaos is too strong for half blooded honestly. Her story, bit odd all in.

    She glances at the guitar then up to Phoebe "When would you like to study?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    And Phoebe's powers are Weird with a capital W.

    "What are you doing on... mmm.. Thuuursday?" she considers. "Gotta get the schedule straight with the boss and everything." Phoebe states, pulling the guitar case strap over her.

    "We'll make a plan, order pizza. I'll send you some mandala work through text to copy, if that's all right."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Sounds like a plan. Pizza and spellwork. That beats calculus homework anyday." she grins.

    She looks around. "Text away... I should probably get back on patrol but Thursday works for me." she sounds thrilled, genuinely, there is a bit of a rock onto her heels and back forward.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile. "Pizza and spellwork. I'll send you some mandala homework, and we'll get things started. And... if you see Zee before I do, let her know I miss her. Please." Phoebe smiles. "BEtter head back to patrol. I'm on all coms if you need anything."