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There's No You In Ice Cream
Date of Scene: 21 May 2022
Location: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
Synopsis: Ruth eats ice cream with a completely normal Nico Minoru at the Big Gay Ice Cream. While the effect is lost on her, real fake ice cream based on fake real juice is shared, and so is a bond of ominous foreshadowing.
Cast of Characters: Ruth Aldine, Nico Minoru

Ruth Aldine has posed:
GAY STATUS: PRETTY HIGH (72 deciextranos)

It's pretty late, but not SO late as to be officially "bumping." A liminal time in a liminal place and for many people it's extra liminal. The Big Gay Ice Cream Shop has seen a number of people, and it also sees one stray singlet here, now, wearing a thin purple caftan and some jeans as well as a cloth around her face, binding, one assumes, her eyes. "Tum pah tumatumtum," Ruth Aldine says to herself, evidently in a good mood, as she walks into the door of the shop and pauses. There are enough people in line to prevent immediate visibility for the staff to her, and she clucks her tongue a few times, before stepping aside. "Hm," she says, touching the side of a stashed high chair and a Big Gay Trash Receptacle. "Hm hm."

"Yes," she says, "okay, there we go. This one. Okay." So there's a blind young woman fondling the side of a trash can, for better or worse.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico is on the prowl. Not that she's entirely aware of it... but she's been awake and energized for a day and a half, and it's been pretty freakin' great. But as great as limitless energy is, and the spring in her step of having found a totally wicked powerful sorceress to be her mentor, goth cannot live on magic energy alone.

Sometimes, you gotta get ice cream.

Of course, sometimes your plans to get ice cream are undone by an annoyingly long lineup... which, when you're high on life, is /any/ lineup. But then Nico's dark, gleaming eyes pause... okay, sometimes you want to just walk away, but you notice a blind young woman making her way along a garbage can.

And even surly, dour, gloomy Nico would help her. Giddy high off her ass Nico? She's practically springing forward, before clearing her throat, "Hey! Uhhh... do you need.. help? God, I'm not being some giant ass by asking am I?"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
The young woman answers Nico by immediately reaching out and grasping her left wrist. Rude! And that's the worst one.

"No," she says, "no, you're not, no; pardon, I didn't mean to be standing in the way." She turns to face Nico then, smiling a little too-widely. "I got a little separated from some of my classmates, we're graduating tomorrow and we're all kind of celebrating. I'm not looking for them, though. I wanted to get some ice cream. Can you tell me the specials?"

With this Ruth walks to get in line - she seems to step pretty confidently, although she does fondle the big, gay knob of the little 'form a line' queue rope standie things once she finds the entrance!

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico doesn't flail, or leap into the air, or explode into witchflame! She just _squeaks_ a soft little noise, metallic fingers splaying, then curling... but, hey, the other young lady doesn't freak out.

Nico just laughs softly and bobs her head, "Oh! Well congratulations! Graduating's a big deal! That's like... /way/ better than I did! Especially if you're graduating like... college or whatever!"

She keeps close to Ruth, but not /too/ close, just enough to guide her along... to maybe have to muffle a snort as Ruth fondles the post for the queue, "Oh, specials! Always a good idea!" Her brow furrows as she tracks her eyes along the menu boards until she can begin running them down in all their sugary, gaudy glory.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"It's not," Ruth says, "but, pardon me, it's just that I got started late, I guess."

The word 'college' echoes through the back of Ruth's mind. She pays it no heed.

"Are you in school?" she asks, as the queue snakes forwards.

The weekly flavors are Dulce de Leche soft-serve and Tang soft-serve. The paletas (non-dairy option!) on special include mango, dragon fruit, and (shocking, this one's amazing, brace yourself) mango/dragonfruit for bi pride.

Plus all the regulars, seen here, true believers: https://www.biggayicecream.com/shop-treats/

"You're going dancing," Ruth says. ... Was it a question?

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico laughs softly, a little ruefully, "Oh, no... I got started on time, but I never got to finish my last couple grades. Went from high school to the school of hard knocks." Sure, then to the school of Harder Knocks, but that's not worth bringing up, surely

Her eyes narrow slightly... Tang soft-serve? "Oh... wow, Tang soft-serve? That sounds... well, that sounds like a thing. I'm going to try it!"

She rattles off the rest of the specials helpfully as she taps one heavy boot soul rhythmically, almost like she's not aware she's doing it.

Eyes widen and she hums, "Oh! Yeah. I mean, I just found this new club, and they've got these stages and stuff, really wild. Figured I'd give it a shot."

She chews her lower lip thoughtfully and heaves out a soft sigh, "I mean, I've been doing a lot of... studying lately, and I need a break. And my tutor says it can help with learning, so... I've got the night off!"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"What's Tang?" Ruth asks.

She listens along, nodding a little. "I'm getting a Salty Pimp, but I might try that Tang thing, too," she muses aloud. "Two fisted. (Sorry, sorry.)"

Ask her what she's studying, Ruth thinks. Then: No, that's the wrong way. Then: what do you mean, what she's studying then? Then, then, then -

She's silent for a few moments. (Nico can tell, if she looks, that she's wearing comfortable sneakers.)

"Night school?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico has to stifle a snort, but she mostly manages, so it sounds more like a sneeze than a noise of amusement, "Oh! It's like... orange juice, but not real orange juice. Astronauts used to drink it in space. It was really famous."

Nico frowns thoughtfully at the question about night school, "Something like that! It's... uhh... magic school. Not like Harry Potter! But my teacher's got a whole... day job and stuff I guess, so we tend to meet up at night at her place. It's not bad, I mean, it beats staying at the library overnight or riding the Subway."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"Oh, so it's real fake ice cream based on real fake orange juice? Pardon, but I definitely, yes, I want to try that one," Ruth continues."

A few more people pass, and Ruth says, "Thanks for talking with me, Nico. There's something on your breath, though; you (no) want to get that off or your parents will know when they get back."

GOOD NEWS: RUTH HAS TWO TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS. Will Nico stiff a blind woman on her change? This was in Ultima, Nico! Alex probably played that game!

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico is _not_ going to shortchange a blind woman! ...Okay, okay, like, if she didn't have a /very/ swanky apartment with a /very/ ...not as swanky cot in a spare room to crash at? She might. If she didn't know the blind woman? She probably would.

But Nico knows Ruth! They are Ice Cream Friends. And that's a _sacred bond_. She clears her throat and mumbles, "Okay, yeah, I might've... I mean, this place had like, the craziest drinks... the bartenders are crazy talented! And the drinks all had cool names!"

She makes sure Ruth gets the proper change, and focuses very much on her ice cream, and not on her complicated thoughts about her parents.

Or how they'd probably belong to the same club her new teacher belongs to. They're different. It's different. She's not her parents' kid.

Okay, she _is_ but she... who knew ice cream couldn't cure all your mind's troubles?