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Wot wot guvna
Date of Scene: 21 May 2022
Location: London - England
Synopsis: Singularity and Starlord draw the attention of Hal Jordan, and conversations about cops, expeditious retreats, causing panic by glowing and flying, and promises of heroic aid ensue.
Cast of Characters: Peter Quill, Singularity, Hal Jordan

Peter Quill has posed:
"Wot wot, pip pip, tally ho," Quill is saying to people as he passes them walking along the bank of the Thames, bowing and doffing an invisible hat. It would appear that his entire concept of London comes from watching mid-century costume dramas. He bows, doffs an invisible bowler, and gets a wide berth from those walking in his vicinity.

Why is he doing this? Anyone's guess. Maybe it's his way of entertaining himself since he's Earthbound lately. Maybe he's just trying to impress the ladies (it's not working) with his show of gentlemanly manners. Maybe he's finally gone round the bend and can no longer distinguish fiction from reality (not a recent development). For whatever reason he is tottering along the banks of the river this afternoon as the daylight fades into night.

Singularity has posed:
    Off across the river, Big Ben is under repair. For the first time in years, its face numbers and decor are blue again, as they were originally, instead of the blackened metal left behind after decades of wear and grime. A shimmering girl is sort of buzzing around it, all Peter Pan style for a bit as she watches the work. She hasn't done anything other than watch, but nevertheless, she's getting noticed because even in metropolitan London a girl made out of stars roaming about the sky does draw teh eye. She then zips back across the river, hovering in the air as she people watches, waving occasionally to people as they walk along, then notices Peter's antics. Looking curious, she floats down and begins drifting just behind him, watching him doff his invisible hat curiously.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Ahhh, monitor duty.

The one big disadvatange of being back on Earth for any great amount of time is that Hal generally has a fair bit of monitor duty to make up on. It's not all heroically posing for pictures or saving all life on Earth. Sometimes being a member of the Justice League comes with certain responsibilities. Certain boring responsibilities. And while his ring can get him out of a lot of things, it hasn't gotten him out of that. Yet. He was on the verge of conjuring up some green people to take over for him when the first reports from London started to come in.

Look, strange phenomena pop up pretty much all the time. There is certainly no lack of aliens, or extra dimensional creatures or out and out magic attracting people's gaze. And really, everything seems pretty calm down in mery old England. But just about anything is better then staring at the bank of monitors in the heart of the Watch Tower, keeping tabs on the world below. And even from the moon, London is barely a morning's commute for him.

So it's just mere moments before a brilliant streak of emerald light whips up from the gleaming structure on the surface of Earth's most significant satellite, racing towards that blue orb, only beginning to slow to something a little more reasonable a moment before he hits the atmosphere.

Peter Quill has posed:
He is oblivious. Generally. But in this specific case, also oblivious to the blue figure traveling in his wake. He makes another bow to a passing man, who says something rather rude to him, and then he frowns and says, "I don't remember anyone saying any of those words in the last episode of Shadow Squad. What gives?" He comes to a stop, and then turns around slowly, looking around, perplexed.

It's then that he notices the blue thing in his vicinity. He looks to one side, and then the other, and asks of whoever might be around, "You seein this? What the..."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity beams at Peter. "Hi!" she says cheerfully, waving to him. And still floating about a foot above the ground. Which brings her to roughly eye level to Peter and lets him experience first hand the softly glowing eyes she possesses, with no obvious pupil. "Are you. Practicing?" she says curiously. The faint thunder of a Green Lantern entering the atmosphere at speed can be heard, but doesn't distract her from the important things to notice.

"You forgot. Your hat?" Singularity says helpfully to Peter.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Breaking the sound barrier can make a little bit of a racket. Breaking it eight times over even moreso. Fortunately, as much as he might love that rush of speed Hal knows well enough to control those impulses so even as he rapidly descends through the atmopsphere, he continues to slow, those thunderous booms all but gone by the time that he comes in sight of London.

Really, it never gets old. No matter how often he soars over the various wonders that the world holds, he still has a great appreciation for them -- for the opportunities that the ring has brought him right along with the responsibilities. Certainly this city has more than one notable landmark, though he does spare only a passing glance for them today. Instead he sneaks out his target, a little green glowing screen emerging from that ring, picking up on those broadcast signals, relaying them to him.

Not that it is all that hard to pick out a blue, flying glow mind you.

It never hurts to be thorough though.

Of course as he sweeps nearer, close enough for the ring to begin to relay the words from below back to him his initial impression seems to be confirmed. "Hats huh? I'm not feeling great danger here," he murmurs wryly.

Peter Quill has posed:
"Hat? What hat?" Peter asks, seeming confused by the girl, but also reaching up to touch his head to make sure that he had actually forgotten his hat and that there wasn't some doppelganger hat hanging out there. "No, I didn't forget it. I don't have one. Not a sweet bowler. I might get one though, I hear the ladies love them. That or a fedora."

"Anywhay...practicing? No. Not that either. Just...watched a show and thought it looked cool but I /guess/ people around here think /manners/ are for /squares/." He says pointedly to a few passersby who give him some very polite British version of the evil eye. He hrmphs, "Oh well. Beats another day sitting on the Milano. Who're you? What are you doing here?"

Singularity has posed:
    The glowing blue girl tilts her head. "I am. Singularity! Nice to. Meet you." she says with a smile, bobbing in the air a bit. "Politeness. Is very nice. Hats are. Nice too!" She nods thoughfully. "Mmm. I am. Exploring! So many things. To see. Here and there." She twirls around, arms out to take in London and pretty much everything else apparently.

Hal Jordan has posed:
If one must be the subject of the evil eye, it might as well be the polite, British version.

Not that Hal doesn't prefer a little more of a straight to it attitude, but if being responsible for an entire sector of space and the thousands of worlds, hundreds of thousands of cultures and trillions of beings teaches you anything it is how to embrace a more diplomatic approach. From time to time.

Which is one of the many reasons he hangs back a little and simply watches -- and listens. Having some idea of what one is walking into does wonders for cutting down on the superfluous confrontations that seem to be almost a mandatory aspect of graduating from Hero U.

So with much less concern that the inhabitants of London are about to be turned into flying blue zombies, or melted down to become star-stuff, Hal descends, wrapped up in that glowing emerald aura.

Peter Quill has posed:
Peter Quill seems to consider the words that Singularity says, and then goes, "uh...huh. So, just...watching Earth? Are there any more of you around?" he asks. He isn't backing away, but he is definitely cautious about the creature he is speaking with. It looks like she's made of swirling galaxies and stuff, that can't be normal. Even for a weird space thing, and he would know, having seen more than a few weird space things.

He is still completely oblivious to Hal, as he continues to watch the creature speaking with him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity shakes her head, clasping her hands behind her back. "Just me." she claims, tilting her head. "Only one. Here." She ponders. "Might be more? Probably. But not here." she says after a moment of thought.

    Hal's arrival is noticed, however as she turns her head, then her eyes get big. "Lantern!" she says happily, zooming over to Hal. "Hi!" She beams big, obviously stoked!

Hal Jordan has posed:
It is not like he never gets recognized of course. He might not have the wow factor of Superman or Wonder Woman going for him, but the Justice League is a pretty visible platform. And of course out amongst the stars it's a whole different matter. Most advanced worlds know the Green Lantern Corp well, though just as many are likely to immediately attack as be happy to see one of their members.

The Guardians aren't very good at winning hearts and minds. Really, most Oans are pretty much assholes. Even Hal would have to admit that.

Still, the enthusiasm is infectious and the green, glowing man dips his head towards Singularity with a smile. "Hi yourself," he offers back in friendly fashion, at least outwardly at any rate.

Shifting his gaze so it sort of hangs at a midpoint between the glowing blue woman and the seemingly ordinary man down on the ground, he adds. "Sorry to interrupt. People always start to panic when there's an unfamiliar glowing person around. Can't imagine why."

He might be biased though.

Peter Quill has posed:
A Lantern? In London? Well...that changes things. Even Quill is aware of the Lanterns and their busybodying ways. "Yeah. Right. Can't..either." He seems a bit more fidgety for some reason with the Lantern type around, glancing from side to side, "Are you a cop?" he asks Singularity, "Because, you gotta tell me if you're a cop." He seems very certain of this fact.

Singularity has posed:
    "Glowing person?" Singularity rotates slowly in place, looking for said person, giving Peter a thoughtful look. No, not glowing still! Wait. "Oh!" She points at herself. "I am. Glowing." She frowns. "I was not. Trying. To panic people." the blue girl says worriedly. "Just looking?"

    She blinks at Peter's question. "Cop? She glances to Hal. "Is Singularity. A cop?"

Hal Jordan has posed:
Cooooooppppppsssss Iiiiiiiinnnnnnn Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.

"Don't worry about it," Hal says with a wave of his hand and another smile. "People are always a little afraid of what they don't know. Though in fairness, this planet seems to have a fair amount of trouble from those not from around here," he says drily. A couple of alien or demonic invasions will make people a little paranoid it seems. Who would have guessed? Nor is it really fair, given how many of them have been downright helpful. Saving the world helpful.

Hal is very pro-World Saving.

At Peter's comment, Hal glances back downward for a moment, attention shifting his way. "I don't know," he offers up to Singularity, genuinely. "Some people, at least on this planet, would call Green Lanterns cops. Because we police our space sectors. If you do anything like that I suppose you might qualify," he says by way of explanation.

His brow furrows ever so slightly as he studies Peter.

Peter Quill has posed:
"Yeah...well...The Lanterns...ARE cops and, that means I gotta skedaddle. M'lady," Quill says, giving Singularity a bow, before he clicks his heels together, and lifts off with his rocket boots. "Be careful around them, they'll sell you up the river if it means they can get a promotion out of it."

Quill, then turns and rolls over, before he shoots off towards...somewhere in Western London from the looks of it. But he stays low, and is soon out of sight.

Singularity has posed:
    "Oh. Cops are police." the shimmering stargirl says, pleased to make the connection. She's then distracted as Peter abruptly, well, buggers off at speed. "He is not. A cop." she decides after a moment of thought, though she doesn't seem bothered by this so much. He wasn't hurting anyone that she could determine, just sort of annoying some of them.

    She looks back to Hal. "...what is. Sell up. The river?" she questions curiously.

Hal Jordan has posed:
As Quill makes an abrupt departure -- via rocket boots -- the Green Lantern purses his lips, recognition finally lighting behind that masked visage. "Starlord," he murmurs quietly. Some of the other members of the League have had an association there. And not much gets past the Oans. It's possible there have been some wanted posters as well.

Giving a little shake of his head, Hal turns back towards Singularity once more. "They are. Some people call the authorities that on this world. There are sometimes slightly negative connotations so I don't suggest you call them that," he adds with a faint smile and a small shrug of his shoulders.

"As for being sold up the river, he means that I'd betray you. Let me add that you're pretty safe on that. There aren't really promotions in the Corp. And we're not generally in the habit of detaining innocent people," he adds drily.

Of course, Starlord might not exactly qualify as innocent, so perhaps he had cause to be concerned.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity listens, then nods in agreement. "Of course. You are. A hero." she says, very matter-of-factly. She couldn't really imagine him betraying someone in the first place. Unless maybe they were bad people and it was to save good people. Which she's fairly sure is still okay.

Hal Jordan has posed:
There's nothing like a little positive reinforcement, right?

Again the emerald ring-slinger smiles and dips his head. "I try," he agrees, oh some humbly. "Though I suppose there are a few Lanterns out there that might be a little bit hard," he allows, the closest he'll come to criticizing some of his fellow Lanterns it seems.

"And what about you? What brings you here?" he asks, sweeping a hand about -- perhaps meaning London, perhaps meaning this world. He leaves it ambiguous. He might be making an assumption afterall, but she doesn't exactly look like she's a local afterall.

Singularity has posed:
    Another firm nod. "Because they. Are made of rocks." she agrees thoughtfully. Which they may also be. Aliens are weird.

    At the question, she considers. "London. Because I wanted. To see. The clock." A slight pause. "Earth, because most heroes. Are here." Another thoughtful pause. "Also why am here here. In time-space."

Hal Jordan has posed:
Technically that is true. But not exactly what he meant.

Still, Hal doesn't offer any sort of correction, simply pursing his lips to hold back a smile, dipping his head in apparent concession. Right is right afterall. Clarifying the point won't really gain either of them very much though so he seems willing enough to let it go.

"It is a pretty impressive clock," he agrees. As these things go. No doubt there are more impressive ones out there, in the depths of space. But that doesn't really diminish Big Ben. "It's nice to see them restoring it. As nice as shiny new things are, preserving the past is rather nice to see as well," he admits.

At the last he glances her way once more thoughtfully. "I see. Well, heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but I'd agree that Earth has a good representation," he says slowly. "Space-time," he murmurs thoughtfully. "So then I was not wrong? You're not from around here?"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity wrinkles her nose a bit as she considers. "No. Not from. This time-space." she agrees after a moment, correctly figuring out which 'here' is meant this time. "I came here. Because. Heroes are here. Want to be like them. Meet them." she says enthusiastically.

Hal Jordan has posed:
He has certainly heard of worse reasons to visit Earth. It certainly beats the 'I'm here to conquer or just wreck the joint' rationales that seem far too common from visitors.

"Well, I guess you can add one to the list," Hal says with a quiet chuckle. "Welcome to our world. Hopefully you find it worth the trip," he adds with a grin. "Never let it be said that Earth isn't a welcoming place."

Most of the time at least. Everyone has a bad day every now and then afterall.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles. "Yes. Many friends here. Good people. Some bad people, but hopefully they will be. Good people. Again." she says hopefully. If naively. "I am. Happy. To help. If needed." Not that she looks particularly threatening or powerful as she is, really. Or at least, she certainly doesn't have a form that lends itself to intimidation.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Fortunately Hal is more than experienced enough to understand that power can come in all sorts of packages. More then that, he is well aware that one doesn't need 'powers' at all to be a hero. So he does not dismiss that offer, simply bowing his head in acknowledgement. "That's very good to hear. At the end of the day that's the best any of us can really do. Be there, and when we have an opportunity to help, doing so," he agrees quietly. "You have a very positive attitude."

Singularity has posed:
    "Positive. Is good. No reason. To be negative." Singularity says, a sunny smile crossing her face again. "Cannot make. People feel. Everything will be okay. If I am. Negative." She frowns. "I will. Be more careful. Do not want. To panic. People."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Like I said, a good attitude," Hal offers up with another smile. "And you can't always control how others are going to react unfortunately. Keep that mindset though and I suspect you'll find that you win them over pretty fast," he points out. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly demeanor. "As they get to know you, as they see that you want to help how you can I think you'll start to find that you garner a much different reaction," he assures her.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods firmly, soaking up the advice as she listens intently. "I will do that. I want. People. To trust. Me." she admits. "I want. Them. To know. I am here. To help." She clasps her hands behind her back, settling to the ground. Because obviously not walking around normally is what is making people look at her askance.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Chances are walking everywhere isn't going to be quite enough to help her blend in. The glowing and looking like the starry universe is always going to make her stand out abit. Again, Hal refrains from pointing out that particular fact. Clearly her heart's in the right place.

So he descends some too. His presence might not exactly assuage all concerns, but it can't hurt either. He does not quite touch down, hovering just a few inches off the ground for the moment. "I suspect that you'll achieve what you're looking for. Unfortunately you're likely to have any number of opportunities to do so. People always need help," he says quietly.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity frowns a bit. "Yes. I cannot be. Everywhere. No one can. But. There are lots of heroes. Like you." She nods firmly. "I will help. Where I can see problems. And trust others. Will help when they can see. Problems." She technically COULD be anywhere, but it's not like she's omniscient about it.

Hal Jordan has posed:
It always feels like there is more that one can do. But even PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER has its limits it would seem. Which is easy enough to say, but sometimes harder for one to accept. "That's all any of us can do," he agrees before smiling once more. "It has been a pleasure to meet you. I'll be keeping my eye out. I'm sure that I'll see and hear more of you before too long," he adds wryly. That hold glowing, starry thing is pretty much guaranteed to continue to get her noticed he would imagine. "It appears that I'm being summoned," he says, holding up his fist, that green ring around one fingers pulsing with little emerald discharges. "Enjoy all the things that Earth has to offer," he urges. "Until next time."

Singularity has posed:
    At least she doesn't have an itty bitty living space to go with it. "It was. Very nice. To meet you!" Singuarlity says cheerfully. "I hope. To see you. Again soon. If you need. Help. Just ask." she says seriously, nodding, then smiles. "Where. Do you. Need. To go?" she says curiously. "I can. Get you there. Fast."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Trust me, I'll keep that in mind," Hal promises, rather cheerily himself. One never knows when a little help will come in handy. There is usually more then enough that needs to be done that another person willing to stand up and be counted is for hte good. "I have a question and answer session with some students. The wonders of space," he says with a grin, wiggling fingers for effect before winking her way. "I appreciate the offer. But sometimes the journey is the reward. And I'm pretty quick too," he adds lightly.

And with a quick wave, Green Lantern leaps skyward, beginning that rapid ascent once more. A line of green trails behind him as he streaks away before abruptly stretching dramatically as he builds speed and vanishes from sight.