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Latest revision as of 10:51, 24 March 2020

Amazon Wisdom
Date of Scene: 23 March 2020
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Cassie talks with Diana about a big decision
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Cassie Sandsmark

Diana Prince has posed:
It is late evening in the Embassy, the sun is setting but the lights in the building are on on the first floor at least. Diana's office is open, she's finished her daily work and meetings, but she's at her desk by the windows. She's in a red sung-fit sweater and she's wearing a pair of black framed glasses, mostly for style. Black slacks and simple black shoes make up the rest of her outfit. She's typing on a laptop while the television across the room on the wall is on, though the volume is quite low as she's got it on a News Station that is covering various topics.

It was a fairly busy day in the Embassy with a lot of guests coming and going, but the night is freed up and there's now only Staff in the building.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
With everything at the Embassy winding down for the night, Cassie decides it's a good time to talk with Diana. Not that her mentor wouldn't have time for her earlier, but Cassie realizes that there are more important matters, in her mind, that should be taken care of first. So, for the first time today, Cassie knocks on Diana's door and peeks her head in, without any package or memo or other thing to hand off to the Ambassador. "Hey," Cassie greets with a smile. "Got some time to talk?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana takes only a moment to finish the sentence she was typing to look over to see Cassie by the doorway. She smiles, her red hued lips raising at their corners and she reaches a hand up to remove those glasses and to fold their limbs together before she sets them on the desk near to the center of it. "Of course." She tells her. "Come, sit. Or get something to drink if you would like." She adds, referring to the small kitchen space across the room from where she is. "How was your day?" Diana asks then, glancing over to the time and then out to the window. "It is getting dark already? They... go by so fast."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Time flies when you're having fun," Cassie replies with a slight smirk. She goes to the kitchen area and grabs 2 bottles of water, offering one to Diana as she sits down. "So. I have a request to make. One of my friends, Red Robin, knows a metahuman girl in Gotham. She has the ability to heal people, and wants to do what she can to help others. So, Robin asked if I would be willing to give the girl some self defense training. I said yes, and also said that i would ask you if the girl could be brought here for a weekend for training with the others. Meaning that she would need a place to stay here, as well. Is that alright?" The question is asked with a hint of trepidation; Cassie is afriad that she might have overstepped her authority on this.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sits forward then to reach out and accept the bottle of water with a soft 'Thank you' of gratitude. As Cassie sits across from her and asks that question, Diana uncaps the water and takes a sip of it. She then lowers the bottle down toward her lap. "I do not see why that would be an issue. If you feel that the time spent would truly benefit her. I can tell Gala and Adra about it, or you can." She says of the other two Amazonian women who are here in Manhattan now that the Queen has been gracious enough to let at least those two leave the island (thought Diana is planning to push for more in the months and years to come).

"What is her name?" The Princess then asks.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Phoebe Beacon," Cassie replies. "And she has a social media blog called GothamHope. She promotes positive stories for and about Gotham. Things like how birds and flowers are doing with the start of Spring. Like I said, she's not the type that's going to be going out trying to clean up Gotham alongside Batman's crew. But, she's someone who can provide some emergency support when they need it. I don't think she wants to become a full Amazon and be on the front lines in Gotham; she just needs to know enough to protect herself 'in case'."

Cassie pauses and takes a long drink from her bottle of water. There's still some obvious tension in her, something beyond just this simple request.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Phoebe Beacon." Diana quietly repeats that name with a slight grin showing because, for whatever reason, it's kind of a fun name. The rest is heard though and the Princess gently nods to what Cassie says on it all. "I see." She starts to reply then, raising the bottle up for another sip as she gently leans back in her chair. When the cap is back on the bottle she continues. "Well, if she wishes to come here and partake in some training, it could be a fun reward for all her efforts in the Gotham area. I do not know that one weekend alone would give her much of a foundation to really work with, but it could be a nice taste of things. If she finds what we do to be appealing." There comes another light smile then from Diana. "If she would like, we can have a set of training armor made for her also. That, also, could be a nice way of saying 'thank you' for being such a good and upstanding Gotham citizen."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well, the weekend idea was just, like 'Intro to Amsazon Self-Defense', and to give time for Robin to arrange a proper training space in Gotham. I didn't want to impose on her life by insisting that she only get training here in Manhattan at the Embassy. But, since you're okay with it being a more long-term thing, I'll pass that along to her and Robin. Thank you."

Cassie pauses, using another drink from her bottle to stall off continuing. "I..I know you want me...well...you want Wonder Girl, to be more public. To do events and talk and share my side of Themyscira and the Amazon. And you know I'm happy to do that. I'm just...I'm wondering if it's going to be possible for me to share Wonder Girl's story, and not include Cassie Sandsmark's story. Before, I didn't really do as much, so I sort of slipped under the radar. But, delibrately putting myself out there..." She takes a deep breth before continuing. "I'm wondering if i should just go public with my identity. It's not like the fake glasses are going to fool reporters for long with Cassie Sandsmark being Princess Diana's assistant...." She smiles self-conciously and gestures to the fake eyeglasses she's been wearing since she came to work at the Embassy. "And...that brings up a whole other list of problems. Mostly with putting my mom and others I care about in danger." Cassie tilts her head to the side. "On the other hand, the most dangerous threats to me and my mother are on Mt. Olympus, and they already know. So..." She sighs, deflating in the chair a bit. "What do you think I should do?" she asks in a rather lost-sounding voice.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana hears the complicated question posed to her here so she reaches the water bottle up to set it down on the desk and then sits up a little higher in her chair only to lean forward to places her forearms on the edge of her wooden table. She looks across it to Cassie. "'Wonder Girl' is a fun and happy title. I like it a lot, and I know that you will wear it with pride and do great things under it. But... you will always -be- Cassie. You cannot hide from your true identity. It is why I do not even remotely try to do it, now that I am in the public's eye fully and now that I am known as Wonder Woman. I still tell people that I prefer to be called Diana. Wonder Woman is a title I hold with honor, and it is rooted in events that are very important to my life, that helped shape me to who I am today. But..." The Princess draws in a breath then and softly shakes her head.

"If a villainous individual wants to find out who you are, they will always do so. Preparing your loved ones to be ready for that, by being public? I feel that is a better solution. Others... disagree. But ultimately, you will have to aim for what you are most comfortable with." She smiles softly, warmly, to the other then.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie sighs and smiles a bit. It may not be the answer she wanted to hear, but Diana understands, like always. And that's enough for Cassie. "I know. And you're not wrong. It just...changes a lot of plans for me. A lot of ways tht i thought my life was going to go." She sighs, but she starts sitting up in the chair straighter, her confidence returning. "It's a harder path," she admits. Then, Cassie raises her head high, a look of determination on her face. "But when did an Amazon ever shy away from a hard path or fight?" She takes another deep breath, nodding. "You're right. I can't stop people that are determined to come after me; even with a secret ID. I can only deal in my reactions to threats."

Cassie smiles at Diana, giving a firm nod. "Okay. I should go public. Should we hold a press conference or something? Get Wonder Girl and Cassie out in front of the world all at once?" She smiles sheepishly and cocks her head. "I kind of like the hero name, even if my own name is going to be in the public. It gives...I don't know. Something more for people to expect. To put faith in. Does tht make sense?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's forearms uncross then and she puts her hands down to the edge of the table so that her fingertips are all that rest on it now. She keeps her gaze on Cassie's eyes. "A press conference is an option. Or... any way that you feel is comfortable. You could make it a post online, or get on to a 'podcast' or what have you." She shows a slight grin then. "I am trying to remain 'hip' and 'cool'." She says with a playful tone in her accented voice.

"Ultimately though, you will likely want to just be somewhere where you can be available to answer questions. Which if you do have any online presence, you will get plenty, I assure you." she speaks from personal experience on that, clearly. "I have every form of social media there, but since going public I quickly learned I need to hire and employ someone to monitor that for me." She slowly grins then but lets it fade as she shakes her head lightly of those thoughts.

"All the same, I do believe this is the right decision for you to make, and I will be here to support you throughout it and beyond."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie giggles a bit. "Guess Phoebe will be training me while I'm training her..." She's much more relaxed now that she's crossed this particular Rubicon. "And I know that no matter what, you'll support me." She pauses, and ends up making another big step. "That's what sisters do. They support each other no matter what." And that's the first time Cassie has ever called Diana 'sister'.

Cassie finishes her bottle of water while she thinks. "I think I'd like to have a reporter tell the story. When I think about all the major history of Superheroes, it's always been through newspapers. The first appearance of Superman. The return of Captain America." She gives Diana a smile. "Even your first modern appearance. I remember reading that story. I've still got that copy of the Times, tucked away at mom's house. I even bought 2 copies, one to save and one to clip out the pictures and put them on my bedroom wall." Cassie thinks about it more, then nods. "A newspaper reporter just feels right to me. Anyone you can recommend?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana certainly does not mind being referred to as a sister to Cassie, she knows it to be true. She even shows a small, but visible, smile to it. But it's the reporter topic that draws her attention the most. "Well the first, and most obvious choice, would be Lois Lane. I think she would be your best bet for that too. Considering her experience with super heroes and everything that goes with them." Such as Clark...

There's a faint grin to show then before Diana moves to open a drawer on her desk. "It sounds as though you might have a article to save of yourself now, if you have not already had some." She pulls a small leather book from inside the drawer and sets it down before she starts to flip through it. It takes her but a second before she reaches the section she's looking for and she pulls out and then offers a Lois Lane business card across the table to Cassie.

"Should you so desire to reach out to her. She loves e-mail." She states with a slight grin returning.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie's eyes go wide at the suggestion of Lois Lane. Even wider at being given a business card with contact information. "Wait...Lois Lane? Superman's Lois Lane?" She's still completely unaware of Lois' relationship with Superman, aside form the fact that she's "The reporter who basically specializes in breaking Superman stories when she's not chasing mob bosses and corporate polluters?" Cassie takes a moment to *not* hyperventalate. "Diana...I know I said Superman appearing was a major story reported in a newspaper, but I'm not worthy of someone *that* big time." And even though she knows what Diana is going to say, Cassie looks from the card to Diana, managing to squeak out, "Am I?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has to lightly laugh at this as she sits back in her chair then again and reaches out for her water bottle once more. "You are the first American born Amazonian warrior in the history of history, Cassie Sandsmark." She says then as she uncaps the bottle again and starts to raise it as she looks back across the table to her. "And you are the daughter of Zeus, the sister to /me/ and the bearer of the title of Wonder Girl. It is a big story. You have big things ahead of you. If Miss Lane has an inkling of interest in it, she will take it. And if she is... unable to, be it too busy, or otherwise? Well, we can find another route. There are plenty of others out there after all who would see the value in it and jump on it."

She takes another sip of her water and then lowers the bottle once more. "You miss one hundred percent of the shots you do not take." She says then before letting a grin spread across her red lips. "That is a hockey player's quote, not mine. I like it though, all the same."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie doesn't say anything. She virtually leaps out of her chair and goes around the desk to embrace Diana. "Thank you," she says with a heartfelt hug. "You always give the best advice. Even when I know what the right thing to do is, sometimes I need a little push. And you're always there for that." Taking a deep breath as she steps back from the hug, Cassie taps the business card against her finger. "I'll send her an email tonight."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana does her very best to return the hug from the young one who rushes around her desk to deliver it. She smiles and laughs softly to it as well before she looks over and up at Cassie beside her now. "I certainly always try to at the very least." She says on the matter of 'best advice'. She stands up then from her desk and starts to step around the corner of it. "So let me know what she says, good or bad, we will go from there and everything will be great." The Princess turns to face the office exit and starts toward it. "I am going to go check on dinner. You are welcome to come with, unless you are off to write an E-mail /right this moment/!" She laughs softly again then.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I'd love to...but I need to go talk with mom and get her preapred for all this." Cassie knows it's not going to be a happy conversation, but it needs to happen. "But, dinner soon. I promise." And with a wave, the girl heads out of the office and goes to a computer to send one of the world's most famous reporters an email. Maybe the Embassy email adress will make an impression....