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Latest revision as of 11:04, 24 March 2020

Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Atlin gets a tour.
Cast of Characters: Atlin, Mason Tavner

Atlin has posed:
     It had been a task, wrangling the Amazon woman back towards SHIELD...but eventually curiousity and warnings from her own people had driven her to make contact with the Agency that Mason had been 'politely' requesting her to visit. Once more she was in the hoodie, its excessive length dangling downwards enough to hang past her hips and hide her armor beneath.

Of course, being told to wait in the lobby? That didn't agree with her all that much. Already she was pacing, leaving the poor receptionist rather nervous...

Mason Tavner has posed:
    When the call had come through, Mason had been down in the depths of the Triskelion in the corner office so claimed that because it was kitty corner to the elevators, so a little more convenient for him though most people didn't care for all the foot traffic. But it served him and his purposes. And was also a good place for him to play his guitar in peace.
    A peace that was broken when the comm came to life and he looked up after the beeping, "Yeah?"
    << Agent Tavner, your little bo peep job is here. >>
    The laconic agent crinkled his nose a little, looks to the side, looks back. Then eventually answers with, "But I just went on break."
    << Now, Agent Tavner. >>
    "Roger that,"
    And eventually, about four minutes later he shows up at the reception area, dressed... much as she saw him before. Plain clothes, but maybe a little more refreshed. Shaved, with hair pushed back, and a suit.
    "Atlin," He says as he approaches, offering her his hand. "If you'll walk with me. This way."

Atlin has posed:
At least there was a familier face, Atlin was quick enough to climb to her feet with a nod. "Mason Tanver," she greets, nodding her head and stepping forwards. "You requested I visit this place, but so far they have refused to admit me further. It is puzzling..." she might be begining to complain, but the moment he requests she follow? There's even a little smirk towards the receptionist as she's finally permitted in. Yes, she didn't quite understand how a burocracy worked yet.
     Hoodie or no, if she was headed to a metal detector? There was going to be a moment. Her armor wasn't exactly lacking in metal after all...

Mason Tavner has posed:
    And it does indeed trigger several sensors. So Mason sort of looks at her, looks at the scanners, see /all/ of those blaring red spots and he tells her, "We're gonna have ta do somethin' about that." And with that the other agents start to get to their feet to shuffle off poor Atlin to the side, likely a side room where she's cleared of gear and weaponry, and after another thorough scan... /then/ she's allowed on through. Past the security check, into the Triskelion proper. To now be greeted with the wide walkways, the different colored paths on the floor, the chrome and white decor. Sometimes she'll see the agents walking around in their combat fatigue or utility suits, other time it's just people in regular office wear.
    Mason, in his grey and white suit doesn't stand out much at all. But Atlin, she sure does and gets a few sidelong looks.
    "Alright, you're here. Any idea what you'd like to see first?"

Atlin has posed:
There's some arguement to follow, some discussions, and one person who may suddenly find themself thrown into the wall for getting too close. By the time she walks out of the room, yet again the Amazon is left in borrowed clothing. A button-up shirt, slacks that don't quite fit her properly, and a table behind lined with weaponry, armor and the bracers.
     An exhaled breath, her arms are crossed under her bust as she clears her throat. "You did not tell me that your people were going to ask me to disarm..." She was pouting, the Amazon woman was very much pouting!

Mason Tavner has posed:
    A small smile flits over his features as Mason sort of gets a look at the Amazon and her outfit, as well as her manner. And, to be fair, the pouting? Adorable. But he likes to keep on living with the same number of limbs so he tells her, "I know, I didn't think you were quite that armed."
    And he'll leave it at that, giving her a nod and then stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Alright, let's see the sights, Atlin. Stick close, security teams get antsy if you start to trail off or wander."
    And as he says that he sets foot in those lovely wide corridors and starts to show her around. "First stop, we got the cafeteria, rec areas, training hall, gun range, office areas, air traffic control and..."
    He bites his lower lip, chewing thoughtfully, "Somethin' else. I'll try to remember it. But take your pick."

Atlin has posed:
Following along, the woman shrugs her bare shoulders. "I mean, I didn't really bring all that much weaponry here anyway...didn't even bring my bow or a sword or anything like that..." Atlin murmers, but the question addressed to her has the Amazon looking up again with a bite of her lip. "There is quite a lot to choose from," she muses, tilting her head. "Perhaps your training rooms, since you claimed to potentially be a martial match for one of my people...although seeing your cafeteria might not be too bad either. I am not without a little hunger."

A beat, she chuckles. "Is your 'something else' the armory?"

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "Maybe," Mason looks back at her, lip twisting up a little amused. "Somehow I don't reckon that's gonna be our next stop though." And as he says that he stuffs his hands into his pockets and starts walking along the hallway, following that long red arrow that wends its way through the corridors, taking an easy stride so they keep up with each other easily.
    "We'll try the training hall, then the cafeteria if you end up working up a sweat." And with that course of action decided on he keeps walking. Around a corner and keeping that same stride. After a few paces he glances at her sidelong and murmurs, "So what do Amazons do for fun for the most part?"

Atlin has posed:
"A shame," she muses, but the woman in the borrowed suit simply walks behind the agent, listening to him speak. The explainations and acceptance of plan has her smiling, right up until the question of recreation has her blinking and tilting her head. "For fun?" she repeats, giving a little chuckle. "Most of us enjoy training, contest...but we sing, dance, read, garden, swim in the springs...We are likely not all that different in most places." She pauses in her walk, unfolding her arms. "Even we relax in some times. It is important to any warrior to have a reprieve, right?"

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "I'd agree." Mason murmurs in that calm laconic manner of his, and for a time she might think that's all he plans to say. Until a few more strides down that hallway with the metal walls that he tells her, "I tend to sing a bit, play the guitar." His lip twists a little as he strolls ahead.
    "I kinda write about things that happen in my life, bein' an agent and all." He reaches a set of double doors and then touches his hand to the console on the outside of it. With that a green light flickers and the door opens into a large communal training hall with a large track, lots of exercise equipment, a boxing ring, some mats, weights, variable weight engines, ellipticals, treadmills. All the words, even with a gun-range far in the back.
    Only a handful of agents are working out there, though they do get some eyes looking their way. He stops to stand by the doorway, looking inside, and then when she steps up he says lightly with a wry smile, "Even wrote a song about you, crazily enough. And that night we met with that weird vampire gal."

Atlin has posed:
"You do not look like a minstral," she muses, pausing in the thought. "Although, all those I have met are women, so perhaps I am wrong to assume." A little shift in her stance, she steps into the training area. It was very different to her home, but certainly she could guess the nature and the function of most of it. The gun range however had her attention, it was a weapon she was unfamilier with and that would have to change soon!

A blink, the Amazon shifts and steps towards the man with a light quirk of her lips. "You wrote a song about me...and the vampire girl?"

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "Well yeah," Mason nods to her as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Then he steps right on past her, hands still in his pockets as his shoes squeak a bit when he walks onto the rough surface of the track that circles the entire place. Likely leading her along to start walking the area, letting her look at what she wants.
    "About most things that happen around me to be fair that are interestin'." Over his shoulder he looks to her, "That was crazy. With the muggers and you and the vampire and me actually havin' to discharge my gun."
    Then he lifts his eyes upwards as he turns back to her, one leg cocked to the side a little, "Heck, I'll prolly write a song about how they gave you such a time takin' all your weapons upstairs."

Atlin has posed:
She follows along, her own hands eventually coming to rest at her own pockets for a moment almost in mimicry of his own action unconciously. Of course, it's swiftly uncomfortable enough that she akwardly withdraws them, bringing her arms back to cross under her bust. "Perhaps you will have to perform them for me, certainly the ballards back home have rather different subject matter."

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "Maybe," Mason says as he walks backwards a bit and then waves his hands around, "If we become friends." He keeps on strolling however and then motions with a nod, "Feel free to go make use of whatever, see what you can see. I'll be here."
    As he says that last he nudges a bench that rests underneath the boxing ring and as he turns back to her he drops down into it, likely thinking that he's taken her here, she can amuse herself here. Mission accomplished. So he draws a boot up and rests it in front of him, leaning an elbow on his knee as he considers the room, then fishes out his phone to flick it to life with the brush of a thumb.

Atlin has posed:
"Wouldn't it be insulting?" she frowns, Atlin tilting her head to the side. "I mean, to write a song about someone and not to share it with them?" The offer to use the space has her pausing, considering for a moment as she makes her way to the weights...and promptly lifting the bar effortlessly. Amazon strength at its finest!
     Placing it back down, she turns back to the man and frowns once more. "I'm not particularly dressed for training, and I would...hesitate to break your machines."

Mason Tavner has posed:
    A glance her way and the cellphone lowers, then he tilts his head to the side and offers her the calm comment of, "No offense, Atlin. But I get the feelin' that a lotta songs have been composed about you that you probably haven't heard." As to what exactly he means by that he doesn't explain, instead looking at his phone again. Though when she does heft that bar so easily his eyebrows lift a little.
    Eventually he cants his head to the side to look at her and he murmurs, "Some of them are tougher than they look. But... I dunno." He pockets the phone again and uncurls his hands, "What do you usually do to train back home?"

Atlin has posed:
Clearly, she truely doesn't get his comment. After all, the Amazon looked legitimately puzzled at the thought. After all, most Amazon tended to share their creations, but the woman is going to be left frustrated by a lack of answer. His comment about her training? There's a shrug while she moves towards the bench, sitting herself down. "I practice with my weaponry, or work with things crafted from Amazon steel or vibranium...or I have to work hard to restrain myself."

"Learning not to harm others with my strength was...difficult at first."

Mason Tavner has posed:
    "C'mon," Mason rolls on up to his feet and gives a nod to her, "I'll help you train some." And with that he starts to pull off his overshirt, tossing it to the side.