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Latest revision as of 21:45, 24 May 2022

We are Mania
Date of Scene: 24 May 2022
Location: Strawberry Fields
Synopsis: Phoebe has been looking for the Goops and Ooze that solved a bodega robery. She makes acquaintence with Mania. Mania now has the card of an exorcist and mage. Phoebe agrees to eat the vegetables and Mania gets Phoebe's share of chocolate covered bacon. An accord is reached.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Andi Benton

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    We are Mania. It says on the profile.

    Not Who you are -- although terribly important -- but what they were.

    Phoebe had DM'd Mania a location within Central Park, where currently she was sitting up in a tree, riding astride a strong branch among the early summer leaves, the birds chirping around her mildly in the afternoon heat, she had another couple of paper bags -- one with obvious grease spots -- on top of her leather go-bag. Today, Phoebe was wearing an old T-shirt promoting recycling in New York City, with a particular brown owl on it, and a pair of jeans with rips along the knees.

    Orange-framed sunglasses were pushed up to her forehead as she waits quietly, minding the cracked screen of her phone, with one earbud in.

Andi Benton has posed:
It took a few days for a response to come to the social media posting. It doesn't really matter whether it took that long to see it at all, or it took that long to say something. A cryptic answer or two led to DMs being exchanged, an offer to meet face to face. All right, if that's what the other one wanted, then she'd get to see. Nevermind that there were already some photos on the 'Maniacal' account that actually showed Mania. Some of them were a rather poor effort to mimic the way Spider-Man often manages to get captured in the middle of doing something cool (except when he ends up on SPIDERFAIL.COM).

The location, part of Central Park, is famous for other reasons, close to where Lennon was shot. Of course Andi is familiar with it, given her experience with music by way of working in a music store. Though it wasn't dark out, just mid-afternoon, she took to a rooftop overlooking the area, watching and waiting. If it didn't feel right, she wouldn't drop down.

After a bit, she spotted the one who wanted to meet, and that one looked familiar. Mania cast out a line of webbing, swinging over until she landed right next to the woman on the branch, perching upon it. "Hello. We are Mania."

See how she handles that.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    As someone who adopted New York as a home city, who doesn't love SPIDERFAIL.COM?

    Phoebe startles just a little bit as Mania lands next to her, and she draws her eyes up, slowly. It was, indeed, the grumpy glowing girl from the club. She looks Mania up and down slowly, taking her in, and she gives a smile before she offers the greasy bag.

    "Two dozen chocolate-chocolate-chip cookies, fresh from the bakery on 54th." she announces casually, as if it were a common drug drop off instead of meeting a potentially deadly person.

    "I'm Phoebe. It's nice to meet you in person, Mania."

Andi Benton has posed:
With Mania's 'default' look lacking a defined mouth, there's more to read in the eyes and the creature's body language. All black, except for bits of white that represent eyes, plus the big spider symbol at the front and back of the torso, along with a couple rectangular markings at the backs of the hands. The rest looks more organic than fabric, like it's a real part of her and not just a costume.

Then there are the spikes. Mainly along forearms and shins, it looks almost like a set of short porcupine quills, just thicker and not as numerous. A punky, spiky belt that seems to serve no use except as decoration and something stylish. The hair, which is spiky in an almost exaggerated, anime-like way, is at least not rigid. Can't forget the claws tipping each digit.

Those eyes watch Phoebe with open interest, and even before the bag is opened there is a lean toward it. "We can smell.." Mania begins, and both hands close around the bag as if it's a long-lost treasure that's been found. Said bag is opened up so a peering inside can be had, then two of the cookies are withdrawn. A line where the mouth belongs forms, creating just such a thing, and rows of sharp teeth can be seen along with a snaking tongue. The cookies are tossed in and simply devoured in one chomp, then two more follow. Could clean out the whole bag before even saying another word.

<<Andi>> Save some for later!
<<Mania>> These are good, Andi! Chocolate on top of chocolate!
<<Andi>> Don't be rude. Say something.

"Fee-Bee. Thank you. These are excellent." The voice carries a duality to it, two blended together as one. Female, and something not of this world.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "You're welcome, Mania." Phoebe gives a small smile as she leans back against the trunk, watching the creature's mouth and examining, for a moment, all of those teeth. So many teeth. Such Teeth.

    Impressive. Phoebe watches with fascination as Mania eats the cookies.

    "I was hoping to learn more about you." she replies, and she gives a half-hearted smile. "I don't often see things even I can't explain, and in my line of work it's useful to have a lot of different allies."

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania can't help but take two more cookies to devour in approximately one bite. The Tootsie Roll Owl has nothing on this. Yes. So many teeth. So many sharp teeth. The tongue, for lack of a better descriptor, is just plain slimy. Probably got a bad case of halitosis, there.

Then, the mouth shrinks away and disappears again, leaving a significantly less-dangerous looking Mania behind, though still not exactly...cuddly. "We do not just answer questions without good reasons, but your chances of becoming an ally increase with more of these." An index finger points down at the bag of yum. There is nothing said, so far, about the encounter at the subway club. Phoebe only saw Andi, and Andi is not 'here' in the traditional sense.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Cuddly is entirely relative. Phoebe was covered in bats last night.

    Phoebe gives a slight grin, and then offers the other bag.

    In that bag? Wax-paper wrapped bacon cheeseburgers.

    "I hope this helps." she states with earnesty.

    "I'm a mage. Magic user. I used to be based out of New York before some business with the Angels, now I work mostly out of Gotham. All I really want is someone I can rely on to keep an eye out for weird stuff and that if I need a hand with something I can tap in exchange for help with other things." she replies, and she gives a small shrug. The teeth, the tongue unnerve her a little bit, but she breathes out as she tilts her head back.

    "Honestly could use all the help I can get. New York's a big place, and you seemed out of the ordinary enough that I figured it'd be worth a shot to make friends."

Andi Benton has posed:
Bribing with food? There are worse ways to get on someone's good side. "We thought we smelled bacon, too. It is almost as good as chocolate," Mania remarks, the solid white, almost teardrop eyes expanding in delight as the burgers are revealed as well.

<<Mania>> Maybe we will just have one right now and--
<<Andi>> Stay focused. She wants our help and all you're thinking about is food?
<<Mania>> ...yes? Are you not used to that?
<<Andi>> Whatever. Fine. One.

In short order, said bacon cheeseburger is erased from existence, just long enough for that mouth to open back up before fading away. "Mmmmm. We do not understand magic, so do not ask us to solve any magic problems. There are other things we are good at, though. Will there be more food?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It won't be with magical issues, mostly those I can figure out on my own. I'd be asking you for help when I need more physical obsticles removed... or, you know, a lot of items in a target-rich environment." Phoebe replies. She doesn't sound comfortable using the slight subterfuge, but it's clear she's looking more for muscle and physical skill than metaphysical know-how. "Anything *magic* I can just tell you 'hit the glowy thing here'." she gives a small smile. "I don't expect you to be opening portals." she gives a wry smile.

    And she leans back, looking at Andi.

    "So, are you an alien or something? Amorphous shapeshifting lifeform?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"Yes. Others have asked us to do their dirty work as well," Mania remarks, though it is seemingly with no offense or irritation shown. "As long as we get something out of it, we are not against considering it." Negotiations. Bartering. Food. Chocolate.

The strange thing with the spider motif turns those large eyes toward Phoebe once again. "We are a symbiote, bonded to our host. It is a beneficial relationship for both of us." It may seem odd to just come right out with it. Then again, it might not. "We learn about this planet and protect our host. In exchange, we get chocolate."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm not asking you to do anything I wouldn't do." Phoebe gives a small smile. "Just sometimes I get a bit distracted or need someone to to the ripping and tearing when I'm trying to cast." she explains quietly.

    Phoebe pulls out a card, twirlling it in her hand a moment and then handing it over to the symbiote.

    'Phoebe B-C-W
    Investigations & Exorcisms

    And she tilts her head back a moment as she purses her lips.

    "Most of the time I don't mind punching things on my own."

    But at the talk of what Mania is, Phoebe leans forward, paying attention.

    "So then who's underneath the black cover? Do you operate as a unit, or is there someone more in charge than the other depending on what you look like?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"Oh, we are good at that," Mania states, clawed fingers wiggling for a few moments. Plus, Phoebe saw the teeth already. The eyes squint first at the display of the card, then again after accepting it to peer at the titling. "Exorcisms? Such as demons?" This causes her head to dip in a show of curiosity. There is something wild and untamed about this being.

The symbiote and bond explain, "We do not show who we are to just anyone. Trust is very important. Perhaps with more chocolate and bacon cheeseburgers, we will trust you more. Cheesesteaks, too. But to answer part of it, we work together. We do not always agree on the best path."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Sounds complicated." Phoebe replies in thought, "And good idea, to hide the face underneath. Never know who's looking around for you."

    And she folds her hands. "Yes. As in Demons. You're not a demon, I can't pull you out of your host. Besides, seem like you two get on well." she steeples her fingers. "I have on the odd occasion pulled minor demons out of people, pop machines and washers. I've had the absolute displeasure of helping send a demon back to Hell after it manifested on our plane. Closed a portal to Hell in Hell's Kitchen last week. Busy month." Phoebe replies quietly. And she then pauses, and she leans down and rummages in her pack.
    "Unfortunately, I'm out of bacon cheeseburgers, cheesesteaks and chocolate cookies at just this moment. But I'm amenable to providing more."

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania is content to keep the mask in place, literally and figuratively. "There are others we protect by being careful." As careful as something like this can be, that is. "Someone important to us was already in danger once, even before we..met." The eyes turn slightly downcast, then narrow in order to show determination. "We do not like risking that, but we help people who need it if they cannot help themselves."

The eyes again shift, indicative of thinking taking place. "We have seen demons, yes. We have fought some, as well. We are amenable to more if you want to feed us." Might as well get straight to the point. Food, especially particular kinds of food, might just do it.

By the by, in place of simple feet, or toes with claws, Mania sports chunky footwear, like shoes of some kind. Again, probably unnecessary.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know that feeling. I've already lost... a lot. My dad and mom. My adopted dads. Everyone who loved me." Phoebe gives a quiet sound, and she gives a nod. "I won't pry into who you are behind the black, other than Mania." she agrees quietly, and then points to her face. "Luckily my face isn't out there much."

    Says the MYSTERIOUS GIRL (supposedly) (definitely not) DATING TIM DRAKE.

    She gives a wry smile, her booted feet giving a swing as she tilts her head back again.

    "So. We've got an accord of allyship then. I'm not going to make any bindings or nothin', those shouldn't be required, right? We're ladies of honor."

Andi Benton has posed:
The eyes turn downward again, a close approximation of sympathy offered. "That sucks. But, you are still here." The hand closest to her lifts to give an awkward pat at the top of Phoebe's head.

<<Andi>> No! She is not some pet or animal!
<<Mania>> But we would like it. Why not others?
<<Andi>> Do you see anyone else like us?
<<Mania>> We have seen a few, yes.
<<Andi>> And do they like it?
<<Mania>> We have not asked.
<<Andi>> Behave, or I'll eat the rest of this without you.
<<Mania>> Please explain how you will do that.
<<Andi>> ...shut up.

Internal conversations can get very..unique.

"The main thing is you are still trying to make a difference for others. We can meet again, but we do not recommend binding," is stated in a matter-of-fact way. Phoebe might pick out part of that dual voice and /think/ she's heard it before in some way, but it's not easy to tell straight away. Different circumstances. Different place.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Full of flashing lights and being distracted by explosions.

    Phoebe, however, tenses when Mania reaches out to touch her head. She actually recoils, pulling herself away and giving a low whine of protest, and raises a hand up to gently -- very gently -- guide the petting arm away.

    "Ah. Thank you for the sympathy... but... touching me is not strictly required." she explains with stiffness in her voice. A lot of discomfort.

    "I don't recommend it either. Terrible business." Phoebe gives a small, stiff smile, still in recovery mode from being touched. She's sweating, a little bit. Panic response.

    She instead takes a deep, deeeeeeeeeep breath, her eyes going wide a moment, and then she lets her breath out, relaxing her shoulders.

    "Making the difference for others is what it's all about."

    "So. You have a steady diet of junk food or should I throw in vegetables for good measure?" she jokes.

Andi Benton has posed:
<<Andi>> SEE? I told you.

No response, internally.

The hand lingers in place, then retracts back within Mania's own personal space. "We will try to remember, Fee-Bee." The hand instead dives in for another cookie, then a burger, and after a few moments of thoughtful consideration, another cookie is taken and the hands manipulate burger and cookies to see which works best: cookies within, or burger within. Then there is a shrug and the whole thing is simply..consumed via fangy mouth once again.

"Will the vegetables be dipped in chocolate?" Mania wonders, speculatively, then the eyes turn upward in amusement. "That was a joke. We eat healthy when we must. We like the things that taste better, and make us feel warm and fuzzy inside." Chocolate is obviously a major thing. If Phoebe knew the alternative to that...

"We learned how to be a hero from Spider-Man. He is very nice. Have you met him?" the creature wonders.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Some vegetables taste okay in chocolate -- but chocolate covered strawberries, or frozen peaches dipped in chocolate? Mmmm..." Phoebe gives a wry little grin, watching as Mania consumes cookies and cheeseburgers.

    "I'm familiar with Spider-Man, in passing. I'm more familiar with Scarlet Spider." Phoebe admits "He and I have worked together a few times."

Andi Benton has posed:
It's possible to have gathered that Mania does not seem very old. The body, while feminine, is a bit more youthful, sleek and quick-looking in opposition to, say, Venom, who can be much more bulky.

There is a hint of excitement as Mania explains, "We have had chocolate-covered bacon! There is not much better than this. We do not know the name, Scarlet Spider. He must be very red." The eyes sharpen on Phoebe. "Is it because he bathes in the blood of his enemies? Or just the color he chose for his costume?"

Mania /must/ be messing with Phoebe by this point. If so, at least there is a sense of humor, twisted as it may be.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "He wears a lot of red, that's true." Phoebe replies back regarding Ben, and she gives a small smile, and she fiddles with a bracelet that has little spiders and starbusts on it.

    "I'm pretty sure he doesn't bate in the blood of his enemies..." she gives a rueful smile, "I'd probably smell the blood."

    But she returns to the subject of chocolate covered bacon "I, alas, cannot eat bacon, so I hereby award you Mania my portion of chocolate covered bacon whenever it may be that we both have the opportunity to grab some."

Andi Benton has posed:
"That is too bad for you. We will attend all the state and county fairs! That is where the most chocolate-covered bacon can be found. You can have the things we would not normally eat, like brussels sprouts and eggplant." Mania gleefully exclaims, fingers steeping together like Mr. Burns. And they thought /he/ looked sinister. At least Mania's eyes give away the good vibes.

Peering more directly at that wrist, she remarks, "That is a cute little bracelet. Do you live around New York City? We live in Happy Harbor, so it is not far to patrol here." And, a detail is spilled as Mania begins to stand up on the branch.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Thank you. It was a gift from someone that I care for very much." Phoebe replies. to Mania as she gives a smiles, and she cracks a great big smile at the eating the brussels sprouts and eggplant. Oh yes, tell the vegetarian that she has to eat the vegebales. All the vegetables. Omnomnomnom.

    "I used to live in Hell's Kitchen, but like I said -- I've had to relocate operations to someplace a little *quieter*." she jokes. "So I moved to Gotham."

Andi Benton has posed:
Without knowing Phoebe is a vegetarian, she and Mania arrive at an agreeable accord in terms of what each of them will eat. It just works.

"Hell's Kitchen always sounds like a place demons would live in, but we do not normally go to Gotham City. Maybe we will find reasons to," Mania declares, before adjusting the bags of cookies and burgers in one hand.

Gesturing with the free hand, symbiote and host explain, "We cannot stay much longer. But you know how to reach us for now. We will think of your gifts when we finish eating them."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a casual salute. "Be well, Mania!" she calls out, and with that, she tilts over, falls off the branch, and vanishes.

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania begins to react as Phoebe seemingly falls from the branch...only to disappear.

<<Mania>> Where did she go, Andi?!
<<Andi>> I..think..maybe she really does know some magic.

There are a few extra moments of checking this and that around the tree before they decide Phoebe did, in fact, know a way to depart suddenly. Shrugging, a hand extends to cast a line of webbing out, and the creature swings off to other parts of the city.