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Latest revision as of 11:06, 24 March 2020

Can't fly in Gotham without going Batty...
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Summerset
Synopsis: IMP meets Red Robin, who brings in his friend Beacon to finish healing IMP of his injuries. He's finally able to fly home and reclaim his life...
Cast of Characters: Alton Schmidt, Tim Drake, Phoebe Beacon

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP has flown off Mercy Island. He didn't make it particularly far before his concussion got the better of him. He really does need to finish healing before he tries to make it clear back to NYC. But there's a distinct lack of assistance for getting there, and his wallet is unavailable.

So it is the young man in a mask and supersuit...manages to land on a roof, again...in considerable pain and having some trouble controlling what it takes to fly in the first place. The broken rib and sprained wrist don't help either.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake is doing the circuit of the town and sees someone with a mask that is not one of the bats. He will run a look up on the fellow to see what is known about him. Then he will come infor a landing on the roof from a swing on a higher roof "Well hello there, your?" He asks letting the other introduce himself.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"IMP. Wish this were better circumstances. Kinda got hurt saving a train, and now I can't exactly fly back home. Don't have my wallet to pay for a ride back the normal way either." He continues crouching on the rooftop, trying to see his way clear to a clearer mind, but, well, Football has a concussion protocol for a reason, and superheroing as even more dangerous, as the only safety gear is the gear your powers or body armor provides.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake walks over to him, and says "What happened? Where are you hurt?" He will be cautious but looking the other over seeing if he can figure out what it up. "Keeping some cash in your shoe is a good policy as a hero as well as a travler."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Now someone tells me. That would've been a helpful trick to know before I decided to save a train." IMP is rather young though...doesn't look much older than Damian, really.

"Somebody clocked me when I was done with the train. Glad they didn't clock me sooner. Concussion, at least one broken rib, sprained wrist...and I can't go to a hospital, for the same reason you can't."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and pulls out his phone and says "I may have some help." He will send a text out to Beacon <You busy?> and says "Let me check you out and see what's up." He will step over pulling a mini light from his utility belt to check the man's eyes.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton Schmidt exhibits the usual signs of concussion...he wasn't wrong with the diagnosis. And he's definitely favoring one side from the broken rib. And sure enough, one of his wrists looks to be in considerably pain if it moves much.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    In another part of the city -- a young woman wearing pajamas was shutting down her gro-lights and humming quietly to herself when she got a text.

    She checks her phone, and then her lips purse, looking to the number before she taps back:

    <How can I be of service?>

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and nods a bit "Ok, sit down and let me call a friend in to help." He will look back and send a text <Someone needs your special touch at the address they are at. Come in your the outfit from the other night.> He looks back over, and says "Should have ya right as rain soon. So what brought you to Gotham?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"The train. After I saved it and got whacked, I kinda, well, stuck to the Train. Question found me and did the initial medical care, but I'm still not exactly safe to fly from Gotham to NYC."

"...Thanks. If you know a healer, that'll speed things up a lot. I used to know a few healers a while back, but I've lost contact with them."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    That... might take a fair bit. Unlike others in Gotham, Beacon doesn't have a way to get around easily. It's not like it's easy for a teen to get flashy not-flashy-cars and have all the cool toys -- but Beacon switches into her other outfit, and goes out the window after turning off the light to her room. the gray jacket and white domino mask over her form as she swings out -- and starts to make her way.

    <On my way. Symptoms? Injuries? Is the patient stabilized?>

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will text back <A woman on a purple bike will be at the intersection I dropped ya off in ten, she will bring ya here>

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Meanwhile...IMP is...just gonna take a rest on this roof. He's kinda been doing that since Red Robin arrived, and he doesn't seem to have really stopped. "Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it. I was supposed to be on a date before I found myself with a train to catch...in the literal sense."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was not the right way to meet someone's acquaintence, but Red Robin's word was good, and the ride was as intimidating for The Beacon as anything else! The roar of a motorcycle, the peal of tires, and then a figure making her way up to the roof.

    She's wearing a gray hooded jacket, with a white domino mask and a gray scarf hiding her face. Downright mysterious as she makes her way to the injured IMP and Red Robin.

    "Hello!" the young teen chipperly greets the two, weaving sligtly as she gets her 'land legs' back, and she drops down, kneeling next to Alton.

    "I'm The Beacon. You look like you've gotten very lucky."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Beacon?" He smirks a bit thinks that would be like calling himself Drake, but he does not say this "Was wondering what name you were using." He says "Concussion, and at least rib fracture from what I could tell." He will tell the new arrival. To IMP he will say "This is my friend, Beacon."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP does look much the worse for wear. "I think the people on the train were luckier than I am. I missed a lot to do this. But...I get the idea you two know what it's like to have to miss life events because there's people in need lurking around."

Beacon's presence, however, does feel rather nice to have around. Very encouraging, even if he doesn't quite understand why.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
ry encouraging, downright hopeful in fact. Positivity seems to stem from being around her.

    That's utter magic.

    Her dark brown eyes look over IMP, and she appears to take her own very bright white light from -- somewhere as she looks him over -- though from Red Robin's vantage point, her palm lit up with its own glow.

    "I'm going to lay my hands on you, all right? I'm going to lay one hand up here --" she puts her non-glowing hand to cradle his cheek gently, "And my other hand down here--"

    The other hand lowers. And though his body had already started to knit as she got closer, she cloes her eyes and concentrates.

    Some people's healing may feel warm, but hers is cool. Refreshing. Like if the tingling of a million tiny bell were a feeling, mixed with a cool breeze on a hot day, that first smell of rain. The fracture knits, the bruiing and blood vessels returning to normal, internal bruising repairing itself. His concussion fades, the throbbing in his head that he may have experienced ebbing. Vision likely clearing as The Beacon uses her powers.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit as he watches this. He does watch and types something on his phone, knowing there is not much he can do to add this. He takes the time to write a longer message out but does keep an eye out on the area, making sure the two will not be interupted.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP was a little worried when she went to touch him, but then he saw she was wearing gloves, so he realized it was fine. Time to relax into the healing. His body is receptive to it...his power over magnetism may be power over a primal force, but it's not dark or anything. It's just...science, really. Applied science through an X gene.

"Glad you're wearing gloves. My magnetic charge can do funny things to people when they touch me skin to skin. At least till the charge wears off."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It does take a lot of concentration. She hasn't pushed herself like this for a while, and after a little over four and a half minutes, the girl lifts her hands, and falls back to a loose kneel, giving a soft breath out as she cloes her eyes and tries to center herself.

    Her hand rises up, the back pressing to her mouth, and for a moment she look like she might either fall over or throw up and her body was deciding which to do -- but she gives out an unsteady breath.

    "You... should be feeling all right, now.. I don't know if I caught a name."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will move to catch Beacon to make sure she does not fall over. He will help support her, and says "Well if he is all right how are you doing Beacon?" He has not seen her heal another before.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP refers to himself as, "IMP. Thanks, Beacon." He stands up, feeling much improved...if his rib is still damaged in any way, he can't feel it, and better, his head is clear. He can totally fly on out of here and back home now. "...If you're willing, I'd like to exchange contact info. Getting hurt is kind of common in this line of work." And if he knows somebody who can help fix it, even if she's relatively far away...that'd be good.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    She knows it's only for her powers, but she feels her cheeks burn a little beneath her domino.

    "I'm... a little knew on this thing yet. I don't really have a way." she states to IMP before giving a smile. "You're lucky Red Robin found you, though there, IMP. Give me a few weeks, I usually patrol near the homeless camps near The Narrows when I can." she states, sounding embarrassed.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks to them and says "I will set up something for communication if your comfortable with me having your contact information IMP.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP nods at Red Robin..."...that's fair. You're a Bat, right? One of his trainees?" Batman was in the justice leauge, once upon a time...that's a fairly trustworthy source, as heroing goes. That's...trustworthy enough for him. So he'll go ahead and exchange trainees with Tim, who...is equally trusting HIM with his own contact info.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake gives Imp the info for a burner phone that would be rather hard to trace. It is not a direct line but it will get the message to Tim at a decent pace.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP doesn't have a burner phone yet...it's his real phone number, because he hasn't thought to set that sort of thing up yet. As time goes on, that sort of thing will occur to him...he does have the money to set it up. But for now, it's sadly a real phone. He's mostly trusting the Bat's legacy to keep his info safe.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "The names Red Robin, and hopefully over the next few weeks, I will have some more resources for the young heroes, if you get an email with RR at first and last of it, contact it back."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Thanks. Yeah, I'll look out for that." The RRs must be his code sign to verify it's actually from him and not from somebody impersonating him. "There's probably some thing I should set up I haven't yet. But once I know about them, I can pass it on to my usual teammates." Seems like this was an awesome idea.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises "Your part of a team?" He will ask the young man, having missed this in his research.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"It's still forming...I've had a couple teammates so far, but I think it's going to grow. Still, it's a very young team, we're not fully established or anything like that. But...I feel like it's going to get stronger." There's some faith in that, but hey!

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well maybe I can assist with that as well, we will see.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Excellent. Let me know..." Because this team is going to be a great thing for everyone involved, even if not everyone he wants to work with is quite ready to fight crime yet.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well I will keep that in mind." He tells the other man "Well, I should go, I still have patrols to do, and you should be safe to get home now"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Seeing as nobody's seen me since Saturday, that's probably a good idea. None of my friends now if I'm even alive at this point. I should probably go reassure them of that. And I have a lot of apologizing to do to one person in particular..." Well, can't be helped. At least he can get home now, and Question gave him a trenchcoat so he can use that to conceal his super outfit and pick up his wallet and keys from the limo company. He levitates into the air...and zooms off in the direction of NYC.