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Latest revision as of 04:09, 25 May 2022

Strange Things are Afoot P2
Date of Scene: 24 May 2022
Location: (the) Dojo
Synopsis: Iron Fist drives off sisters Shaya and Ushas who were attempting to steal the dragon statue. He then receives information from Daimon Hellstrom about the situation. They plan to meet.
Cast of Characters: Daimon Hellstrom, Danny Rand

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The trip from Hell's Kitchen to the dojo was normal. Normal traffic, normal people on the sidewalks, normal smells, normal Manhattan, normal normal. Yet, there's a feeling of being watched or followed. Just an itch on the back of one's neck. Or, perhaps it is just paranoia after being told that a demon was involved. Making the situation a bit more creepy.

    Once there, once Iron Fist secured the statue within the floorboard hidey hole, things sort of mellowed. Iron Fist is found within his room. The dojo itself is quiet on the inside. The noises of the city can be heard outside, muffled by the insulation of the structure. Except for a creek of the wood that can be heard in the main room. As if someone stepped on a weak or not fully secured floor board.

Danny Rand has posed:
With any and all pretenses of super heroism dropped for the day, Danny Rand, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, is sitting on the edge of his bed, wrapping his hands in protective bandages before he sets out for the day's training. Sure, he can punch through inches of tempered steel and heal his body's injuries on a whim, but he has a distinct drive within himself to get by without his powers when he can.

Looking up and towards the door as he hears the creaking floor, Danny squints towards the sliding paper door leading to the dojo's main room and tilts his head, reaching out to get a 'feel' of the area as he kneels down and slides the loose floorboard out of the way, snapping his hand inside of the hidden compartment and producing a yellow mask. The board shifted back into place, Danny stands up straight and affixes the mask to his face, fists clenching as he waits.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Focusing on the sounds beyond the paper door, Iron Fist can hear another step upon a creaky board and then the whispered, unintelligible cursing of a female's voice to another person that is likely to have caused the flawed step. Then he will hear the short chain of nunchaku jingle along with another length of chain being drawn from either wrapped or from within a bag. Nothing beyond the paper door can yet be seen.

Danny Rand has posed:
The slight clinking of the chain ushers forth a sigh from Danny. There's seemingly no end to the work of the superhero. His finger flex open and closed before he's reaching forward and throwing the door to the side, ready to face whatever's waiting for him on the other side.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Flinging the door open, Iron Fist will take note of two individuals. Female. The closest one is wearing a cloak and holding a length of black chain with a blade at the business end of it. The other is farther in the main room of the dojo. She's holding twin nunchaku. They are prowling about and both turn to see Iron Fist fling open the door. The closer one (Shaya http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/shayakali.htm ) calls, "Sister! /He/ is here!"

    The 'sister' (Ushas http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix2/ushaskali.htm ) replies, "We shall deal with him quickly." and she begins to twirl her nunchaku. They begin to glow.

Danny Rand has posed:
As he spies the ninja incursion Danny frowns and hunkers down into a defensive stance. "Not sure who you two are, but we're closed for the day and I'm all booked up on private lessons," he says, eyes latching on to the now-glowing nunchaku. That's a new one.

"How about you two get out of here before we end up hurting each other's feelings? Or worse."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Shaya, turns on her heel, her arms spread, and the cloak she wears furrows outward. Billowing from the cloak is a flow of all encompassing and consuming darkness. That darkness fills all the rooms of the dojo preventing sight. Other senses can be used to detect locations. Shaya says, "Strike now, sister!"

    Iron Fist will hear the pitter patter of size 9 feet as they rush across the floor from the other side of the dojo. He can hear Ushas spinning her nunchaku and rushing in a circle like motion preparing to strike from his left side. When she (rather, her weapons) gets within 2 feet, he will see the glow of the nunchaku as they whip through the air toward his face and torso.

    Meanwhile, the noises of the closer sister are the spinning of her bladed chain, preparing to strike.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny breathes deeply and expands his consciousness outward, closing his eyes and feeling the chi moving within the room.

His left hand whips up in an attempt to block the nunchaku as the rest of his body completes a half spin, presenting a smaller target for Shaya. His right hand will snap out towards where Ushas' solar plexus is /supposed/ to be.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Ushas kiiiis when she strikes. The strike of the nunchaku sends out a blinding flash of light and is far more force than expected. Likely around 1000 lbs of force (also enough to shatter stone). When striking, she does her best to keep space and clear of her sister's attack. The thrust toward her solar plexus catches her with a glance. Pushing her a bit into the wall next to her.

    Meanwhile, 10 feet away, Shaya attacks. The chain is swung and the bladed head launched through the air toward Iron Fist, cutting through the darkness.

Danny Rand has posed:
The full force of that blow is felt on Danny's forearm, nearly shattering his bones in two and sending him sailing across the dojo and out of the way of Shaya's attack.

He thumps into the wall with a dull 'ooof' and flips onto the ground. He's really gotta stop telling himself that he can just tank every attack. The Immortal part of the Iron Fist title always did read like a sick joke, considering how many of the previous holders died bloody.

Daniel stumbles back to his feet and grasps his left forearm with his right hand, healing energies spewing forth from the latter to knit broken bones back together.

"Just who in the hell are you people?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The pierce of the blade missed Iron Fist since he was knocked to the side. It lanced into some fixture in his room. Only to be retracted quickly and spun again, ready for another attack. Shaya answers, "We are of the Cult of Kali. We are here for the dragon. Surrender it, and maybe we'll let you live." She casts the bladed chain toward Iron Fist while he focuses on the healing of the fist energies. That piercing blade intends to strike true within his midsection.

    In the other part of the room, Ushas launches herself at Iron Fist with another left side attack. Using both nunchaku swinging downward, illuminating enough to be seen within 2 feet of Iron Fist's head/shoulders. She screams her Kiiiii. Again, the attack will be just as fierce and deadly as the first, only double that with both nunchaku being used. She also opens herself up for attack as she attacks herself.

Danny Rand has posed:
It has become abundantly clear to young Daniel Rand-Kai that these two aren't you bush league run of the mill ninjas. Time to up the ante a little bit.

"Well I'm The Immortal Iron Fist and I say that dragon stays with me until I hear a convincing enough argument," he says, hands erupting into an orange glow. Moving like water, Danny manages to slide out of the way of the incoming rope dart, legs bending and shifting low and to the side of it as he lifts both forearms, now tempered with chi to block the two overhead strikes from Ushas. Intercepted and clacking against his impossibly strong flesh, the force from the twin nunchaku flows through Danny's body for a time before he's redirecting it to a dual palm strike to her chest.

"You don't get a say in whether I live or die, but you do get a choice in how bloody you're gonna be when you get out of my /house/."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The cell phone of Iron Fist offers an indication that he's received a text message.

    The redirected force of the nunchaku energy is distributed into Ushas' chest. She is knocked up and back (into the darkness). She slams against the ceiling of the dojo (with an oomph), glanced, and driven against the far wall (with a breathless squeak) knocking weapons off the wall atop her body as she slumps downward on the floor (with a groan). She's hurt. Though Iron Fist can no longer see her within the darkness, he knows where she landed.

    The bladed chain is recoiled with a sideways whip hoping that the blade will cut, or even wrap around Iron Fist in the retraction.

    Shaya answers his challenge, "Fool! You only delay your doooooom!"

Danny Rand has posed:
Capable of punching bullets out of the air when he's drawing on the power of Shou-Lao, Danny wraps the incoming chain around his forearm and grips it tightly in his hand, staring down the length of it into the darkness where Shaya's standing. "And you're sure you don't just want to talk this over?" he asks, pulling the chain taut and frowning at the darkness.

"The artifact has been in the care of K'un-Lun for a thousand years. What claim do you think you have to it?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Shaya pulls back from within the darkness. Though, the angle of the pull and her voice, Iron Fist can discern that she is perhaps 12 feet away from him. She responds, "We act upon the will of Kali. It is the will of Kali to possess the statue."

    The chain goes slack, falls to the floor.

    Iron Fist knows she's about to attack through the darkness as he hears the rush of movement through the air. She is attacking with a black spiked mace. Coming down upon him from above (as a leaping attack). She is silent in her attack, no screaming like her sister.

    Meanwhile, her sister is trying to pull herself up off the floor. A wooden staff falls to the side as she does, clacking on the floor.

Danny Rand has posed:
Letting the wrapped chain fall from his arm, Danny pulls his fists down to his hips and sucks in a huge breath of hair, expelling it in a shout of 'KAI' as he snaps one out towards the head of the mace, the now near-blinding light from his hand colliding with it and shattering the weapon as Danny takes a step forward and shoots his leg out towards Shaya.

"The will of Kali should've told you to ask nicely!"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Shaya is instantly stunned with the shattering of her weapon and subsequently knocked backwards with the kick. She flip flops, hands to feet in a backwards tumble/breakfall sort of recovery. She suddenly realizes that Iron Fist cannot be beaten by her alone and she needs her sister. Who is just now standing, barely. Shaya says something in Hindu to her sister. Definitely something along the lines of 'retreat'. As both of them rush to exit the building via the window which they came in.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny breathes a disappointed huff as the two sisters begin to beat bricks and make their escape. Danny doesn't give chase, instead deciding to run straight towards his bedroom, kneeling down to throw the top of the hidey hole to the side, reaching down to grab the dragon statue. "Dammit, Hellstrom, where the hell are you?" he asks himself, studying the thing. "We have got to get this thing to a safer location."

Just now remembering that his phone had sounded off, Danny's free hand slides into his pocket and fishes it out, the cracked screen indicating one unread text (and about a thousand unread emails in his business account).

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    The women leap out of the window to escape into the night. The room reverts to normal illumination.

    The text is from Hellstrom: < Found Stryke alive, he was dazed and confused. Was trying to make a deal with Lopsang for his brother's soul. Exchange failed. Lopsang was rebuked by statue chi energy. Watch your back. Cult of Kali is coming to take statue. Let me know if you need anything. >

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny grunts as he reads the message and types one out himself. "Yeah, could've definitely used some of that...whatever magic stuff you've got going on," he grumbles.

<They already found me. Managed to hold them off. Cebtral Park. 30 minutes.>


Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Hellstrom responds via text: < Strawberry Fields forever > indicating a place in Central Park to meet. Likely his most favorite part of the park. Just across from the Dakota where John Lennon lived (and died).

    The noises of the city can be heard a little louder with the window open that the women used for escape. A man and woman can be heard yelling at one another about love stuff. A car can be heard speeding away. A delivery truck drives by.