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The Black King and the deadly Wilson - wait, not that Wilson
Date of Scene: 23 May 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Deadpool joins the HFC after seeing Sebastian's commercial.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Wade Wilson

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Like most evenings, the Hellfire Club is packed in its semi-public areas with the rich and elite, trying to see and be seen in its confines. Looking down at that rable are the ultra-rich and ultra-elite within the VIP Lounge. The destination for all of those teeming masses down below, who hope that mere entrance to the Hellfire Club provides a path upwards. Of course, there are places even above the VIP Lounge within the Hellfire Club, but only the most select few know about those.

Presiding over the gathered guests of the VIP Lounge is Sebastian Shaw, known by most as the owner of the Hellfire Club, known by far less as the Black King, ruler of the Inner Council, the secret society that guides worldwide events, and by even fewer of those as a powerful mutant. Tonight, he is simply Sebastian Shaw, host. He is wearing a purple jacket of the Victorian era, a white puffy shirt beneath with lace trim spilling out from the collar and his sleeves, black breeches and black boots. He sits at a table in the corner, his eyes casually observing the comings and goings of the crowd, paying attention to which members are speaking with which, and idling sipping at a glass of wine in his hand.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    While Deadpool isn't the most known commodity by the elite of the society, to those who -are- aware of him he's often regarded as a nuissance as the Merc with a Mouth will take any job for the right price, including taking out some of those very elite and upper crust. But he saw the viral marketing blitz that occured this morning like any well to do millenial and while the first two didn't pique his interest (on account that he was already loosely affiliated with the second) the third did catch his eye. After all, he's a sucker for a pretty face (regardless of gender) and there were a number of them on both sides visible in the ad.

    He's been -aware- of the Hellfire Club for a while... not only from the whispers of it that percolate in his mind. But this iteration of it wasn't one he was most familiar. That version of it came from a different time, and a different world, and a different Deadpool and while the upper-crust theme was the same there was something darker and more sinister about this iteration than the one he (sort of) knew.

    He's in his suit. No, it's not a three piece. It is in fact a leather and spandex Liefield number that marked him for what he was. He had checked the majority of his weapons at the door--a process that took a staggeringly long amount of time given that he carried close to 20 implements of mayhem on him at any give time--and while he wasn't completely unarmed, getting to the one or two he had on him would be a troublesome and somewhat painful ordeal, but better not let the upper crust think he's here to massacre them... this time.

    Evenso, getting to the VIP lounge was something that took some convincing. Money wasn't an option to Deadpool, not anymore. He was set for a good while after a number of raids that racked him seven figures (each) and not wanting for much on account of living in space. So dropping some heft to his already confident step on the doorman wasn't too muhc of a pain. Sometimes walking and carrying a big stick worked, but sometimes that big stick was a fat stack of green.

    He emerges onto the lounge and garners more than his fair share of stares. He had to grin in spite of himself, wondering how much they would stare -more- had he come unmasked. He's here for a reason though, and sharp eyes are quick to pick out one of the faces from the ad. The leading man presiding over the gathering with friendly and implacable composure. King he is in hidden name, and king he looks here in his domain.

    He weaves his way through the throng of elite masses, a low murmur under his breath as he approaches Shaw's perch. "Keep it quiet in there, I've got business here and I don't need Rosanne Barr and Bob Saggat arguing over what casserole you guys are having tonight... got it?" He seems satisfied with the results though as he stops and just peers up in sight of Sebastian a strange figure, in strange dress, in this anything but strange establishment.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    Certainly, the arrival of a man dressed as Deadpool is arouses more than a little bit of attention in the lounge. Sebastian Shaw, fortunately, was prepared for the arrival - little goes on without his notice, and his team was quick to inform him of the man's arrival, and provide what knowledge they had on him. "Welcome to the Hellfire Club," offers Shaw, his gaze drifting over the Merc with a Mouth, taking in the sight of him. "I heard that you wish to discuss some business with me."

Sebastian smiles towards the man, although there is no warmth in it. "I take it our marketing campaign has reached at least some of its target audience. If your reputation is accurate, you seem to meet the wealthy and powerful criteria quite nicely."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool chuckles under the mask. "In my own way, yeah, yeah I do" he says. His voice, posture, demeanor, and cadence marks him from the street. But some of the most wealthy come from humble beginnnigs, and if the dossier provided about Deadpool's exploits was accurate, the Merc was decidedly powerful.

    He approaches a bit more, giving him and Shaw a more direct, and relatively private, conversation point. "I want in. I'm not blind, not sure I can be, but I can see that there's more to all..." he waves to the gathering behind them, "this than just high society getting high. Whatever is behind the curtain of the pursuit of indulgence... I want in."

    He quickly adds. "Not that I'm not willing to pursue indulgence for indulgence sake but I do that on the reg, so this more to see what you have in the rare stocks. So to speak." He pauses and looks to one side, his voice shifts slightly and when he speaks it's clear he's talking to someone only his eyes can truly see. "See, in the world of what I do, we call this -Diversifying Your Portfolio.- The man with the absolutely amazing facial hair doesn't have to know that I play nice with some white hats, because it won't disrupt whatever he's got going on. At the same time, he also doesn't need to know--or likely already knows that I'm more than willing to do what is needed for the right price and the right cause." He seems to finish his aside for whatever hallucination he had and turns back to Shaw, seeming nonethewiser about his dissimination of info.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is the slightest twitch to Sebastian's lips as he watches Deadpool address the air. He does not look in that direction - he knows there is nothing there. The report included some allusions to eccentricities.

"We have the rarest stocks of them all, my friend," replies Sebastian as she slides out from behind the table and regards Deadpool. "I am sure that if there is nothing yet that we have that meets your satisfaction, we could arrange for some that would if you have an idea of what they are."

His gaze drifts about the room for a moment, aware that the conversation has attracted quite a bit of attention - there are all manner of folks that enter this lounge, but few are as bombastic as Deadpool, in bearing or attire. "If you would care to join me, I can show you where we keep some of our most unique vintages." He extends a hand out towards the wall off to the side from where they are standing.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool has something of an advantage in the exchange, masked as he is but it's a meager advantage to one as experienced at the game as Sebastian Shaw. Still, he's aware that they are more than open and exposed in this place. He nods. "By all means, lead the way" he says, giving the man lead to well... lead, following along close behind--but not too close.

    "As man of the house, you probably already know who I am, eyes and ears all over from the door and beyond," he says as they walk to the side corridor,"but I'll go ahead and introduce myself. Name is Deadpool. If you want the name under the mask" he doesn't even hesitate to give it, "it's Wade. Wade Wilson."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
With a slight nod, an attendant moves over and pushes a button, and the wood paneling slides open to reveal a secret passage. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wilson. I am Sebastian Shaw, owner of the Hellfire Club. As I believe you already knew."

He indicates for Deadpool to go first as he heads over towards the passageway. "There are many, many layers to the Hellfire Club, as you may or may not know. Up here, we have the most elite of the elite, where we can gaze down upon those who believe themselves to be elite. And might be considered such, to 99% of the population."

As they draw nearer to the passageway, it becomes clear that it is dark within, but from the light that shines on it from without it goes down into the darkness with finely crafted wooden bas reflief images on the side. It is as ornate, perhaps moreso, than the lounge that they are currently in.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade proceeds as directed. He'd done his homework and knew of Shaw by name and public facade. Anything deeper, well, he didn't want Weasel to get abducted and so hadn't told his friend about this trip. Was that a risk? Absolutely. But that's what Deadpool did on a regular basis, so it wasn't new. He inquires based on that information given.

    "And the 1% above that? That's you guys? You and... what, an Inner Circle?" he tosses the word out casually. It was called that in the other world where it was the leading body of a mutant nation that -wasn't- Genosha. Maybe some monikers were in line.

    "And what do you do to ensure your position at the top?" he asks, letting his eyes adjust to the dark of the corridor and beyond. "I assume the rich get richer holds true as much here as anywhere else. I'm asking about the how."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Leading Deadpool into the chamber, Sebastian arches an eyebrow as he offers that name. "We have a Council of Cardinals that oversees our affairs, yes," he offers, turning his gaze back towards the corridor. The wood paneling is sculpted to show decadent scenes of violence or sexuality, depravity mixed with sensuality. "But your assumptions are correct, we are beyond merely what you see outside of those walls." The light begins to fade as they move further from the doorway, accelerated by the attendant sliding the door closed behind them. There is faint light, although in the distance there appears to be another source.

"Well, there are a number of ways," Sebastian says. "Loyalty is one - a King cannot rule if he has to manage each of his subjects. His trusted advisors must do their part, and they have those that do their part under them. And it is based on loyalty and respect - as the King gets richer, so too do his subjects. And if he shares enough, no one wishes to upset the balance." As they draw closer to the light, sounds start to appear - human, barely a buzz, conversation, perhaps, and more. "And of course, a King must be strong enough that, when that loyalty is tested, he can show them why he earned it in the first place."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade eyes the reliefs. But violence and sexuality are also sort of his bread and butter so they don't distract him... too much. A few might want to be examined further at a later time. But now, business--keep it together Wade. He slows a bit at the darkness, but the light source further in spurs his steps to reach it.

    He can feel the man behind him is dangerous, but it's not the violent sort of danger that Wade would scoff at (after all not much on this world or any other could truly kill the Merc with a Mouth.) It's deeper, more sinister.

    He knows that if Shaw wanted--and knew how--the man could make Wade disappear and no one would be the wiser. A deadly enemy... or a invaluable ally. Which side the pair end up on is yet to be seen.

    "And so enforcers are necessary to prove that testing the loyalty is not a healthy lifestyle, right?" he asks, glancing over his shoulder. The dark of the corridor makes seeing Sebastian all but impossible and the movement to look over is symbolic, a nod to a meeting of ideas. "I can understand that completely. Am I right in guessing you're that King?" he asks.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I am the Black King, yes," offers Sebastian. "There are two sides to the Hellfire Club's Council of Cardinals, equal and generally aligned in purpose. The Black side of the board, and the White. My counterpart is the White King. At my side is the Black Queen, and I have knights, bishops, rooks, and pawns at my disposal."

The light draws closer, and it appears to be a chamber not far ahead. There are definitely sounds from there, and they are sounds of pleasure, mixed with pain.

"And enforces are not necessary, to be honest. I could withstand any disloyalty, most likely, personally. But it does make it easier to keep order, and allows me to focus on greater objectives."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool continues toward the ecstasy chamber, his mental cogs turning to paint a proper picture of the heirarchy. "Chess. But with the goal to flank and consume something else rather than each other" he says with a nod.

    "And those greater objects, all aspects of the board are focused to that end? Rooks, Bishops, Pawns, Knights, Queen, all help facilitate your focus as King. Are they afforded their own side projects as well, with the stipulation that they won't interfere with any goals of those above them?" he asks. It's a probing question, and likely to give his own game away, but he's not as much a connoiseur of words as a buffet table of them.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Exactly. Friendly rivalry, perhaps, but the Hellfire Club's missions are achieved with both colors working together."

When they arrive in the chamber, it is as Deadpool may suspect. Quite the variety of the stock, most engaged, some not. All wearing the Hellfire Club uniform (unless they have removed some of it) as on display in the commercial.

"We are a confederation of individuals with similar interests, and while they align with the Hellfire Club, we are all entitled to our own pursuits." He chuckles for a moment. "Most of those on our board are not team players, outside of our chambers. But we can band together, and work towards a common ends." He slows his pace and allows Deadpool to survey the room. "Someone like you, who seems to eschew partnership, and is motivated by greed, would still find a good place on the board, if you were willing to accept the guidance of some authority."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    And survey the room Wade does. His eyes track over everything station and engagement on display. Some are up his alley, others aren't; many are par for the course--after all his wife has super human strength she can't turn off. "Definitely going in the bank" he says to himself under his breath as the Black King explains the situation further.

    At the mention of his eschewing partnership he shakes his head. "Oh, I'm not entirely a non-team player these days. Grown up a bit from that. But my hats are rarely, if ever white" he explains. He turns and regards Sebastian straight on. "I can respect that there are those better at the game than I am. And I appreciate opportunities to learn. Not mention, I -am- well motivated by greed."

    He arches a brow, the gesture showing more in the opaque eyeslots of his mask than anywhere else. "Where on your mighty chessboard of depravity and indulgence would you place me, King?" he asks.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    Sebastian watches Deadpool feast his eyes on the entrees available in the Hellfire Club buffet. And quite an array it is tonight.

    "There is much you could learn, and also much you could teach," says Sebastian, as he regards him. "There is a certain freedom about you, I sense. But also, opportunism." He considers Deadpool's question. "If you are inquiring about membership, I think we would be happy to extend an offer. While I always tell everyone that their ambition is their own limit, I would think that you would be quite a valuable Knight at my side." A pause. "But if you were to join, and I hope you can understand this, with rare exception do any skip beginning as a Pawn." A smile. "But someone of your capability I doubt would remain such for long."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I am nothing if not opportunistic, in that you're dead on" Deadpool replies, a smile in his tone. "I am honored that you would put me in such high regard in your organization and... if such an offer was made, I'd accept without hesitation." He can be civil, even if it comes out sounding vaguely like mocking the older and more powerful man.

    "I do hope that such an instant promotion won't disrupt the natural order too greatly." He turns to regard the display before him again. "As a Knight for a King, I suspect you would brief me on any tasks you would have me do... autonomy is fine and well, but some aspects of it require learning, right?" he asks, as he skims the crowd.

    His focus falls on a young woman and a young man reenacting the Fourth Station of the Cross in excruciating detail, the crack of the whip against the man's back a sharp punctuation in the greater cacophany of pleasurable sounds in the chamber.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Black King considers for a long moment, watching Deadpool watch the goings on. "The King has liberty to do as he wishes," he replies eventually, before looking over to his guest. "We have a meeting of the Council in on week's time. We can bring you in, as I said, and have you start as the others do, a Pawn. But upon that meeting, and your presentation, we can promote you upon the board."

The Black King smiles. "No one need know precisely what it is that has made you so valuable to the board. None would question it." A soft chuckle. "If they did, I am sure you could provide amble evidence." A pause. "And it would give me a brief bit of time to consult with the others."

Sebastian glances around. "So if you can bear the burden of the title of Pawn for the moment, we can bring you into the Hellfire Club now. And then, come in court,..." He chuckles for a moment. "Raising you as a Knight would be far less dramatic than the other events that shall transpire that night."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "A good plan" Wade replies with a smile under his mask. "Much smoother transition and allows you to speak with others about what they, whoever they may be, know of me." He chuckles, the action coming off as mostly a shaking of his shoulders.

    "You might hear that I'm a loose cannon or that I can be unpredictable... but... from the sound of things, that exactly what you're looking for so whatever critique you may hear from others in the Council..." he shrugs and waves a hand. "I'm not too worried about it."

    He considers. "One week? Here?" he asks pointing down to the floor. "Is there a password I need for the door or will they be expecting me?" he says, gesturing to the mask as a sign of who he is.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
    Sebastian Shaw smiles towards Deadpool. "If you wish to remain here, you certainly can, Mr. Wilson. Once we arrange for your formal membership, they will provide you with the rules for the Hellfire Club. There are not many that you would be subject to." He pauses. "Just no violence on club grounds, please. We pride ourselves on being a place where all manner of foes can come together and speak amicably."

With that, Sebastian steps back. "I am afraid that I have business calling me now, but I am leaving you in the rather capable hands of my staff." Indeed, of the assemblage in the room, a number are already looking towards the Merc with a Mouth. "I look forward to speaking with you further."