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King to Pawn - a testing of might
Date of Scene: 28 May 2022
Location: Conference Rooms - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Blake spars with Sebastian and learns that he is not entirely what he appears.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Blake Riviere

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is a slightly different meeting this time between Sebastian Shaw and Blake Riviere. They have had some witty repartee and drinks in the club, conversations about schemes, and of course, there was the recent op to take out a rival vampire gang that Shaw talked her through. But this was a different sort of meeting. An invitation that Shaw had considered since first meeting her. He wanted to feel her out, and see what sort of satisfaction she could bring him.

Shaw stands bare chested, wearing only a pair of pants, squared off against Blake. There was no one else present within the small dojo that he kept mostly isolated from the rest of the club aside from the two of them. That way there would be no concerns about showing off the extent of their abilities. Shaw watches Blake carefully as he stands in a somewhat defensive posture. Waiting for her to make the first move.

Blake Riviere has posed:
This time? There was no weapons, lace or leather wrapped around Blake's form. With her own body wrapped in more modern clothing she might almost look normal. Indeed, save for a sports bra to maintain the modesty of her upper body, her waist and legs were clothed in similar pants to his own. Stretching her arms over her head for a moment and checking the deep red ribbon that kept her hair tied out of the way, the vampiress seems rather relaxed for the moment, almost playfully casual....

Then she was suddenly rushing forwards, a series of swift strikes intended to catch the man off guard.

She hardly wanted to keep the king waiting after all.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
At first, Sebastian backs up slowly, swinging his hand around to block each of the blows. He moves with surprisingly quickness for a human, especially compared to a vampiress, even if she wasn't using her full speed just yet.

"Quick on the draw is always a good start," he replies, as his feet move with a fluid back pedal. It becomes immediately apparent to Blake that Sebastian is not simply some doughy noble - his footwork displays a practiced study of hand-to-hand combat.

"So tell me, did hone your skills later, or were you deadly before..." He lets the sentence trail off.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Of course, she seemed to be keeping her tricks to just 'above-human'. No tons of force or unfollowable speed, just enough to keep him on his toes. Keeping the initiative, there was still a fluidity to her motions that betrayed years of skill and practice as she tried to keep him on the defencive.

"Before I became what I am?" she finishes the question, giggling lightly. "Afterwards. Centuries to learn offered me time. Before that? I was...someone very different."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian seems capable of matching that speed easily. How far can he go? Unclear. He swats her hands away, fending off each strike, backing up slowly. Nearing the end of the mat, he suddenly moves on the offensive, ducking down and swinging out a leg to try to sweep hers.

"I could imagine that you learn quite a bit in that time." He chuckles. "What were you before?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Slowly she was ramping things up, building speed bit by bit as he continued to match her, but that sweep has her jumping, a lift of her leg into a backstep before she grins, lifting her hands in a 'ready' guard if he was to try and seize the initiative.

"A daughter of aristocracy, raised to be married off young for the sake of family fortune and ensuring political alliances."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
And he does, following up quickly with a punch towards her midsection. Some men may have a disposition against striking women. Sebastian Shaw does not appear to be one of those men.

"I could see that. I am sure you would have commanded quite the price - beautiful, intelligent, charming. But that would have been such a waste of your talents."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Certainly Blake had capitalized on such things before, but that lack of hesitation has her moving, a sweep of her arms to block and a sidestep should he be faster, Blake had no intention of letting him push her to an edge. Carrying her motion, her leg snaps up, a sharp kick intended to catchi his head while his hands were dropped to strike her body.

"I never made it to my 'Would-be' husband. The one who changed me kidnapped me on the road. Had I made it, I doubt even my name would have survived history to today. Instead...I am this."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Pulling back, Sebastian catches her leg instead of blocking it. He flashes a quick grin and then throws it backwards. Not enough to take her from her feet, but perhaps stumble her if she was not well balanced. It seems both are toying with each other.

"I am glad that you were kidnapped. It would have been a shame if you died so long before we could have met." A pause. "What happened to the one who made you?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A stumble? Only momentary it seems. Years of practice combined with her vampiric abilities seeming to make balance effortless. Still, she moves forwards again now, once more taking the initiative with a series of quick strikes sweeping into a leg sweep of her own.

What happened to the one who made her? That was a deeper question, certainly touching on some experiences, but Blake keeps the answer simple. "He died. Permanently. At my hand."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Once again, Shaw accepts the impact of the blows with some redirecting blocks. As the sweep comes he lifts his leg to avoid it and leans forward sharply, giving her a shove. Is he getting faster?

"I see. How long after he turned you? Was it revenge for that, or some other misdeed?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Too long," her answer comes, shoved back a step and regaining her footing just as smoothly as the last time. "And it was well-earned, believe me." With that, her guard shifts, deep blue eyes focused on him as she beckons for the man to attack and show her what he had up his sleeves.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I am sure it was." That appears to be the end of the questioning from Shaw - either he got what he needed, or was no longer interested in the conversation. He moves towards her, clearly at superhuman speeds now, an arm reaching out to try to wave away hers so he can slip around her guard and grapple her from behind.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little shift, he does indeed manage to seize her. Perhaps she'd been caught off-guard or distracted by memories, or it was simply a byproduct of him ramping up speeds. Caught as she was, there was a little chuckle as she found herself seized before she shifts and pivots, attempting to throw him over her shoulder.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
While Sebastian may have speed and strength, Blake certainly has training and skill on her side. She easily takes him from his feet, and he is flung through the air, landing with a thump on the mat. "Nice move," he mutters quickly.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I cheat," Blake offers lightly, stretching her arms out once more before grinning. "After all, I am smaller, but I am stronger than I appear. It makes such moves easier, to rely on leverage and a little brute strength." A little grin, she reaches a hand out to him, offering to help him stand. "Still, being able to grab me was impressive in itself."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Taking the hand, Shaw pops up with the lift, and nods slowly as he looks at Blake. "I'm an impressive man," he says, flashing her that predatory grin. "You are an impressive woman, I should add. You gave me a challenge, and then overcame me." A pause. "I wonder, now that you have bested me in combat, if I owe you some sort of debt."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Perhaps I'll keep gaining them, little favours and debts...and use them to claim something suitably rewarding and fun..." she murmers lightly before adjusting her attire lightly. "After all, the favour of a king seems quite useful to have in your pocket, no?" Grinning a little, she leans forward lightly. "Perhaps you should be pleased to have such a resource at your disposal?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Rewarding and fun, huh?" asks Sebastian, tilting his head for a moment. He watches as she adjusts her outfit, arching an eyebrow. "Certainly true. My favor is...considerable." His gaze lingers for a moment, thoughtfully. "And yes, I am quite pleased." His gaze flickers up and down her form. "I would hope you are likewise pleased to be here, no?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I am certainly not displeased," she teases lightly, stretching once more before she lets her arms settle at her sides and leans forwards lightly. "It has been most engaging of late after all, and my nights are always best when they are filled with excitement of some flavour."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
That predatory grin resurfaces as Shaw watches Blake stretch. "I am glad that we could be engaging here at the Hellfire Club." He watches her, amusement crossing his lips. "As far as flavor goes..." He laughs softly. "If you would like perhaps a finer taste, we could wrap up our sparring session and see what other trouble awaits us here in the Club."

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little shift of observation, her eyes sweep a little to ensure they had the space to themselves before she moves forwards, a hand lifting up to his jaw if the touch was permitted and a little grin offered as her eyes shift to that more vampiric red. "And just what might you be offering Mr. Shaw..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
That grin broadens as Blake draws closer. He makes no move to prevent the hand to his jaw. His eyes watch hers as they shift, and there is a slight chuckle. "That depends entirely, Ms. Riviere, on what hungers you are looking to sate this evening..."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Well...one can always start with a single hunger, and grow from there..." she muses lightly before she draws her hand back playfully and turns, still close but now with her back to him, watching the man over her shoulder. "I think since our sparring match is over, we had best be getting changed, no?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Certainly true. A good night can often involve sating plenty of different hungers." Shaw laughs to himself as the hand is withdrawn and she turns away, nodding in agreement. "It would appear so. It would hardly do for either of us to make an appearance out of uniform." He glances over her for a moment again, and then grins. "If you did not bring one, I am sure I could find something for you here..."