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Latest revision as of 03:05, 29 May 2022

To Ink A Queen
Date of Scene: 29 May 2022
Location: Hunter's Moon Tattoo - Main Shop
Synopsis: Ink is planned, spirits are planned to be aided and laid to rest!
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Micola Maximoff, Lorna Dane

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Things had settled down a bit, from the hub-bub of Micola's leaked information. Between Pietro being about and various other groups keeping an eye on her location for safety, people eventually got the point. Business at the shop had fluxuated quite a bit - it was hard to tell who was coming in to pester over her abilities, and who really wanted ink. This Saturday, Pietro had asked for a favor - time for a special customer.

He'd asked that the other appointments be rescheduled, offering to cover the costs of those people displaced. He'd asked that her partner Shane be given the day as well - oddly enough.

In the shop, he grinned over to Micola. "Lorna wanted to talk to you about getting a tattoo... so I wanted to make sure there weren't any over-zealous fans." Pietro finally explained. "She mentioned some news too, though I'm not sure what it is." He comments.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was happy to reschedule appointments for Pietro. Shane was a little bummed, but, she'd gave him PTO! It was nice to be able to do that. "Shane probably would have been giving her puppy dog eyes, so we definitely didn't need that." she chuckled to Pietro as she was trying to make sure that everything was straight and tidy and nothing was out of place.

Because she was a weirdo!

"Do you know what kind she's wanting or is this a surprise to both of us?" she asks as she gives him a grin. "News? Hopefully it is good news. We could use some of that." she admits with a smile.

Lorna Dane has posed:
It wasn't as if Lorna was undercover, though it was obvious that she was going as 'casual' as possible to throw off anyone who might suspect. Of course, given she had leant some security to Micola's place of business it was possible there were still a few of such around who would know her regardless, just watching from a distance. Her hair was pulled back into a long green ponytail that was pulled through the back of a Yankees baseball cap. Given the exhibition game going on today she fit right in with a lot of New York fans that weren't able to get tickets to the game. She even had on a jersey over her jeans, and basic sneakers. Surely this woman wasn't the Queen of Genosha. Naw.

Reaching the door to the shop she nudges it open with her shoulder as she enters, leaning around the edge to grin at the pair inside. "You open?" She teases lightly before stepping fully inside. "Thank you for this, I've been meaning to stop by for awhile. How are you both doing?" Even as she asks she steps over to Pietro to lean in and give her brother a quick peck to his cheek in greeting.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I am sure he would have behaved, but..." A slight shrug. "I'd like to afford my sister a bit of discretion, in case she didn't want too many people knowing of the tattoo." A smile as Pietro helps to clean up and make sure everything is in order. It keeps him moving, and it helps out Micola. "I have no idea what she is wanting - other than a tattoo." The man shrugs. "Unless she's doing this to tease me somehow?" The odd humor of siblings!

Pietro is aware of her before she opens the door, grinning. "Open for you today, Lorna." He explains, looking to Micola to confirm - it's her shop after all. Lorna is given a return peck in greeting. "I have been well, keeping things on an even keel here for Micola. Thankfully, no one has gone out of their way to be problematic after she was outted as a mutant."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Yeah, I completely understand that given her title and things and I have no issue with closing up for her." Micola admits. "I'd do the same for you or others as well." she points out. Then the door opens and she gives a look to it. Aha! "Yep, we're open for you." she tells her.

Micola gives a smile to that, "You don't have to thank me, I'm happy to do it." she tells Lorna. "I'm doing alright for the most part." she states. Then she gives a look to Pietro, before back to Lorna, "He's been giving everyone the stink eye if he doesn't know them, which has been helpful." she nods to that. "How've you been?" she asks the Queen.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane steps back from her greeting with Pietro to regard Micola with a smile before her eyes wander away. It was inevitable: A tattoo shop had so many things to look at. A single deep breath is drawn, held, and her gaze pointedly turns back to the pair shifting between them. It's the question that did it. "I have been better," she admits first off. Her head dips down as she reaches up to remove her cap, running a hand over her hair.

"There's a few things I wanted to discuss with you, potentially. About the tattoo and more," she adds to clarify. "The first I think Pietro may have already suggested."

A light tip of her head toward her brother along with a grin indicates she might have been thinking along the same lines as he was. "I wanted to see about commisioning you to come up with a Genoshan coat of arms. A symbol for the royal family in a way. Since we're rather new there's nothing currently in place. As for the other..."

"I'd like to see about getting some kind of memorial tattoo. To commemorate the many who have died on Genosha." Here she pauses with her lips pursing together, and a glance is cast toward the door out of habit. "We recently discovered a mass grave left by the prior administration. It hasn't been publically announced yet as we're working to properly put them to rest, as well as find relatives to inform, if we can."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well! That was a bit more than he'd expected. "A... mass grave?" He says, quietly. The flash of irritation, of anger, is easy to read as it spreads over his face. Pietro's eyes close, the man taking deep breaths through his nose. How much more will they find of the Magistrate's sinister behaviors? How many more terrible secrets will be uncovered. It all added up - and while they didn't do it, they had to deal with the aftermath and fallout.

After a moment, he looks to Micola. "Is it something you... with your gifts, might be able to help with? Aside from the tattoo and design?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
And there was a ton of things to look at in the shop.

Micola frowns a little when the green haired woman states that she's been better, "We could have a seat at the table and talk. No reason for you to stand." she tells her. There's a dip of her head, "Of course." she smiles to her.

She listens to Lorna and there is a soft smile, "I'd be honored to draw up a few things for you coat of arms wise." she tells the two of them. "I can work on a list of questions for that as well." she states. She's thinking outloud.

Talk of a mass grave wipes the smile right off her face though, "Oh that's not good." she breathes out. "There's going to be a lot of anger centered there and it's going to be a lot to make right, but it can be done." she states to them. There is a soft nod, "I can help, yes. I'd just have to go there to see things. See them and what state they might be in." she states. "Ghosts that are left in that state can become very dangerous and nasty. It's not their fault, but people react badly to it." she admits.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"It... Yes," Lorna has to agree giving Pietro an understanding look along with Micola's response. A wan smile lacking any humor is offered along with a silent nod. "Quite. That's actually how we were able to locate them. Rumors of lights along the mountainside on certain nights had begun to make many in the area wary. I had requested some more familiar with the supernatural look into it once we were unable to find any other reason for it."

"Apparently the ghosts were protective of the area the point of being hostile. Until apparently one of the spirits recognized Clarice. They seemed to quiet at that point recognizing her as one of their own, and led the group to the cave where the magistrates had left them years ago."

Lightly her throat clears. "I'm sorry to bring up such a troubling subject. It's been weighting on my mind a great deal lately."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Problems like these need to not be the burden of one person, Lorna. You have family and friends who will help." Pietro says, taking another deep breath. "It is good that they were able to be quelled by the presence of Clarice." The man offers, motioning to chairs for them to sit at - even if Lorna wanted to sit in one of the cool tattooing chairs!

"There is no need to apologize - I am here to help you. I am fairly certain Micola can be convinced too." He winks to the artist. "I will help however I can."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola listens to the information given and she gives an understanding look to Lorna, "The ghosts that tend to hang around here like to mess with lights sometimes. It draws our intention so hey, it works." she states. She's taking mental notes though, because that's what she needed to do at the moment.

"I'm glad they managed to recognize someone. Dealing with intelligent ghosts is sometimes more of a benefit since they know you're there to help if you announce it. Sometimes echoes or apparitions can get stuck in cycles." she frowns.

She gives a soft smile to Lorna, "Absolutely no reason to apologize. Like Pietro said, no reason for you to shoulder this on your own. I'm glad to help with putting them to rest or at least getting them to move on to the next step on their path." she states.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane moves to the seats to find one for herself as well. The tattooing chair, tempting as it was, is sat in for now with one leg shifting to drape over her opposite knee. "... This is rather like a throne," she mentions with a bit of bemusement as she didn't have an actual THRONE so much as an old school office chair. It's an attempt to find some brevity in light of the tense situation.

"Thank you both. Yes. It's something that will take some time but I do intend to see to it that it's handled as respectfully, and properly, as possible. Ultimately I would like a tattoo across the back of my shoulders which could commemorate those lost, as a reminder that we will not return to that again."

An awkward pause follows, and she murmurs, "It would also be a coverup tattoo. If you do those."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Excellent! Help all around! Pietro looks more at ease with that, pleased even. He finds a seat nearby, a stool with wheels - at least he could keep moving, even if only micro-movements. There's a pause as Lorna explains the tattoo... and that it is a coverup.

He looks to her, perhaps a bit shocked. He is certain she'll explain, if she wants him to know. But... still. "Are you speaking on getting the crest as a tattoo too, eventually? Or would this be for all instances of use?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"It can be, yes." Micola chuckles to that. "Comfortable seating costs a lot and well, when people have to sit or lay for hours during a tattoo it's good to pay extra." she admits. Then there is a soft smile, "Pietro actually made a wonderful suggestion that I'd never thought of and I think helping with this might be a good start for that." she tells her.

She gives a bit of an eyebrow quirk when she mentions a coverup, "Yeah we can make it work. I'd just need to make sure that there aren't big chunky black lines of tattoo or work that into the new design." she admits. "Which can be done easily." she adds.

"Since I have both of you here do you mind me asking what you'd like to see in the Genoshan royal crest?" she asks them.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane finds her lips quirking in a smile at Pietro's reaction in spite of herself. She hadn't really expected him to react that way after all, though she HAD done her best over the years to hide the fact that she had a tattoo at all. Lightly clearing her throat she gives a nod toward Micola when further information is requested. "I suppose it's best if you see for yourself. This is why most of my blouses have one arm or shoulder covered, though," she explains with amusement, more for Pietro's benefit than Micola's.

Reaching up she moves her hair to one side before beginning to loosen a butten or two to her jersey so she can shrug the shoulder off. THANKFULLY it appeared she had a tanktop underneath so there was no need to terrorize poor Pietro.

"I do intend to get the crest as well, on my bicep. I'd like something regarding steel, or magnetic waves in it myself, though perhaps also something symbolizing unity for mutants. Or," she reasons as she contemplates ideas. "Something about crushing the Magistrates beneath our heels and freeing the mutants enslaved."

With those ideas given she turns to the side letting her shoulder be displayed. And there on the back of her shoulder was an old, faded heart with the name 'ALEX' in it.

"Don't judge too much. I was young and engaged," she lets out with a sigh. "And regretted it ever since."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro's brow arches, averting his eyes until it's realized that she does have on a tanktop. As slight peer at the tattoo, then up to Lorna's face. "I see. Hopefully this new tattoo will serve you better, and be far more artistic." A slight half-grin at that.

"Should we consider some of the older heraldric signs too? Animals? Crests?" The man rubs his chin, moving clear to allow Micola to have full access to inspect and assess the tattoo situation.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola is curious as Lorna explains the tattoo and she offers a smile to her. She gives Pietro a little nudge when he sass' his sister. She gives a look over the tattoo and there's a nod, "I am absolutely not judging. I've had plenty of girls and guys ask for coverups. Sometimes things don't go as planned and well...stuff gets removed or covered." she nods to this.

"So crest on your bi-cep and a piece for across the shoulders." she ponders. She pulls out her notebook and starts making a list of things, "Magnetic waves sort of seem fitting given you and your father." she nods to that. "Umm...I don't know if it's alright to mention him or not. I apologize if that is weird in anyway?" she looks immediately apologetic.

"I think that including the downfall of the magistrates would be an integral part of the crest, yes." she admits.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane shifts her jersey back to cover though she doesn't rebutton it at this point. Instread she just leans back in the chair lacing her fingers together while resting her hands lightly on her lap. "Yes, it's hard to make a relationship work when you find your significant other has fallen for his nurse after being in a month long coma." It's all stated deadpan with no hint of amusement. "It really would have been nice had he told me *before* our wedding day. Thankfully it was a small gathering. The cake was excellent."

Her head shakes to rid herself of that old injury she was still a bit sour about. "Sorry. I think we should stay away from animals. That's a bit 'old royalty' isn't it?" She remarks teasingly. "Besides I wouldn't be sure which animal to add in. There's so many lions out there, but none in Genosha to begin with." For a moment she hesitates. "Perhaps focusing on the magnetism is a bit much, given it's not a trait all of the family have."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a bit of thought on the comment from Lorna, even as he gives her shoulder a reassuring pat. "You are better for it, Lorna." He says, honestly. "And he is an ass." There's no doubt in his voice when he states such.

"No judgement. Perhaps a stylized X for the mutant gene? Or something similar?" He thinks, not having too much in thought for artistry. It's not necessarily one of his strong points.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a look to Pietro, trying to judge if Lorna is joking. She wasn't sure though. "I...well, he sounds like he was a right ass." she frowns. Who falls for their nurse like that?! She didn't know. "At least the cake was excellent, but I do apologize that you had to go through that." she tells her. It sucked. She gives a look to Pietro, maybe thinking of what she might do if he pulled anything like that.

She marks the magnetism off the list for now, but she keeps a running list of things. "Pietro still has to name a baby owl." she states with a bit of a grin. "So what I can do is I can make about four or five different styles and you all can see which you like the best?" she asks. "And Lorna, what are you thinking of for the coverup?" she asks her.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane closes her eyes a bit at this question while trying to envision what she was thinking of. "This one I have a bit more of an idea. The coastal shape of Genosha made up of images." It's here she frowns though a bit uncertain.

"The spirits showed themselves as torch lights. Perhaps that can be incorporated as well as some sort of..." Here she peters out sighing. "I'm sorry. This entire situation quite frankly PISSES me off, and I would rather be angry and declare that any who do such again will be squashed... but this is supposed to be a memorial. Just like in the Holocaust they were numbered. And came from so many backgrounds." Lifting her head again she asks, "What would you suggest?"

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
He does look to Lorna and then Micola. "Perhaps, like Genosha's oultine - though made of things that are found in Genosha?" Pietro hrms. "Is that what you mean, Lorna?" The man wonders, trying to puzzle out a good design.

Another hand is laid upon Lorna's shoulder, staying there a moment. A look to Micola, then a hrm. "Perhaps something could be determined once you meet with the spirits? Maybe they could get closure by helping?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod to Lorna's words about the coverup piece, "I think that would be lovely." she admits. She gives a look to Lorna though and then offers a softer smile, "You have every right to be angry. They are your people and you wish for the wrongs to be righted." she states. It's not sucking up. She just knows that there is so much on Lorna's shoulders.

"Would you mind if I took some ideas and put them down on paper for a preview of sorts in a few days. I have some visions...but hard to put it into words currently." she admits. "And we could talk to the spirits as well, if you all wouldn't mind that?" she asks them.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane is quick to nod as Pietro puts it into better words than she has mustered currently. "Yes, like that," she agrees offering him a thankful smile. "I've been a bit stressed lately, obviously. I'd appreciate that quite a bit Micola. I know it takes awhile to create a peice and would love to see what it is you come up with."

The mention of speaking to the ghosts though? She considers that a long moment. "It should be possible, I imagine. There's been no sighting of the ghost lights since the night of discovery but that doesn't mean they aren't still around, I'm sure."