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The not-quite-300
Date of Scene: 29 May 2022
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Sparrow and Honey Badger find Yara having been caught by automatons sent to kill her. The automatons are defeated and Sparrow patches Yara up.
Cast of Characters: Yara Flor, Carrie Kelley, Gabby Kinney

Yara Flor has posed:
    Gotham at night was the least likely of places to have been ambushed by a squadron of flying cavalry sent to kill her by Hera. Looking desperately for a place to land she spies Robinson Park and breathes a sigh of relief. There. She could get into a scuffle there and the likelihood that an innocent would be caught in the crossfire would be minimal.

    She leans to the left to get Jerry, her pegasus, to fly a tight circle to bring her close enough to one that she can lash out with her golden bolas. She whips it around and manages to entangle the flying griffon, the bolas wrapped around its throat.

    "Jerry!" she shouts before leaping off him. "Get clear!" With a loud battle cry, electricity arcs through the bola, causing the beast to start twitching, causing it, it's rider, an Olympian warrior, and herself to fall from the sky. Yara lands on her feet, but the griffon and the warrior aren't so lucky. The griffon is out, and the warrior is on his back, stunned. "One down," she says, looking up at the sky. "Five to go."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The night shift in the Clock tower was the best shift really, and Carrie has settled in to watch the numerous screens at once. Invisible drones, hacking into CCTV, and a number of other methods allowed her to see many of the 'hot spots' throughout Gotham, and keep and eye out for trouble.

The start of the night was boring, one armed robbery that she called the police for, sent pictures of the thieves anonymously, then sat back with her can of soda to watch the camera feed intently.

She had really not expected to see a Pegasus in Gotham, let alone one with a rider. It struck her as totally cool, clearly this was some kind of heroine, the costume seemed sort of familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

She was just getting used to the idea of the drones following the Pegasus when the enemies came into camera range, going right past the drone's visual range as the woman and Pegasus headed for Robinson Park.

Spitting soda all over the place as she sat forward quickly to slap the button on the comms, she barks out a:comms and barks out: < Heroine in need of assistance in Robinson Park, six assail... makes that five assailants. I repeat, heroine needs assistance in Robinson Park. I'm on my way there now. >

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It was one of the nights that Honey Badger was set to patrol herself. Usually she was kept as backup by most of the teams, though she occasionally would get into some altercations of her own. For as much of a 'loner' reputation as her genetic donor had, she was quite willing to work with teams and do what was best for Gotham overall. Likely why she was on the Outsiders team to begin with.

It was just one of those nights when she was debating taking a few laps around some of the worse parts of the city when the call comes out over the comms earbud she had in. Fully suited up, still pretty rested, and with nothing else to keep her from responding she flips her motorcycle around to head for Robinson Park. It wasn't too far from her location.

< Just down the block. ETA under five minutes. > Because she wasn't just sticking to streets. Bumping the front tire up onto the sidewalk she zooms along the concrete to bypass a cab that was just pulling onto the road she had been on. Another block, and she's gunning the throttle into the park catching sight of the dark flying figures circling above.

Luckily it was by the entrance stones to the amphitheater. Cutting over the grass at breakneck speeds she ramps up stone railing to launch into the air. At the apex of the jump she abandons the motorcycle by leaping off of it using her small stature and momentum to send her flinging through the air at one of the flying creatures that another figure was on.

Claws pop out only to glow with the etherial light of the moon illuminating her figure just as she lashes out at the gryphons' underbelly with one swift slash.

Yara Flor has posed:
    By the time Gabby gets there, Yara is engaged with two of the warriors. She's got her bola tied around the hand of one, and has launched herself to kick at the other. Their griffons are flanking her, getting ready to pounce.

    She sees movement out of the corner of her eye and sees Gabby rocket into the air, claws out, to take down one of the griffons that's been circling her. "I don't know who you are," she says, "but I appreciate the help." The griffon plummets to the ground, but the warrior manages to jump off just in time to avoid being crushed underneath

    She grunts as one of the griffons takes a swing at her and she /yanks/ the warrior that she's got tied up in the way, causing the griffon to strike it's master. He goes down in a cry, and that gives her an opportunity to pivot and tornado kick her other opponent, sending him flying across the grass.

    "Help keep these things off of me!" she shouts at her friend. Anybody whose helping her fight these warriors sent by Hera is her friend now.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Flipping her goggles down over her eyes and pulling the snug fitting black hood of her black armored suit up over her head, she checks her utility belt, grabs her bow, and darts down the stairs of the tower and onto the street. Getting to her bike she speaks through one of the invisible drones to the pegasus owner, "The Eye in the Sky has seen you, assistance is on the way."

Most Gothamites knew about the Eye in the Sky, but whether this woman did or not remained to be seen. Being informed by of incoming help by an invisible drone, so basically thin air, also many not mean a thing to her, but it was the only real words Sparrow could offer. There were rules that had to be followed.

The time from the clock tower to Robinson Park was negotiable depending on traffic and the risks one was willing to take. It should have taken about twenty minutes, Sparrow closed that distance in ten. Like Honey Badger she choose the quickest route, even if that meant going up onto sidewalks, or taking side alleys that normally shouldn't have vehicles going down them, but it got her where she needed to go in the quickest time possible.

< And I decree, let there be light. > She states firmly as she pulls her bow of her back and notches an arrow. The ten or more drones that she had ordered to gather around the park suddenly illuminate the area with little spot lights that pack a serious punch. No way was any thing sneaking up on any of them now.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney comes down hard from her leap and slash, and tucks into herself so that she rolls on landing. Only to come back to her feet with a springy bounce as her gloved hands come back up again at the ready. Those claws had vanished in that time but it only takes a flex to pop them out once more. "I'll introduce myself properly later," she assures Yara with a friendly enough tone that would be rather conversational if it weren't for the fact that they were in a battle.

One that becomes temporarily more complicated when the gryphon she'd essentially eviscerated comes crashing down a moment after her sending it's rider sprawling.

A quick dart forward allows her to introduce her boot to his face with a snap-kick that hopefully knocks the guy out. Either way she's already bounded back to join Yara in her fight doing what she can to keep the others at bay.

Yara Flor has posed:
    "Don't hold back!" Yara shouts, shielding her eyes as the lights suddenly get turned on /very/ bright, even though they aren't aimed at her. "They're just automatons!" Indeed, if one were to look inside the split open gryphon, there would be all sorts of mechanical devices inside. Gears and pistons, ropes and pullies. Truly ingenious work.

    The two gryphons still in the sky balk at the light being shown in their eyes, rearing up and bucking their riders off. They land on the ground with a heavy thud, but otherwise don't seem to be damaged.

    "Yeah, okay!" shouts Yara back to Gabby, untangling her bola and setting it awhirl again. "Maybe we can get coffee afterwards. It's like Gotham has 24 hour coffee shops every couple of blocks!"

    The two griffons that are flanking her start to walk in circles, sizing her up for an attack. When one of them suddenly pounces, Yara draws out the line of her bolas and sidesteps, capturing it's paws in the rope, and tying them together. She's about to stomp on its head and cease it's functioning when the other griffon leaps at her and manages to rake her back. "AUGH!"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The assessment of the situation takes Sparrow all of fifteen seconds. These weren't living things, but what they were was something she would have to ponder later. Right now the proper reaction was explosive arrows to the two still in the air.

Switching out the broadhead for one with explosives from her quiver she shouts out, "Fire in the sky! I got the flyers, concentrate on the ground opponents Honey Badger!" before taking aim and letting the arrow fly toward one of the rider less griffons. The ones on the ground were in range for Honey Badger and the pegasus riding woman.

No sooner had the arrow been loosed then she was headed toward a tree, the bow slung long enough to get herself up into it before it's back out to send another exploding arrow head toward the second griffon.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh sweet. I don't get to go full out often," Honey Badger states with a widening grin. The fact that they were automations, or robots, or whatever--That made this all the better. There was no worry about having to be cautious of keeping people alive if they weren't ALIVE to begin with.

"So many coffee shops. I think we keep them in business," she agrees just before she launches herself toward one of the men on the ground. Ducking low she goes in for the legs using her claws to try and slice them apart before it can get very far. The magic enhancing her claws gave it an edge as sharp as Adamantium without all those pesky drawbacks so long as she kept the magic freshly charged. This was the first real test for how well they worked in battle.

Yara Flor has posed:
    The exploding arrow hits its mark, and *BOOM* half of the griffon's head is gone. It spirals out of control and lands on the lawn of the park. The other one was about to dive bomb Carrie, but she's able to get into the tree before it can hit her, so it wheels back and around.

    The warriors attack at Gabby misses as she ducks, the sword whooshing over her head. Her strikes hit true, and her enchanted blades slice through the legs of the automaton causing it to fall over backwards. It's not out, yet, just down. One of the other warriors step up to engage her.

    As for Yara, the back of her t-shirt blooms red with blood, and she twists around, dodging another strike from the griffon still standing. She staggers a bit, but then loops the bola around the neck of the griffon she's got tied up, and jerks it up with enough force to crush it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
From her perch in the tree, the second arrow having missed it's mark, Sparrow pulls her last explosive arrow and notches it. As the griffon circles around, she takes a slow deep breath, letting the world disappear around her to get a good aim in on it's head. Snipers hold their breath when taking the shot, archers often to the same, and that is what she does. Get the shot lined up, holds for just the right moment and releases the last exploding arrow from her quiver.

She wasn't without ammo by any means, and the minute that arrow is loosed, she drops out of the tree, rolls up onto her feet and starts moving toward a different tree to scramble up like a monkey on crack. The feed from the drones filters through on her goggles, a full view of the battle field displayed perfectly. If Honey Badger has a heads-up display, the same feed would be linked through to give her that same adantage.

"H.B.," she calls out loudly. "Watch for two more, another of those griffon looking things, and save some parts for me to study!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
So long as the fallen one wasn't continuing to attack, that would be dealt with later. It's Sparrow's request that one be saved for her which earns a small grin as she clals back, "Already done." Come on. Like she didn't know one of the techie types would like to take this thing apart.

She does spare a quick glance toward the others just to check on them. It means she has to dodge to the side when the other one comes at her. Rather than continue to be a sitting target she tries to attack while it was over-reached from it's own attack again going to slice, and chop limbs. The arms this time, or even the head if she can reach it. Maybe they weren't THAT tall.

Yara Flor has posed:
    The last arrow Sparrow shoots strikes true, blasting a hole in the griffon's chest. It, too, whirls out of control to crash onto some of the bushes that line one of the paths, the only griffon left being the one that's attacking Yara.

    Gabby is able to dodge the slice that comes at her, and in her retaliation the warrior loses its arms and its head, causing it to land with a thump.

    Meanwhile, Yara turns to face the last warrior going after her. She hooks a toe underneath one of the swords that they were wielding and flips it up into her hand. With a swift motion she parries its attack and counters, plunging the sword in it's chest.

    The last griffon goes to lunge at Yara, but is stopped when, out from the sky, who could it be? Jerry! He swoops in and gives it a righteous kick in the head, leaving a rather sizable dent in its skull.

    Yara whirls around, ready to face another foe, but sees that they've all been defeated. She drops the sword disdainfully and goes to unwrap her bola from the griffon she downed with it. "Thank you for your help," she says. "That could have gotten ugly for me."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Dropping out of the tree, another arrow notched and ready, Sparrow sends two of the drones to do a sweep over the area, just to ensure that there really are no other opponents lurking around. At the same time, she enters a command to remotely bring one of the trucks to Robinson Park. It will follow the roads, make legal turns, maintain a legal speed, just a wonderful little toy to have sitting in a garage.

"You're injured?" she asks to the woman, noting the blood on the t-shirt while trying /not/ to look at the pegasus.... who owns a pegasus? She didn't even know they were real!

"H.B, you alright?" she then asks, looking toward the other Outsider as she does. "I don't see anything or anyone else out there," she then reports, looking between the two and finally the pegasus.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up her arm to give a thumbs-up while she turns her attention back to the one she'd dropped by cutting it's legs only. She takes a few more swipes at it just to take the arms off so that it can't do something like throw knives, or use a bow. Though that would still be hard with it laying down.

"Of course I'm all right. Thanks for asking though, Sparrow," she respondsd only to throw a grin over her shoulder. Just about this time the alert from GCPD about a 'noise disturbance in the park' comes over her comm and she sighs. "I'll go see to the cops if you want to finish up here. Sorry, I'll have to take you up on the coffee later," she offers over to Yara before taking off in a jog.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara's grin when she sees that it was Jerry who took down the last griffon is wide and bright. "Jerry! Who's a good boy? Who took down that nasty griffon? You did. You get an /extra/ carrot tonight!" Jerry trots up and nuzzles Yara's outstretched hands as she pats his nose.

    "It's just a scratch," she says, looking over her shoulder as if she could see her back. "It hurts like a bitch, though." She turns when Gabby starts to take off and she reaches out with a hand and a wince, "Wait! I don't even know your..." and she's gone. "Name."

    She shakes her head and turns to the one vigilante left. "Sparrow, right? I'm Yara. Please tell me you've got a first aid kit nearby."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sparrow offers Honey Badger a nod as she says, "Truck will be here in ten, mess will be removed."

And then she looks back to the woman. "Yeah, I'm Sparrow and that was Honey Badger," she indicates the direction the woman went. "I have a first aid kit on my bike, it's parked over there," and she points some where behind herself.

Two visible drones fly in to hover near her head as she asks, "Yara, huh?" then starts walking toward the bike. "Nice pegasus you have there."

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara grins, like only a proud pet parent can grin when their pet gets a compliment. "Thanks! I stole him from Olympus." She picks up her golden bolas and with a practiced motion, wraps them around her waist, letting the weighted ends hang at her side like some sort of fashion accessory.

    As she walks towards the bike, Jerry follows them, despite not having any reigns or a saddle or anything. He's just a good horse that knows when to follow. "Thank you for the assist," she says. "I could have taken them all, but I would have come out worse for wear."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
At her bike, Sparrow opens a hard case saddle bag and removes a first aid kit that she offers toward Yara. The report from the truck was five minutes out, which meant the drones maintaining the lights come buzzing in toward the bike. Opening another saddle bag, they zip into it and put themselves away in their recharging station.

"Stole him from Olympus," she repeats, looking back to Yara and realizing that the wound is on her back, so steps over to offer assistance with first aiding. "Okay. That why the steam punk enemies came after you?"

Just her luck, she helped a thief. "Eye in the Sky," she then says. "It's what I do, watch for trouble that requires aid, be it the police or something more.... explosive."

Yara Flor has posed:
    "Yup," Yara says, taking the kit, and watching as Sparrow stores the drones away. "I pissed off Hera when I was in Olympus," she explains. "She wanted me to be her champion but being bound to her for all of eternity wasn't my idea of a good time. She took offense to that, so occasionally one of her jerk attendants who want to win her favor will send something down to off me." She shrugs, looking back over her shoulder at the automatons, "Never works."

    She hands the pack back to Sparrow and turns her back to her, lifting the back of her shirt to show the claw marks. "How bad is it?" she asks. "It stings like a bitch." The wounds aren't deep, and they've already stopped bleeding. It's obvious that this woman is tougher than she looks, but it doesn't look like she has an accelerated healing factor like some heroes do.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
One of the drones hovering near Sparrows head goes all flashlight again, shining on the wound on Yara's back. Opening the kit, she pulls out a set of rubber gloves that go on over her leather gloves, and then some sterile water to clean off the wound.

"It stopped bleeding," she offers first, dabbing carefully at the wound. The other drone hovering near her head lowers a tiny claw, like those in the games to get a stuffed animals, and grabs the gauze to offer over to her, so she can dry around the wound.

"You're going to need stitches in this," she then adds, chewing a little at her bottom lip. She could do it, she had the training, and the kit had all that was required, but maybe a hospital would be better?

"Okay, here's your options," she begins, speaking clearly and perhaps with more authority than she had. "I can do stitches, if that's what you prefer, but I think you should consider going to the hospital."

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara hisses in pain as Sparrow dabs at the wounds, but she doesn't flinch or shy away. "Stitches," she says, sounding annoyed. "Great. Wouldn't be the first time, though."

    The question of whether or not she should go to a hospital gets some serious thought. "I think you should do it," she says apologetically. "I, um, don't exactly have insurance and don't want to be stuck with a huge medical bill." Stupid American health care system.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sparrow hmmms softly with a brief nod, already starting to work out how and where the stitches will need to go. She seemed to be expecting the 'you do it' answer, whether because of lack of insurance or the fact that Yara apparently came from Olympus, which was /clearly/ not in the Gotham area, or the planet for that matter.

"Alright," she finally says, starting to remove a few more things from the kit. "You may want to sit down, we're looking at about ten stitches, twelve if you want extremely secure."

On the seat of her bike she spreads out a plastic backed cloth, on which goes the packet with the needle, already threaded, with a long piece of surgical thread. Whether Yara sits down or not, she removes a spray bottle from the kit and starts spraying the wound. The effect is two parts, the first being to sterilize, the other is offering a slight numbing in preparations for what comes next.

"This is going to sting," she states bluntly as she removes a prepackaged needle with something in the syringe. "But once the lidocaine takes effect, you shouldn't feel anything."

Yara Flor has posed:
    "Better make it twelve," Yara says, plopping down to sit. "Ever since Brazil it's been one thing or another, and I doubt it's going to stop." She looks over her shoulder and gives Sparrow a grin, "You're a hero. You know how it goes."

    She turns back, and settles in, preparing herself for the stitches. "Let's do it."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Pouring rubbing alcohol over her already gloved hands, Sparrow opens the package with the needle, using her teeth to grab the top, then pulls the syringe out. Careful little pokes with small injections along the wound, just enough to numb the skin and that syringe gets dropped. No sooner has it hit the ground then a drone grabs it and moves it to the saddle bag the first aid kit came from.

"I wouldn't call myself a hero," she says softly, already reaching for the pre-threaded needle, again using her teeth to tear the top off and her hand to get the needle and thread out. "I just do what needs to be done."

Thirty seconds is all it takes for the lidocaine to start kicking in, so she begins the first stitch at the location of the first injection. "You see a lot of action then," she states more than asks, the drone moving the light to aid her as the other one offers up the little pair of scissors. She really did know what she was doing, each stitch being perfect and spaced to allow for a secure hold.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara doesn't even flinch when the first needle goes in. "Yeah," she says, keeping herself as still as possible as she gets stitched up. "Used to get in a lot of fights as a kid. Never really stopped, I guess. There was a period of a couple of years when I went to college when I thought I put that behind me."

    "But, when you see some creep feeling up a woman too drunk to stand, you just have to answer it with a punch to the face, you know?" Even though she's turned away from Sparrow, she can hear the amusement in her tone. "I've never backed down from a fight."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
With a small snip, Sparrow moves on to the next stitch. Her eyes are focused on the wound and what she's doing, but her ears are focused on Yara.

"I just finished a bachelor degree, so I've seen my fair share of the annoying sorority and fraternity crap," she offers, not too many details because she's supposed to be all secretive. Tim was very firm about that... secret. Really she shouldn't have lingered, but she couldn't leave the woman wounded.

"Most Americans don't really take high education seriously, the whole system of schooling is broken really," she goes on, moving to the next stitch. "Most High Schools in this country don't prepare kids for college, so when they do get to college, either by spending their parents money, scholarships or loans, they start to fail pretty early on because they weren't prepared for it. Then comes the partying, the 'if I'm going to fail, I might as well enjoy myself while I'm here' segment of their lives."

Yara Flor has posed:
    "I saw a few of those," Yara says, thoughtfully. "Almost became one, but then my aunt knocked some sense into me." She lets out a low chuckle, "Of course my degree isn't the highest of higher learning. Still. People need licensed physical therapists who actually know what they're doing."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Placing the last stitch, Sparrow drops the needle onto the cloth on the motorcycle seat and gets out a long band-aid looking bandage. Peeling off the paper to expose the sticky sides, she very carefully secures it along the wound, a little extra at the bottom as the wound is short than the bandage.

"I've known a few people who had physical therapy, an occupation that some people forget is really needed." She drops the paper and the drones immediately clean it up.

"I've been lucky, no major injuries, but I've seen some serious ones that put friends in the hospital for weeks, and required therapy to fully recover." The last thing she does it open another saddle bag and remove a plain black button front shirt, its a man's shirt but should be more than large enough to cover the bloody t-shirt.

"All done," she then says as she offers the shirt. "Figured you'd want to cover the bloody shirt up."

Yara Flor has posed:
    "Good. Hopefully it will stay that way," Yara tells Sparrow. "Vigilanteing can be hard on the body. I used to joke that I'd move to Gotham once I finished my degree because this is where all the masked vigilantes are, and that they'll need somebody to help them recover after they've been beaten up." She chuckles and turns to Sparrow, "Well, I guess I made it."

    She looks somewhat surprised at having the shirt handed to her. That wasn't something she had expected. "Thanks," she says, unfolding it and putting it on. "It'll keep nosy people from asking too many questions."

    She gives Sparrow a grin, "Thanks for the help," she says. I owe you one."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The drones had already done the job of packing most of the garbage up and hauling it away, and at some point the automated truck and pulled into the driveway. Sparrow stood back up, wrapping the cloth up and poking it into the saddle bag before, tapping a few buttons on her wrist computer. The motorcycle then starts up and loads itself into the back of the truck that lowered a ramp to permit it to do so.

"I figured that would help, don't need people poking their nose into your business," she states, tapping away at the wrist computer. Even as she continues talking, two much larger drones walk themselves out of the truck, down the ramp, and head off into the field of parts to start hauling them back to the truck.

"Listen, I'd really like to be able to tell you more about myself, but that's..." she shrugs a little, before looking up from the computer. "... I can't. What I can do though, is give you the number of my super secret ID phone, so... if you need help again, or something, you can call."

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara grins, "Ooh! A super secret ID phone! Alright. I promise that only me and Jerry will use that number." Hearing his name, the pegasus comes trotting over and noses Yara's hair with a snort. She laughs and reaches back to pat his head and says, "See? The secret will be between us."

    "It's only fair that I give you my number, too," she says. "I hop about between here and New York trying to find a job and a place to settle down." She pats down her pockets trying to find something she can write it down on before giving up. "I don't have any paper on me, it looks like."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The movement of Jerry grabs Sparrow's attention, how could it not? Distracted she just stares for a few minutes, then blinks, shakes her head and pulls a pad of paper from a pouch, along with a pen. Writing her name and number on the top page, she offers the whole thing to Yara.

"That has to be one large, sturdy cell phone," she comments, looking at the pegasus' hooves. "Stomp, clomp, clomp, wrong number... back clomp."

In the background the little drones guide the larger walking drones to the bits and pieces of riders and griffons, each and every piece being moved into the back of the truck. "I go to Metropolis and New York from time to time, but I'm usually here in Gotham. The HyperLoop is a beautiful thing."

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara laughs at the image of Jerry actually trying to use a cell phone. "I wouldn't put it past him to try." She tears off the page with the phone number on it and scribbles down her own, and hands the pad back to Sparrow. "The hyperloop is nice, but then I'd be leaving Jerry behind, and he gets destructive when he's bored." Jerry lets out a snort and turns his head away, and Yara just grins. "See? He's now sulking because he's been called out."

    She walks around to Jerry's side and effortlessly hops up and mounts him. "It was good to meet you, Sparrow. Hopefully next time we meet it'll be under better circumstances." She gives the vigilante a nod and a grin, and nudges Jerry's flank which sends them aloft into the sky.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sparrow watches the pegasus sulking, honest to goodness the horse-bird was sulking! She never once in her life thought she'd see something like that. Sure, magic was real and some alien creatures tried to eat her face recently, but a sulking Pegasus was a once in a life time thing you just don't expect.

Taking the pad back she pokes it back in her belt. "Maybe next time, it'll be on a roof top for coffee," she offers with a grin, watching as Yara moves to mount up. She considered saying something else, but instead just waves and watches the graceful movements of the mythical creature that was real as life as he takes off into the sky with his rider.

"Well... that's not what I expected for my night," she mutters, then sets herself to making certain the drones finish their work and leave nothing, not even a string from one of those creatures, behind.