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Latest revision as of 06:29, 31 May 2022

Well, Maybe Some Pizza
Date of Scene: 28 May 2022
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: Billy gets punched. Hannah punches the puncher. It's a punch-o-rama, followed by pizza.
Cast of Characters: Billy Kaplan, Hannah Montalcini

Billy Kaplan has posed:
It's a rainy spring morning. Billy has been having some heavy shit going on in his head recently so he left his parents' posh Manhattan apartment and went for a walk, not caring how wet he got. Without even really intending on it, he ended up in Brooklyn near his favorite pizza joint, Angelo's.

With a frown on his face, he ducks into a liquor store down the block for a moment and minutes later comes back out carrying a pack of Camel cigarettes. He doesn't appear at all happy as he opens the pack while he walks down the sidewalk toward Angelo's. Just as he's about to take a cigarette out he stops and looks down at the pack. "The fuck am I doing?" he says to nobody in particular and angrily tosses it into a street-side trashcan. Then he strides quickly to Angelo's before he changes his mind.

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini follows her nose to the pizza place, hoping she might be able to pick up some free food. She probably should've gotten a proper meal back at Hope House, but didn't feel comfortable making too much use of their hospitality after getting a complete outfit and a shower from them. Never mind that she donated over $200 that she'd taken from those FoH types, which would've more than covered the cost of the clothes... Her logic is questionable.
She keeps her distance from Billy for now - she doesn't know anything about him, but he seems angry about something - and heads toward the back of Angelo's to check the bins.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Lost in whatever his thoughts are, Billy is looking downward as he walk into Angelo's...and DIRECTLY into a rather large, burly man who was exiting with a pizza. The pizza sandwiches between the two of them. Sauce and cheese go everywhere. Without even a moment of hesitation, he dude screams an obscenity at Billy and blasts him in the face with a huge fist.

Taken completely by surprise, Billy takes it full on in the face. He stumbles out onto the sidewalk and falls on his butt. Still parsing what the hell just happened, a blood and cheese covered Billy sits blinking on the ground.

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Why couldn't they have waited for Hannah to check the food before getting violent? Now she has to go and help, and maybe someone else'll take whatever's back there before the fighting's over. Well, can't be helped.
She runs toward the big guy and... hesitates a moment. How can she know who was in the wrong?
Well, probably the guy who decked someone for what was probably an accident, so she swings a fist into his back. Not as powerful as it would've been if she'd gone for the full-power lunging punch she'd usually go for when getting the drop on someone, but it's still a good bantamweight-level blow, with her power blasting him with chaotic life energy that quintuples the damage done.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
All attention is locked on the slight-framed girl who just hit a burly, grown man and sent the dude down to one knee. NOBODY is paying attention to Billy, so it might be absolutely surprising to see him stand up with no blood on him, no cheese or sauce on him, and an undamaged pizza box in one hand. It's like...nothing ever happened.

"Sir, sir, I'm so sorry I ran into you," Billy says, holding out the man's now-undamaged, fresh pizza. "I caught this before it hit the ground."

Standing back up, the dude looks behind him and sees a very small girl. Can't hit her back, especially not in front of a crowd who is staring at them. He blinks in base-brain confusion as he looks at Billy. He snatches the pizza box from the young man. "You just watch it next time, punk," the confused man says, pointing a thick, beefy finger at Billy. Then he walks out of the shop and heads off, limping a little bit. That girl must have hit him really hard?

Then Billy approaches Hannah. "Hey, sorry 'bout that."

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini is confused. She may not have got a good look at what happened, but she's been living on the streets long enough that she knows fallen food when she sees it. Still, this's hardly the strangest thing she's seen over the last few days... oh, and the unharmed victim's talking to her. Time for politeness!
She greets the man with a friendly "Hello - are you unhurt? I thought i saw... um..." She trails off - maybe he doesn't want to talk about his mysterious tricks? She looks him over, failing to spot any signs of injury.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
A smile fits easily on Billy's face despite his earlier signs of irritation. "It's all good. Dude just got mad when he thought his pizza was ruined. I'm fine." Then he nods his head in Hannah's direction. "That's a hell of a punch you have there. You a boxer or something? Brazilian jiu-jitsu?"

Then, almost as an afterthought, he adds, "Oh, I'm Billy, by the way. Thanks for saving my butt just then."

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini nods thoughtfully. "His punch seemed a significant overreaction for a single pizza, though... Still, i have seen people do worse for lesser reasons. My father taught me to box, and i try to make it useful. My name is Hannah, though i am not convinced your butt needed to be saved."
She glances back toward the rear of the restaurant, wondering if she should make an excuse to get away and look for food.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
One side of Billy's mouth quirks up. "Oh I definitely needed saving," he says as his kindly blue eyes sparkle warmly. "That dude put me on my ass out there. And it's cool to meet you, Hannah."

One to trust his instincts about things, Billy looks Hannah over as he considers. "Hey, I got an idea. Let me get us some lunch. Share a pizza with me and we'll call it even. That okay?"

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Ooh... free food? Hannah begins to say the offer is unnecessary, but an audible rumble from her stomach seems to disagree. Blushing, she refrains from arguing further. Besides, it might be good to exchange power details in a somewhat more private location? To cover her embarrassment, she asks, "Will i need to punch anyone else? Not unwilling, merely asking."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Wrinkling his nose as he smiles, Billy says to Hannah, "Hmmmm, let's go a head and put a pin in the punching for the moment." He gestures to the beverage cooler. "Grab a couple drinks for yourself. Can you please grab me two Cokes while you're there, and find us a table?"

The reality bender walks up to the counter. "Hey, Donna," he says to the girl behind the counter. Apparently they know each other. "Lemme get an extra large five-cheese pie. And four drinks, please." The order is rung up. He tugs a wad of twenties out of his front pants pocket and pays for the food, leaving a healthy tip in the tip jar. Then he goes to sit at whatever table Hannah picked. "Hope you like cheese. Their five-cheese pizza here is so sick."

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini grabs the requested Cokes (not diet, because he didn't specify) and a couple of juices, then places them on a table that's fairly isolated as she waits for Billy... oh, that didn't take long.
She eyes the pizza. "I am Italian, you realise? My father would have disowned me if i disliked pizza." It's hard to tell if she's joking. "However, that is a lot of cheese." Nonetheless, she hops up on a chair to eat.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy shakes his head. "Nope, I had no idea you were Italian. But c'mon, everyone likes at least some sort of pizza." He grabs one of the Cokes that Hannah carried over and cracks it open and drains half the can in one pull. Then he plunges his face into the crook of his elbow as he realizes he's going to burp. His arm somewhat muffles the belch and his face turns red with embarrassment. "Oh my god, I'm like a beast in the forest," he says with red cheeks, neck, and earlobes. "I'm so sorry."

He leans back in his chair, keen eyes scrutinizing Hannah for a moment. "What d'you weight, a buck ten, a buck twenty?" he asks. "That was impressive putting that huge dude down in one hit."

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini giggles, then says, "I am not offended. Back in the hospital, i saw people defecate on the floor - though, admittedly, not by choice. Belching is forgivable." Maybe that could've been phrased better, though, given that you're preparing to eat...

She takes a moment to figure out the monetary question. "54 kilograms, so barely over 119 pounds." She slips an arm out of her jacket and flexes. "At my size, I can only carry so much muscle... Anyway, strength - and my little trick - are less impressive than what you did. Or undid, perhaps?" She looks questioningly at Billy. "But i won't ask you to explain more than you want to."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy sits calmly and quietly as Hannah gives the brief highlights of her biopic. When she gets to the part about her weight, he gives a low whistle. A hundred and twenty and you put down a dude in one hit. I gotta make a note to myself not to piss you off."

When she gets to the part about Billy doing and undoing things, he simply spreads his arms wide and gives a winning smile. "Hey, my only ability is to get hit in the face well and land on my ass. I looked like an idiot back there."

Hannah Montalcini has posed:
Hannah Montalcini shakes her head. "He was hardly down. But... well, you know there was more than a punch and i know there was more than being punched. Do you think an Italian would fail to recognise a ruined pizza? I chose a table away from others for a reason... still, if you don't wish to discuss certain matters, that is your choice."

She takes a sip of her apple juice, then coughs in surprise at how sweet it is. After recovering, she says, "Um... so.... how about that sports team?"

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy slides off his seat and stands. He hasn't even eaten any of the pizza. "Look, Hannah, we live in a world where trusting strangers can be a bad idea. So let's count this as our first play-date and see what happens from here." He gestures to the pizza. "Turns out I wasn't that hungry. The leftovers are all yours."

He gives the girl a smile and waves as he heads for the door. He double checks to make sure he can make it out without bumping into anyone else.