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Of Redheads and Beheadings
Date of Scene: 01 June 2022
Location: American Museum of Natural History
Synopsis: Angela and Red Sonja talk over at the museum of ancient history and shared misery.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's here. Here in the Museum of Natural History where her life changed two years ago. Where things took a drastic upheaval. And one she's still catching up with. She's in a spot over where two years ago there was a display of artifacts from the Hyborean era. Now there's a far, far different exhibit. Something she isn't even paying attention to. Mary Jane is just sitting and standing to the side.
    Of that time ago where her fingers brushed that sword, whether out of randomness, magic, fate, destiny.. And someone tens of thousands of years dead came into her soul.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela has been contracted to retrieve a particular artifact of interest for a client. She wondered why /she/ had been contacted and not, say, a thief, but beggars can't be choosers. Having been stuck in Midgard meant that she had to take care of basic necessities, such as finding a place to lodge, and meals. Then there's utilities, which confused her at first. Wouldn't the price of rent have covered that? But, alas, no amount of negotiation could sway the proprietor.

    Then came the negotiation for the price of entry into the museum. She felt that the price of entry was far too high to just /look/ at the artifacts of dead things. How could one put a price on using one's eyes? Midgard is so confusing. Additionally, there was some argument over whether or not she /could/ enter dressed as she was. She's dressed in what has been called her 'space bikini' which is just her usual garb including the sword Xiphos strapped across her hips. She assured the man, that if she meant harm she would not have bothered to stop and negotiate the price of entry. This seemed to have the desired effect.

    So now she finds herself standing beside MJ, looking at an ancient clay tablet with script of unknown origin inscribed upon it. She /could/ just smash the glass protecting it and just take it, but her peace had been part of the negotiation for entry, and she's not one to break a deal once it has been made.

    "I do not understand," she says to herself, "why one would find a slab of clay so valuable."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The woman coming up to her doesn't get her attention for most of a moment. Mary Jane just presumed she was cosplaying or sort of the local security. It would take a few moments for her to be aware that Angela had come in, and was speaking over in general. the other redhead goes to take a moment to evaluate, surprised at how Angela was approaching so quietly and yet so focused. There's a shift in posture as the girl that was just looking over at nothing at all with contemplation is now wary. Tense. Evaluatory. Eyes traveling over Angela's form.
    Taking in posture. Body. Muscles. Tendons. Mass. Height. Coming to conclusions to how fast she could move. How she carried herself. How used her hands looked to wielding weapons. There would be a full shift in posture as Mary Jane would shift fully to Red Sonja as she would then speak.
    "What then brings you here to see something so trivial?" As she would take in where Angela's attention was.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela carries herself like the huntress she is. Confident and steady, with the kind of wariness that a seasoned warrior gets when one expects to enter battle at any moment. However, her ribbons are more of an indicator of her mood than anything in her stoic body language would convey. They float about her, slowly undulating in a rather calm manner.

    She hadn't taken any notice of the Midgardian next to her. Just another random human, like the millions that live in this city. But then there's this subtle shift in her, catching her attention. This is no mere Midgardian. This is a battlemaiden who is no stranger to war.

    Pupilless white eyes consider the redhead next to her, sizing her up before answering. "I have been tasked to retrieve this object for my employer," she blatantly states. "Though, now having seen it, I must wonder why they covet such an object."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would let out a pff, "Your employer has strange tastes for having hired one such as you for something so petty as retrieving such a minor thing from a locale so open and accessible. Why go to such lengths when there were far simpler and no doubt far less expensive ways?"
    She would consider for a moment, in a casual posture that seemed in total contrast to the woman that she had just been, relaxed and thoughtful.
    "But if your employer is willing to pay in such excess for such a trivial task, then it is to your fortune thanks to their delusion." No general condemnation for 'why rob the museum'. Sonja had done worse.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "I have wondered such myself," Angela says, her tone carefully neutral. Her ribbons give away her interest in the woman beside her, however. Damn those things. "But I have debts to pay, and I do not break such contracts once they have been made." Her white eyes turn back to the tablet. "Nothing for nothing."

    "I suspect there is more to this tablet than my employer is letting on, now that I have seen it," Angela says. "I would not be surprised that, when I take it, a battle of some sort will ensue. One that a mere thief would not survive."

    "I have told you my purpose here, but I do not do so for free." She looks back at Sonja, "Come, settle this debt by telling me /your/ purpose."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Fair is fair. An exchange is an exchange. "there are numerous other possibilities, but let us say that for now your's is the most likely." She would allow. "You would know better if the thing had the stench of magic to it." An irritable look would show just what Red Sonja thought of magic.
    "The one I reside within came here to see the nothingness from what was left that brought us together. It is long gone but she tries to find some level of meaning from it where there is none to be offered."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "Perhaps the magic is subtle," she muses, "or perhaps there are others who find this tablet just as valuable. When the time comes, we shall see."

    She studies Red Sonja for a bit and makes a curt nod. "Two-in-one. I see." That explains the shift she had noticed earlier. "Sometimes there is no greater meaning," she says. "Sometimes it just /is/. A mere matter of happenstance. Your other would be well served to accept this."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would shrug, "Unlikely. If they wished to take it subtly there are many ways, even if such a thing had deeply woven protective magics into it. Take care that they do not play you for a fool. But you know this already and if they do it shall be to their eternal regret." Or very short lived.
    Very, very short.
    "She should. I have told her such many times." A light contortion in her lips likely being that of the primary inhabitant of the body making her own thoughts known.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "Indeed. If they do then they would be in /my/ debt, which I would intend to collect." There's some part of her that /wants/ this to happen. There has been a lull in action since the invasion of the false angels, and she has found herself growing bored. This would liven things up some.

    The contortion of the lips doesn't go unnoticed though. "She disagrees. Perhaps she is discontent with your arrangement?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would shrug, "the arrangement.. Not necessarily. She finds it irritable that I tell her she should move past things and she wishes to eternally ruminate upon them. If one looks too much to the past then one is consumed by it. We deal with the here and now. Perhaps with the what will be."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    The ribbons twitch in agitation, though not at her companion. Rather, she remembers when she was so rudely shunted out of the Tenth Realm into Midgard. She had searched for a way back at first, but when it became clear that there would be no easy way back she turned her focus on surviving this strange city.

    "As do I. I find myself enjoying your company," she says, with perhaps a /slight/ softening of her tone, "and I would like to exchange our names. I am Angela, Mistress of the Hunt."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would bow her head over to Angela, "I am Sonja. The.. One I share with is called Mary Jane." The exact methodology of referring to the coexistance the two shared somewhat tricky to put into words at an off the cuff manner that would not send the two into a mental scuffle with one another. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady of the Hunt."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela dips her chin in return. "I have seen what I came to see," she declares. "I am glad to have met you. May our paths cross again, and may your debts always be repaid." And without further fanfare she turns and leaves.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja would glance over her shoulder, "Good pursuit, Lady of the Hunt. May you find your quarry challenging." she would smile sadistically. "But not too challenging."