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Wonderland: Grinners & Losers
Date of Scene: 07 June 2022
Location: E05 - Kian's Dorm - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: In which two Cheshires swap grins and Kian gets totally baked.
Cast of Characters: Gar Logan, Terry O'Neil, Kian

Gar Logan has posed:
Go, go, go. That's been Gar ever since returning from Wonderland. It's been hard not to do everything at full speed, overflowing with energy, and life, and impulsiveness and more. Rabbit holes are so fun! Open one up, a good distance ahead, leap through, and boom! You're right there! Teleportation is really something else. Down to the boardwalk. Up to the top of the Daily Planet. The University. New Troy. Planet Herowood. And more.

He pauses atop Metro City Music Hall and sings,
"Oh! Well I never! Was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Cheshire!"

It doesn't exactly rhyme or have the right cadence as he gestures to the world around him, but who really cares? Off in the distance sits Titans Tower, visible or not from this perch. He knows where it is, and he paces excitedly over the rooftop, dressed the same as when the merging, or The Cheshiring, took place. Black base, purple vest and accents, fuzzy green fur where visible, and an active tail, twitchy ears, wide, interested eyes. And that grin. A very manic one.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry O'Neil opens his eyes, and then closes them again when they are offended by too much light. A groan follows soon after, and a rubbing of his forehead with the back of his hand. There's something soft under him. He doesn't want to know what it is, just yet. "Oh god-" he moans, "I feel worse than when I drank that Asgardian Mead." He felt pretty good at the time, actually. It was /afterwards/ that he felt miserable.

Like now. He felt like someone was trying to drill for oil on his forehead. And he felt dry as a bone. He finally braves in and slowly begins to open his eyes.

Kian has posed:
    Kian strokes Terry's forehead.  Depending on which way the (former) cat's eyes are pointing, he might see the window, or the mattress, or his own reflection in the mirrored walls, or perhaps even the birdman.  "I'm not surprised," the Akiar says gently.  "I think this is above and beyond, even by your standards."
    Perhaps it slowly sinks in that Terry is in Kian's room.  Perhaps not.  "Other than awful, how do you feel?"
    Yeah, really, that can only be Kian with a question like that.

Gar Logan has posed:
The Cheshire hauls out a golf club in the shape of a flamingo, with the beak serving as the club face, the legs as the grip. "Fore score and..!"


He swings and sends a ball in the shape of an even smaller hedgehog than a croquet ball. But, it's okay, because as the ball reaches its apex it explodes into a shower of glitter. "I could get used to this!" he exclaims, features less Gar now, and more feline.

But there has to be more to this story. It can't /only/ be the Cheshire cat now inhabiting a new body. Can it?

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"... I also feel awful on top of the awful..." opening his eyes some more, he looks at his hands. And then touches his forehead. And then looks at Kian. And then looks at the room, which is not their apartment.


"... Kian, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Gar?" he asks, reaching for his bracelet. "Where's... what happened-"

"No, no, it was just a dream, right?" Bringing his bracelet to his face, he flips it to show the mirror. "We're all mad here."


"We're all mad here."


Noting continues happening.

"... oh fuck."

Kian has posed:
    "It's not a dream," Kian says gently.  "I'm not sure what happened.  I was... a little busy at the time."  The scratches and claw marks have been dressed, but it's only been one day, they haven't healed.  "Gar seems to be the Cheshire now.  I was told he tried to take a shape like yours to distract the J... Jab... some Wonderland monster.  And somehow or another it seems your Cheshire Cat side inhabited him."
    He unhooks his radio from his belt.  "Gar /tenar'h/, if you can hear me, would you please come to my room?"  Hopefully the Vorpal Beast has his T-Com on him, and has it turned on, and... well, hell.  We'll just pin our hopes on 'hopefully'.
    He strokes Terry's forehead.  "How do you feel, /tenar'h/?  I mean, other than awful."

Gar Logan has posed:
While setting up another ball to whack off into the distance, there comes a voice from the device in one of the Cheshire Gar's pockets. Upon digging it out, he answers, "New phone, who dis?" followed by chortling laughter.

"Oh, right. You're one of my fine feathered friends, aren't you? I remember." He doesn't answer the part about coming to Kian's room. Yet. Instead, he says, "I'm out here enjoying everything! You should come play!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry takes this in as well as could be imagined. "I've got a headache, I feel very tired, my arm hurts... and our Gar is out there being Cheshire." He sighs, "I'm just /peachy/." Light sarcasm, but not directed specifically at Kian, "And everything was going so well before this happened."

He doesn't have his comm on, of course, so he asks "Is... Gar ok? Why isn't he here?" He tries to remember what it was like when he first became the Cheshire, and a slow flood of memories start coming in.

"Is he... um... up to something?"

Kian has posed:
    "The Gods only know," Kian answers honsetly, as if he could answer any other way.  He regards his T-Com as if it blew him a raspberry when Gar's answer comes floating back over the airwaves.  "I think the Cheshire is... a bit much for him just yet.  He's not used to it.  I don't know how much time he spent with you in his Akiar form, but I think it's not enough."
    He regards his T-Com with a sigh.  "I can't come out and play, I'm keeping Terry company, and you're more than welcome to join us."  He tries to sound light and carefree.  How much he succeeds at that remains to be seen.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Because Terry has been the Cheshire for so long, he knows what to say. He leans over and whispers something to Kian, and then leans back, rubbing his forehead.

Kian has posed:
    Kian blinks at Terry, and then sends up the line, "He says he's wearing the diamond Speedo."  He blinks at Terry again... and does not investigate for himself.

Gar Logan has posed:
"He certainly is not. I would look much better in it," claims the Cheshire. "But I believe we do need to talk. I am on my merry way," comes the voice back through the comms, Gar's yet not quite. The cadence is also a little different.

The trip there is not immediate, like it'd be if Vorpal was doing it. It requires multiple rabbit holes back to the Tower, which takes a good minute or so before there's a knock at the door to Kian's room. In that time, Terry might understand what's going on with the portals.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
By the time Gar knocks at the door, Terry is sitting up, propping himself up on his elbows, but still not looking like he wants to walk just yet.

"Well... at least he's here now. Let's go ahead and see if we can keep him focused. It's hard. It /was/ hard, when I first became..."

But that is water under the bridge. It's Gar's turn now, it seems.

Kian has posed:
    Really, the the only thing Kian can do is open the door and let Hurricane Gar in.  Carefully clamping down on his own mind, he takes Gar's arm in his and leads him towards the bed and towards Terry, to minimize the chances of him getting distracted in the two or three meters distance.
    That's plenty of space for a Cheshire to get distracted in.  Kian knows.  Two or three *centimeters* is enough space for a Cheshire to get distracted in.
    Unfortunately, he didn't know Terry quite so well when /he/ first transformed, so Kian's experience with a freshly catted brain is limited... but Terry may think the birdman looks a little dizzy as he guides Gar over to a seat.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan strides in twirling the same flamingo cane he showed up with when the transformation was complete. "Ah, greetings and salutations! Your wings are pretty," he tells Kian, before turning his attention to Terry. "And you? You're looking more pale than normal, my usual host." Is that what it is? A host relationship? Whether that's so or it's just one way of looking at it, there it is.

"Cheer up! We outsmarted our old foe, the Jabberwock, and got everyone out safely! No, wait. Did we find His Majesty? The Red King? Or is he still lost in the woods, forgetting his name and himself? A terrible fate, that. We should..oh!" About that time, he's realizing that Kian's taken hold of a bare arm, and there's that wild, untamed, chaotic nature of the Cheshire that hits him. It's less controlled than Terry's had it, and for good reason.

On the approach, his tail flicks at the tip and he extends a hand to scritch at Terry's ears. It might be nice, but it. Just. Isn't. The. Same. "It's a little strange seeing you this way, but a lot of things are strange! We're in uncharted waters here!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry exhales, leaning into the scratch. "Okay... so this is a little... unusual. When my doppelganger stole the Cheshire from me, he was trying to kill me, so this is a marked improvement."

He glances at Kian, and reaches out to grab Gar's arms to keep the bird from going gonzo, "Why don't you sit with me? I'm very tired from the ordeal, and I want to know how you're doing... are you able to focus? Think straight? What did you go do while I was asleep?"

Because he wants to make sure there is no Cheshire chaos in the city. He remembers what /he/ did first... oof.

Kian has posed:
    In contact with them both, Kian can't help but open his mind and connect them all mentally.
    Terry is familiar with the wild, chaotic rush of what it is to be the Cheshire Cat.  There's a hope that he can help Gar manage it.
    Kian too is familiar with it -- it's his favorite drug, or certainly up there in the top two or three, and perhaps with another mind in the circuit, dividing the load between three brains, adding two that are familiar with the mad mental Tilt-A-Whirl to Gar's own, it will help him manage the conceptual kaleidoscope.
    Order is *not* going to help.  The birdman takes a deep breath, and just tries to radiate a sense of comfortable calm.  If Gar can get a moment to just assert his own sense of self, distorted as it has to be right now, it just might help.

Gar Logan has posed:
"I know what you're trying to do," the Cheshire Gar remarks, though they've managed to claim both of his arms as part of their ploy. It gets him to take a seat. "I went exploring. Don't worry. I only made a small amount of glitter. You were able to use the rabbit holes much better than I can, and I know why but that's still annoying. I..ooh."

He catches a better look at himself in a mirror within the room, and he makes sultry faces at..himself. "Someone looks just purrfect! What fashion! What style! And to think you just ran around in body-hugging spandex or whatever it was, showing off your.." His fanged grin is openly bestowed upon Terry. "..assets, and more besides. Is that why we wear the costumes we do? To make everyone around us feel like they're in heat? Mrowr."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry freezes for a moment. While he knows what it's like to be the Cheshire, right now he's more or less a third person being dragged by the current instead of being the river. Still, he does his best to remember, and exercise the focus that he learned to have.

"... right, I, too, didn't have a filter when I first started. Like when I encountered Gar on that rooftop." He chuckles, "Yes, Gar, you are a very pretty kitty, but I need you to focus... because if you're going to be the Cheshire cat for... however long this lasts, you are going to have to get good at it, and faster than I did. But that's ok..." he says, leaning into Gar, "Because I've already done it, so you just have to follow my lead."

A beat, "And I will not make any comments whatsoever on my motivations for designing your new costume." He glances at Kian, "It's... hard. Staying focused. The pull is hard to resist." And this is what he dealt with every time he was the Cheshire Cat.

Kian has posed:
    Kian for his part can't help but giggle.  "Apparently being the Cheshire means having a particular appreciation for one's self.  Which," he continues, stealing a glance at Gar, "is not unjustified."
    He spreads his wings, curling them around both /tenar'yw/.  "It's a very weird path, Gar, but it's not one you have to follow alone.  Terry has been this way before, and I can help carry the load.  And if you have spent some time as an Akiar with Terry, you know it too."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan flashes the kind of smile the Cheshire is known for. "What? It's true! We dress that way so we can make others want to--" Ooh, new distraction. His tail, curling around his side, and he turns to nip at it before it waves its way out of range. "Not fair!" he laments, then he squints at both the laughing Kian and the more serious Terry. "Oh, I remember those things. Just..from a very different perspective. Yours." He'd jab Terry in the chest with a clawtip, and in fact extends said digit but comes up short. Then he tries a light nip at a few feathers. He is, after all, quite catty.

"I'm never alone. Friends everywhere. And I love this. I feel even more alive than usual, like I can do anything! I mean, I could already be anything I had in mind, but like this? Why would I ever want to be anything else? I suppose you'll be needing me back soon, though. Do you need to heal up first? That's a nasty boo-boo. Drew the Jabberwock right to you the same as if the Queen saw a line of heads to lop off."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That's... an apt way of putting it," the redhead says, looking down at his arm. The wound across his bicep has started to close again. He exhales, "Thing is, Gar, I don't know if I /should/ have the Cheshire back anytime soon until we get rid of... whatever /this/ is, and we can't do that without someone having the right magical knowledge to do it."

Pause. "Which means... it's time I set about to get Raven's powers back."

The Cheshire's antics cause him to laugh despite himself, "Gods was I /this/ bad? You must have the patience of saints. Both of you." He grins, and reaches over to stroke Gar's neck fur, "But I mean it. I think we should train. Remember when you and I trained at the gymm when I first turned? I can teach you to get better with the rabbit holes. The constructs. The... chaos wave. We will leave /that/ one for last because it's... hard to control."

"I still don't know how you did what you did. I thought your powers were, you know, genetic... manipulation of sorts. But somehow, you... I don't know what you actually did!"

Kian has posed:
    "Your cat shape is essentially an animal, Terry.  If he can copy me, there's no reason he can't copy you," Kian says, quite sensibly.  "I don't know what happened while I was, uh, engaged in the air, but it seems a fair guess that Wonderland has a strange sense of humor."
    He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and concentrates.  The image that forms in his mind is known on Earth as a Mandelbrot set, although Kian knows it as a 'self-reflective internally mirrored set'.  Benoit Mandelbrot is unknown on birdworld.  The mental image slowly zooms in, and Kian softly remarks, "And it's worth remembering that chaotic does not mean uncontrolled.  Even in chaos there's organization.  And..."
    And here, Kian breaks off giggling again.
    When he finally regains control of himself, he adds, "And Terry /tenar'h/, we need to hang a tag on your /rhy'thar/ asking people to return it to you if it goes missing again.  You really should be more careful."
    Someone definitely has a healthy dose of cat on his brain.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan worms a hand free to gesture at the wound. "And that's no normal cut. There's some naughty magic in that. As soon as it opened back up, it was after you. Ahhh, Raven. Someone worthy of admiration. So much power, and so much chaos at her fingertips. At full strength, she would be like a pool of sunlight to bathe in. Mmm." There is a dreamy look to his eyes, if only briefly.

That is because he's giggling along with Kian, not to mention Terry's own laughter. The moment is interrupted by the fingers along his neck, by the collar of his black dress shirt and striped purple bowtie. "PurrrRrrRRRrrrR. Ahem. Training. Well, I would certainly need to be able to make better rabbit holes, and things, and..do I get the fancy sword as well?" His eyes glisten, and glitter begins to flutter down upon the three of them.

"You were getting torn apart, and you were hurting as much as I've ever seen you hurting, and I thought I could confuse it by doing what I did with the Caterpillar. I suppose I did at that, but I forgot the Cheshire Rule: There Can Be Only One. It /did/ let me lead it off on a wild chase, so it was a happy accident."

He baps at Kian, the top of his head. "Don't be silly. I am right here!" His head does tilt at the Akiar.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry rolls his eyes and sighs, "What I mean, Kian, is that Gar couldn't have done that if he had just /copied/ a Cheshire. Like he said, there can be only one. Like, my doppelganger stole my powers because we shared part of the same soul. Gar nabbed my Cheshire because... he /became/ the Cheshire, and so it was impossible for me to be one? But you could have only done that if you ... like..." he gestures, "You became the epitome of Cheshireness. I wonder just what the reach of those powers of yours are..."

He chuckles, "Is it a bad thing that I am kind of liking you just blurting out what you think? You sometimes hide yourself so much for fear you'll get rejected, and never seem to understand that I always want more of you."

The redhead grins, "I'm sure Kian would say the same. Especially since you don't compliment me very often," he teases. But then he tries to steer himself back on track. "Let's... not think about basking in Rae's powers. Those are for her alone..."

He glances at Kian, "Has anyone told my mother what happened? I was supposed to have dinner with her last night..."

Kian has posed:
    Kian beeps Gar's nose.  "The last time you basked in Raven's presence, I was hallucinating in Tartarus," he says, failing to hide a smirk.  "Let's not revisit that, for the sake of what sanity we have left."
    And then he looks oddly at Terry, and then back at Gar, and then back at Terry, and then back at Gar.  "Speaking of your powers... do you still have your original one, Gar?  Or did that get bounced to Terry when you got... okay, now I feel dizzy.  But... which one of you has Gar's original /rhy'thar/?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan possesses a short muzzle in this shape, similar to Vorpal's own. His nose and whiskers wrinkle at the contact there.

"What? She's pretty, just in a deadly way.
Pretty deadly, I guess you could say.
And it's like he said, there can be only one.
No other Cheshire, under the moon, the stars, or the sun.
You like when I say what I think?
If I'm just joking, would you rather I do it with a wink?
I always knew you wanted more of me.
It was ever so easy to see.
But, as to returning me to him?
It would probably work, intentional or on a whim.
I'll try it, if that's the plan.
Then we'll see if he goes back to being my usual man."

Not once does he latch on to the fact he's begun speaking entirely in rhyme. There is a moment of concentration, then another, because he pauses to bat at some more glitter that starts to fall before holding up a finger and clearing his throat. Finally, Gar is sitting before them, back to normal, and the Cheshire...is gone from him. "Whoa," he blinks. "That's..very, very different."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It happened so seamlessly that Terry almost doesn't notice when it happens. But he notices the moment after, because chaos fills him. And magic. And he lets out an enormous sigh. "Oh wow! It worked!" he stands up almost with a leap, and twirls around, his tail describing a wide arc, "Amazing! Garfield Logan, you are absolutely a-mazing! It's true... you somehow can tap into..." he pauses, and then his eyebrows raise. "Well, you've tapped into /me/ more than enough, should I really be surprised?"

And then he looks at Kian, and winks.

Kian has posed:
    Kian doesn't look like he noticed anything -- if anything he's a little glaze-eyed, and he makes a noise that would probably have to be spelled "*gk*!" in a transcript.
    Being in physical contact with both at the moment of transfer seems to have hit him pretty hard.
    "Heh hee hee... /c'Rhys'yw/."
    Seeing the Cheshire in someone else's mind is one thing.  Having it pause and say hi is another matter entirely.
    "Is that really what it's like inside your head all the time?" Kian asks, more than a little dreamily.  "That's... yeah.  That's definitely a thing."
    The only reason he's remotely upright is because his wings are still curled around Gar and Terry.  He looks very wobbly otherwise.  "That's better than chocolate...."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan rubs the side of his face, still leaning into both. The change just..happens. Vorpal is back, magical wound and all that, and Gar himself looks somewhat dazed as well. Not on the level of Kian, who got all of that and then some through the connection, but Gar needs a moment to center himself again. "That felt..wild. Like, dude. Really, really wild. And there you go, saying what you're thinking. So much for a filter." So says the one who was just exhibiting little to no filter, himself.

He takes in a deep breath, lets it out. "So..what does this mean for all this? How do you want to handle it, knowing..you know..?" He gestures between them, then throws in a ruffling of feathers for Kian for good measure. "I think our birb is extra loopy right now."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Nowhere near as bad as you, love," Vorpal says with a smirk, "I don't go around speculating about uniforms and being in heat. Well, not /now/. I've learned to hold back." Yes. That is holding back. Frightening, isn't it? "But..."

He looks at his arm, where the wound still shows, and sighs, "Out here is fine, but I don't think I should Cheshire in Wonderland. Not until this is fixed. So we are going to have to train you, my dear. As of tomorrow, we are starting on a Cheshire regimen to keep you focused, and to learn how to use the Rabbit Hole. This could be advantageous for us, as the Jbberwock didn't mark /you/. But only if we can get that wonderful willpower of yours aligned enough to hold back the floodgates that threaten to break every time you go Cheshire."

He walks over to Kian and strokes his chin. "Yes. Poor birb. He's gotten a glimpse of what it's like to be us, instead of experiencing us. Even if it's just a bit, we can be a very tall drink." He crosses his arms, and glances at Gar. "If you think you can behave enough, you can have the Cheshire for the next few hours. I'm planning to talk to Troia for a bit, and then see about restoring Raven's powers... somehow. You can take that time to start building a little tolerance to the rollercoaster."

Kian has posed:
    "I can help," Kian says, though he still sounds a little wobbly.  "Gods know I'm used to Terry's mind."  He shakes his head clear and sits up a little, no longer propped up only because he still has a wing hooked around Gar's shoulder.  "Maybe not quite so first person, but... yes.  Remember about fractals.  There isn't necessarily order in chaos, but there is sometimes organization."
    He smiles, a little giddily.  "And I want another taste of that anyway."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan gets back up as well, just because he needs a moment to work out the tightness in his muscles. And there's a blush to hide at Vorpal talking about /him/ talking about uniforms and..the rest of that. Ahem. Did he actually /say/ that when he was..? Oof.

"Yeah, yeah. Need to learn more, need to keep the Jabberwock off-balance, but Kian? You can't just keep feeling all that. I'm sure's not healthy for you, no matter what you think. You're starting to sound like an addict," he warns, raising a brow toward the Akiar. It's no secret that Gar, no matter how much he's taken the form of Kian's people, hasn't spent nearly the amount of time Kian has when it comes to mental contact with Vorpal and all that chaos.

Clearing his throat, he says, "You can go do that. I'll start, you know, trying to focus more on keeping my seatbelt on." When clearance is given, then and only then does Gar reclaim the Cheshire, his usual outfit replaced again by the dapper cat. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he vows, tail swishing behind as he crosses his arms.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry smirks, once the Cheshire is taken from him. He walks over to Gar and puts his hands on his shoulders, "And I forgot to tell you-- thank you for saving my life yet again, my hero." He grins and leans forward to reward the Cheshire with a deep, loving kiss that will probably have him talking about uniforms all over again. "Now you be a good kitty and try to keep /him/ from getting addicted to us, okay? We may be the perfect drugs, but we don't want to overdo it."

He walks over to Kian and kisses /him/ too, and pats his chest, "Now you sit down and spend time with Garshire, while I go take care of some things. I expect to find both of you here when I come back and not, say, on the moon."

He starts walking towards the door, then, chuckling to himself.

Kian has posed:
    "*pff*.  It's strictly mental, and if an emergency cropped up right now, I could clear my head before I got to the door," Kian says dismissively, both his gaze and his voice taking on focus that was lacking scant moments ago.  "And there's no reason not to enjoy it while I can.  Though it's probably a good thing I can't be a Cheshire bird.  I can't see adding chaos to quantum uncertainty as anything other than something we really don't need."
    He snuggles in against Terry, and then against Gar as Terry makes to leave.  "The perfect drug is one that can be shaken off immediately if necessary.  It's not as intense as when I was helping you recover from getting healed, Terry -- remember, when your mother surprised us.  And I was able to get back to normal in just a few minutes."
    He pauses, and blinks.
    "Well, almost normal.  But I will try to keep Gar from doing anything crazy, I promise."