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Latest revision as of 11:48, 8 June 2022

Pieces of Mind: Magic Interlude
Date of Scene: 08 June 2022
Location: NYU Skirball Theater
Synopsis: Jon speaks to one of the mages from the theater, to find out what really happened with the odd ritual.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Jonathan Sims

Charles Xavier has posed:
After the events of the Sunday show, there were a lot of loose ends that needed tying. Due to the reversed ritual in the theater, the awareness of everyone from that theater was restored. Few of them had any real memory of what exactly happened, which was probably a kindness. There were some very injured witches and warlocks, who were rapidly arrested or taken in for medical treatment, but the one that changed course and helped to restore all of the people has, at least for now, only been held behind for Questioning.

He's seated at the end of a row in one of the theater chairs, and is reclined back a little bit, eyes closed. He looks like he's maybe late thirties, short light brown hair and clean-shaven, casual attire overall. He has some blood on him, just from being in physical melee with the others, and some ritual chalk on his pants' knees. He's just seated there, while others in the room still move about and are being questioned or assisted, waiting for his interviewer.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    After waking from his astral travel it's a simple enough thing for Jon to portal over to the theatre, though he doesn't quite hit it on the mark. So it takes him a few extra minutes to get there, and he doesn't look much like an Official Sort, wearing t-shirt and jeans and sneakers, with his hair dyed in shades of blue and teal and green. He walks over to the mage who changed sides with his hands in his pockets, ignoring exhaustion to give the man a tired sort of smile.

    "Long day, huh?" His accent marks him out from the others around, and he pulls his hand out of his pocket to offer it to the man. "Dr. Jonathan Sims, the Archivist." A beat. "And SHIELD agent. Mind if I have a seat?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
The mage doesn't open his eyes at first, just smiles vaguely, but then does open them, takes in the offered hand, and shakes it. He has sort of calm hazel eyes. His appearance doesn't scream 'warlock'. "Mattias. Hi," Mattias identifies himself. "Archivist and SHIELD agent? Eclectic life callings, huh?"

Mattias gestures to the seat next to him, with a 'by all means' motion.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon shrugs. "It's not as strange as it seems. I'd get into all the reasons but I doubt my life story would be terribly interesting to you." He moves to sit down with a sigh and takes a moment to settle himself before going on.

    "I'm also a psychiatrist. I'd like to help... well. I imagine going through all this has been as traumatic for you as it has for those of us dealing with it." He tilts his head a bit. "Mind telling me what you were doing here tonight? Seems like an awful lot of work to go through just to try to undo it at the last minute." He's putting on his best 'friendly' bedside (couchside?) manner, just now.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Yes. There was something of a... usual suspects situation here. I don't know if you know the reference," Mattias begins, pausing to see if Jon follows what he's talking about, but he then adds a little more anyway.

"Members of a coven were picked out by this... we'll call him Soze for now, eh?" A smile, but it isn't funny really - Mattias just lacks a better name for the man. "And were threatened with a variety of things. Things they're afraid of happening. Their families being harmed." Mattias seems to be keeping himself distant from it, which could just be a way that he's decided to cope: distance. "They had to do this ritual, or...."

Mattias looks at the stage. "But he changed the ritual, and suddenly left."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns thoughtfully. "I'm aware of the reference. I'll presume that's not a confession to being this 'Soze.'" If it is, it's awfully brazen. "But alright, so... you were all brought in and blackmailed into performing this ritual, essentially. Did he tell you what it was meant for, originally? You say he changed it--I'm presuming what we got was not what was intended."

    After a pause, he adds, "Are you part of the coven at the university, or another?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
"What? No, I'm not saying I'm Soze, in this case," laughs Mattias, amused by that. "No, I was one of those picked. I just... also realized all of it was fantasy. The threats. It's all mental manipulation. He doesn't have my sister." There's a sort of dark amusement there, but also some anger, or something akin to it. Insulted.

"I'm still trying to decide what I think happened. But it looked like he kept most of the information about what this was from us, twisted it, and then left the situation to do smething more important. This was supposed to be a ritual which would hold some people hostage temporarily - logical, considering what he claimed to do with us. But then he put in some psychic overload into it, and twisted it into something I've never seen. Still... I think we were a distraction, at best. Like lighting a fire and then going off to do the real robbery."

"I know Nancy and Fiona. They were here," Mattias answers. "Among others. I'm not in a group personally, just linked in. I teach ritual magic."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon furrows his brow. The /real/ robbery? He's trying to put pieces together, but he's surely going to need help. "Some from the university coven, then. Hmm. How long ago did he recruit you all? And you say you teach ritual magic--did you recognize any markers, identifiying... symbols or languages, for instance?"

    After a moment, he adds, "And why did you turn on him? Just because you realized he didn't have your sister?" His tone sounds... sympathetic, if nothing else.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"I resisted his suggestion that he had her, but played along. I wanted to find out what he was doing, and besides, Nancy and Fiona are... under my protection," Mattias says, a bit sharply -- which could just be frustration about this failure. "When it became clear that he wasn't even here anymore, and what this was, I moved to stop it. And yes, I did see a lot. He was pulling out some very old horrors here on this stage, through the group. I'll have a lot to dig through, later. I suppose that's really why I said Keyser Soze -- something strange happened here, and it points to old, dark things. Very few people can manipulate a ritual midstream... that aren't mages themselves. The thing is, I never saw him do magic. This was... a puppeteer."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns thoughtfully. "What sort of old, dark things?" He peers at the man firmly, a vague hint of teal in the back of his eyes. "I know more than a bit about magic myself--and more than just ritual magic. I regularly talk to gods and I've stepped outside the universe more than once. The people I'm working with, they're of similar caliber, in their own fields." He may have little idea just /what/ Jane Foster is, but she's clearly /something/. And some of the things he's seen the mutant psychics do, let along Xavier, is /very/ impressive.

    "What I mean to say is, if anyone can stop this 'Soze,' it's those who are working on this case. If you can give me the ritual, we might be able to undo it. And if you can imagine him for me, very firmly, past your mental shields, I can get a clear sketch of him to the others so we know who we're looking for."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Gods? Sounds exhausting. I'd rather stay away from those. ...Give me a little time, and I'll prepare it for you. I know I look wonderful, but this was a lot. Holding him out of my head was a great deal. I can reach out, though, when I have prepared what you've asked for. Is that reasonable?" Mattias questions. He rests his head partially on his fingers, with a deep sigh but a ready smile.

"I have to unlock my own memories and access... the labyrinth I created to get through this today has a headache side effect. I promise I am far more pleasant usually." He clicks his tongue. "What contact type do you prefer? Are you more an email, or a magic token sort?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Definitely reasonable," Jon says, though both eyes and smile are tired. "Email's fine, though. Best for even willworkers who serve ancient gods to keep up with the modern age. Keep the back of tricks up to date, as it were."

    He hesitates, then adds, "You did the right thing. Keeping him out, turning on him, helping us. I know it must have been exhausting. So... I'll let you get some rest, and unlock it all, and you can send it along when you're ready. Okay?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
With that agreement made, and information exchanged, Mattias will relax.. but clearly cast some light spells to check on the women. It isn't invasive -- at least, not beyond what a teacher of magic might do to be sure his pupils are all right ... but from Mattias' expression afterwards ... he's very upset by whatever he found.

Perhaps rest will come a bit later, for him.