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Latest revision as of 15:51, 8 June 2022

  Cheyenne Brawley  
Cheyenne Brawley (Scenesys ID: 4160)
Name: Cheyenne "Buster" Brawley
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Formerly: oil rig roughneck. Currently: diamond broker.
Citizenship: United States
Residence: New York City
Education: High school diploma; vocational training.
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 28 Actual Age: 28
Date of Birth 22 Feb 1994 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Sandy blonde Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Buster is a humble country boy that expected to live out his days working in the Texas oil fields, but now he's in the Big Apple with a real life, honest to goodness super power: carbon control. He believes that love comes into being through useful service to others. Now the hard part: doing it.


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Detailed History 1:
Buster (he hates his name, Cheyenne) wanted to live with his dad, after his parents divorced; but the courts didn't care, so he ended up with his mother in San Angelo, Texas. An alcoholic, she struggled to hold down a job, and money was tight. Fortunately, he turned 14 that year, and took a job waiting tables at Jinglebob's, the local 'que spot, and brought home as many leftovers as he could. He also took to stocking up on canned goods, and eating them alone, in his room. Mama didn't need any more burdens, especially after she traded the booze in for meth, and she didn't let him forget it.
At 18, he cashed in on the fracking boom and became a bona fide roughneck. Before too long, he had learned to climb the monkey boards and knew the valves as well as anyone.
Two days before his 22nd birthday (by then he a single-wide of his own) Buster was gifted the unenviable task of clearing sludge from the overflow conduit (tanks are supposed to be scrubbed clean between each filling, but as boss-man Schrader was fond of saying, they were there to make money while money was to be made, not jump through hoops for regulators) so he cracked open the maintenance hatch on tank 13 and descended down into the darkness. Alas for Buster, maintenance on the safety equipment wasn't so hot either, and his harness tore loose around his waist, spinning him around and tumbling him like head over heels like Raggedy Andy into the cold, molasses embrace of crude oil. As he sank into the abyss, railing against the black in panic, his spirit took over. They say if you toss a newborn into water, it will swim on instinct. If asked, that's the best explanation Buster could give. Somehow he reached into the very fiber of the oil and pulled it apart, manipulating it like a child busting a toy made of Legos and putting back together in a novel way. First, he managed to open an airway, and then he managed to make a path to the emergency exit hatch and twisted it open. He, and countless gallons of crude, spilled out into the hot clay dust, gasping for breath. His crewmates didn't know what to make of it, and neither did he; to them, it was a miracle, but to him, it was an opportunity.
Anthrakinesis might be a close stab at proper terminology, but Buster calls it carbon control. It started with a humble chuck of charcoal from the ashes of his Backyard Pro 554SMOKR60KD 60" Wood Smoker Grill with Adjustable Grates and Dome (why make the money if you can't enjoy spending it?). It took him the better part of three months just to learn how to move a few grams with his thoughts. But it got easier. He took to carrying a knob of graphite in his pocket, and worked with it throughout the day. Within a year, he was pulling carbon from the dry weeds poking through the asphalt yard around his trailer. Soon after, he was pulling carbon right out of the air (alas for Al Gore, one man can only do so much, even with hocus pocus). All of it was training for his chief aim, the only real alchemy that humankind has ever achieved: converting carbon into diamonds. By 25, he had mastered the art of turning trash into treasure, and he said goodbye to Concho Grounds forever.

Detailed History 2:
It started with Austin, then Dallas, then New Orleans, and it was on to Las Vegas. Fast cash, fast cars, and faster women; he had it all. Except joy. The first time he drained an entire bottle of Crown on his own and cracked open another, it sank in. Childhood memories flooded back; of his mother's fate, but also the super folks he used to see on TV. Like any child, he wanted to be one, but knew it wasn't possible. He wasn't even average, let alone normal. Being somebody's superhero was a pipedream. Maybe.
At 28 years closer to the grave, with nothing to show for it, he bought a property right next to The Slammer, Penn Jillette's mansion in the Las Vegas valley, and he went to work. If Ice Man (what was his name - Wim Hoff? No, Bobby Drake) could sculpt water vapor into all manner of marvels with no more than his imagination, Buster Brawley could do the same with the basic building block of all organic life. He invested a year out there, sweating and toiling in the Nevada sun. And failed. It was one thing to turn an apricot-sized hunk of coal into a payday, but making a wall of Q-carbon fast enough, and big enough, to stop a charging juggernaut? No way. So he packed his bags and headed for the Atlantic coast. If anyone could teach him how to be a hero, he'd find them there.

*1994: Born in Fritch, Texas to Stanley and Monetta-Lynne Brawley.
*2008: Parents divorced; moved with mother to San Angelo, Texas.
*2008: Got a job at Jinglebob's barbeque.
*2012: Got a job as an oil industry rough neck with Angelo Energy Company.
*2016: Fell into a silo full of crude oil and discovered that he could manipulate carbon.
*2019: Learned how to convert graphite into diamonds; started working as a diamond broker and moved around various major cities throughout the southwest.
*2021: Decided to pursue a life of super-herodom. Trained for a year to potentiate his abilities.
*2022: Moved to New York in search of a mentor, and likeminded comrades.

IC Journal

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Addictive Personality:
Like lots of folks who grew up poor, Buster has been known to rely on something or other to help get him through the day-to-day struggles. Alcohol, in his case. He's been sober for a while, now.

Buster isn't the first country boy to be a little slow to understand that not everyone is as honest as he is.

Buster has seen the world the way it is, and he can imagine the way it could be: a bright and noble, collaborative, creative effort including all of humanity. More or less.

A body doesn't take employment as a roughneck, and risk life and limb on the monkey board on a daily basis, without a daredevil streak.

Character Sheet


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Carbon Manipulation: Buster is able to manipulate elemental carbon, with the capabilities of conjuring it from various sources in his surroundings, rearranging its chemical structure to suit his needs, and moving it telekinetically (or with his hands, of course) all with some limitations.
As long as he is making physical contact with a source of carbon, he is able to draw carbon from it. On short notice, he can conjure carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere at a rate of 1lb/minute. If a concentrated source of carbon is available, such as a full vehicle fuel tank, a deposit of limestone, or a slab of concrete made with Portland cement, he can conjure carbon at a rate of 10lb/minute. He can also use his hair, or clothing made from a carbon-based material, in an emergency; and in the direst of need, he can take it directly from his own flesh, no more than a couple of ounces, and even then with severe detriment to his health, akin to radiation sickness; if he is making physical contact with an enemy, without an elemental barrier in the way, such as metallic armor, he can use this capability offensively. He can also will a crystalline structure to separate into pieces of varying size, such as turning a hunk of diamond into a hunk of tiny shards, similar to diatomaceous earth, or turning a piece of graphite into a fine powder. Using his power is akin to doing strenuous exercise, and he can keep it up for about as long as he could sustain a high-intensity workout.
Buster is able to reproduce any carbon-based material that he has already established a telekinetic "memory" for. The easiest are those comprised entirely of carbon, like Q-carbon, diamond, graphite, amorphous carbon, and fullerenes. With a little effort, he can combine carbon atoms with one other element, provided the element is naturally copacetic with carbon (such as hydrogen, nitrogen or oxygen) to produce simple compounds like hydrocarbons and oxocarbons. Conversely, he can leech carbon from a molecular structure to change it; for example, he could remove carbon from a piece of steel to weaken it. Once he has an object with a given chemical structure in place, it becomes easier to add on to that same structure - for example, if he were gradually blocking a doorway with a screen of Q-carbon, it would become somewhat faster and easier once he had established a starting layer, because the carbon naturally wants to follow an existing crystalline pattern; however, switching from diamond to graphite would be like starting over from scratch.
He can easily move highly concentrated carbon with telekinesis, but generally with no more force than he could if he were using his own body; for example, he could "throw" a baseball-sized hunk of diamond like a major league pitcher over a distance of 60 feet and 6 inches, or he could lob it upwards of 400 feet; however, a hunk of diamond the size of footlocker would take substantial effort to move more than a few yards. Additionally, he can influence matter with a high carbon content, such as concrete or organic material, using his telekinetic abilities, but it requires about 10x as much effort; for example, he can obliterate a mosquito with little more than a glance, but moving a cat would take as much effort as moving a 100-pound dumbbell, and the attempt to do so would risk splitting the carbon inside the cat's flesh from other elements, so it must done with great care; attempting to move a human-sized object of organic material would amount to little more than a playful shove. He is able to move a particulate form of carbon with as much ease as a solid object of equivalent size. In order to "take hold" on an item, it must be no further than he could reach with his body, but once he has established a telekinetic link with an object, he can continue to manipulate it at a distance of 100 feet with ease, or with increasing difficulty up to a range of 500 feet.


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Auto Mechanics:
One of the advantages of growing up poor is that you can't afford a new, computer-based model of automobile, or the luxury of paying someone else to fix a car for you. A body has to learn to make do themselves. Consequently, he could work on most pre-mid-90s models of cars professionally, if he wanted to, and has a strong overall understanding of analog mechanics. Anything with a critical computerized element, however, is beyond his scope of understanding.

Buster used to work as a barbeque pitmaster's assistant, and knows how to make a mean brisket, along with some delicious sides.

Diamond Brokering:
Making diamonds is the first thing on any child's get-rich-quick wish list. Buster can really do it. He is a card-carrying member of the The Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of America, with a broad network of connections in the diamond trade, ranging from the finest jewelry brands to manufacturers of high-quality industrial abrasives.

Buster knows his way around an oil refinery. That web of pipes and valves makes perfect sense to him, and he can climb it like a spider-monkey without a safety line (not that there's much call for it in the Big Apple). Sure enough, he can climb other things, too.


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Vast Wealth:
Buster became a multi-millionaire selling diamonds, most of which sits untouched in an a variety of accounts overseen by a team of hired accountants and managers. Early on, he dived in head first and sold as many as he could manage. Nowadays, he is content with a low seven-figure salary based on quyality over quantity, selling a few hundred carats of the highest quality diamonds each year at top prices to a handful of picked clients.


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Carbon Reactionals:
Buster has to be careful when working with carbon. The games he plays by manipulating molecules isn't a free lunch; it's introducing energy into a system. Carbon is highly flammable and the various hydrocarbon gasses at his command are downright explosive under the right circumstances. If he loses focus or overextends himself, or feeds combustibles to the wrong pyromancer, a flashfire could erupt that puts everyone in the area (including Buster) at significant risk. *credit to Chaucer

Carbon Requirements:
With carbon manipulation, Buster can make something big, fast, or cheap; but he only gets to pick two out of three. For example, with enough time, he can make something big out of thin air, using just ambient CO2; but to make something big quickly, he would need an equally big, dense source of carbon close at hand.

Diamond Cartel:
De Beers of South Africa and the Russian firm ALROSA control 50% of the world's global diamond markets. It's a multibillion dollar luxury industry and Buster's ability to create massive flawless diamonds is a serious dent in their market dominance. He hasn't *seen* cartel assassins yet... but there have been a few too many close calls and mysterious strangers following him around. *credit to Chaucer

Buster has no sense when he's being played. Double if there's a dame involved. And he's a sucker for a street game, con or no. *credit to Chaucer

Buster doesn't do computers. Or cell phones. Or social media or video games or modern cars. He's highly suspicious of anything that seems to be thinking on its own. He prefers mechanical devices, preferably with big valves and levers that make satisfying *thunk* noises. *credit to Chaucer



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Cheyenne Brawley has 25 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Another Rule of Fight Club July 13th, 2022 An old fashioned networking affair happens as Cheyenne confirms his desire to crossover to the Brotherhood side of things.
Milkshake Madness. July 7th, 2022 Gabby moves to Bushwick.
Buster visits the Genoshan Embassy. June 30th, 2022 No description
Need Caffeine; On the Scene June 29th, 2022 Monet meets Cheynnee and hears about his ongoing work and they talk.
Buster and Gabby get ice cream. June 25th, 2022 Ideas and Ice Cream
Hulk smashes, without the capitals. June 25th, 2022 A smashing summer's day in Montauk.
Any crash landing you can walk away from... June 24th, 2022 No description
Investigating Bane's Organization June 24th, 2022 Buster and Hex get their records checked.
Downtown In Mutant Town June 24th, 2022 Mutant meet and greet.
Investigating Venom June 23rd, 2022 Richard Stadler has a new project.
The skills you have, the skills you could have June 23rd, 2022 No description
Jacob Visits Buster June 17th, 2022 Cain Marko learns he needs to work on his reputation.
Networking June 15th, 2022 Coffee in the making.
The Morning After the Party June 13th, 2022 Wonder Man threw a house party.
=Going with the flow, in Mutant Town. June 12th, 2022 Bane commits the city's biggest party foul.
Hellboy's Carbon Extraction. June 12th, 2022 Holy Steel on the way.
=Buster and Hex meet for the third time. June 11th, 2022 Hex teaches Buster to be less swirly whirly.
The Booms in the Bank Explode Round and Round June 11th, 2022 The Bomb Queen goes for booms at the bank but gets Buster'd up.
Buns On A Bus June 10th, 2022 The White Rabbit breaks into the Museum of Gems and steals a necklace. Some people rush in to stop her. Other people watch.
It's a Wonder, Man. June 10th, 2022 At a signing for his new memoir "My Life As a Super Man", Simon Williams meets a whole gaggle of fans in the form of Meggan, Heather, Cheyenne, and Emma. John Constantine grouches.
=An Afternoon in Mutant Town June 9th, 2022 Buster and Hex go on a second date.
=Spiderman recommended the hotdogs. June 9th, 2022 Hot dogs, meetings, and ice cream
June, Jake, and Buster, Part 2 June 8th, 2022 Like calls to like.
Strange Company at the Long Night June 8th, 2022 Buster and Jacob meet at a bar and come across a strange young woman with a serious problem.
Brooklyn Beatdown June 8th, 2022 Buster and Hex meet for the first time.


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Cheyenne Brawley has 25 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Cheyenne Brawley has been credited in 0 shows.

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Cheyenne Brawley has been credited in 0 albums.

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Cheyenne Brawley has authored 0 books.

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