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Latest revision as of 15:20, 9 June 2022

Fly the Friendly Skies
Date of Scene: 08 June 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Angel meets Beetle and Joan and Ted's putting on a show!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Joan Wright, Warren Worthington

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord has met other heroes around his building before. He met the in the building as well. He just wasn't used to meeting one while flying. Not to mention, Warren Worthington was one of the more visible heroes (the wings helped obviously. So after a near collision, what could the Blue Beetle possibly do except invite him back to the penthouse for take out and a few beers? Also Joan was coming over for the night and he was in high spirits. She'd be thrilled he was sure.

Dropping down and stowing his aero-disks he open the door to his pad and calls inside, "Joan, I brought you a surprise! JOAN!?" He lets out a very loud and sharp whistle. A couple of bots flying around look visibly shaken.

"C'mon in. She's going to be thrilled to meet you."

Joan Wright has posed:
As Ted gets in, he ends up finding one of the bots in the process of cleaning up something off of the floor. The scrubbing speeds up. As for Joan, she's not immediately present in the main room. Save for the sound of the scrub scrub and the bots flitting about, the only other sound is the washing machine going through a cycle.

"Coming!" Joan calls out.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren chuckles and shakes his head as he back-flutters just enough to land smoothly after the Blue Beetle. Dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and top three buttons undone, blue shorts, brown belt and grey dock shoes without socks, Warren looks like he was out for day at the golf club or on the boat, even though he had told Ted he was coming back from a work thing. Warren follows Ted and glances around.

"I like it, you lived here long?" Warren asks conversationally. He runs one hand through his hair to settle it after the flight. Warren smiles a bit when he sees the trampoline and walks over to admire the picture of the the Blue Beetle and Justice League on the wall.

"You have kids?" Warren asks with a wave toward the trampoline.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord snickers. "The trampoline is for me. I do acrobatics. No kids. I have bots. They keep becoming self-aware. But I raise them like kids. They play, socialize like kids. It works. None of them want to destroy mankind. That one is... number Nine... Bopper. I think he became self aware but won't admit it. Kind of shy. Oh, the little one with the wild paint job is Bailey. Bailey identifies as a girl and gets really upset about being called 'it' or 'he'. I don't know what Joan is getting into. " He pulls his cowl back and removes his goggles. Bopper continues scrubbing and avoiding Ted's gaze.

Joan Wright has posed:
There's the sound of a door opening off to the guest area and soon the shuffling sound of slippers on floor can be heard. Upon crossing doorway into the main living area Joan is revealed. Hair damp, it is resting flat upon her face with drizzles of water traveling under the fluffy white bathrobe and the collar of the blue pajama shirt underneath. Fortunately it appears she found the matching pants to go with it. All of it a bit bigger than she actually needs.

That's correct. Ted's closet got raided again.

Ok. THIS time it wasn't planned.

You see, what had happened was-

No. It'll take too long explaining. But the long story short is the outfit Joan is wearing is not the one she had when she came into the penthouse. So instead of the nicely fitted dress pants, dress shirt, and satchel to make up for the insufficient pocket provisions of the pants, She's wearing- Something else.

Despite the reason for it, Joan seems pretty comfortable in her chosen attire.

"You won't believe what B-" Joan starts out, pausing as she notices the guest, that is clearly not a Booster.

"Oh my-"

Well it's a good thing she at least combed out the hair after washing it.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren nods when Blue Beetle explains about the trampoline and the robots.

"I will be nice to your kids, I support all sentient lifeforms. Even if they're in denial," Warren says and winks at Ted.

Warren turns from the picture when Joan comes in. If he notices Joan's outfit is dressed for a slightly different circumstance, it does not show. Warren walks over and offers his hand like this is the most normal situation in the world.

"You must be Joan, pleased to meet you, I'm Warren," Warren introduces himself with a smile. He steps back a polite distance. "Ted and I bumped into each other overhead and he invited me in. I hope you don't mind."

"I'd ask what you use the suit for, but," Warren says to Ted and gestures towards the picture on the wall. Then he turns his attention back to Joan. "Are you out fighting supervillains, too?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord walks over to Joan and kisses her cheek. He whispers, "I'm dead when he leaves, right?" He looks back as Bopper finishes the scrubbing. He shrugs. "Anyway, we can get some Chinese food. I have a deal with a place, they send us a little of everything. Bobo, go get us the usual Chinese take out and whatever Mr. Worthington would like." A very large bot floats over to Warren and waits.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives Ted the sweetest smile in response to his question. "A phone call would have been nice." She responds back in a whisper.

Being that she's already been seen and she's not exposed where it counts, Joan remains in the main room, looking over to Warren, and then to the picture, "Oh no. I usually show up after the villains leave to help with the cleanup." She pauses before offering clarification, "I work for Damage Control."

She looks over to Ted. "Dinner sounds nice." The peace offering is accepted.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Warren is fine," the angel mutant says to Ted with a smile, then looks to Bobo. "I'll have the same as Ted, please."

"Damage Control? Well, thank you for the work you do. I can't imagine what you end up seeing. Can't be easy helping people pick up the pieces," Warren says. "And you, too, Ted. You take a lot of risks to keep people safe, I don't think it's appreciate enough."

"Is there a bathroom?" Warren asks, creating a natural break in case anyone wants to re-attire while the guest is otherwise occupied.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. "Thank you Warren. Mutants aren't appreciated for all the good they do."

He indicates the bots, "I try to teach them to be respectful. Like I said I bring them up like they're children... except Bailey. She somehow is a tween despite being the last one built. I need to give them voices sometime. They can text. I'm just afraid they'll never shut up." A bot brings out some beer bottles and flies away.

"So, Warren, I heard your press release about those buttheads at Corinthian Capital and I'd like to help. Maybe we can even get John Oliver on them or Bill Maher or even Jack Ryder. I'd like to make a press release of my own, but I don't want to sound like I'm just eager for publicity." He hands a bottle to Warren and Joan.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives a gentle nod to Warren's thank you. "I appreciate the sentiment. Also it makes me feel good that I am able to help out where I can. But yes, the times where I can't can be frustrating."

Joan doesn't even blink to Ted's statement, instead focusing on the guest's request. "Oh yes." She gestures in the direction of the nearest one. "There is one right there. Help yourself."

One could almost feel the emoji smiley in her tone of voice.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Incredible," Warren marvels at Ted's creations. "I can't imagine what it takes to bring life into the world like that. Not my talent."

Warren smiles at the compliment and the offer of help. "I don't think it would like publicity hunting at all, as long as your diversity program is past tokenism to doing real work. But you know what might be good? One of those consortium pledges. You know the ones? A bunch of us publicly commit to going this way and set a new minimum bar. Starts to heap pressure on others. Think you'd be interested in something like that? Or in being acquired? You're obviously an incredible engineer," Warren says, his tone light enough to make it clear he is paying a compliment, not actually threatening or soliciting Ted's business.

Warren excuses himself when Joan points him in the right direction, leaving the two alone for a few moments before guest and dinner return.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord ponders as the living Angel leaves the room. "The man knows how to present himself. Way better than I do." He drums his fingers in thought then realizes he's doing it on Bopper and not some furniture. "Oh, sorry Nin... Bopper. May I can do a job fair... I could do an Expo, the way Stark does! Stick a job fair right in there to bring in eager young people! The bots can help!"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives Ted a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm going to find something a bit more presentable to wear for dinner."

Intent made known, the architect scoots off to the guest rooms to find something not, bed-timey.