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Ever Seen a Cat Wear a ThunderShirt
Date of Scene: 11 June 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Thor returns to the Avengers mansion to drop of party supplies. Felicia stands around gabbing.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Felicia Hardy

Thor has posed:
    The voice of JARVIS is melodic and gentle, composed primarily to affect a measure of authority about which he speaks, but also a pleasing British lily to he accent. Yet over the years the artificial intelligence has grown and developed on its on in various ways, which extends to the subtle use of inflections when it makes announcement to give some insight into what it's thinking while it does so.
    Such as when it announces the arrival of Thor, Son of Odin.
    << Thor Odinson has entered the grounds, Miss Hardy. He seems to be carrying a heavy burden and approaches the rear entrance. >>
    Yet as the automata speaks it tinges its tone with a hint of mild suspicion, perhaps even consternation. For Thor's visits have at times caused some small measure of trouble.
    Meanwhile, outside, the wrought iron gates that lead up the driveway have given way to one of the founding members of superhero team. Though at a glance one might not discern him so. Oh his face is known, yet he wears primarily the garb of Midgard. The ubiquitous jeans and white sneakers, a white t-shirt that's partially obscured by a grey hoodie. His hair is pulled up in a pony tail. Yet what has him stand out, and had him do so all the way on his stroll from the embassy, is the fact of the large barrel he's carrying over his left shoulder.
    And if Jarvis didn't make those within realize he was there. Well his loud bellow certainly would.
    "Jarvis! Open the cellar door!"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Standing in the kitche area, palms pressed into the counter top as she stares intently at the single cup coffee machine, willing it to go faster, the young burglar frowns deeply, trying to force her own mutant powers of super speed or time jumping to occur and yet, she waits like everyone else for her coffee to be finished.

    An over sized bright yellow shirt drapes off a single shoulder, a strap over that shoulder visible, makes sure Felicia is dressed enough to keep people from complaining though she does have a sort of slobbish sort of look to her when she's 'home' and not working, or planning on going out. Very much her netflix and snore evening wear. A pair of simple slip on shoes cover her feet and her long legs are bare to the warm summer.

    Looking up towards the ceiling expecting to see a JARVIS speaker or something but shrugging, "Do you want me to help him?" She asks, and moves that way, collecting her mug as she steps away to go to the rear entrance and is there when Thor demands entrance. Leaning against the door frame and lifting the mug to take a sip, the white haired woman smile and lifts a hand to push a button to open the cellar door. "Need a hand?" She asks, using the same hand to wave to Thor and then back to cupping the large mug.

Thor has posed:
    JARVIS' answer is at first, << I'm sorry I can't do that, Master Odinson. >>
    There's a pause as the AI sees to let that moment linger even as within it answers Felicia's question. << No need, Miss Hardy. Just letting you know. I will aid him as I can. >>
    Yet without the AI finally adds to its previous statement, << Bide but a moment, sir, and I shall disable the security protocols. >>
    Which has Thor grunt a little, for in the past he has butted heads with JARVIS and so trust is not the main thing they share. Yet he bides. Though that is the moment when Felicia makes her appearance in the doorway, even as he sets the cask down with a heavy /thud/. She offers he words and he replies with an easy smile. "Ah. Good day to you."
    Then he gestures with one hand toward the 'cellar' door though it leads down into the facilities below and less a traditional cellar. "I am here but in brief, I thought it best to bring the last cask we had at the Embassy afore my countrymen decided to indulge too thoroughly. So I bring it here for safe-keeping and perchance to share on this coming Independence Day."
    Yet as he says all of this his head tilts slightly, eyes narrow a little as his brow beetles. "I beg your pardon, I don't believe we've met."
    Touching a hand to his chest he offers, "I am Thor, Son of Odin. Formerly an Avenger."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Seems a weird thing to let me know and then expect me to do nothing with that information. Don'tcha think?" Felicia asks, looking inside briefly, still not quite catching that the AI might be able to hear her even if she was speaking outside. Felicia takes another sip and then licks off the little mustache and smirks as she twists back inside and sets the mug down to come back to later.

    She walks down, almost skipping as Thor reveals his intentions and then Felicia pauses as the god gives a proper sort of greeting. "Oh, crap, how do you ..." She mumbles to herself, and then just mimics Thor's motions. A fist slamming just above her chest and she feels goofy immediately but continues, but with a deeper, huskier tone, "Well met Thor, son of Odin, I am Felicia, daughter of Walter." She smirks and then it quickly fades into a concerned look, almost a frown as she steps closer, "Former... I wasn't aware you'd stopped."

Thor has posed:
    "Glad tidings then and well met, Felicia Waltersdottir." The tall man with the blond hair gives an easy smile as he rests a hand on the top of that cask that comes up to his chest as it sits there on its side. He glances toward the door then back again. "Ah, well in fairness there is some truth as to what you say. An Avenger is ever an Avenger."
    That said the door opens with a click and a kachunk, then the large stairway opens revealing those metal walls and the secure bulwarks of the underground facilities for the Avengers. Leaning down slightly and with a small grunt of effort, Thor hoists the barrel onto his shoulder and tucks it in, holding with both hands. Then continues to converse as he stats to move to hose steps.
    "Yet these days my duties find me often far off and away. My efforts focusing upon the Embassy at times and even further abroad."
    Down the steps he starts, likely expecting she would follow as he moves and steadying the barrel with his free hand. "If I am needed I will of course answer the call, but it seems the Avengers have matters well in hand these days." A glance, "Are you one of the new heroes I have been told of?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia smiles widely at the name given to her by Thor and repeats it in silence to herself. "Waltersdottir..." And then lengthens her face as she ponder the ring of it. "Not bad."

    Looking back to Thor and grinning slightly, but also kind of saddened. "Sorry. I don't mean to pry or bother." Felicia begins as she follows Thor, stepping up to walk beside him, reaching for a light switch as they enter the cellar, but find the lights are automatic because of course they are.

    "Heh, yeah. I'm one of the new heroes I suppose, but I wasn't aware people were talking about me specifically like that." The new Avenger says with a blush across her face, "But I was hoping to meet you, y'know, becuase you were always a-- Nevermind it's dumb." She says, stopping herself and switching topics, "I never thought you'd be big into the politics and stuff, thought you'd much rather be out battling evil, or someone that didn't respect you propperly." Felicia chuckles slightly, nervously.

Thor has posed:
    Into the depths they descend, the God of Thunder at the fore. Yet once they are a good ways down he pauses to stand in the middle of the hall to cast his eyes hither and yon. Eventually he decides on a path that leads him to some of the storage areas. As he walks he talks to the young woman sidelong. And when she mentions his preference to being out and battling evil his lips twist up a little and a warmth lights those deep blue eyes.
    "In truth, I do not believe those days are behind me. There are e'er challenges to be faced." He steps into the storage area and then with a heavy wooden /kathunk/ he sets the barrel down and pats it twice with the palm of his hand. Then he turns to meet her gaze, facing her fully, hands on his hips, gaze lowered to look at her evenly.
    "Though the world changes, Midgard is not what it once was e'en... a decade ago?" Considering the events that have shaped Earth. "Diana's starport. The presence of travelers from other worlds. A rise of heroes. Exciting times."
    Then he gives a nod, "You and yours will have much to do in the coming years, and I will be there to be of aid." That said he starts walking back toward the door leading out of the storage area and back to the hall.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia stops and puts her hands on her hips in like when he does the same and she faces him directly. "You've seen a lot. Done a lot." Felicia notes, never realizing before how old he actually is. It's almost soul crushing, knowing that she'd basically be no more than a pet to someone like him. It's humbling in a way she never considered could happen. The thief is left speachless and almost reeling. She takes a step back, as he begins to walk away back to the door.

    Felicia needs to catch her breath, finding herself leaning against a wooden box and sitting, one hand hugging herself and gripping the bicep of her other arm. She's looking towards the floor, nearly lost in thought. She heard what he said, she knows he'll be around to aid, but that's what he does, he aids. He cares but in a different kind of way. A different kind of scale.


Thor has posed:
    Pausing in the hall, the tall man tilts his head as he looks back at her. His brow furrows, gaze meeting hers should she glance up and a small smile is given, apologetic in its way. "I beg your pardon have I spoke amiss?"
    He lifts a hand slightly as if extending it toward her, "I mean no ill will." A glance is given sidelong, then upwards, as if seeking some insight though right now there are few he could appeal to. He steps back to that door and stands before her.
    "My time here," He offers with a gentleness, "Was perhaps the best time of my life. There are good people here. And if they count you amongst their number, savor that time." He then gestures down the hall with a casual roll of one hand, "Now come. I would have you share a drink with me and you shall regale me with the tales of your exploits that have brought you here in the hall of the Avengers."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "No, no." Felicia says, using the inside of her shirt to dab at the tears on her cheek. "You didn't say anything wrong." She repeats and grins, standing back up on her own. "I'm still getting used to being wanted and having people care about me. I don't come from a good place with good people around me. I was a thief before running into a few people that started to convince me other wise." Felicia kind of dumps her emotions and a quick back story on Thor like that because she's suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

    Taking a deep breath, Felicia smirks up to Thor, the height difference not as extreme as she expected, but still there, "Sure, but like I said, I was a thief, and a very VERY good one." Pausing to look back as the cask, "You don't want any of that drink or?"

Thor has posed:
    "Well you have made it here," Thor says as they walk, albeit slowly. Now it's a stroll, as he seems to linger and let her speak as she would. "Despite what holds your past may have had on you. Now." He tilts his head to the side and meets her gaze with a smile. "You are here."
    That said he walks with her along the way, heading towards those stairs. The computer console next to it flashing several LED lights to show the status of the door mechanism. "There are no small number of heroes who have had a checkered past, who carry the weight of past sins on their shoulders. The Avengers is a chance to do the right thing as you can."
    He pauses, one foot on the first step of that stairway, hand resting on the railing. Then he looks back at the cask they're leaving behind at her behest. "Ah, as to that. No. That is for the celebration. Come, we shall indulge in some of Stark's liquor. Purloined beverages taste the best after all." His eyes twinkle with a hint of humor as he offers that point of view.
    Then he starts to ascend.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I have made it here, though I'm still getting used to it." Felicia nods, hand reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind her ear as she walks with Thor. "I'm hoping I'll be able to make ammends, but I don't know when I'll get the chance." The thief says with a shrug. "Seeing I'm usually working in the shadows, taking from people, hurting them in ways that could make things better for the world, but ... I don't know. It doesn't seem very... Avenger-y."

    Felicia pauses at the base of the stairs and looks up to Thor's eyes. "He does have too much liquor, we should help him get rid of some." She says with a playful wink, getting some of her confidence back and standing just a bit taller.

Thor has posed:
    A solemn nod is given in turn to Felicia as they start to walk up the steps. Though he looks askance toward her as he moves. Listening to her, he nods at a few points as she speaks, then takes a deep breath as he spares thought for what she has said to him.
    A moment longer and then he replies, "A team is merely a group of people working toward the same goal. Each contributes to that team to their gifts. You have them, lest you would not be here. Someone spoke for you, and felt you would be of aid. Likely they were right. The key..."
    Thor lets that last word hang there in the air as he tromps up the steps, then reaches the summit and the outside as he pauses to look back at her. "Is to know your moment, recognize it, and have the courage to do what you need to do."
    Yet when she seems to brighten he murmurs, "Ah there it is then, come, I'll show you the hiding places Stark uses in the library."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I'm waiting for my moment. Had some interesting ones earlier this year." She says, catching herself though and looking up to Thor once more even as they ascend the stairs. "I'm not trying to rush it, but I'm also not sitting idly by either." The thief shields her eyes as they step out into the brighter weekend sun.

    "I'd like to see your gifts in action some time." Felicia says, and even wiggles her eyebrows playfully if he looks at her after she says her line. "I didn't think Stark knew what a library was!"

Thor has posed:
    A small chortle is heard from him as he gives her a sideye 'harumph' at the eyebrow wiggle. Though he answers instead the latter words and tells her, "He does indeed, come. We shall share a drink and you will tell me your tale, and afterwards we will assuredly be fast friends."