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Latest revision as of 02:56, 12 June 2022

A bank robbery
Date of Scene: 11 June 2022
Location: NYC Bank and Bakery
Synopsis: And the cats won't come back the very next day.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Teddy Altman, Kaida Connolly

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had stopped by Titan tower with a bag of pasties that someone had given him for thanks earlier in the day. After trying one he was tempted to eat them all, but thought the other titans should get a chance. Finding Kaida there he looked to her, and says "What say we go and get some more stuff see what they have little flyer says they have cheese danish. " So with her on his shoulder in little more than a blink of the eye Impulse and Kaida are in front of a bakery that just happens to have a bank next door to it. There are a few cars on the street as it is late afternoon not long before the bank is supposed to close. One of those cars has a young man, maybe 20 years old in it who seemed a bit nervous but as the heroes appear, he starts to sweat a bit and sits up ramrod straight trying to look casual and failing

Teddy Altman has posed:
Today Teddy is wearing some faded, well-worn jeans, black Adidas, and a zip-up gray hoodie with the hood up over his head. He's taking a few credits at NYU for the summer semester to get ahead, and he needed a break from studying so he headed out to the bakery. His gait is casual, but strong as his six-foot frame moves through the passers-by. He glances sideways at a car that's parked against the curb. Nothing overtly wrong there, but the guy inside may as well be carrying an 'I'm Really Nervous About Something' sign. He is about to enter the bakery when he stops and glances one more time over his shoulder at the car. His alert eyes scan the license plate.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Lets go!" Kaida declares, standing on Bart's shoulder with her arms crossed and shoulders back. When they run, he can probably just feel those feet gripping his shoulder with ease and when they arrive, she leaps down and looks around. Her nose sniffs at the air, ears moving like little satelites and she hmms. She seems unsure of something as she arrives, tilting her head.

"Something seems off. I don't know what it is." She considers a little even as she looks at the bakery, "Bakery looks nice." She nods her head even as she considers the people around, from the guy in the hoodie to the nervous...hmm, nervous guy.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit as Kaida jumps off, and says "Something off?" He will sniff the air, he has no extra special senses, no he just smells the Bakery, and before he can say anything there is the sound of gunfire from inside the bank. The guy in the car lets off a four letter word, and looks over at the heroes and then the bank, and starts the car and starts to drive off, trying to put off the "I'm not part of this vibe" He totally is. The plate is a standard New York one, but if you can see details, it has brand new screws holding in an old plate. Bart looks to Kaida and says "Sounds like we might need to work up an appetite. "

Teddy Altman has posed:
Yep! That driver was DEFINITELY giving off a vibe, and Teddy doesn't seem at all surprised that some stuff just went down. There are too many people her for him to transform, so he can't really get too involved without giving himself away. But he *can* do something. He pretends to get spooked by the gunshots and he 'runs away'. As he does, he 'accidentally' trips over something or other -- or maybe nothing at all -- and skids along the sidewalk right at the car that is starting to pull away. He lands on his back and his elbow quickly hits into the rear passenger wheel, deforming it so severely that the car will barely be able to drive, much less get away. He does this so quickly that it's unlikely someone would notice...unless that someone was as speedster, in which case it probably all happened in a dreadfully boring slow motion.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Eww, honestly, it's always something!" Kaida declares and sighs. She shakes her head, "Why can't they be ninjas coming after us specifically? Then we could ignore them while eating!" She nods her head, "Instead they're putting people in danger, jerks." And with that she races off toward the bank.

"Get the people out, I'll distract 'em!" And Kaida starts into the building with her shield and sword out, she's not a flash by any stretch but she's also nto capable of moving people so she is much better at stabbing feet.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises and may say something about the guy elbow dropping the tire, but there is time for that later. He nods a bit to the mouse girl, and starts trips in and out of the bank, soon the only people in the bank are three guys wearing believe it or not cartoon cat masks, One is wearing a Tom mask, and has a shotgun, looking for the people he was just covering, Garfield is behind the teller windows, filling a bag, with his pistol shoved in the small of his back. The last man, with a Catbert mask on, has a machine gun, and as the people are disappearing he fires a burst trying to stop them, but bullets to Impulse, yea he aint worried about them. Once all the people are at the bakery he pauses "Ok people we will have this handled in just a moment, ant this place has great bear claws" The guy in the car gets a few feet out into the road, and at the impact that shakes the car, he is looking back trying to see what hit him and why the car won't move.

Teddy Altman has posed:
"Ooops," Teddy says self-consciously as he glances around to see if anyone seems to have noticed what he just did. There are still too many eyes -- and too many cameras -- for him to transform. He doesn't need to transform to access his powers, but some kid doing a bunch of amazing things would be equally damaging as it would be if people saw him transform. But there /is/ something he can do.

In order to keep the people in the bakery from fleeing out the front and possibly ending up in harm's way from all of the bullets, Teddy moves to the front door and reaches over to squeeze the metal of the door right near the lock so it presses into the doorframe. It's not going to open, and none of the civilians in there will end up running outside and getting shot.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Once inside, Kaida does what she often does. Move like she isn't invisible despite being totally invisible. YOu see, people rarely look down at the ground and it is even worse when you already got something to look at that isn't on the ground. So, Kaida just casually sits on the toe of the boot of Catbert bad guy. He is moving to aim and firing randomly at Bart and the hostages as they escape. She shakes her head and makes a tut tut tut soft cluck with her mouth.

"You are the worst shot. Frankly you really should stop." She holds her blade up with her right hand, reverse gripping it with the blade aimed down, "I have a new job for you. Sword holder. Hold this." and she just stabs the insanely sharp and tough blade right into the toe of the boot and backwards into the foot inside.

"Be back in a minute for it!" And she races off his foot. The problem for poor Tom cat mask? She was moving in a burst of speed of roughly 300 mph. Tiny fist no bigger than a ball bearing, fist as tough as a ball bearing, and 300 mph combined? Well, he's probably going to need a cast at the very least after she races by his leg.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is moving towards the bank when he spots the strong guy again. He stops at the steps to the banks, and looks over towards the bakery and then the bank "You need help in there Kaida?" He will ask over the com. Catbert starts looking about as he hears the voice, suspecting it is from who ever made the people disappear "Stand still you son of a " and about then his foot is stabbed and he yowls out in pain and starts jumping on the uninjured foot and grabbing the hurt one. Tom well he thought he was ok, but there is a snap, and as he falls his foot is bending in a way it should not if all the bones were still in one piece.

Teddy Altman has posed:
There is some s**t going down and Teddy, quite frankly, is itching to get in the game. So what does he do? He ducks around into an alleyway. The City of New York is obligated by federal law to place alleys wherever they are needed by the narrative, and so look, there's one right next to the bakery!

A few moments later, from overhead on the rooftop of the bank, a green kinda sorta Hulk-looking thing but with blond hair and wings comes soaring down from the air to land in front of the bank. When he lands, not only does he furl his wings, but he morphs them back into his muscular green body. He looks to Bart. "Hey, how's it goin'? Sounds like some trouble in there." He quirks a smile.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
<<I mean, only if you want to.>> She comments into her tiny com device. She then leaps up on to the counter in front of Garfield, "I'd drop the gun and the money if I were you. Then just give up. You can piss yourself if you like or something but yeah, definitely give up." She then stops and looks over at Catbert, "Hold that thought." And then she races over and casually leaps on and grabs her sword. She gives it a yank and then shakes her head.

"Honestly, you have a real future. Send in your resume and I'll get you an interview." And then she moves with speed that a mouse normally wouldn't have. Easily moving fifty to sixty miles per hour in a tiny little burst and cuts the heel off of Catbert's other boot.

<<Seriously, I think they're just idiots with guns and too much time on their hands.>> She then idly puts her shield up as Garfield fires at her several times, she skids backwards as several bullets hit her shield. <<Hold that thought, the one in the Garfield mask is extra dumb.>>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen sees the Green guy coming down and says "It is ok Gar we got this." But as the green guy lands it aint Gar, not even Cheshire Gar. No this is a new green fellow "Um, I think my friend has it, who are you" He will ask, as he racks his brain to see if he can remember reading anything about this guy. Catbert is goon on his butt on the floor, gun dropped and away from him, Tom is moaning in pain as Garfield tries to handle the little mouse girl, you know I think maybe Kadia is right he must be dumb.

Teddy Altman has posed:
From out on the sidewalk, Hulkling can't really tell what's going on inside the bank exactly. He jerks his attention toward the bank when another series of gunshots erupt. "You have a friend in there?" he asks. "Are they gonna be...okay?" Bart seems very casual and unconcerned, so Hulkling sort of takes his cue from that.

A broad grin. An extended hand. "Hi. I'm Hulkling." He hears a yell of pain and his concerned expression returns as he look back to the bank once again. "Should we...go help?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Looking out from around the shield, Kaida blinks as she ducks back around it as two more shots hit she shield. She sighs and then just uses a burst of speed to be at the end of the counter. She shakes her head and taps her shield.

"You done?" She calls out and sighs, "I mean, like, seriously. Do you want me to hurt you? Wait...do you want me to hurt you?" She leaps up on to the counter and points with her sword, "Pervert!" She calls out and then for her troubles gets shot at again, taking two more shots to the shield and then finally there's a clicking sound. She peers out from behind the shield and casually starts walking toward him with a wide grin on her face, the blade raised as she starts walking toward him.

"Uh oh, someone's out of bullets..." She giggles a little and the bad guy in the Garfield masks looks at his two whimpering friends and then at the mouse. A moment later, Bart hears Kaida over the com outside.

<<He fainted...the last guy fainted! Can you believe it?!>>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will start to say something but then stops and puts a hand to the side of his head, and nods a bit "Ok, coming in with guy who looks like Buffed out Gar think he is one of the good guys,." He will lead the way inside, and says "Kaida, Hulkling, Hulking Kaida. He winces a bit at the two hurt guys and will wisk them off with a note and the security guards handcuffs where they can be looked at in a hospital Impulse has dropped off hurt criminals before.

Teddy Altman has posed:
Hulkling follows Bart into the bank. The air is hazy with smoke from all of the gunfire. He coughs a couple times. Despite his muscular, buff appearance, Hulkling seems a bit...meek as he gingerly follows Bart. One might (correctly) come to the inference that he doesn't have very much experience in this sort of thing.

And then to top it all off, his gaze falls on not some huge warrior or muscular, masked vigilante, but on a six-inch mouse! And as soon as he sees that, one corner of his mouth curls up in a great grin. "Oh you gotta shitting me. This is amazing. Hi Kaida, nice t'meet ya."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Kaida is casually sliding her sword away as she looks down at the guy in the Garfield mask who is laying in a pile of money with an emptied out pistol beside him. She turns around to watch Bart zip away with the injured bad guys and then she shakes her head.

"You coulda let them stew a little longer. It's just a stab wound and a broken leg. Sometimes suffering is good for the soul or something." Kaida nods her head at the quickly returned Bart. She then looks at the large green guy and blinks.

"Whoa! They have other green guys! I only knew of one green guy up till now. Nice to meet ya." She gives a little salute and then looks to Bart, "Can we get bear claws now? I mean, I was hungry BEFORE we got here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and will tie this guy up in here for the cops with a note, and looks over to the other two lets go grab some food, hopefully the bank patrons aint ate it. Your new at the whole hero thing Hulking, come talk and eat with us, maybe we can give you some pointers help you out a bit.