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Coffee and Tiramisu
Date of Scene: 12 June 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Felicia comes by Sara's house for coffee and tiramisu, and for a some friendly conversation. Things almost go go haywire, but the slates are not cleaned, they remain dirty, and that's perfect.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Felicia Hardy

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Brooklyn. The sun was shining, soft clouds drifted aimlessly through the sky, and Sara had been woke up by her aunt's pounding on the front door around seven in the morning, only to have another tiramisu thrust at her. Sometimes, when Aunt Ruth decided something, it was made fact by her sheer stubborn will. In this case that something was tiramisu for her niece, and to check on her.

Since seven was far too early on her day off from the NYPD, Sara had stared at her phone for a bit, feel asleep on the couch, then woke at a much more reasonable time... nine o'clock. Shooting out a text to Felicia, offering up fresh Hawaiian kona coffee and homemade, authentic tiramisu, she added her address, put the time around eleven, then took a shower and finished the last little bits of house cleaning.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's phone buzzed near the end of the sketch session with Vivian and smiles towards the young synthezoid and gathers her clothes once again. Felicia ponders the attire she has on now, the bustier, and the lacy panties, and the stockings, and shrugs. "Why the hell not?" And decides to wear them over to Sara's place.

    Putting on clothes over her sexy pieces, Felicia flips her hair out of the Yankees jersey she's wearing on top and the short black dress beneath. Very VERY stylish today, but she's feeling like a million bucks with the stockings.

    A knock on Sara's door before the 11 o'clock hour and Felicia is rocking back and forth on her feet as she waits for Sara to answer the door.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The Pezzini house is near the college in Brooklyn, the kind that most would consider a part of the 'American dream'. It lacked the white picket fence, instead opting for chain link for the back yard.

It only takes Sara a few minutes to get to the door from the kitchen. The camera on the doorbell already having announced who it was, she pulls the door open without pause, a bright smile on her face. Since it was her day off she was dressed extremely casually. She sported a pair of boy shorts in blue, with a white tank top over a bright green sports bra. On the front of the tank top is the emblem for some local gym, as well as the NYPD shield, probably some sort of sponsorship.

"Hey Felicia," she offers as she steps back, taking the door with her so that Felicia could actually enter the house. "Glad you could come, you won't be sorry. Aunt Ruth could win awards with her tiramisu."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia steps into the open door and turns, waiting for Sara to shut the door, and then she will lean forward into the cop and give the woman a grand hug. "I haven't had a great tiramisu in ages and I'm so excited." The thief says as she pulls back from Sara and then openly scans about the foyer and the rest of the living space she can see.

    "Beautiful home you have here. Quaint and lovely." Felicia compliments, her short heels clicking on the floor once in the kitchen area.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Closing the door, followed by locking it, Sara turns around and... is hugged. She wasn't at all expecting to be hugged, especially not such a grand hug, but she returned it all the same. There was nothing wrong with a hug from a friend, even if that friend was brand new, perhaps it was an announcement of acceptance, or maybe it was an indicator that Felicia cared little for boundaries. Sara would gather more information on this as time went on.

"My father bought this place when I was uh... what, eight? No, I was only seven, it was a year before my mother passed," she explains as she steps back from the hug, then gestures toward the couches.

On the coffee table rests an old style thermos carafe to keep the coffee hot. Sitting with it is a choice of raw sugar, Splenda, and a container of cream nestled into a small ice cooler to keep it fresh. Two cups that actually match claim space on the tray, along with to small plates that do not match the cups, forks, spoons, and finally the magnificent, giant, tiramisu.

"This was always his dream," she continues as she walks toward the couch and chairs. "So many rooms, I think he planned to have more kids or something, but when he passed I inherited it."

For no reason at all she looks toward the ceiling, "Here that dad? Your home is in fact quant and lovely, just like Aunt Ruth said it was."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia follows behind Sara as she leads their way deeper into the house and Felicia continues to look around, casing the place, though it's beyond something she does consciously any more. So deeply ingrained is her burglary skills that she can't help it any longer.

    Stepping over to the couch and claiming one before leaning over towards the coffee table and grinning as she picks up a mug and pours two creams into it before reaching for the thermos. "You... still talk to your dad?" Felicia asks, looking over to Sara, her blue eyes lingering on the green straps before she forces herself to look at Sara's face. "I... sometimes do too."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara settles herself into the chair right by the couch, still in arms reach really, then pours some of the coffee into her cup with two dreams. Once she's done that, she makes joking grand gestures around the tiramisu with teasing little 'ohs' and 'ahs'.

"There, now my aunt's tiramisu sense won't go off," she states, and cuts out a piece for Felicia. It goes on one of the plates, then is slid toward her. She doesn't miss where Felicia's eyes seem to be drawn, but she also doesn't seem to mind.

"Yeah," she then comments a touch sheepishly. "It's been five years, but sometimes I still expect to see him come through the door and start complaining about his partner. I still go out to his grave once a month as well, though having seen the Silver City, and fought angels, I doubt seriously he's still lingering around to listen to me."

Cutting a second piece for herself, she sits back in the chair to get comfortable. There is nothing of any real value in the house, at least in plain sight. It was a cop's house and then, a cop's house... in Brooklyn, or course there was nothing worth stealing in sight.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia wasn't going to steal anything, she's not exactly a klepto. The thief smirks at the oohs and aahs. "Thank you." Felicia says, taking the plate and picking up a fork. Comfortable enough to use the back of the fork to stir the cream and coffee together before she sucks the back of the fork handle clean. "Sorry. I'm kind of a slob." Felicia warns.

    Taking a small bite off the tiramisu, eyeballing the food briefly before taking the bite and savoring the flavor for a few seconds. Eyes closed and a small mmm from her throat.

    Bite clear Felicia responds, "Wow... maybe I should hang out with your aunt instead?" Felicia teases with a wink.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One brow lifts slightly when Felicia calls herself a slob, and Sara watches as she stirs her coffee with the handle.

"That's not a slob move at all," she offers with a grin. "That right there is saving on dishes, and thus on water, and saving the planet... yes, all that just by using a handle to stir." She actually sounds serious, like she truly means what she said, and the body language and facial expression match that assessment.

Then there is a moment of silence now, allowing Felicia privacy with her first taste of Aunt Ruth's tiramisu. Being Italian, the act of creating this dessert was akin to foreplay, the consuming of it being the actual act of sex. Everyone reacted different to it.

Felicia's reaction gets Sara laughing with a nod, "Yep, that sounds exactly right. Aunt Ruth is a dessert master, you should try her cannoli or her bruttiboni... and if you spend any social time with me, trust me, you will."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia smiles at the oddly environmentally based compliment and as such she sets the plate down and skips on the mug and starts to stand up from the couch. "Then why aren't we hanging out at her place?!" The thief asks, stepping past Sara on the lone chair and then stopping.

    "I'm just kidding." She says and twists so she spins and sits across Sara's lap on the chair, "I'm kidding. I couldn't possibly carry another pound right now." She smirks coyly and pats her belly beneath the jersey and hidden bustier.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Just as Felicia cased a place based solely on instinct, observed her surroundings in the same way. So when Felicia stood up she was watched, not in a staring obvious way of course, but Sara was following her with her eyes.

"She's at church right now," she offers as an answer. "You do not want to hang out there."

The rest of what might have been said is immediately gone as Felicia plops herself in Sara's lap. There is no resistance, no wince, no shoving her away, there is simply one raised brow and more information. Felicia did in fact have issues with boundaries, but for now it wasn't an issue that was going to force Sara to say anything. If there had been any kind of threat, any ill intent, even just a hint of it, Witchblade would have reacted instantly and Felicia's lap sit would have resulted a in far different ending.

At the mention of a pound, she looks Felicia over as best she can from being sat on. "Another pound wouldn't end your career," she offers with a chuckle. "And you know it. You were merely using that line in an attempt to get me to look you over, perhaps distract her or maybe just test the waters?" There goes that detective brain again.

"All of which is perfectly acceptable," she then adds as a grin spreads back across her face and she wraps one arm slightly around Felicia so the woman doesn't fall off her lap.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia grins and laughs a bit at herself and the situtation, and was about to roll off the chair and Sara, but as the woman finds a hand wrapped around, Felicia pauses and looks to Sara's eyes. "No, no. You're right you're right." The thief begins, "A pound wouldn't kill me, or likely be noticed with all the others, but I am wearing something very tight, and I don't want to damage it by eating." Felicia finishes, and raises an eyebrow up on her forehead slightly and the smile fades just a touch.

    "Sorry. I tend to play around too much and it's been an interesting day, I can... sit over there and act normal if you'd prefer me to." Felicia offers, but she doesn't want to move away from Sara now that she's so close to the other woman.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara cants her head slightly, studying Felicia's face, mostly her eyes.

"Why would I want you to act in a way that wasn't you?" Is asked bluntly. "I'll admit, I didn't expect you to sit in my lap, but it doesn't bother or offend me that you did. Be you Felicia, and if you've had an interesting day and are in a playful mood... I'll tell you if its too much or goes to far, you can count on that."

Offering a soft smile, she then takes a sip of her coffee around Felicia, making it look like it's a big deal to get around the skinny model woman in her lap, then lowers the cup back to rest on the arm of the chair.

"If you'd like to borrow something less tight that would allow you to eat the tiramisu, I have a lot of clothes," she then offers, not exactly going into anything about the taunt of tight clothing.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I have the jersey..." Felicia says, gripping it by the button line and lifting it off her frame so Sara can see, "It's the bustier beneath. From a modelling gig some time ago. I wanted to feel pretty and sexy today..." Felicia half explains, not telling Sara that she wore it so Vivian can work on her sketching.

    What? The robogirl asked her to. She can't say no to helping someone.

    Using a long arm, Felicia grabs her mug off the corner of the coffee table and bends slightly forwards, awkwardly and takes a sip before setting it back down and then wrapping her arm behind Sara's neck and almost cuddling her friend on the chair like two high school kids going stedy. "I think I can sneak in a few more bites though, it's too good to not eat." Felicia smirks. "And please, do tell your aunt it's great." Felicia smiles and almost audibly purrs. "So, what made you text me?" Felicia asks, trying to make small talk.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara takes a glance at the jersey as Felicia pulls it out, but manages to keep her professionalism and not look down the jersey while it's out. She'll take the woman's word for it that there is a sexy corset beneath it, and likely think more about it later.

"I'll make sure to let Ruth know she has another fan," she offers first, adjusting herself slightly in the chair. Felicia was by no means heavy, nor was her being there a serious problem, but not having expected to have a beautiful woman in her lap, Sara wasn't quite in the right position... so adjustment was needed.

"There's a couple of reasons," she continues, lifting her coffee cup for another sip. This time there is no act, indication that last time was totally an act. "First, I said I'd be in contact. I like to get to know my teammates better, and having met at the mansion, I think maybe we both were a little guarded."

Resting the cup back on the arm of the chair, she glances back to Felicia's face. "Another reason is you said you didn't have much experience with what you called 'normal', so what's more normal than coffee at a friends house?" She grins, her blue eyes studying the woman's face. It was obvious she was thinking, trying to decide something.

"The other reason, to be blunt, been a while since I got to just hang out with someone." She shrugs slightly with this, a sort of weak acceptance that it was what it was.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    With a grand gesture of her free hand across the room, motioning towards herself more than anything else. "And this seems like the way normal friends sit and have coffee and tiramisu. I think I'm not exactly the best person for 'normal' inclinations."

    Felicia would move to stand, but stops, and instead helps lift her weight off Sara and put it on the arms of the chair before sitting back on her new friend. "My idea of relaxing after a tough day, is to put on my cat suit, and literally swing through the city. My hair flowing behind me, the risk of falling and breaking all my bones. The elation of riding an arch through it's trough only to soar, in free fall at the crest. It's ... intoxicating." Felicia says with a serious look in her eyes, the way she talks the emotions it stirs in her to be open about that and even just remembering that. She's in love with what she can do. She does love herself, but between those moments she's almost lost, play acting her whole life.

    "Sara." Felicia whispers, "I can be me, or I can 'play normal' and I want to ask you, what would YOU prefer I do? Here? Now?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Watching Felicia's face as she describes her idea of relaxing, Sara can't help but almost feel the emotions of the trip herself. It brings to mind the first time Witchblade revealed his wings and she started to master the art of flying, that strong sense of freedom that could only be matched on land by driving fast.

"Felicia, this world is filled with amazing actors who can pretend to be any number of things," she begins, still watching those beautiful eyes Felicia has. "If I want make believe, I'll put on a movie. Be yourself, always be yourself. Part of being a friend, of being a /real/ friend and not one of those cheeky, kiss-kiss, call me friends... it being true and honest. You have to accept the good with the bad, the joy with the sadness, the anger with the happiness. Real friends, they can go through hell together and come out the other side smelling like roses because they can rely on each other."

A soft smile touches her lips as she realizes she perhaps said /way/ too much, but it was what she thought and felt. Perhaps it was asking too much of Felicia, or anyone for that matter, in the world today, but it was the only way Sara knew how to be a friend and how to learn to trust.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia watches Sara's eyes, and her lips as she talks, absorbing the woman's features as she opens up to the thief, and Felicia feeling a pang in her heart at the pain she can feel Sara going through, without vocalizing it. "Sara..." Felicia whispers and then nothing else as she pulls her arm tighter around Sara's neck and shoulders, pulling Sara's back off the chair and into a deep embrace. Felicia is soft but strangely firm beneath her skin, muscles stronger than they look, but not close to Sara, but she's not a frail little blonde woman. The thief is keeping secrets but also, here in person and allowing herself to be emotionally weak and hugging her friendly tightly as it's something she feels they both need, and even if Sara doesn't Felicia does and is living her life as she would. Like Sara told her to.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Pulled into the hug, Sara wraps her other arm around Felicia as well. She wasn't going to tell the woman how this very simple act, a hug, was something Sara had gone without from her friends for the past year. She just accepted that Felicia was in fact the kind of person to hug, freely, often without anyone expecting it, and that was fine.

Eventually she leans back to break the hug, looking back up at the woman's face. "I like that you're a hugger," is then said, it was the truth without giving away something much deeper. "And do so freely."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I'm not." Felicia says after pulling away and there's a chance for them to lock eyes once again, "I mean, I'm open and I can be very touchy feely when I get close to someone. Touch is my language of love by the way. But before then I'm usually kinda physically distant. But I needed a hug... You happened to be right here." Felicia explains, clicking her tongue within her mouth and watching Sara closely for a moment.

     "Plus all this damn lace and frills I'm wearing. Did you notice the stockings!? I mean I haven't worn stocking in... months!" Felicia says, lifting a foot up over the side of the chair so they could both see her leg, dark from the garment.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There was no escaping looking at Felicia's long, stocking covered leg, it was just plopped right up there. Sara almost measures the leg with her eyes, before looking back to Felicia's face.

"You are a hugger, in that when you want a hug, or need a hug, you aren't afraid to get one," she explains.

"As for those stockings, are they silk? They have the glean of silk, and look really nice on you." The compliment was real, no questioning that, but Sara had to stop herself from touching the leg to find out if they were silk or not, so she asked.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I believe they're silk. And SO SMOOTH! Give'em a feel!" She says, instead of lifting it up, she pulls the skirt from her knee, closer and no bending or leaning. Simple. Friends. Yes.

    "Oh, that must be the klepto part of my personality, when I want something, I tend to just go for it." The thief smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "Not that I require instant gratification, but why wait for something nice when you can have it?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Another boundary possibily learned in this, the comfort level Felicia has, or perhaps was pretending to have. Reaching up, Sara runs her hand over the woman's calf lightly, near the ankle, and then nods. "Yep, that's one-hundred percent silk alright," she offers with a slight whistle. "The best kind of stockings. Cover evenly, not too hot because the silk breaths."

Why she rambled on about the stocking was anyone guess, it probably had something to do with the attractiveness of the woman in her lap and the ankle she was feeling up.

"I don't think that's necessarily a klepto thing," she then says to change the subject off the stockings. "Lots of people go for what they want, without hesitation. Yes, klepto's are also prone to this, on an unhealthy level, but really it's apples and oranges." She grins broadly with a slight chuckle, but there's something her eyes, a sadness that lingers.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia doesn't stop Sara from touching the stocking, in fact it feels quite nice, almost massage like, almost like being petted, and any good cat loves a nice pet. And no, Felicia isn't purring in the moment, not audibly. She is breathing deeply though and still keeping an arm around Sara's back.

    With a cant of her head as she looks into Sara's eyes, Felicia asks, "W-What's wrong?" She shifts, adjusting to be the dominant figure in the chair, the more motherly of the two as it's her turn to show compasion and to be there for her friend, despite sitting on Sara. "If I haven't earned that trust, I understand, but I am here, asking, caring."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Very quickly Sara shakes her head as she sort of rolls her eyes in exacerbation at herself for even letting it show in any way, she was better than that, she had to mask her own emotions for work all the time.

"It's not about trust," she offers after a short silence. "Trust is earned over time, and you are in fact earning trust moment by moment you are yourself... this is all me."

Finally looking back to Felicia, she offers a soft smile. "If you're really interested, I'll tell you, but really this is completely a 'me' thing, not anything about you, regarding you, nor is there anything you can do about it."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's eyes squint and she leans back away from Sara, but keeps her arm around the woman's shoulders. "Humor me. Please? I'm here now, wearing a skimpy little number and sitting on your lap without a care in the world except what's hurting or concerning me, so again. Please. Humore me?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It takes another couple of moments of watching Felicia's eyes, and /not/ looking at the very skimpy number she's wearing, but Sara finally nods.

"Well, get your coffee and start sipping, cause this is... a lot." She adjusts herself a little again, then with a soft sigh, begins to explain.

"I have, what is commonly known as, shit luck." What an opener.

"Three years ago, while working undercover, the op went south. My partner and best friend was killed, and I was, technically, killed. That's when Witchblade choose me and saved me. I think I told you that part before, or part of it." She couldn't fully remember, but it was the starting point so she repeated.

"After Michael died, the NYPD assigned me another partner, Jake McCarthy, that's what they do, you aren't supposed to work alone." Picking up her coffee, she eyes the liquid inside and oddly wishes she'd remembered some whiskey for it, but she takes a sip all the same. "I'm not going into the living hell that ended up being our partnership, our romantic relationship, and in the end, his near death and a year in a coma. I'll just say this much..." she looks back to her eyes. "... Witchblade effects everything I do, including those around me, and the things that happened with Jake lead to the coma, and when he did wake up, Witchblade attacked and killed him, because he had in fact turned into something... dark."

There is a pause here, a moment for Sara to get the information straight in her head and for Felicia to react, decide if she wants to run, or if she will remain for the rest.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia reaches over for her cup of joe as instructed and takes a soft sip and rest the mug on her lap as she listens intently to Sara's story. The thief listens and listens and listens quietly the whole time. Once Sara is finished with her tale. Felicia lifts her mug to her lips once more and takes a much much longer drink. Finishing the cup and reaching over to set it down on the table once again.

    Taking a deep breath, Felicia slowly pulls her hand off of Sara's shoulder and pauses to press her hand against the woman's face. "I-..." Felicia's voice cracks and she's having trouble getting the words out and she starts to rise off Sara's lap.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara immediately removes her arm from Felicia, she can read the room. It was too much, and Felicia was ready to be done with it. It was honestly probably for the best, given what she had been trying to share.

"I'm sorry," she offers quickly, waiting for Felicia to be off her lap so she can get up, get away. "Too much, I'm so sorry... just forget it, alright? Would you like to take a piece of tiramisu with you?"

There's no way to conceal all the pain, all the sadness, or the anger that she has for herself in that moment, but she does her best to do just that. She knew better, she knew there were certain things that just needed to stay locked inside.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia instantly feels cold. Distant. Alone again, but Sara's reaction, the speed she recoils, the words she's saying as Felicia listens, afraid to turn to look at the cop. Felicia's arms curl to hold herself in the middle of the living room and she has her hair curtaning her face.

    Turning her gaze to peek through the white strands, "I'm not running FROM you," Felicia states calmly, but sternly, "I'm running FOR you."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Having stood, Sara was ready to pace, it's what she did when agitated or stressed, but Felicia's words stop that before it even starts.

"How the hell is helpful?" she asks bluntly, too forcefully. "You ask for the truth, I try to tell you and... you run /for/ me? That's not how it works."

Now the pacing starts, behind the chair and along the fire place, but her eyes remain on Felicia. "Everyone who comes near me gets hurt or dies Felicia, that's what I was trying to tell you. Every... single... one." She stops right behind the chair and lays her hand on the back of it.

"I get close to someone, and either they leave, they get hurt, or they get killed, alright? That's the information in a nutshell. So if you think you're running /for/ me, three words comes to mind that I won't say, because they aren't nice."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You have shit luck huh?" Felicia says, turning finally to face Sara. "You have run of the mill bad luck with a force you claimed that is out to hurt you or your witch sword thing." Yeah, she already forgot the name. "I have actual bad luck powers. People that get near me, or even in a fight with me often have things happen to them that never happen. I don't know how to explain it. I saw Spider-man's webs disolve in mid air. I've had guys shooting at me have their guns explode in their hands. I've had boyfriends..." She stops at that one and drops to her knees.

    That one. That memory. That is the one that breaks Felicia and she's on the ground, tears welling in her eyes, but they do not fall, she has promised herself she's no longer shedding tears over that one.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
One breath, just one, that's all Sara takes before she's around the chair, over to Felicia, then down on one knee to lay her hand on the woman's shoulder. In spite of her own pain, her own fears, she wasn't able to see another person in pain and just let it happen. It's only one breath more before she hugs Felicia, unless she's pushed away.

"So we both have shit luck," she whispers quietly, waaay more softly than should be possible with the anger and pain she was just exhibiting. "We've both hurt people simply by existing, by being what we are. Do you want to run from it still? Because the way I see it Felicia, if you start running, you'll never stop."

If permitted to hug her, Sara tightens the hold around Felicia's body and lays her own head against hers. "I ran for two years, from everything and everyone, I just did my job, and... there's no where you can really run, because it's an attempt to run from yourself. How about... just this once... you and I both stop trying to run and just face together whatever could happen, if it happens?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's arms are instant reactions. The strength behind them are far and away greater than anything a woman her size should have and she holds Sara to her in a sudden and needed embrace. She pauses, and allows herself to breath for a moment, pressing her face into the neck and shoulder of Sara.

    She wont cry over him. She wont. Not again, but Sara. She can cry for Sara. The tears falls from her eyes and land on Sara, and Felicia's body sobs briefly as she holds her new friend to her. "I'm sorry." Felicia whispers after a moment.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Keeping her head resting against Felicia's, Sara offers a soft, "You don't need to be sorry. I get it, just like I was trying to warn you to protect you, that was what you were trying to do for me."

She doesn't break the hug, but she does loosen the tight hold just a little. No need to squeeze all the air out of the woman. She's physically strong, but without Witchblade being active her strength is still just human strength, which is freely offered both physically and emotionally.

"So... we both suck at the friend thing too," she jokes, trying to lighten things up now. "Except perhaps the caring part, because we do, maybe too much. Clean slate? Accept what is for what it is?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "We both suck at the friend thing." Felicia repeats in her sorrow and pulls back as Sara does and offers a pitiful smile, before she turns her head and uses the sleeves of her jersey to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I don't want a clean slate. I'm tired of clean slates. My slate is dirty and filthy, and probably smells like cognac at this point. I want to be me." Felicia repeats the theme of the night, one last time. "I just want to be me, cuddle up and watch some shitty netflix with someone in awful lazy clothes."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara smiles broadly and nods, "Alright, no clean slate."

She takes a deep breath, getting her own emotions in check before she continues. "Be you, no matter who that is, make the world accept you, and if some people can't... fuck em."

Then out of no where says, "Cognac, really? I can see that... yeah, that's you alright. As for lazy clothing, I'm thinking sweat pants and an over sized t-shirt, popcorn with butter, and binge watching something like The Office. How does that sound?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Fuck 'em." Felicia repeats and takes a deep breath, and choosing to embrace Sara tightly once again, not wanting that moment to end just yet.

    "I have expensive tastes, sue me." She says with a giggle that's full hearted, but half hearted through the filter of bubbling and boiling emotions. "And that sounds great, but... I don't have sweat pants." She says, looking down at her nearly too large jersey though.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Again Sara hugs her back, even nuzzles her hair a little in the process, "That's alright, I have a /lot/ of sweat pants because well... they're so easy to replace."

Leaning back again, she consider a moment then picks Felicia up as she stands up, moving to the couch and sitting down with the woman back in her lap. "Expensive tastes are perfectly acceptable," she then says, giving the woman a moment to adjust to being moved around like luggage, it was just easier. "For me, it's Glenlivet, 21 year old scotch whiskey. Only have a little here and there because I'm poor, but when I do, I savor every drop."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia wraps her arms around Sara as she's picked up and enjoys being moved to the couch so, "Aren't you sweet. But is this YOU?" Felicia asks as she shifts on the couch to press herself against Sara and lay her head on the cops shoulder. "Oooh, that sounds delicious, open a bottle, or finish one off, I'll get you one as a thank you. And you can't say no to gifts like that from a friend." Felicia says, preempting any complaints Sara might have.

    "Why don't you get us some pop corn, and ... can I borrow a pair of those sweat pants?" Felicia asks, raising a single eyebrow.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Yes, this is me," Sara admits with a slight shrug. "On my days off from work, I tend to just lounge around, sometimes try to read a book, always end the day with a work out, or start it that way, but other than that... the day is mine."

She grins, then lifts Felicia up to set her on the couch so she can get up. "Upstairs, right room at the top is my room, you'll find the huge sweat pants collection in the chest of drawers, don't be surprised that most are SHIELD issued."

As she speaks, she points to where the stairs are because they are sort of naturally hidden by the way the house is laid out. "While you change, I'll make us some popcorn, get that bottle of Glenlivet and some glasses. No ice, that's just... barbaric."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Thank you." Felicia says, stepping up off the couch and moving towards the stairs Sara mentioned shouting back on the way, "I'll get you some drink stones too. Perfect way to cool down a drink." The thief notes but she slows down while moving up as the sorrow she was feeling takes a few more moments to tighten her muscles and for her to force her way through the memories and pain.

    Not long Felicia does return back down stairs and yet the jersey is sitting differently on her chest, the skirt and the stockings are gone as well, replaced with a plain grey sweatpants with a Shield logo on the left thigh. "Very comfortable." She smiles as she steps over to the couch and waits for Sara to bring the popcorn.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
In the kitchen Sara takes a moment to herself, to shove everything back into the box while listening to Witchblade rant about how if he has to do better, she has to better. Anyone who could have heard that would have no idea the context of it, but it was all related to him doing better at expressing himself without anger and learning from the world around them both. And on her part, doing better not to keep everything locked down in a box, to stop going through life assuming it would always be just her.

While she had this internal battle, a large bag of microwave popcorn is tossed in to start popping, and she collects the hidden bottle of Glenlevit from the basement, and places it on a tray with two glasses. Next come a bowl so that when the microwave goes off, the bag can be dumped directly into it, and then the tray gets carried back into the living room.

"Those sweats are some of the most comfortable on the planet, I swear," she offers as she sets the try on the coffee table by the tiramisu, then plops on the couch. "So soft, like made from kitten fur or something."

The final moment, she collects the remote for the TV, got the menu up for Netflix, then passed it over to Felicia. "You get to decide what we're watching."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Reaching a hand into the popcorn and picking up a trio of kernals, Felicia pops them into her mouth and takes the remote. "I think the office sounds great." Selecting the old sitcom and scooching herself up against Sara, and wrapping an arm across the woman's waist to start to fall asleep against, one eye on the tv the other pressed into Sara's shoulder.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Pouring some scotch into each glass, one is offered to Felicia, and Sara takes other for herself. As she settles back onto the couch, and against the blonde, the bowl of popcorn gets moved into her lap so there is no need to stretch, turn, or other wise move. They can stay leaned against each other, watching The Office for as long as they want and have popcorn at the ready.

It was a show Sara had never watched, but always intended to, so why not just relax and enjoy. When she notices Felicia starting to doze off, the move she does is a mom move, and she doesn't even realize it.

Reaching to the back to the back of the couch, she pulls the light throw blanket off and lays it over Felicia, very carefully takes the glass from her hand, and let's her sleep.