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About A Saki
Date of Scene: 08 June 2022
Location: Alias Investigations
Synopsis: Jessica asks for Elektra's help in learning about Oraku Saki, the man she suspects runs a cult, who was so kindly as to offer Jessica some help.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Elektra Natchios

Jessica Jones has posed:
In a very unusual show of desire to meet, Jessica actually called Elektra, and not in a "fuck you bitch" kind of manner over being angry at this or that, but rather a simple, "I need to talk, can you come to my office?"

A very un-Jones like approach, and should Elektra agree to come, she'll even find the door is currently in good condition. Jessica is sitting at her desk, two glasses of whiskey already poured, though judging by the amount left in the bottle, she wasn't waiting for Elektra to arrive before she started.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's the kind of invitation that's certainly unusual coming from Jessica which for Elektra means she either cleaned up or there's something urgent to talk about. Her chips are on the latter.

Elektra's sillouette is visible on the doorway before there's a brief knock and then she opens it, eyes taking the insides for a moment. "Jones." she acknowledges the PI. The assassin is dressed in a pair of dark jeans, sweater and jacket. Somewhat roomy to have various weapons hidden, "I see you have already started without me." a tsk and she approaches.

"You sounded serious when you asked for the meet." A brow arching and she sitting on a chair across from the other woman.

Jessica Jones has posed:
When Elektra's silhouette becomes visible through the glass partition of the door, Jessica straightens in her seat, calling out, "it's open, come in...thank you for coming, Elektra, I really appreciate it!"

She shakes her head at the comment, "damn, you're good, what gave it away?" She asks while sipping from her glass. "Yes...so, you know all kinds of people in the karate magic business, right?"

"Does the name Saki ring a bell? Oraku Saki or something like that? Has a dojo in Brooklyn...?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The way in which Jessica greets her has Elektra pause briefly. "That demon didn't come back and possess you, did it?" is she really saying a demon would have better manners than the JJ she knows? Well.... Yet when JJ gets some sarcasm in there's a smile out of Elektra, "Ah, no. There she is." amusement dancing on her expression.

"I know many of them, yes." she reaches for her own glass, picking it and pouring some whiskey in. A sniff, a little twirl and then a sip out of the glass. "Saki.." she echoes the name, thoughtful, "Oroku Saki is an old name. But I know no recent one even if there's a prominent Saki in history." she explains. "You say this man has a dojo?" she looks thoughtful.

"Tell me more about the context in which you met this man? And the dojo?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Funny you should mention it...but that's for another time, this is more important," Jessica did have another demon encounter? Her life isn't boring, that's for sure. "Wait...old name? What's the Saki in history? Because I could have sworn this one just runs a dojo in Brooklyn, even though I did investigate him on allegations he may be running a cult turning kids far too aggressive."

"Well, there was this kid who got bullied real hard, I'm talking hospitalization level damages..." Jessica starts, looking none too happy to go back to that case, "I found out the kid who bullied him has been radicalized after attending this dojo in Brooklyn, he hadn't been violent before, when I went over I met this Saki characters..." she takes a deep breath, and another sip, clearly that didn't go as well as she had liked. "I got too aggressive myself, tossed his training dummy to the mat, then he attacked me, and I kinda...maybe punched him into the wall..." she reaches to pinch at the bridge of her nose, "so dumb...anyways, he said I have issues, and he can help me work them out...he offered to teach me martial arts, and that it would help me calm down, or whatever...even suggested it'd help with the alcohol, even though the alcohol isn't a problem! It's a medicine...fuck, everyone so judgemental..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oroku Saki. It's not a common name like John, or Jack. But it can happen that someone gets the same name. Yet when you spoke of it along with a dojo it just reminded me of some passages I read once. Old Clan that called itself the Foot. It was eventually surpassed by the Hand in power but I know they have kept a presence. The Saki I heard of ..., well, he lived many hundred years ago so I am imagining it's not the same."

A small frown then appears on her expression. "A cult that turns kids? Sounds like the Hand MO though.." she points out, listening to JJ's explanation and her brows furrowing. "I am surprised you'd allow anyone to teach you anything." a beat, "Specially martial arts." expression eases a touch.

"It's a good thing." she says, perhaps somewhat surprisingly.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I really wouldn't know about Japanese names, like, Ping Pong and Jin Jong all sound the same to me, you know," yes, she's being an intentional pain not even trying to actually name a Japanese name. "You think that guy might have connection to something called The Foot? I can take his offer and go to a lesson to snoop and ask about The Foot," Jessica offers with a shrug.

"Oh, hundreds of years ago? I guess that's not the Brooklyn guy then," Jessica sounds a bit disappointed, turns out this might not be too helpful after all. "You think it might be a Hand operation?" She tries the alternative approach. "To be fair, I really am not into having anyone teach me anything, let alone karate magic, or even just karate." She laughs as she emptys her glass, "you have a good read on me, it really isn't my jam."

"Really?" Jess looks surprised, "you think I should take him on his offer?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I don't know enough to be able to answer whether he is with the Foot or not. Though my contacts in the Hand told me nothing about a new dojo in Brooklyn. Could be an independent, or just a normal dojo really where a student got too aggressive. It happens. Often enough Karate is a way to vent off aggression no matter how many say it helps self-control and healing." a bit of a smile creeping up her lips. "Though in a way it helps when the source of your pain is lying down on the ground bloodied after you beat them up some."

Elektra has a unique type of therapy apparently.

"But back to the offer, I don't think you lose anything by accepting it. Figure out more on what may be going on with the dojo. And if the guy is the real deal and can teach you a thing or two..., even better." a beat, "Maybe consider it a challenge for yourself since you are so adamant on not needing help." Elektra had tried helping JJ and failed after all!

Jessica Jones has posed:
"He did assure me he looked into it and it was a single incident of a troubled student..." Jessica remarks, before sighing, "the man made the effort to come see me in this office, to extend his offer to help me." The brutal honesty from Elektra has Jessica laughing, for a moment forgetting the more serious tone of the conversation, "now -that- I can believe."

"Yeah, well, I really don't," Jessica murmurs, though her expression almost looks lifeless for a moment. There's no doubt she's been hiding a lot behind whatever aggressively independent facade she's been keeping, but it is difficult to get her to open up at all. "He wanted me to address him as Master Saki, I told him there's no way, is that seriously acceptable in Martial Arts? Master...? I hate that term."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Depends.." Elektra replies about the Master part. "It is an honorific used only for the class room. A signal of respect for the one who is teaching you. At least in a perfect world." her expression growing somber, "The Hand uses the term as a way to control others, another way to make the students obedient. To be unleashed at their Master's beck and call." her jaw tightens for a moment and then she shakes her head, "But this man ..., I would be surprised he was involved with the Hand." a beat, "Yet if you wish I can go there for a visit one day. See what he's about."

"For the better or for the worst I know the tactics they use." The former Hand assassin says in a resigned manner, draining the rest of her glass, "Have I told you I have a student now?" she then asks.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"An honorific, eh?" Jessica mutters, not entirely buying it, though one would excuse her if they know more of her history. The term is quite jarring for Jessica, no matter the excuse to use it. "I think pompous fucks that use it have a bit of an ego problem," she offers her two cents. "See? I find the Hand's method is how it's more generally used, knowingly or not. Like a slow simmer programming of student's minds." Another glass goes down Jessica's throat, "the fact you believe he's no Hand...well...maybe I should give it a try, if only to weed out that bit of truth."

But then comes a quip she never expected to hear, "wait...you? You have a student? How did that ever happen? I thought you hated kids...it's that girl isn't it? The blodne you threw to the wolves?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"There are similar terms. Like sensei, which means a teacher, and perhaps not with such a .., dominant connotation." Elektra points out, eyes continuing to follow Jessica's expressions and words. There's a lot to take in the way she talks, and *what* she says after all.

"Could be an Agent I haven't heard of yet, or just a normal guy trying to make a living with his dojo.." the faintest of smirks coming to her lips, "What does your detective instinct tells you?" she then finally asks.

The topic about the student has Elektra arching a brow, "I am not sure why you are so surprised. I can perfectly have students. Or are you saying I don't have the profile?" she at least doesn't huff in indignation but then nods at JJ's 'guess' on who it may be. "Yes, that's the one. Those wolves have been solved though, and hopefully a lesson was learned. Regardless, it's better that she is with me than down the path she was going through." she shakes her head slowly. "A tool for the Hand."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"So you are aware of the real intent of 'Master'...domination, I appreciate that we're not walking around the bush, Elektra," Jessica notes as she downs her who knows what numbered glass. "It pisses me off that people take that liberty to declare themselves Master over this or that person, because that's bullshit." She laughs when asked about her detective skill, "Colleen is a person trying to make a living with her dojo....that guy gives me the creeps. But I found no evidence against him. Could be just a feeling."

"I don't know," Jess shares with complete honesty, "I feel like any student of yours would be in grave danger of dying at a moment's notice...fromt he training alone." Jess nods, and tries to fish for more, "what pray tell was the path she was on?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"We have known each other for .., a while now. Have I ever struck you as someone that walks around the bush?" The Assassin letting out a brief laugh at that, the corners of her mouth creasing amusedly. Reaching for her own glass she pours a bit more of the whiskey in to take a brief sip. No downing whiskey glasses for Elektra. "Colleen is also someone that tries to offer someone she knows is an assassin teddy bears." she points out. "So I can certainly see how you'd find them to be different."

"But fine, I can do you a favor and go check it out."

The talk about someone dying from her training has Elektra nod, "Is that a bad thing though? It's not like the world will pull their punches when they need to go out there on their own." she says, "It's not a fair world, why should her training be fair? At least she will be ready. Or die.." she lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "But I wouldn't had picked her up if I didn't see any potential there." a pause, "I spoke with Matt.." she then says, ".. about getting the girl involved in more healthy practices, like with the Defenders.."

When Jessica asks about the path the girl was on she smiles, "Whatever the Hand told her to, from petty theft to worse."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"so we have..." Jessica admits, before laughing, "no, in that regard, we are alike, and it makes me sick we have anything in common, I'll have you know," and that apparently was a toast as she pours herself another glass to drink, leaving very little in the bottle itself. "I am quite grateful you would go out of your way to do me that one favor, Elektra, thank you very much," there the glass is raised, and another sip...or rather, a gulp, okay, she damned nearly downed it in one go, leaving a shallow bits at the bottom as she sets it down. "Bless the makers of Whiskey."

"I'll meet her on professional terms, but I'm not kid friendly, so she better leave her ego in check, or I'll check it for her," Jessica notes, "I'll leave you to your affairs, I'll keep you updated about the Saki creep."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"As the old saying goes, you scratch my back, I scratch yours." This about favors. And yes, Elektra is fully ignoring the sarcasm in JJ's tone. "Take a look at the kid, I will take a look at this Saki." she finishes her own whiskey glass, setting it aside. "Or are you too above with dealing with the likes of me, mmm?" another amused smirk gracing her expression.

"And feel free to check the kid's ego for her." Her shoulders rising in a shrug, "It's about time she learns about consequences. No need to hold back either." she starts to get up to her feet, "Good that you and Matthew are in sync about this."

"Was this all then?" She asks Jessica, "Or was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica's hand is extended towards Elektra, "I think we just made a deal, and I totally hate you for it, Elektra." She snorts, "don't mistake me from a snooty snoot, I am well aware I am not above you, Elektra..." Jess' expression turns unexpectedly dark, bitter, if one ever had the impression she had high self esteem from her confident mannerism, that illusion is quite shattered in this very moment. "Oh I definitely will, send her my way, I'd love to talk to her." The very last few drops, Jessica drinks straight from the bottle, before ever so classlessly letting it drop to the floor to roll a bit, "I think we are done, thank you Elektra, I really appreciate you coming to talk. I know I don't make it easy."