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Latest revision as of 16:16, 15 June 2022

A Meeting with the Juggernaut
Date of Scene: 15 June 2022
Location: Mystique's Office
Synopsis: Mystique speaks with the Juggernaut about recent activities in Bushwick and Bane's presence among the mutants,
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Cain Marko

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Rumors have a way of spreading. Sometimes they're filled with truths, other times there are exaggerations to it all. Mystique was a mutant of information and facts, and hearing the whispers from her contacts about what happened in Bushwick, and who was involved, the information was lacking.

For this reason alone, she sent a text to Cain Marko, the Juggernaut, and requested that he meet with her in her office to, as she wrote: 'Discuss recent events in Bushwick'.

Leaving the door open, she sat behind her desk dressed in a perfectly white tailored suit. The blouse was lower cut, removing a certain level of professionalism, but she didn't seem to care. Her flaming red hair was left hanging free down her back and over her shoulders, and no where to be seen were the Smurf skulls of her usual costume.

Cain Marko has posed:
The vibrations begin well before he's actually seen. As should be expected. Cain Marko is not a man known for subtlety and careful wanderings under any particular circumstances. Here, on the Asteroid, where he's not only welcome but where there is ample space to allow his prodigious bulk to freely move without need for caution..he could be said to be something of a moving seismic event.

Still..common sense applies. They are in space after all and while he can survive being hurtled out into the vaccuum..free floating in the void is not exactly his idea of a good time. Done that one too many times.

"Mystique." he rumbles as his mammoth armored figured pulls into full view, emerging from the shadows of the exterior hallway into the office like some eighteen wheeler slowly pulling into a waiting garage. His massive figure casts a long engulfing shadow on her as he draws closer and closer before thudding to a stop within a reasonable speaking distance. His vast physique lumbering still with all the grace of a landslide coming to a stop. He then smile, full toothed, and a grin spreading from one ear to the other, visible through the opening on his domed helm.

"..You rang?" he rumbles in his best Addams Family impression though he is forced to pause when a bit of deja vu hits him, "..I think that's how I said hello to Lorna when I was here last. I need to get some new lines.."

A second later and he's reached up to remove his helmet with a flash of red light. It reveals his skullcapped visage but at least more of his face can be seen. He's trusting..but not that trusting. Old habits.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
When the seismic event begins, Mystique calmly closes the lap top she had been working on and sits back in her chair. Crossing right leg over left, a moment later the shadows falls over her. He was a big man, there was no doubt about that. He was large, impressive, and to some likely scary, but to her he was just another man who happened to be large enough to seek shelter from rain under and who could take out buildings with his bare hands.

His Addam's Family impression actually brings a mirthful smile to her lips as she gestures to the large chair resting on the other side of the desk from her. "Feel free to sit," she offers. "The chair is designed to support you, and others like you."

Now she leans forward toward a carafe of coffee sitting on her desk, "Would you like some coffee while we speak? I'm curious to find out more about Bane being in Bushwick."

No, she doesn't fail to notice that he removed his helmet. The level of trust offered in that action was also not missed. She never once had any ill will toward him, and did in fact offer that same level of trust just by being alone with him. Whether or not he realized that she didn't know, sometimes people needed to be metaphorically clubbed over the head to realize things.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Coffee? What, you don't have a replicator up in this joint?"

The jokes are flying today. In fact...careful observation might reveal that he's in somewhat of a good mood. For him. Well, careful might be stretching it. He's not hard to read usually and Mystique is 'more' then just a people person. She can easily suss out he's likely been having a good time of it of late somewhere or another and so likely rather willing to spill anything she wants to know in a fairly easy going manner.

He takes the seat, sitting the tonnage of his mass down upon it without pause to consider if it will actually hold him and he drapes a monstrous arm behin dit, letting it hang loosely and swing as he casually leans into it.

"Yeah I figured you'd have heard about that by now. Nothing gets by you. Don't worry. I laid 'im out. THe guy was an embaressement but whaddya want to know? I got some gossip on 'im."

Juggernaut grins once again, the menace of an eager junkyard dog in his smile. "I aint got no problem giving the details on that. Hell, I even warned him The Brotherhood might get irritated at him and his goons showing up.."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pouring out two cups of coffee, and sliding one to the edge of the table for him, Mystique sits back with her own cup in hand. She had a way of ensuring that her facial expressions always remained neutral, especially when the business portion of a conversation began. So as she listened to him, judged his jovial mode, and took a sip of her coffee, her face was completely expressionless.

"The technology for replicators is sadly, still years away, but the research is being done," she offers back with a slight grin. "If you would prefer something else I can always have it brought in from the kitchens."

The chair held, he could probably bounce in it and it would hold, though the asteroid might not take it well. "I wish to know what happened," she says calmly, but bluntly.

Now she reaches to her desk and removes an envelope from the surface that is slid over by the cup of coffee. "I have the rumors, that Bane's thugs came in and where causing issues, then the man himself came by. I would like to know, from your bird's eye perspective, what happened so I best know how to go and threaten Bane back to Gotham."

Cain Marko has posed:
The comment about replicator technology does cause Juggernautt o blink abit in surprise but as Mystique gets right to business, the surprise melts away and he becomes more thoughtful looking in consideration of her words. "That's the problem though.. He doesn't yield to threats well. They're fanatics. Fanatically devoted to him and he's not afraid to die to satisfy his own ego. It's, uh, kinda strange actually. HE knew he wasn't a match for me but instead of trying to save face he was willing to risk me laying hand a hand on him.."

He reaches down as he's speaking and picks the envelope up and absently flicks it upen with his fingers. HIs eyes squint and then an eyebrow raises again in some surprise at the gesture but he's not about to turn it down.

"Huh. Well..basically I was just moving through Mutant Town. I like passing by now and again. I don't have to be as careful given how big I can be. Most folk assume I'm a Mutant or a Meta of some sort but anyway..." He lowers the envelop, "Some random folk just started gathering and talking. I got called over by some kid from the south woh offered me a drink. TYpical New York stuff. Nothing crazy."

He then shrugs, helplessly and confused, "Suddenly I see Bane's mercenaries showing up! They're waving guns and clearing the streets and then they come over to us to demand we move along like they're the local security. We warned 'em off but they didn't budge. They're that devoted to him. Then Bane himself showed up and he threatened me."

Juggernaut's massive hand waves back and forth. "I warned 'im to back off and he didn't. So.." the immense man makes a gesture of flipping someone the bird, letting the tree branch thick middle finger flick upwards as he grins with the impish attitude of a schoolyard bully, "So I flicked 'im off. Sent him through a car and into a wall. Then League of Shadow assassins popped up and they ganked him out of there before anyone could do anything about it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique's yellow eyes remain fixed on Cain as he talks, moving with his hand gestures but always coming back to his face. She listens intently to every word, as if she is searching for something in the information that comes between the words, rather than what the man actually says.

When he finishes speaking she nods slowly. "I'm well aware that his people are fanatics," she says calmly. "And that threats of the usual nature tend to fall on deaf ears, including his own. When it comes to a cult leader like Bane, there are hidden threats in words that tend to work better."

Taking another sip of her coffee, she sets the cup down on the desk before leaning forward. "Thank you for helping to protect Bushwick, Mr. Marko. There are some who may have been able to stop Bane and his thugs, but you being there made it much easier and set in motion what must come next."

"I will be arranging a meeting with Bane, person to person," she continues, the same bluntness to her that she always maintains. "I would like you to join me at this meeting as one of my 'guards'. Blink will likely want to be the other, but this sort of thing will not be permitted in Bushwick. Bane can go play in Queens, or the Bronx if he wishes, but not Bushwick."

Cain Marko has posed:
"If you're serious about this... Damn, I mean, of course you are. It's you. Lemme rephrase. -When- you go..there's something you should know. Bane's up to something that's...not entirely natural."

It is now THe Juggernaut's turn to grow more serious. The transformation isn't out of character per se but there seems to be something else Mystique can perceive..something resulting from the behemoths familiarity with acts of magic, sorcery and the supernatural.

"His fight club in Gotham is some sorta cult temple alright. When I was there last he seemed to be trying to tap into some sort of...mystical being. Demon. God. SOmething. I don't know. If you do whatever you're going to do..might wanna be ready for a war with the League and whatever Bane's trying to do in that hell hole of his. Not to mention getting the attention of the capes in Gotham..."

He lets that linger before reachign to reclaim his helm, "But sure! I'll be there with you. I might rile him up by being there but hey I guess that's the point. Just say when..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique sits back in the chair once more, eyes narrowing very slightly as she considers this information. It was possible that Bane was searching for the hidden powers of some god, or perhaps just something magical. She wouldn't put it past him to be trying to make himself and his cult stronger.

"To be fair, Bane is always up to something," she comments almost dryly, before her eyes lift back to look at his face.

"It is likely that Bane is attempting to summon a powerful demon or god, perhaps even both, magic has a way of screwing things up in the worst ways." She snorts softly, making note to speak to Lydia about this. "The League, the Bats, they aren't the enemy here. We are all just as equally against Bane, but my offer to Bane will ensure he gets what he wants, and stays out of Bushwick, without effecting Gotham, the League or the Bats."

Batman. She'd met him once, at the Justice League base on the moon. She wasn't a fan. "If I do manage to get the attention of the Bats, I will merely explain myself. Remember Mr. Marko, my public image is changing." Now she smiles, broadly, with a hint of something mischievous to it. "My only intent is to keep him out of Bushwick, if the Bats have a problem with that... well, then they can speak to me themselves."

Cain Marko has posed:
"It's your show, Mystique.."

Juggernaut allows his previous mirth, sharkish though it be, to return. He lifts the envelop up to help make his next point as he adds, "..We're just the performers. Right?"

Chuckling, he looms forward to brace himself and then finally rises and reaches down to grab his helmet and then replaces it onto his armor with a flash of crimson light and a sound of metal fusing together.

"Y'know how to reach me..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique stands as the big man does, a new smile playing across her face. "You are so much more than a performer, Mr. Marko. You are the star of any plan that you involve yourself in." She walks around the desk toward the door, pulling it open for him.

"When the meeting is arranged, I will contact you again. If he refuses the meeting, well... we'll just go talk to him anyway, it will merely be much more hostile." She glances into the hall for a moment, wondering idly if anyone was ever really prepared for Cain to come walking out, but they were about to deal with it all the same.

"Sascha has a bottle of Glenlevit scotch whiskey at the bar for you," she finally says. "A final gift for your assistance."