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Of Bards and Blondes
Date of Scene: 15 June 2022
Location: Metropolis University
Synopsis: Mary Jane meets Power Girl on the Metropolis University campus and they talk about the normal trials and tribulations of life in the East Coast weird zone.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Karen Starr

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Metropolis University was home to a great many theatrical productions. Some great, some small. Mary Jane had been there for an audition in one of such productions. The complicated process of taking multiple busses,a rranging travel, preparation for audition..
    Then the theatre the show was in was leveled before the auditions were going to take place. Quite reasonably them being put off for now..
    Leaving Mary Jane, in a cheaply done thrown together Elizabethan era Shakespearan outfit, wandering the campus to find somewhere to eat.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Texican Joe's Birria Burgers has a slightly racist name, and the best burgers in the city.

    It's a food truck, that happens to make its way to different places within the city, sort of half indulging in the freedom of the food truck to set up in any parking lot, and half giving up tons of business because food trucks make most of their money on popping up in the same place day to day, and wandering around to big events.

    Texican Joe goes where he pleases.

    Today, he happens to be reaping the rewards of being one of the few food trucks to show up outside of Metropolis U. Mobbed with students, and among the line, is one Power Girl- at six foot three flat footed, and easily six-six in her heels, the blonde woman cuts an imposing figure in the line of hungry people who alternate between pretending that seeing her there is perfectly normal and shuffling forward to get food from the truck.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Where few fear to tread, there can often be fortunes to be made. In a world of madness, those whom are aggressive can make much. The student population was mobile. The jingles going on were enough to convince Mary Jane there was something on this way; and more importantly the smells were amazing. So Mary Jane would be heading in that direction, hands going around to adjust the skirts of what a tightly budgeted theatre department considered appropriate quality level to let out of towners audition in dress, and head towards the group. Then looking up and over at Power Girl, impressed.
    Then, going to take out a phone and go to scroll through it a few times as she got in line. Skimming through some old pictures of Peter's that would probably be visible if one were to catch them at just the right moment. Of Peter and an ex of his.
    Kara Zor-El.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl isn't facing the fancily dressed- if on a budget- redhead that had joined the line. She only was able to see the other woman when she reached the head of the line, and put in an order for both a burger and a dog, as well as a large drink- something that shouldn't, at all, be fair for her to do with her figure.

    There is the occasional look of mild jealousy from other people, though it's hard to tell if they started before or after she ordered.

    When she finally gets her food, she turns and does a small double take at MJ, not necessarily for any reason other than that the woman is oddly dressed, and that occasionally that means that she'd been waiting in line with someone who was about to do something insane. She does this look just as she's pushing a bit of hotdog into her face, in a moderately unladylike fashion.

    When it becomes evident that MJ isn't threatening the crowd with a death ray, Karen moves on somewhat- but decides to linger, just in case.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Skimming through the pictures on her phone, Mary Jane doesn't seem phased over by the looks anyone is giving her. She's from New York, this is Metropolis. Different parts o fthe planet have vastly different standards and norms as far as culture goes. The phone is skimmed through and then tucked away somewhere over. She would glance over the menu and the other students, moving just a little bit to get downwind of someone over in the area smoking.
    Then shifting over to Power Girl she would grin, "Hey." As if guessing the other woman's thought process. "I'm not from the past sent to the future nor the result of a supervillain using a laser to make everyone behave the proper way they did in the sixteen hundreds."

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a few chews and a swallow, before Power Girl cleans up her face- it's a hot dog, that's just the way it works- and offers the redhead a calm nod.

    "That's good. I really didn't want to have to do any punching before I finished lunch." she returned, before making her way to a nearby bench and setting herself down. It altogether seems so pedestrian of course- for Power Girl to eat lunch outside on a park bench- but all the same, was she going to eat and fly? That notion just seems altogether irresponsible.

    The dog is done in no time, and she's moving on to the burger and fries very shortly after. At the very least, she eats like a normal person, just apparently one that doesn't have to give a damn about calories.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would spend a few moments ordering her own food and getting it, and then giving a wave over at Power Girl, "It okay to join you? I wouldn't mind someone to eat with. And you're probably the scariest person here that's not one of the teachers." She would quip if allowed to approach. If indicated not to she would just stand off at a comfortable distance to eat. If she was she would come on over and go to take a seat.
    "I hope nothing too particularly dangerous took you over here. I'm from New York and we always call Metropolis the stuff where the weird things happen. Gotham's where the scary stuff is." She would speak with the joviality of someone that was well versed in the way the cities on the East Coast worked.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl sets down her burger and offers a small shrug while chugging away at her drink.

    "Yeah, you can sit, that's not a problem." she gestures, casually, to the seat across from her. "And no, not especially dangerous, just a minor bank robbery. Regular old bullets really don't mean a whole lot in Metropolis, though, so a lot of these guys are using these weird lasers, it's kinda... Dumb." She offers a kind of frown. "Still haven't figured out where they keep getting them."

    That said, she takes up her burger and takes another bite, allowing the redhead to seat herself and get to eating, because taco truck food isn't necessarily cheap. It's at that apex of good and inexpensive, but it's far from fast food and fine dining, respectively. It's also a little hard to call the burger much more than a patty of grease and toppings, but Power Girl and the other students seem to like it. One step above eating a sloppy joe, it's hard to keep together- which doesn't seem to present much of an issue for the blonde.

    She is, though, wearing a pair of gloves. So those help.

    "I typically stay out of Gotham. That's not my territory and I'm not welcome, but I'm from Metropolis, as it were."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson goes to sit down and move to start to unwrap her own food. Which is not nearly as delectable as the burger. But it's some sort of wrap,s tuffed with peppers, meat, and enough grease to make it all stomachable to someone in college, and goes to take a bite of it. Said bite is nowhere near as intense as that which Power Girl gave. It also has her huffing and puffing, the wrap being very spicy as she would quickly chug water.
    "Well, better dumb lasers that aren't as dangerous than them realizing they're not good and trying to get better ones I guess?" The would-be actress would offer up and over in thought. "Gotham's pretty scary." Another, smaller bite tkaen, this time the girl braced and not nearly as adventurous. "So wha'ts your thought on the whole which city is weirder?" New York or Metropolis.
    "I was nearly run over by a giant robotic wheel the size of a small house last week. I was upset it made me not able to take the subway connection I needed."

Karen Starr has posed:
    The wraps are quite popular- approaching the mex portion of texmex, they are still one hundred percent delicious Birria. In this case, though, it seems to be giving MJ trouble, and Power Girl offers some advice. "Milkshake. Should've gotten the milkshake. Way better for spicy food." That said, she goes back to her burger for a moment.

    "Oh, they're trying. It's just that you need a whole lot more laser to get the job done when we're paying attention." the blonde notes, after a quick chew and swallow. "Which is weirder, though? Metropolis. Definitely. Hands down. You don't get people like Mr. Mxyzptlk in New York. Sure you get weirdos that have giant wheels or that one guy on the stilts or whatever, but those creeps are everywhere. Mr. Mxyzptlk is something /else/ entirely. Ruins your entire damn day."

    Another bite. She's speaking from experience.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod at Power Girl, "Excellent advise, thank you. Next time I go this route I'll have to remember that for the combo." Taking another small bite of her wrap. The lines a little too long now to make it worth trying to dart back into one to get a milkshake to go with it. She would go to hold the wrap down, going to take a gulp of her water.
    "You win on that one." She would admit. "I'm sure there has to be some better way to deal with him. There's always some of the classics." She would, however, fully concede the argument of 'weirdness' to the expert.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen gives off a small kind-of sigh at that. "Yeah, I just worry one of these days he's not going to be coming to the city to play games anymore. You can only lose so often before they stop being fun, and I don't trust what he can do to be limited to tricks." she notes, taking time to stare off into the middle distance. Her opinion of the imp is not at all high.

    Burger finished, and drink in hand, Power Girl cleans up and moves to stand, making her way to the nearest trash can to deposit her trash like a good citizen. If Clark had ever found out that she'd littered, it'd be one hell of a talking-to- so she doesn't. Just can't argue with that guy.

    Cup in hand, she addresses the woman who'd sat down to eat with her, offering a wave of her hand. "Alright, gotta get back to it." Lifting quietly into the air, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

    "Good luck with... Whatever it is you're dressed to do. Hope that goes well."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "There's always the classics when you're dealing with something that plays by those rules. I might suggest using the works of Chuck Jones for some level of inspiration." Which would probably not go down particularly well but might at least make the experience memorable.
    Mary Jane finishing with her own wrap a little more slowly due to the heat, then going to chug down the rest of her water. "Going to have to get another one.." This is what she got for not bringing a water bottle. "And auditioning? Thanks. Presuming they don't cancel teh play with what happened to the auditorium.. I've got the easy job. I just have to go on a stage and recite a few lines from a sheet of paper. You're the one that has to deal wtih people firing lasers at her all the time. Best of luck to you. And I hope they.. Keep on using the lasers that don't do much and don't figure out how to make a better set?" She would offer.
    "And Mary Jane." Offering a hand.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl has to float back down to take the hand and give it a small, friendly shake. Such a gesture is odd- because at no point is Mary Jane able to make the blonde woman's arm move, unless it wishes to be moved. Not that anyone doubts the papers about how strong these Kryptonians are, but, well, they really, /really/ are. Hard to get over it being true until you feel it in person, like shaking hands with a statue made of steel that is friendly enough not to crush your hand.

    "Eh, we all have our trials and tribulations. It's the context. What's hard for you might be harder for me, and the other way around. Everyone's going through something that isn't easy."

    With that message delivered, Power Girl drifts up into the air, and then zooms off, cup of soda still in hand. Much easier to fly and consume that, than a burger.