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Latest revision as of 19:45, 29 March 2020

Hanging in the park
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Kyani and Naomi got to know one another and possible friendship.
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Naomi McDuffie

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's late in the afternoon, Central Park is pretty busy today, there are joggers running the trails, you have moms and families out with their kids playing or walking the various trails. Kyani runs through an area and flips over a bench then up a slanted platform and does a side aerial, he lands and does a forward ground roll and he's back up again racing past a few joggers, a smile on his face as he moves.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Naomi was here for other reasons. She was just trying to do some shopping today, looking for some new clothes and a couple of other things. Now, after doing some of that, she has taken a break to grab a sandwich and head out to the park. Now, she heads over toward where Kyani is jogging and walks right into his path, not really realizing that she's in his way at all as she pulls out her phone to check the time and her own schedule.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani was running granted he knows he can't go all out, sonic booms are a no go here. Still though he was having fun up until he saw Naomi walk right in the path he was going, "SHiT!" he says as he taps into his speed a bit causing a large gust of cold wind to rock Naomi and the others around him. He stops and makes himself stumble to play off that he and Naomi almost collide, she would feel herself being pushed a bit. "Hey you good?" he asks her.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she feels that odd push and she nearly does drop some of the stuff she is holding. She blinks at Kyani and then smiles, "Oh hey, yeah, sorry. I didn't see you coming." She nods to him and then looks down at her food, checking ot make all is in order before she looks around, "That was a weird wind." She then shifts her footing and nods to him, "You alright though?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani nods his head, "Yeah I'm good." he says as he looks to Naomi. "Well things are ok, you seemed to have been a bit distracted." he says to her as he looks around as a few people kinda looks around to see what was going on, others felt the wind as well, but they then go about their business. He smells the food and his stomach let's it be known that it needs to be fed.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A grin and she nods, "Yeah, was kinda looking at the time. First day at a new school on Monday and I have a lot I want to get done." She nods her head before shrugging, "Though, I suppose I should slow down some." She then looks down at her food, "Gotta eat anyway." She then looks up, "I'm Naomi, by the way."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "New school? High School or college?" he asks. He nods his head to her as she talks about having to slow down somewhat. "Nah, I like to keep moving fast. Life's short and all of that y'know." he states. When she introduces herself, "Nice to meet you Naomi, my name is Kyani." he says and holds his hand out to her in friendship.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile and she gives his hand a shake, "High School, I still have to finish my last semester." She nods her head, "I may have to do some summer school due to some issues at my old school." She nods her head as she looks at him, "Anyway, why do you ask? You in school still?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "I only asked because you mentioned you were starting at a new school is all." he says to her. "I went to community college, it was alright but didn't feel right for me." He shrugs a little bit, "Well I hope you pass." he says as he looks to her. "I work mainly and today is my day off." he grins, "So I figured I would get some parkour going."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A nod and then she smiles, "I got ya, parkour. That sounds cool. I'm more of a...relax and eat on my day off type person." She nods her head as she looks over at the nearby bench and then walks over with a grin and takes a seat, "Though learning parkour could be cool. Might have to try that sometime. I don't know personally if I'll do college but I gotta finish high school." She nods her head.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani quirks a brow up at her, "Well if you want to learn, let me know I can teach you." he chuckles. "Though there is nothing wrong with relaxing and chilling on your day off too." Kyani walks over to the bench and sits down with her, and as she tells him about not knowing about college, "Hey college is sometimes not the place for everyone, but people keep constantly saying you should go. Just do what you feel is good for you."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smirk and she nods, "Sure, maybe. I barely know you though so not rushing off to learn from you just yet." She chuckles and grins at Kyani, "No offense but perhaps we can start with what it is you do since youi aren't in college. You know what I do. It's go to school." She nods her head and takes a bite of her food before looking back to him.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani smirks, "No problem, research it and see if it's something you want to do. There are plenty of groups who actually run here and other places." he says to her. "The community for parkour is pretty big here in New York." Leaning back and looking out at the people here in the park, "That's fair. I work at Mack's Deliveries, I'm a messenger, I deliver parcels, letters and such that people need quickly." he states, "Though I'm starting to build my own clientele so that I can make more money and leave the company I'm with."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
"Oh, cool. That must be why the parkour then, eh? Seems like it'd be very useful." She nods her head as she listens before she takes another bite of food. She finishes chewing and swallowing fast before she nods her head, "Though that does sound cool. Working for yourself sounds like a pretty good gig if you can get it." She nods her head.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "I've been doing parkour for about four years now." he tells her. "I've learned while in juvie, and just kept doing it since I left." As she speaks about him going into business for himself, "I already do some of it now really. Granted it's people I delivered to from Mack, but they like how quick they get their stuff, taht they call me directly now." he smiles. "I make some pretty good money doing this as well and besides I can get to places all over the city pretty damn quick."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile and a nod, "That's pretty cool." SHe nods her head, "I might think on something like that ubt I really don't know what I want to do anymore. Life changed pretty harshly recently and now I'm dealing with this new school so trying to reorganize prorities." She chuckles.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He quirks a brow up at her, "Don't let anyone pressure you on what you should do. Only you can decide on what you should be doing and how you want to go about your life." he listens as she tells him about how life has changed pretty harshly for her recently. "I'm sorry. I want to ask you what happened but again we just met and I don't want to pry. If you want to talk about it sometime and we meet again, let me know." he pauses for a moment, "Just know, things will get better, it may not look like it now, but it will." he says sincerly.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile, "Thanks, Kyani." She nods her head, "I'll speak to you later but I gotta get back on schedule." She stands up and nods and then waves, "Naomi McDuffie, hit me up online or something." She nods her head, "Lexbook or something." She then shrugs and starts off as she tosses her food wrapper in a trash can.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani gets up when she does, "Alright I will. And your welcome." he says to her. "Take it easy and Naomi, keep your head up. I'm Kyani Kohanna." he smiles to her. He watches her leave and concern does fill him, he really does hope things will get better for her. Once she is further out, Kyani flickers out of sight, if she looks back she will see people stumbling as a strong gust of wind burst through.