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(Alison calls up a jet-lagged Mike for life advice. This can't possibly go wrong! Right?)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:04, 18 June 2022

Call Time
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: L'anatroccolo Assonnato Hotel - Rome
Synopsis: Alison calls up a jet-lagged Mike for life advice. This can't possibly go wrong! Right?
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Ugh. When it comes to travel recently, Mike may have been spoiled a little. Terry has the rabbit holes. Tara has her own portaling. HE can technically dream travel and a key has been given to him that allows for him to head to an overly blue room when ever he's in the mood to listen to the same song 22 times in a row. Quite spoiled indeed.

So when he has to take that international flight. It's a reminder that trips can't be quick all the time. And right now he is quite tired.

Thank God check in is at Noon.

The door creaks open allowing him access into the room and soon closes shut. Only a quick movement to lock the door was done before the musician calmly walked over to the bed. There's a tired smile. And he falls face first into the comforter. "UGH."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Facetime request! Facetime request! It's the familiar ring. And from a known number as well. There are a handful of people who would be annoying enough to be up at six a.m. ready for a call. Fortunately, Alison has never /called/ anyone at that hour

Unless they happened to be in a better time zone, that is.

The singer sits her desk, waiting for the call to pick up while munching on a protein bar and sipping water from her easy-carry water bottle. She's already had her jog this morning.

Because of course she has.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"NGGGGGHHHH." Face still planted on the bed, Mike blindly reaches into his pocket to pull out the offending item. With a Flip of the fingers the phone is tossed, landing on the cushiony mattress beside Mike's head. In a small blessing the screen faces up which allows for the musician to tap the screen to accept the call.

Alison is left with a view of the ceiling. It becomes quite apparent that the hotel Mike is staying in isn't the type do the mirror on the ceiling routine.

"Wade. I JUST got in. I swear I would have checked in within the hour." Mike tiredly murmurs, not looking to the screen.

Alison Blaire has posed:
The laugh that comes over the phone's speakers is decidedly not Wade's. "Well, someone is feeling a little guilty, I think. Have you been bad at keeping poor Wade up to date? You know you're just going to give the poor man an ulcer."

A chomp from her bar, "Nice ceiling. Let me guess- you're either in your underwear, or covered in ectoplasm. Or glitter. Do I win a prize?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's eyes open at the very different voice coming from the phone. Bracing an arm against the bedtop, he leverages his weight to roll over, positioning the phone to where the screen and camera is now in front of his face. The momentum of the roll causes the ponytail to flop over his shoulder. He is most decidedly not covered in ectoplasm or glitter.Anymore. He got that green stuff off days ago.

He thinks.

"Sorry, we got a thing where I check in at some point and since I was in the air for a chunk of the day, Now'd be the first time I could possibly call. But... flights are tiring."

He scrunch his nose in thought, "...What's this about ectoplasm?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Well, a ghost tried to go after you once, you know? That wouldn't be out of the question." The blonde sets her phone on its little stand on her desk and rests a cheek on her right hand, elbow on the desk. She gives Mike the look-over and she chuckles, "You do look tired as hell. I forgot what time you were arriving but I figured after noon over there would be a safe bet to call. Looks like it was a 'barely' more than a sure thing."

She takes another sip from her water bottle, now in the 'periodic hydration' period after the jog, "You got time for me to pick your brain or would you rather surrender to sleep and call /me/ at some crazy time of night?" she smiles.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Alison explains the comment by reminding Mike    of the Gentleman Ghost incident, there's a general expression forming upon his features as he proves to have at some times, a visual thought process. Perhaps with the miracle  of technology sending his facial expression to the one that triggered it, maybe she too will end up producing that mental image in her own head.

Mike's lower jaw drops slightly as his brain reboots.

His head bobs up and down to the observation  of his fatigue. "There was a delay taking  off." He allows, "You wouldn't have known. But your plan was...sound."

There's the glimpse  of a hand reaching to grab the phone. Through the gaps   of the hand, the background   of the ceiling shifts to that   of the bed's headboard and pillows being stacked up.


The hand uncovers revealing Mike to be propped up on the bed. "How about we try the first and I reserve the right to try the second when I'm feeling particularly evil?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Sounds fair," Alison admits and sets her bottle down, resting both arms on the desk, crossed, and leaning forward. "So I ran into someone important today. You know King T'Challa of Wakanda, of course. The Black Panther"

"There was a chase. A school bus was taken hostage and I was in the neighborhood. So was he. Lovely man- very /polite/. But the whole thing left me thinking some things... and I wanted a sanity check."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods as Alison brings up King T'Challa. "I remember seeing him. Also at a school event. He was pretty well spoken..." Sharing the small amount of what he knows of the guy he drifts to silence, listening to the rest of Alison's story. The mention of the hostage situation gets a raised brow but he nods. "Well, I'm a bit behind on US news right now having been in the air for several hours. But I'm assuming from your demeanor that the kids turned out okay?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Yes, it was fine- tricky but fine. That was just the start of it. After it was all said and done- and of course there's going to be something in the news cycle, there always is- I started thinking."

She leans back on her chair and nibbles on her protein bar. "There's that school I told you about that I've been involved with for some time. But I don't exactly- well, fit in, you might say. There's this feeling among the faculty because they've known each other for a long time... and I'm the new kid. But it's more than that. Every time I think of teaching, my fingers get all itchy, and I've realized that it's probably because I'm just not at that stage in my life yet. I've got a career that's taking off, but I also want to be more..."

She gestures in the air, as if she could grab the words out of thin air that she is having a difficulty finding. "Visible. That's the word. Visible. I know that being a visible entertainer and out as a mutant does some good. But I think it's my duty to do more."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well, I can get that." Mike replies, "I help out with a school but I'm not a teacher. It's not my thing. I mean, I didn't exactly go to college either so-"

Mike pauses, "Sorry. So, what I'm getting from this is you want to make a more visible impact than what you're doing now." He tilts his head back in thought. "And...I'm guessing that your planned approach will tie into the hostage situation you mentioned earlier. Am I guessing that right?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Something of the sort," she nods, and brushes stray locks of her that fall across her forehead. She takes a moment to re-adjust her hair and make sure everything is tied back before continuing.

"I was thinking. I know I don't really push myself to where I could be in becoming familiar with my powers... so how crazy does this sound, Mike-" she takes a slow breath, and then smiles.

"I want to approach the Avengers about joining them."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
A brow lifts for a moment as Alison jumps into what she's planning. It is a momentary thing but moments pass by differently depending on one's perception of the situation. "Ok. Considering your involvement during the Angel stuff and the Robot bunny incident, the statement's not completely out of nowhere. And there is that habit of tilting at dragons when things need to be done. So...it's not crazy."

Mike brings a hand up to rub the side of his eye, "How long have you been thinking about this?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I don't know. Maybe a long time. Not exactly thinking about it, but more along the lines of an itch I didn't know how to scratch. Something in the periphery, you know?" Alison smirks, adopting a faraway look for a moment. "I guess I finally put my finger on it when I was working beside T'Challa to stop that bus. There was something there that I didn't feel at the school. It may be that we've become too insular over there, and insularity is becoming the default. And if that's the case, what good will it do for the cause of Mutant rights?"

She shrugs, and smiles, "So I guess that you not calling my agent for an intervention is a good sign that I'm on the right path. Thank you, Mike. I can always count on you to help me check myself."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well. I'm probably not the most responsible person you could have called about this." Mike admits, "Wade still won't let go of the time I jumped into some sort of hell portal and then got ejected out in front of Tavern on the Green." He pauses, "Not Limbo. That was another time. But the point is I can't very well tell you 'No' if I'm going around doing something similar."

There's a glance to the side in though before the set upon the screen again, "Just...Before you commit. Make sure you know why you're wanting to do this."

Alison Blaire has posed:
A moment of silence, and then Alison nods. "Good advice. I promise you I will."

She crumples up the wrapper for the energy bar and smiles, "Now I will leave you to your unpacking. Get some sleep. And take a shower, you look terrible!" Dazzler gives her friend a mischievous grin, "Italian fans have expectations, you know."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a sleepy smile, "Yeah I know. Thanks to a certain person mimicking my voice, half the hotel staff here think I know Italian now." The musician ends up giving Alison a brief glimpse to the inside of his mouth before his free hand can cover it up.

"But yes. sleep first." He agrees. Mike resumes his smile, "Take care Alison. And Good luck."