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It's Gloatin' Time
Date of Scene: 18 June 2022
Location: Bar With No Name
Synopsis: Unable to pass on a chance to brag and gloat, Cain has Gabby meet up at the Bar With No Name. A new friend is possibly made and the bragging begins.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Renee Bombas, Gabby Kinney

Cain Marko has posed:
Usually repeat sightings of one Unstoppable Juggernaut are...a very bad thing. Bad for property tax, buildings, cars, sidewalks, bank vaults.....people and tectonic plates. Lately, however, a certain Mr. Marko has been on a bit of a roll. He'd been laying low, mostly minding his own business inbetween 'work'.. but bored ventures out into the city from his personal hidey-holes have led to some strange adventures that have left him feeling more smug and proud of himself then usual.

And that's not easy to do.

But indeed, the misadventures of one Juggernaut have resulted in a lifted mood and given way to an opportuity for one of his favorite pasttimes to take place. A chance to brag and gloat. Ah, there are few better things to do, beaten out by committing acts of violence and superior destruction while -also- gloating.

And so the behemoth has entered The Bar With No Name, roving super villain and mercenary hangout. KNown mostly to just 'The Bad Guys' by word of mouth but occasionally found by savvy heroes..or just lucky (or unlucky) ones. He swamps over a table, suited for his size..barely..in full armor but with his helmet removed. His skullcap is on, however, because neutral ground or not..villains be villains. It'd be just his luck for some angsty telepath to get their hooks into his brain. He drapes a massive arm over the chair he's in, creaking it despite its reinforced nature, while watching the door as if expecting someone any minute.

Renee Bombas has posed:
How exactly the psycho woman from an alternate timeline knows about here is debatable. But, she networks, and she's on enough wanted posters and explosive events to at least have some reputation. So she's going to hum and look bout. "Nothing like home. When I get back to New Port City I'll hvae to $#4471*! whomever leveled it while I'm away. It's *my* city, I'll be the only one that can blow it up and leave a crater behind.." There's a look of glee over on her face while she would lean back and recognize Cain.

"Hey there Big Guy! That idiot luchador with the steroids and the airpumps put in his boobs give you any more trouble?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Shortly after Cain, in fact right on his heels, comes in one very disguised Honey Badger. Well. Mostly disguised. Gabby had been around Cain when he got some of his gloating rights going and she was bored, so she tagged along (with permission this time!) to hang out and simply enjoy some company of the not-so-nice variety.

Wearing leather pants, biker boots, and a jacket with the logo of some China-town gang (do not ask where she got that), she slips in easily missed in the shadow of the Juggernaut. When she hears someone greet Juggs she leans to the side to peer around his mass at Renee curiously. Only to shrug, and dip back into position again. "They better have something sweet and fruity and strong here." She knew it wasn't likely but. It was a nice thought.

Cain Marko has posed:
Indeed, it had been Gabby he was waiting on. It's a strange combo, to be sure, but...stranger things have been afoot in these parts!

His attention is pulled away by Renee though and he blinks in surprise at first and then gives that huge sharkish grin of his.

"Oh hey. You. Run outta kids to take candy from?" Yeah, he saw that. "You were pretty wildin' back there. Naw, luchadore aint nothing. I wasns't kidding about the things I told 'im. Bane aint in my league but... you saw his League of Shadow Goons. Idiots but don't get too cocky about 'em. Nutcases with ninja swords and junk.. Could be a problem."

He pauses and then finger guns Reneee while smirking, "..Unless yer unstoppable. Like me. What's your deal? I aint seen you around b'fore.."

He then looks down to Gabby and seems sicerely apologetic suddenly, "Awwww..sorry Gabby..I mean.. this aint no ice cream parlor but..uh..they should have..something?"

Renee Bombas has posed:
One more crazy ninja girl in a city full of them doesn't make any difference. It's not like Bomb Queen can tell them apart. They're all just peopel with pajamas and swords (yes Gabby is not wearing pajamas nor does she openly have a sword on her).

"He's an idiot. Hopefully the next time someone goes to take corrective action on the gene pool. I suppose it's how an idiot like that was able to get so many losers with him. Like begets like. And I'm a fish out of water world wise. But evil knows evil."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Eh, I can drink other things. I just don't see the point in drinking something that tastes awful if it isn't gonna do anything for me anyway," Gabby points out while offering up a shrug followed by a quick grin. "Sounds like you've been busy lately. Doing more than winning matches against THE Hercules?" she teases a bit with amusement as she flashes another grin.

To the other one here she just gives a stiff nod. "Hey." But she tips her head back toward Cain. "Friend of yours or just a fangirl?" Was she... was she teasing?

Cain Marko has posed:
"World wise?" This draws a pause from the crimson armored brute and he swings his arm back and forth, lazily, letting his knuckle dusters bang against the side of the chair before asking, "..Off world or something else? Another reality? Time?"

He just jumps right to it..but despite appearences tot he contrary, when he's lucid and not in a fit of rage or single minded behavior, Cain can be fairly genre savvy, so to speak.

"Hah! No.." he answers Gabby, sounding amused at the possiblity and ...not entirely dismissing it, "She was there in Mutant Town..so..okay so basically.. A bunch of us were all hangin' out. I was all casual, just got a bag of chips right? Then..suddenly I see Banes mercenary goons just showing up and shoving folk off the street! Then they pop over and start harassing -me- and -her-..and the two others with us..."

His voice trails off oddly there, thinking on CHeyenne and Satana for a moment before continuing his story for Gabby's benefit.

"Anyway Bane pops up and starts mouthing off to me..so..." He makes a gesture of flipping someone off, gigantic tree branch sized middle finger lifting up..as he grins, "I..flipped him off, through a car." He sweeps his hand down and grabs a large heavy keg, "...Then some League of Shadow ninja's showed up and rescued 'im.. I think ol'girl over here was gonna finish the the job..."

Renee Bombas has posed:
Renee Bombas would go to shake her head, "Oh, nother one of thsoe $#31'ing realities. But mine is awesome. I ran the biggest den of crime, death, misery, and villainy there ever was. New Port City. Every supervillain and freak on the planet came to there. She was all mine." Looking fondly over at memories of that horrid den of complete misery that she had claimed by right of conquest.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"League of Shadow?" Gabby crinkles her nose a moment at the name. It was all too similar to another league she'd heard of. "That the same as the League of Assassins or is that some other group? Too many leagues. Even 'Justice League' sounds lame," she has to admit with a shrug. "I mean, what, are they gonna play baseball? League is such a sport term."

When Renee starts speaking of another dimension she can only nod in apparent understanding. "Yeah, met a bunch of 'alternate realities' sorts. And alternate futures. Why is it always the people you don't want to have kids that do?" Bleh. She hops onto a seat managing to actually get onto it without a problem. What a difference a few inches in height can make, as well as heeled boots. Grinning she glances over to Juggy again. "Hey gimme a bit of that at least. It's not great but it's drinkable."

Cain Marko has posed:
There is a moment of consideration and then Juggernaut shrugs and slides the drink over to Gabby. It's an oversized affair. Basically a keg and even then too small for him but he looks on curiously as if to see what she'll do with it, "Can you handle liftin' that?"

He then smirks and rumbles, "..and..well..coming up with team and group names aint easy. I guess these folk don't have much of a marketing budget, eh? I...uh...thought about it before myself but you know...a lot of names are taken and stuff.."

He then looks back to Renee and adds, "Sounds like you got sent away, if you ask me. Lotta competition around these parts. Course not everybody goes around -calling- themselves a 'super villain' you know..but...you probably can find folk with like minded goals..and more idiots like Bane."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney raises an arm to show off her muscle, flexing her arm to show off not much of anything. Maybe it would be somewhat impressive if she weren't wearing a jacket. As it stands her arms just look pretty scrawny, comparitvely. Then again no one was going to get close to Juggernaut other than maybe the Hulk, or Thor, or someone. Even Hercules was of a smaller stature. A fact she would not have known a week ago. "I've been training!" She proclaims with a grin. "I can lift about two-ten on the bench now. ... I mean I tore my muscles a LOT to get here but what's it matter to me, I can't feel it."

With an indifferent shrug she claps both hands around the keg with a deep breath, and super serious look. And she DOES begin to lift it upward only to hold it a moment before allowing it to drop back down to the bartop with a huff. "Okay. Probably should work on stamina some." A sheepish grin is flashed back toward Juggernaut. "It's a start though."

"So Bane's goons were being asses, huh? And here I thought he was all mister civility from the last time I ran into him here. ... I mean. Okay we ARE on neutral ground so that could be it."

Cain Marko has posed:
Of that particular group.. only Hulk would come close. Hercules and Thor are huge but huge more in the sense of really gigantic bodybuilders. Juggernaut's more in the rank of a 'biceps bigger then a wrecking ball' sort of league and probably pretty much at the top usually. Hulk's cheat though, with all their different variations and what have you but usually.. Cain's going to be the heavy weight in any given encounter.

It can be confusing though af costume.. Cain is often not quite as immense. It's almost more of a visual cue. How much Juggernaut be a juggin' basically. Plus it helps him maintain -something- of a civilian identity.

"Here.." he rumbles while picking the keg up and then turning it towards an unused glass on their table to put some of the contents into it. "There. And yeah he was."

He considers Gabbys words and then frowns lightly, "..and yeah.. he was acting all nice in here. I think he was really just looking to try and prove something to me. The smallest dog's got the biggest bark and the most to prove, you know? But he went a step to far that time. I mean, Mutant Town? Now The Brotherhood's getting involved..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Even if he wasn't directly behind it, it might have been some of his guys trying to make a name for themselves," Gabby reasons thoughtfully. Reaching out to take the now-filled mug she takes a sip of it consideringly. Only to shrug and take a larger gulp. "Thanks, Juggs. Well if they try again while I'm around I've got nothing against hopping in to fight, too. Though you probably don't need the help. ... Might avoid going against Bane himself, but his goons? No problem."

At this she's forced to sit there a moment thinking long and hard. "I've been rolling with a group so long at this point that I haven't really tested my individual skill in awhile. Part of why I've been training more. Feel like I need to step up my game a bit. Though, I'd rather not end up as bulky as you or dad," she teases.

Cain Marko has posed:
"I dont think you got anything to worry about on either front there.." notes Juggernaut with a mildly amused look following taking a drink, himself, from the keg..peering over its rim with a hooded gaze as he does so.

"Besides...you do what you do, I do what I do. See? Diveristy!" He grins and then purses his lips in thought as he looks Gabby over thoughtfully.

"Training, eh? So..who is it?" He takes a glance over near Renee for a second and then shrugs and openly states, "Not the X-Men, is it?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over to the others in the bar with only a sweep of her eyes. She doesn't turn her head. Though it may be a long ago practiced gesture to look around without LOOKING as if she were, it was well enough ingrained that she can fall back into that habit easily. "No. Got friends there, but... They try so hard to make me 'normal' that they forget the damage is already done. Trying to live with myself as I am not be someone who was never dealt the hand I got." A bit of lacking details but he might get the gist of it given their history together. He knew most of her story after all.

Another sip is taken of her drink and she tips her head toward the door. "Group out in Gotham, and another that's dealing with spooky stuff." She pauses at that with a bit of a wry grin. "Given how long lived my family is, I figure I should look into helping with long-term stuff as well." Lightly clearing her throat she adds, maaaybe a little quieter, "Also on occasion do some work with some mercenaries. Uh." She glances aside at Juggernaut. "I feel like mentioning the name 'Deadpool' would be trouble in here, but that's it. Kind of all over the place."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Naw it's fine."

Juggernaut manages a decent poker face form time to time but Gabby can probably tell that the name Deadpool made him nearly spasm his hand and crush his drink right in front of her.

"..Nobody's gonna try nothing while you're with me. YEah sure..I'm self aware enough to know I got a big ego but..uh..I can take a punch on the chin from Superman and just grin so...you're safe with me, right?"

He grins abit at that and then..prods abit more..

"Whatdya mean spookey stuff? Ghosts and like...magic and stuff?"

There are reasons for him to be interested in that ..possibly even..concerned. "You got your hands in a lot of pots there, Gabby. Don't sound like you need the X-men no ..but..like..maybe focus abit more?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney does notice the apparent tension only to give a small nod in understanding. "Yeah he's not everyone's favorite. I get that." A wry grin is given, and she nods again slowly. "I think part of me is trying to figure out what's best for me, you know? Like. What direction should I go."

"And yes, like magic and stuff. Rien's a homo-magi, not just a mutant. And she's my sister, so. I figure I should know at least a little something."

"The first is a team with folks around my age. The second is... all over the place. Kind of newish. I might have gotten a little involved due to my sister, and due to... er..." She pauses, face scrunching a little. "A guy I had a crush on. He liked my sister more though, so I'm over it. And the last, with the unlikeable person, we just do things on occasion."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Oh yeah. Her. She kinda opinionated and pushy.." remarks Cain. His expression is amused though so whiel he probably means it he doesn't seem to be intending any true harm..if that makes any sense but such is his way. "Yeah I remember her..and .uh..sorry about the rest of that. Tough breaks."

So he's no good where relationships are concerned. Right.

but he does grow more serious again as he rumbles, "Well..if your sisters involved that's fine but..like.. Lemme let you in on a secret.."

He looks around, studying the area and then leans in closer to Gabby, his expression becoming more serious lookin as he draws closer. A sequoia looming over a blade of grass to dispense some wisdom.

"My powers? ...They're magical in nature. Thats how I do what I do.. So..I kinda get a sense for that sorta stuff and lemme tell you Gabby..it aint pretty or easy. Your sis strikes me as someone who might not be as smart as she thinks she is but you know..hell..I've been wrong before. Just be careful dipping your toes into that sorta thing..and don't be shy about askin' my opinion about things..."

He draws back and then adds, "..Keep that between us though! Most folk don't know that.. Though your sis might if she can sense stuff..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head up toward him even as he leans down to offer his advice quietly. She does listen though. He might not be the goodest guy ever, but she'd known him for quite awhile and they were on good terms after all. Sometimes advice was good no matter the source. A grin cracks at that, and she nods in agreement. "She is older, than me but yeah. I get that. Sometimes older doesn't mean wiser."

Her voice drops a little bit as she lifts a fist to show, without revealing her claws. "She did enchant my claws though. They glow now! And will be able to work on things like ghosts and demons more than just physically. Some kind of magical moonlight thing. ... They're like tiny lightsabers now."

Lightly clearing her throat she sits up straight again looking over Juggernaut a moment. "Well that explains a lot. I mean you do kinda gain mass when you're fully suited up. Not that you're not already big," she adds with a laugh. "I'll be careful though." She pauses, before adding, "I already learned not to buy cursed dolls off Ebay."

Cain Marko has posed:

He's interested but..there a visible recoil as he pulls back abit. WIth him revealing his magical nature and her stating the enchantment on her class..she might put two and two together easily enough. Magical weapons and Juggernaut don't mix well. There's no distinct formula for what happens but it may be that suddenly Gabby could potentially actualy pose a threat to the brute who just bragged about being able to no sell Superman.

"Oughta come in handy." he does note, "You already just jumping right in eh? Alright, alright, fair enough. Yeah, be careful. Don't wanna hear about you getting stuck in some circle of hell or whatever due to some botrhed amateur hour spell."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't seem to mind or at least doesn't remark on the way he recoils. She just watches with a vaguely amused look on her face. "It seemed like a good idea given what I was getting involved with." Lifting her beer she adds, a little remark, "I've already been to hell. When I was 16. Gave up a sliver of my soul to help out a friend to get his back." There was more to it than that but she opts to just take a long few gulps off the beer in spite of the fact that it won't do anything to her.

"I'll try to avoid that though, it wasn't really a fun experience overall." Offering a softer smile she actually swings her elbow out to lightly bump his arm. It wasn't as if she could roughly hit him. It'd still feel light no matter what she did. "I'm letting you know about them because I don't intend to go after you or anything. You're my friend. And even if we end up on other sides, well, I don't have to be going after you."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Heh, it's like I told Bane, Gabby..we kinda..uh..aint in the same field o'operation if you get my drift. I mean..no offense, you're cool and all but..like.. I don't think I'm too worried about Mystery Incorporated, y'know? Not unless you got a Doctor Strange in yer back pocket.." he grins abit, old bravado returning and then admits, at least in order to clarify, "Magic weapons can tag me sometime is all. So...I guess it just means if I ever tick you off, ou can poke me and I'll actually go ow."

Or so he hopes. Assumes.

"..I heal up pretty fast, even if I get stabbed with a magic sword so.. I got a lot of tricks up my sleeves but i tell you what.. I won't ever take a swing atcha.."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, I know. Thomas is all upset about it even though I pointed out chances of me running into him on a job are slim. I mean. Unless he's stomping around Gotham again anyway," Gabby reasons with a little shrug and a wan grin. "You guys were around to help me out when I needed though, when the school did jack and squat for me. So yeah, we've got different businesses, but I mean..." A sidelong shrug is given. "Most of the sorts I go after are like, government or shady labs. Slave traders."

"Yeah I'd like to not get punched by you. You would level me. I'd get up again, but it'd still not be fun. Plus ... Hell. I'm used to fighting ninja types not brawlers three times my size." She does pause considering thoughtfully. "I *did* knock out one of Superman's clones once... but I cheated."

Cain Marko has posed:
"It aint cheating if you get the job done, Gabby!" offers Cain, looking rather impressed with the feat. "You do what you gotta do."

He considers the rest of her words thoughtfully and then shakes his head, "The hell they doin' over there in Westchester, damn. I thought Charlie was supposed to be runnin' a school. I mean, your sis was abit extreme when she was talking about it. Chuck aint raising no child army. But a school that aint doing no teaching..what's the point? Been awhile since I came callin'. Maybe I should pay 'em a visit one of these days..."

He sounds..rather grim. But it's gone after a few seconds and he finishes off the keg.

"You keep doing your thing, Gabby. Nothin' to worry about."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Jean's the Headmistress now. It's different. Not my thing." A grin is given though as she nods in agreement about doing her thing. She's quite fine with that after all.

"So! Tell me what happened with Herc after I had to run off," she encourages in an attempt to switch the topic away from the more touchy subjects. At least he was willing to accept that she ran in different circles whereas others she knew were a bit more cautious these days. "I still can't believe that's Hercules. Or. I mean. I guess I should be more surprised I didn't realize the guy wearing a loin cloth was Hercules. In my defense though," she lifts her beer mug to gesture, "Gotham has some weird costumed guys running around. Condiment King for example."

Cain Marko has posed:
"It's a different brand o'wierdness over in Gotham tho'.."

Cain then laughs and grins, "...Anyway... I saw him and was kinda planning on messing with him but then you popped up and I started feeling conflicted cause you were all cheery and stuff and I figured if I did somethin' it'd probably turn into a brawl and ruin your ice cream hunting right? But then..he just ..sauntered up to me anyway! Course you almost gave me away but hey, it worked out."

He grins and lifts a massive hand up and wiggles his fingers playfully while looking down at her, "So we arm wrestled and..I beat 'im!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grimaces just a little bit at the part where she nearly gave him away. A quick, apologetic shrug is offered up as she smiles sheepishly. "I wasn't trying to do that! Give you away I mean. But he seemed as into it as you were. I mean. The test of strength or whatever you want to call it." Her smile returns to normal at the end with a firm nod.

"Hell yeah you won! Knew you would. That's a pretty sweet thing to have on your resume, if you had a resume anyway. You know what I mean."

Cain Marko has posed:
"A big chunk of things is ego and bragging rights, especially with a guy like Hercules..a former Avenger but.."

Cain grows more thoughtful and introspective and then admits, "..I can't say he was even mad avout it. In fact he seemed happy. Even didnt' make a big deal about the fact that we wrecked part of the street. I mean...he did as well but still.. I can't say I'd be mad about running into him again. I suppose I was...expecting tfor him to throw a tantrum about it but...it wasn't like that. It was...uh...kinda fun."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers that thought a long moment before grinning. "I could see that. I'm not an expert on history by any means but I remember reading that in ancient Greece it was pretty common for people to fight or wrestle to test their strength. Something something camraudery, et cetera. I mean that's not really mythology, but. If he was around during that time, which is likely given he..." she makes a hand gesture, both hands waving as if indicating an object. "EXISTS. Then it's possible he was just happy to find someone willing to do that, y'know? Or something. I mean. I know DP thinks it's kind of cool that I can heal like him. Maybe kind of the same but for strength."

Looking back she just laughs lightly. "Still it's pretty cool it turned out that way. Glad you had a good time with it, and so did he. Kind of bummed I had to run out though but my sister needed my help with something." There's a pause before she clarifies, "The human one not the other two. She's more in your line of work."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Maybe." says Cain, considering that. "I'm sure I'll run into him again and some others. We'll test that theory out..."

And so the drinking continues.