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Latest revision as of 04:18, 19 June 2022

A Coffee Break
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: Cafe in Greenwich Village
Synopsis: a spy, a super-clone, and a spider-girl walk into an ice cream parlor...
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy

Conner Kent has posed:
It took a few days for Conner to find the time to call MJ. His life is a bit complicated at times, and he is honestly trying to get his GPA up. It took a hit when he vanished for a few weeks due to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. kidnapping him and stuff.

He probably should have gotten it high the first couple years, when it was far easier. But he was too busy doing normal human things. Now, he wants it to find a more interesting job next year.

Still, MJ has been in his mind often. So, he finally called her, and they decided to see each other after class/work. No costume this time. The ESU area has plenty of Cafe places for young people, and Conner picked a nice one where chances to meet classmates are scarce.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Her schedule's permitted it. She's not on duty with S.H.I.E.L.D. and she's not a specialist enough agent that they're going to call her in for an emergency assignment, and if something does happen in the area she's with a superhuman so she has some cover in the remote event that Conner has the equivalent of the Parker Luck.
    Mary Jane's not Peter, so she actually is able to arrive on time to things. She's coming there wtih an overflowing backpack that has various outfits in it that are tightly folded and squished up but that if anyone asks she can just say is for some auditions later to help build some cover.

Conner Kent has posed:
That MJ is on time means she is at the cafe just before Conner arrives. He has no Parker luck, and he in fact is super-fast. Yet he is rarely in time. It is one of the mysteries of life, one that has baffled even Robin.

Fortunately MJ only needs to wait half a minute before Conner shows up. "Hello! Am I late?" He checks. Just a minute, he is trying! "Good to see you, should we find a table?" He is wearing just jeans and a short-sleeved button down shirt. Very normal outfit, although the footwear are sturdy-looking boots. Good for high-speed landings.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson doesn't mind her meeting being late given life experience. "Hey there, nice to meet you. I take it that you didn't have any troubles over on the way here? No more big wheels? No weird six armed aliens speaking in british accents throwing boomerangs? Giant mind controlling purple gorillas not named Magilla?" Seh would quip.

"And what to call you? Just using 'Superboy' all the time feels a bit weird." Offering her arm over.

Conner Kent has posed:
"No, just a ton of papers and projects at the college," replies Conner with a grin, signalling at the campus a couple city blocks away. "And I have never met a purple gorilla. I have found mind-controlling gorillas, though. Just not recently."

He gestures MJ to go on, there are free tables at the back of the cafe. "Call me Conner, please. I am not paranoid about my secret identity; most of my relatives are invulnerable. I don't advertise it, I like to be able to go to college and places without hassle."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would oh, "Attending classes as yourself must be kinda tricky. I guess your teachers don't mind it. Or do you just have a setup where you go over as someone else for it and have enough excuses prearrnaged for things?" She knows how that routine goes. If not from personal experience..

"Lovely to met you Conner. Thanks for trusting me."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I did it in Hawaii," comments Conner. "For about two weeks. Then the high school was blown up by aliens." True story, she could still check that out in the networks.

It is a strong argument in favor of secret identities. Not that the ESU has seen little superhuman action. But that is New York for you. At least it wasn't -his- fault. Most times. (They blame Spider-Man).

"I... manage. It is not as if weird things don't happen to normal folks in New York," he would lie if he said no one in the college knows. But most people don't know. Enough to give him the illusion of normality.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "I can guess that kind of put a damper on things. So how did you start your heroic career out in Hawaii? And why isn't that a more common origin story? How come you never hear things about super surfer who must spend all his time patrolling the beaches of Oahu and Maui looking for threats?"

She would nod over at Conner, "All right." She doesn't ask for more particulars on hwo he does it

Conner Kent has posed:
They find a small table near the windows, and Conner picks up a menu to check for ice cream. Instead of coffee. "Actually I started in Metro. But I got... well, did some travel, publicity stunts, ended up in Hawaii and loving it. Beaches, super-surfing, submarine gangsters, talking magical sharks! Loved every minute. Except maybe the magical shark bites."

Mostly because magic and Kryptonians do not get along. Then again, neither do sharks and humans.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look at Conner, "Magical shark bites? That must take out a few chunks." She would reply over while going tos can the menu as well looking up and down. "I'd say it sounds relaxing. A lot more than here does, at least."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yes, comparatively," agrees Conner. "You can count the costumed metas in the islands with the fingers of the hands, but I also hanged up with my team, both in Metro and Gotham. Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl and the others. New York seems to have more super-heroes in a single city block than all the islands put together. Ironically, that means I am rarely in the front page of any newspaper. Giant Wheel days aside."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would grin, "Well yes. It's also easier to get access to hear I guess and meet up withyour friends if you're not a half dozen or so time zones away." Not that that matters as much when one can fly supersonic but it's still nice.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shakes his head. "Right, and I had no school. But I do now. And work next year, I think. Silly adult things for some reason I plan to enjoy doing as much as I can," beat, "and that is all there is about me, hmm? Want to order? I think I will stick to ice cream. Coffee does nothing to me." But chocolate does, apparently.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "I see. So should wherever you end up seeking employement be worried about the same result that happened over in Hawaii?" THen realizing that comment was wholly inappropraite she would go, "Sorry>"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Eh, lets hope not," Conner has considered it, and maybe he could come up with a more effective disguise than just changing clothes and wearing glasses (he rarely wears glasses). "In New York a good number of metas are public anyway. So, maybe it won't matter if it goes public. I don't have any enemy that would..." wait, he does. Nevermind. He clears his throat. "You are not at risk, I don't think so."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Conner, "Yeah, also I think most places have pretty comprehensive insurance ofr that kind of thing. Metropolis in particular. I don't think that anyone would really be phased. You could also just go in wearing glasses and tweed and I don't think anyone would ever make the connection>"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner snickers at that. "I will think about it," he replies. "And yeah, insurance against metahuman conflict is part of what makes the rent in New York insane. Hey, maybe that is why Batman doesn't allow supers in Gotham. Lower insurance premiums."

You know he is from Metropolis because the cracks at Gotham.

"But you have lived in New York most of your life, right? You must have seen most crazy things."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh at Superboy, "Yeah. Anything I say against Gotham is going to make me sound super prejudiced so I probably shouldn't speak on it. And I thought Batman was a super. So he doesn't really have much room." She'd be quipping now over.

"And pretty used to it honestly. You learn what noises mean 'get to cover'."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Aha, so true New Yorkers do have survival instincts," because sometimes it feels they don't. He has seen to many people trying to get selfies in the middle of super-human brawls since he moved to the city. But maybe it is the tourists. "No, seriously, I want to hear the stories. I am studying journalism, you know?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Well, all right. I'm not sure which place has the weirder reputation, here or Metropolis. Here at least.. W ell, the giant wheel thing seems about par for course. You stay out of the straight line and you're okay but youc omplain about traffic congestion after. There's a lot of guys with boomerangs, at least three guys who go on semi frequent rampages due to poor grammar use.. I think one of them hated Spider-Man for having a hyphen in his name.>"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner nods, "a hyphen in his name. Unforgivable," he mock-agrees. "Boomerang-obsessed people. That sounds more a Gotham thing." The giant wheel last week gets the cake, though.

He gestures a waitress so they can finally get their orders. Then changes the conversation topic. "Any luck with the acting? You are travelling with a pack full." He noticed the blackpack.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "I don't know about the Metropolis type but here has some of the strange ones. Ther'es the guy that wears the quilt, the French kickboxer, the various flying bug themed types, the guy with tentacles.."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
ESU! The university where Gwen currently studies at. Or rather, the one she is close to finishing another year. And next one? Most likely an internship at Oscorp. Things do seem to repeat from one universe to the other apparently...

Yet right now Gwen is just glad to be done with another exam, making way to one of her favorite coffees at the university. Spotting a couple of familiar faces she approaches. Sneaky sneaky behind MJ.

Hands move to try and cover the redhead's eyes from behind. "Guess who?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"I left Metro when I was about fifteen, so I am not up to the latest..." mentions Conner with a vague gesture of the hand. "Well, Toyman has not changed a bit. Still crazy in a very creepy way." He frowns faintly, leaning back. "Tentacles? I met a few of those recently. This guy had shadow tentacles that ended in glowing leeches. What was his name... Doctor Templar, I think."

And then a wild Gwen appears. Conner looks up at the blonde surprised. More surprised by the fact she seems to know MJ. "Hey, neighbor person," he greets.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would turn over, "Oh, you don't follow it in the papers? the Planet is probably the most successful newspaper still printing.." She would be interrupted over at the approach of Gwen.. She would let out a yelp and a hand would snap up and over to try and grab at Gwen's shoulder to flip her before recognizing the name.

"Hey Gwen, not seen you in awhile. All good?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen watches that hand come at her almost as if in slow motion. Move to avoid it? She decides against it, moving her hips just so in order to avoid being tossed like a ragdoll. And soon she lifts her arms in surrender. "Parlay!" she pleads to her friend.

"Hello, you two." She then greets them, looking between them with a raised brow a moment. "Small world I would say.." her tone amused. And I am .., good. Just done with an exam and now chilling."

"What about you two?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"We are waiting for ice cream," replies Conner. "How is you know Mary Jane? I just met her last week. "Gwen lives in the same building," he informs MJ. "And we go to the same college. But she is a scientists. Big brains. I am just a would-be journalist."

And he knows the Planet. Of course. His kind-of mother works there. But because of that, he is not answering that one question.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Yes, I think we want to see if we scream for ice cream. ANd you had -better- surrender blondie or I will do things to frizz your hair up so much you will never get it to behave again, not if you shave your head." Presuming those were the most threatening things that she could put out to the blonde in a tease.

"Gwen's the local brainiac. Well one of them. She's probably the second smartest person I know."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I surrender, I surrender.." Gwen laughs at MJ's threats, even going as far as hip-bumping her friend.

"We grew up in the same neighborhood." Gwen explains once she is free of MJ's clutches, gesturing with one hand, "Very good friends and all that. Used to be her, me and our other friend Peter. Good times..." a touch of a bittersweet smile on the blonde's expression before she dumps her backpack on a chair. "Icecream? Well, I will just make myself invited for it then.." she looks over the list quickly, choosing a vanilla and chocolate one that catches her eye and orders it to a passing waiter.

"And hey, you were supposed to say I was the smartest person you know.. What are friends for?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner laughs and moves his chair aside to give space for Gwen. "Well, small world," or maybe they are both from the Village. And they are the same age, so not as strange. And who is Peter? A mystery for other time.

"MJ was telling me about how New Yorkers manage surviving in this city," offers Conner. It involves knowing how to identify super-criminals by the noises they make, I understood."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would turn in her chair, "Gwen, don't be silly here. I don't exist to buff up your ego. And you're nowhere near the smartest person I know. We both know I'd be lying if I even tried to do that and you wouldn't believe me anyways. A falsehood needs some basis in reality to stand up to scrutiny after all. And what can I say.. I'm a strawberry girl here."

When it came to ice cream after all. Seeing Gwen's expression falling flat she would take ehr hand up to squeeze Gwen's shoulder. "And we got through it.. W ell, we're here today and not zombies."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Aren't we? Are you saying you don't have brain cravings from time to time." Almost as if implying Gwen does have those cravings! "How do you think I got so smart?" she winks though and sits down to wait for the icecreams to come. Her eyes do look a bit sunken in though, probably from studying, or something else.

"Hmm, you would know all about identifying super-criminals, Conner. Wouldn't you?" Sharp gaze watches Conner for a bit. Does she know more than she lets know? Maybe. They did fight together a while back when she was in her Ghost Spider's guise.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Who me? Nah, I am from Metro. We had Supes watching for us," he notes evasively. "And then I lived in Hawaii for years. Nothing weird ever happens in Hawaii." Beat, "New York has been very... interesting."

He smiles lamely, looking at MJ. Because his not very secret identity is still somewhat secret. Except Gwen has figured out... and never told him!

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The things which Conner had said happened in Hawaii did sound rather droll after all! Just a bite from a magic shark. "And let's not be silly Gwen, I'm not remotely on the upper floor of things so don't even pretend to sooth my ego. And I thought youg ot smart by lots and lots of ice cream headaches making you yell over in pain."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Darn it, you found my secret... Icecream.." And with the icecream finally arriving Gwen digs into it, take a few spoonfuls. And being careful to avoid the brain freeze! For now. "I thought you guys were talking about super heroics when I was arriving though.." she casually mentions, looking between them briefly before taking another bite.

"Or so my super-hearing told me.." She grinning teasingly at them. "And come now, are you saying metropolis wasn't fun? It's even home to the Titans..."

Gwen is even part of them! Well, more of a prospect.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Not when I lived there," offers Conner. Because the Titans had disbanded for a while, leaving Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl and Superboy himself with no place to go. Chaos ensued!

Finally the ice cream arrives. No one asked for coffee? This is probably some kind of heresy. Maybe that is why they took so long. "We were just talking about living in New York, Gwen."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance at Gwen for a moment in amusement. "I'm sure that Metropolis is extremely chaotic particularly in his line of.. Business?" Did the Titans get paid or a living wage? And there were heavy risks involved whenever Impulse got bored.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Fine, fine. Keep your secrets." Probably unfair of Gwen due to it being her not revealing her own super-identity. But she knows how wrong things can go if she freely reveals her Ghost Spider identity to people. "Honestly, just glad to relax in the company of some friends.."

She leans back on her seat and lets out a soft sigh. "For all the excitement of New York it's actually nice to have quiet moments like these."

Conner Kent has posed:
"And good ice cream," adds Conner. Secrets? What secrets? They are just a couple college students and an aspiring model/actress enjoying some ice cream, right? Conner is maybe a little suspicious of Gwen's behavior, but he has barely seen her the current year. Different faculties and schedules, he guesses. Conversation should drift towards more normal topics, like the latest TV series or those spaceships someone is building.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The aspiring actress is also in training to be a spy and has a magical barbarian living in her brain part time. They all have their bits of life on the side going on. MJ's got the most secrets of anyone if only as she's aware of what the otehr two 'do' in their off time as the group chat.