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Latest revision as of 04:18, 19 June 2022

Go Nuts With Donuts
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: Hole-In One Donuts
Synopsis: While obtaining vital fuel for the Xavier Institute. Donuts, it's donuts. Tabitha finds herself recuited for a new gig that may or may not be more than she could handle.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Wade Wilson

Tabitha Smith has posed:
One of the benefits and draw backs of a jacked up metabolism like that of Tabitha Smith. She of the many code names and usually just Boom-Boom. A lot of calories are needed. They don't actually go to her hips. To the rejoicing of many. But she also neds a lot so she's not all listless and maybe kinda hypoglycemic-ish.

So that's part of why she's out at the Hole in One. The lack of any Golf gags is dissappointing. The woman waiting to one side. The staff in back scrambling to make an order. Bulk since she might just be setting up to give the majority of Xavier's School a huge sugar rush.

Dressed casually with knee length cutoffs, sunglasses and a yellow top with the school's emblem on the front in red that almost matches her chucks. The blonde drums on the counter.

It's a big order and luckily her van managed to snag a spot just outside so no juggling boxes and boxes of sugary cabohydrates.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade has been taking a drive around town. He does that sometimes. Especially when he needs to think, which is what he's been working on of late. The existence of his literal evil twin is something that he is not entirely comfortable with, but seeing as a high caliber round hasn't come for him yet propbably means that he is free to walk the streets a bit longer with relative impunity.

    He speeds past Hole In One and notices a shock of color that he vaguely recongizes. Doing an illegal U turn in the middle of road on a crotch rocket travelling much faster than any legal speed is probably a concern for most people, but Deadpool is far from most people. He tends to regard most laws (traffic and otherwise) as open ended items that can be ignored. So it isn't much of a stretch to understand why he parks the crotch rocket on the sidewalk before the place.

    Tugging off his helment--because while he could survive being tunred to paste on the asphalt, recovering from that is rather unpleasant and he would like to avoid it if he could--he sets it on the seat of the bike and steps into the establishment. He's in his usual red and black and while there is a conspicuous absence of the dual katanas or dual pistols, only a fool would suspect that Wade Winston Wilson was unarmed even were he standing in the buff. "Hello, Boom Boom, fancy seeing you here," he says to the young woman with a smile in his tone.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The boxes gradually start being loaded up and filled. Cinnaomn donuts first. Easiest to make in big batches and can handle a little extra time before being eaten since slight staleness is better for dunking.

The door opening gets a swivel of Tabby's head and a double take as Wade enters. "You should try the churros. Messy as hell with the chocolate sauce though!" she states and grins as the man behind the counter with a very dull and tired expression sets a coffee down.

Tabby at least indicates setting up another cup since her presence on the mission to claim baked goods is no longer a solo run.

"So come to foil my dastardly deed of creating a school full of kids with way too much sugar in their systems?" she asks and grins playfully.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool looks behind him and then back to Tabitha. "For a second there I thought there was a Scott behind me. You think I would try and foil such a plan? I'm more inclined to help you than foil you," he replies. "And as for chocolate sauce?" he holds up a gloved hand and wiggles his fingers at her. "There is a reason my suit is full body and it's not just because I look like week old flank steak underneath." Very appetising, Wade Wilson's vocabulary is.

    "Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. You in a rush or got a few to talk?" he gestures to one of the booths, because what says clandestine meeting more than a donut shop. His attention turns just to one side of Gabby for a moment and he says, as if answering some unspoken commentary. "It's not Russo's Bakery but we're also not in Newark so you take what you can get." He turns his opaque eyes back to Tabby and awaits her response.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I've seen what you look like under that suit. It's a condition. It still looks like you've been towed behind a truck on a highway with a toxic spilll. But nobody should think any less of you for that!" Tabby states and works ger coffee with one hand raising the cup and then taking the sip.

"I got time. The glaze and frosting on some of these things needs some extra time to set in the freezer. Then I gotta haul my van down Greymalking to get them home beforte they melt. So preptime is preptime." she states. The X-Van as Tabby calls it parkd outside is an old black and yellow 1992 Mitsubishi Delica, built for offroading, bull bar, roof racks. Lots of seats. Lots of room to set donuts down.

"This about Hope and her Emm Gee Aitch thing? Cause I'm down to wreck that lot. Gonna be a few folks needing rescue wherever that's getting made." she states and nods her head a little solemnly.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The expression of blankness that Deadpool gives Tabby is indicative of how not about Hope his conversation is about. He shrugs. "I have literally no idea what Cable's girl is up to but this isn't about her no." He moves to a booth and settles down. "Also, a condition is something that springs up over the course of handling an illness. I became what I am in about half a second so... pretty sure it's not just a condition." He doesn't sound insulted by her assessment, more informative.

    "I wanted to offer you a place on my crew... you have--" he pauses and clears his throat. When he speaks again it's with deep inflection and a soft Irish accent. "You have a very particular set of skills. Skills you have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make you a nightmare for the people that I go after." The smirk under his mask is unmistakeable but his voice goes back to it's normal tone. "But what I want is for you to use those skills in pursuit of justice... my kind of justice."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde chuckles and finds a stool at the counter and parks herself on it. "I ain't a doctor. So there's probably other words for what happened." she states and grins. But she soon lets the conversation move on to the recruitment pitch.

"Well I do have many a skill. So what's most of the work gonna be. Most of what I do isn't unique after all. But I'm working past those feelings of redundancy." she adds with ac chuckle.

"Versatility is my speciality!" she states and puts on her own affectation of an accent. A little more British. Doesn't quite make it though but good attempt. The force is her ally. "And sometimes yeah. Your kind of justice is proabably for the best. Beats the hell out of Gotham Revolving Door Justice for instance."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "High level?" Deadpool states. "Probably demonlitions. I mean, it's in your codename. Boom. Boom." He jerks one of his shoulders up a touch. "I want you to make with it. Low level? The same as the rest of X-Force." He shakes his head. "I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Kill the bad guys, save the good guys slash victims. The X-Men are all fine and good but sometimes you need to cut a bitch to get the point across."

    He makes an almost imperceptable move with his wrist and a throwing knife just -appears- in his hand. Where it came from? How it got to his fingers so quickly? Good questions. "X-Force is made to be the cutting tool. There are cancers out there in the form of people. We cut them out. Permenantly. We do what Scott, Jean, and some of the others aren't willing to do." He opens his hand and the knife is gone, just like that. "The question is... are you willing to?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The sleight of hand with the knife gets a grin. The blonde is suitably impressed. Some of the others in the store kind of give the pair a wider berth yet.

"Well, most of my body count and It's probably a big one. Is clones of my ex-boyfriend. I had killed someone once but thaat was kinda self defense and I was a wee lasss before I joined Xaviers." she states and explains.

"But yeah. I get it. I'm probably more okay with it than I'm letting on. I spent enough time on the streets to know that some people are just better off not existing. And I can do more than just knockdown doors and walls. I'm ordinance. Artillery. Crowd Control. I also can flash fry a steak in seconds! So yeah. I'm down. I'll try not throw up on mission."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool claps his hands together. "Wonderful!" he exclaims. "You familiar with Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls?" he asks. "That's our HQ. Just tell the guy behind the bar you're here for X-Force and he'll see that you get to the right place." If Tabitha isn't familiar with the merc bar, the fact that it's name implies nothing of the sort that would have 'guys behind a bar' or that it would the Headquarters for a mutant Wetworks operation. But Wade presses on.

    "Now I'm going to need your measurements" he asks without any trace of shame. "I don't suppose getting you into a pink catsuit with a magenta vest is an option huh?" He shakes his head. "Too 90s honestly. And I've not seen you use the sword yet so the yellow catsuit is also out. Besides, your what... 19? 20? A bit young for a boob window... I mean you're not Power Girl after all." He brings a hand up to cup his masked chin in thought.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Sister Margaret's. And with all our bad habits we won't see nun." she states and grins.

That joke was terrible ans she knows it. But that won't stop her.

"I'll make sure not to badger the guy at the door too much. I'm twentyone in a couple weeks or so anyway so at least you don't have to worry too muchy about liqour laws.

The mention of Powergirl gets her looking down at her chest. "No body is her but Thirtysix, Twentyfive, Thirtysix. I'm five five as well. Just throw me what you want for a uniform I can punch it into the Shi'ar replicators at the school Same for the rest of the team. Get some of that unstable molecule fun happening and I don't end up naked using my powers." she adds and grins. "I will however accept Neon Pink and Yellow. No shoulderpads. I can make just about anything work."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool stops and holds up a finger. "Point. I forget you Xavier's guys have replicators. Okay... okay..." he grabs a napkin and fishes around his Liefields before finding a pencil. He stares at Tabby for a moment and then starts to draw. "I could've gotten you some that is flame resistant to a degree, but I'm not entirely sure how hot your fires can get so..." he shrugs. "So we'll go with you making it yourself." He draws a bit more and leans back to examine the piece. "Alright. Good enough for what's needed." He slidse the napkin towards Tabitha and says. "What do you think?"

    On the napkin is an extremely detailed drawing of Tabitha as she is now in a close fitting black bodysuit. A utility belt is around her waist with the red and black X logo at the buckle. Wade was so careful as to mark lines with the colors where necessary. A large white X crosses the upper torso and a red V-like trim along the chest and neckline of the suit finish the main body. Her hands are covered in black gloves that end at the wrist and a black trenchcoat completes the look. All in all, it's not a bad look and the attention to detail by the Merc with a Mouth could give him another name. The Merc with the Eyes. Though the alliteration is lacking a bit.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's a sketch but Tabby gives it a good looking over. "I can make that happen. It's not just replicators. We got a holodeck too that only malfunctions maybe three quarters as often." Tabby states. "If you're already got stuff for the rest of the team, let me know." she states and snags the pencil to write her number down to punch into Wade's phone. No doubt mostly full already with the contact details of attractive young women. All professionally accquired as work contacts no doubt.

"Well lemme know when you got some work and I'll head on to the nunnery. Just don't get shirty if I adjust the uniform to fit, and not just my figure. Good uniforms gotta feel right!" she states and grins as the donuts are cooked and the frosting on most of them set in the fridge as staff come to help haul them to the Van with is tailgate backed up facing the storefront.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade stands from the booth and shrugs. "You do what you need to, just keep the color scheme. White, red, black. Most of us are in the same sort of get up. Domino gets a pass with her cyan because we're too afraid to tell her to change it." He pauses and fires a text to Tabby so she has his own number as well. As he watches the men load the donuts into the van he shakes his head. "Scotty is not going to approve... and I love it."

    There is almost malicious glee in his tone before he moves to the motorbike. He slides the helmet on and looks at Tabby. "Keep in touch. You know I will be as well. We've got a hit coming up in a few weeks probably and we'll need you for sure."

    He kicks the bike into ingnition and rotates it before speeding off. As he rides he murmurs into the void of his helmet. "I didn't tell her who else was on the team... eh, she'll figure it out soon enough."