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No Hiding Place
Date of Scene: 17 June 2022
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Donna returns to New York after taking a few days away to consider the revelation that she's not who she thought she was. She brings ice cream to Diana, to prove there are no hard feelings.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Diana Prince

Donna Troy has posed:
    It has been almost a week since Troia -- the other Troia -- vanished from reality, and Troia -- also known as Donna -- returned to it.

    She hadn't exactly hung around. There had been no long conversations, no teary reunions. From her point of view, after all, no time had passed. She had not been in a mood to speak, but she had exchanged a few short words with a few people. To Diana, she had simply said 'You must have known. Mother would have told you. But it's okay. I understand.'

    And then she'd been gone. Not gone from reality this time, just gone. With the promise she'd be back soon. Things to do. Things to /think about/.

    The next time Diana had seen her had been in Africa, to deal with the World Eater. Donna had answered her sister's call, though she had left straight away after the battle. There had been no small talk. It was however not entirely surprising when, a couple of days later, there was a knock on Diana's door, followed by Donna's voice. "Diana? Are you busy? I brought ice cream."

    As if nothing had happened.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had just returned to the Embassy after helping Monet get to the Xavier mansion in Westchester. She was putting her armor back up on the stand, wearing blue jeans, a white tanktop and a blue button-up shirt that is unbuttoned currently. With her hair tied back in a loose pony tail, she looks over to the door when she hears the voice, and is soon to move over to it.

Where she finds Donna, and she tilts her head after just a second, to show a smile. She just moves in for a hug.

"Welcome back..." Diana says in her warm sisterly way. She holds on to Donna for a number of moments before she pulls back and glances to the ice cream, a happy expression showing on her face. "Indeed you do...." She notes as she motions in to the office toward the seating area.

"Come come, sit, I need to know... things." The Princess elloquently asks of her sibling, whilst she walks in to the seating area, and picks up... a red and white can of Budweiser of all things. "Thirsty?" She offers, with a smirk.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Salty pimp," Donna declares with a grin. In a different context that might sound quite insulting, but it's Diana's favorite ice cream. Donna has brought a peace offering from the Big Gay Ice Cream Parlor, though the hug suggests no peace offering is needed. Is there any reason it should have been? Donna doesn't /think/ so, but she was making sure.

    Donna comes in wearing armor, the same armor she had been wearing in Africa. Pallas' craftswomanship is obvious to Diana's eye, though the style is nothing the forges of Themyscira have produced before. It's probably not as protective as the normal types of Themysciran armor are, but it's clearly designed for flexibility, and thus presumably is comfortable enough to wear about.

    The salty pimp is placed on Diana's desk before Donna takes a seat with her own ice cream, and gives a shake of her head. "No thanks," she says. "I'll stick to the ice cream.

    Which she does, eating a few mouthfuls in silence. Probably thinking what to say.

    "So I... it hurts a bit, Di. Knowing that the people I cared most about in the world were hiding something so important from me. But I was thinking... five years ago, Doomsday. When mother waited before telling me what had happened, that two of my closest friends were dead. Because it was my duty to guard the Doom Gates, and nothing must interfere with that duty. I was mad at her for a while for that. But I realized in time that it was /her/ duty not to let anything interfere with /my/ duty. And most of all that... that it must have hurt her not to tell me as much as it hurt me not to be told."

    She pauses with a shrug to eat a little more ice cream. "So... so. I believe it must have hurt you to have to keep things from me. I am sorry we both were in the position we found ourselves in. Life is not always fair. And I am more grown up than I was five years ago. So even if it hurts, I don't resent it, Di. You're still the best sister anyone could ask for."

Diana Prince has posed:
While Donna speaks, Diana takes that Budweiser can to the refrigerator in the kitchenette of her office. She placces it away, before gathering up some napkins to take to the desk. She seats herself then on the edge of her office chair, before reaching out to pick up the Salty Pimp cup with a small smile. Her eyes go up to Donna then while she just quietly stares at her in that fancy armor.

The last part makes Diana smiles warmly again, of course, as her eyes go down to the ice cream in her hands. She opens its seal with a quiet pop, then puts the spoon in to it with a easy shove.

"I found out about ... all of that ... shortly after returning to Themyscira for the first time in nearly a hundred years." She says somberly then, as she looks back up to Donna once more. "The same visit where we first met one another. It was something I felt you needed to know, but something I felt mother needed to tell you. If it came from me..." She gently shakes her head side to side then. "I would not want to have put that kind of a ... rift, between you and she."

The Princess takes in a breath then, her shoulders rising up in that very casual attire she's wearing right now. "When I saw what had happened to you at the Titan tower, and garnered some of the details of it all... it was rather clear that mother's time to tell you had alredy expired. But again, it just... was not my place to get involved, I do not believe, as much as I wanted to."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head, smiling easily. It's a situation that is fraught with possibilities, but none of the more negative ones seem to be on display, yet at least.

    "I understand that Di. But it wasn't... telling me wasn't an option, was it? For either of you. It was meant to be hidden from me. /They/ agreed to that. It was a duty. I understand that. And how hard that must have been for mother. To have to keep that secret from a child who had been granted the power to know when she is being lied to. She has certainly had to be inventive."

    Donna puts her spoon into the ice cream to hold it in place, and leans back in her seat. "I thought about that a lot over the last few days. All the things people have said to me. The evasions that must have been necessary to not... give the game away. I'm sorry you were put in that position, Di. You, and mother, and the others who were in on it. "

    "It must have been very strange for you. I mean coming back and finding you had a kid sister must have been strange enough, but when mother told you /why/ you had a kid sister... I... I don't know how I would have reacted to that. I think I am surprised you were not more wary of me."

    "I think mother was at first. I mean... looking back, I remember her being... when I was very young, she felt distant to me, but as I got older, we got closer. In my mind I came up with... " She shakes her head a little. "Explanations. Rationalizations. Why would she choose to adopt me, if she was less than enthusiastic to do so? I thought maybe she had picked me because I reminded her of you at my age. And then perhaps she regretted being reminded until I was a little older, until I had enough of a personality to be a /different/ daughter in her mind. But now I know she /didn't/ choose me at all. I was an obligation, but an obligation she grew to love. I can live with that."

    "It's... hard though, Diana. Knowing that... that all those explanations and rationalizations I have made my whole life, to understand who I was and why I was, all of them were wrong. Based on incorrect assumptions. It's like... I have to reassess everything. My whole life. Maybe it makes no difference. I used to think I must be the luckiest person who ever lived, because all the wonderful things that have happened to me happened by chance. Now I know that isn't true. It wasn't chance at all. But does that make me less lucky? I still lived the life I have lived. I still wouldn't swap it for anything. So... maybe it doesn't make any difference. I don't know."

Diana Prince has posed:
While Donna responds, Diana enjoys a spoonful of the ice cream treat. She melts internally upon tasting it, but tries to subdue the reaction in the moment, for her sister's sake!

When she pulls the spoon from her mouth she dips it back in to the slightly melted deliciousness.

"You are still lucky, as am I... but you have to realize that the luck is just in different ways than you might have thought before, all of this took place. As you say, your life is still... beyond amazing, even in the context of all the hardships you have faced so far. You have overcome them, and you have limitless potential ahead of you, Donna." Diana tells her sister, sparing a glance to the windows, before she averts her eyes back across the desk to the other dark haired woman.

"When I first met you, I thought mother had replaced me." She admits to Troia, with a slight grin. "I spent a century believing that I left my mother in a state of perpetual disappointment for leaving her, and everyone else, upon the island. When I returned, and found a new young daughter... I was stricken with the sense that I had been truly foresaken. I think this is why mother even filled me in on the truth to begin with."

A faint smirk is shown after Diana says those words, before she shakes her head and looks back down to the ice cream that she spoons at idly. "She is a Queen, with a burden upon her shoulders that neither of us will likely ever experience." Diana gathers up another load of ice cream to raise it up.

"Maybe I am not made from clay. Maybe a man named Clay washed up on shore, and mother was seduced by his beauty. Then had me, and put him on a boat." She grins past the ice cream before putting it in her mouth.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "It does not matter where we come from, only where we go?" Donna asks, wearing a faint smirk. "Is that what you're trying to tell me?" She gives another tiny shake of her head. "I don't think that's entirely true, Di. Sometimes where we have come from catches up with us."

    She recovers her spoon from the ice cream, and eats a little more. "Salty Pimp is pretty nice, but I think I prefer the Rocky Road," she says, leaning forwards and whispering almost conspiratorially. She relaxes back in the seat again, studying the next spoonful of ice cream.

    "You had been away from home too long Di," Donna says with a little grin. "Or you wouldn't have thought that. You will never be replaced in mother's affections. You are the world to her. To be away for a hundred years... I wonder how many times she must have struggled with the urge to go looking for you, even if that meant forsaking Themyscira."

    Another spoonful of ice cream vanishes quickly. "Back then, when you came back, I was... I was wary of /you/ at first. You probably noticed. Everyone had told me about the wonderful sister I had, but only Magala had suggested you had not always been quite so wonderful. That there had been a time you were prideful of your powers, and treated others as lesser than you. When I was told my sister had returned and I was going to meet you, I was unsure whether you would be the wonderful person most told me you were, or if you were secretly some monster who had enchanted my sisters into seeing you as good. I somehow persuaded myself that I was the only one who would be able to tell. Maybe because I was the only one who didn't know you. Maybe because I felt apart."

    "Years later I realized that Magala was warning me against taking pride in my own powers. And when I did realize that, it seemed... ridiculous. It never seemed to me that they were really my powers. I mean that I in some way /deserved/ or /earned/ them. So how could I take pride in them? Now... now I understand why she thought that was an important lesson to impart."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows a quick grin at the Rocky Road comment. "Both can be delicious, and one still my favorite." She quietly notes before dipping her spoon back in to the cup again. Her eyes are down as she listens to Donna's words, a warm smile there while she hears about her scary monster self in the eyes of the Donna-from-then.

When she looks up again to her sister, she just considers her response for a moment or two. "I became steadily more arrogant after mother granted me the ability to train with the other Amazons. Once Antiope's lessons began to set in, and I started to see serious results... I got got, cocky, full of myself. It lead me to becoming a bit of a boasting fool. But, as life does, it found ways to humble me." The last part is said with a soft sorrow lacing her voice.

She recenters her gaze upon Donna. "You have had a veritable crash course in experiences in such a little amount of time. One could say... mine were far too slow in being gained, though. So it would seem our situations are almost mirrowed, in some ways. But, yes... your powers are yours. Your experiences are telling you how to put them to use."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "And now I have to rethink the assumptions that underpinned all those experiences," Donna says. "If I had know this all along... what difference would it have made to my life, to my choices? I don't know. Maybe I have always felt too /obliged/ to mother, to Themyscira, when it was never meant to be a favor to me. It's hard to deny what the Lampad said to me, that I am a fake Amazon."

    She gives a quick shrug, as if what she had said was no big thing. "I mean what was the purpose of sending me to Themysicra? To indoctrinate me, to make me an ersatz Amazon so that I would not one day cause trouble? Why should I feel an obligation, a /duty/, if that is the case?"

    "The simple answer is that I believe in Themyscira. I believe in what we do, I believe in our aims and our creed. But that answer doesn't satisfy me now. Of course I believe in it all, that was the whole point. Is it really something I embrace freely? No. It's something that the upbringing imposed on me has provided.

    Another almost carefree shrug. "But does that matter? Does that change anything? Nobody /chose/ their upbringing. You didn't choose to be born to mother any more than I chose to be adopted by her. We can't really be true to anything other than the person we are, and..." she looks up from the ice cream, head tilted to the side, and gives Diana a smile. "I'm the person who I am. I find myself confused about what that means in a way I was not before, but I don't see how it should change who I am. I'm still Troia. Still Donna."

Diana Prince has posed:
While Donna speaks on all of this, Diana just quietly enjoys her Pimpin' Ice Cream. With reserved tastes, she just transfers her eyes from the ice cream cup, to her sibling, and back again. She waits a moment to chime in with her thoughts though, but just gently shakes her head.

"You're not going to like what I have to say now..." Diana states as she clears her palette from the cold sugar.

Her eyes then look up to Donna, and she tilts her head ever so gently to the right. "Who you are now, will be vastly different from who you will be in ... just a handful of decades. Even less. Five years from now, you could easily be a radically different person." A pause is taken then as the spoon is swirled around in the nearly finished cup.

"You are young, yet still, Donna. Troia. All things considered, you did discover this truth about yourself at a very young age. Maybe that is comforting? Maybe it is not... But it is certainly significant. You have so much time ahead of you to let this integrate in to your life, to let it shape you in new ways. Would your previous choices have been different?"

Diana shrugs her shoulders lightly.

"They are in the past. Your choices you make now, going forward? Those are what matter most now. Taking the life you have lived, mixing in the thoughts of the life that 'may have been'. But as you say, you are Troia, you are my sister. I love you. I am here for you, and we have so much to do yet still..."

She glances at what Donna is wearing.

"Such as ... explain to me where... that came from." She motions to the attire then with a grin.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks down at the new armor she's wearing, so intriguingly combining the styles of Themyscira with the kinds of armored body suits more typically worn by the superheroes of America. She looks back up to Diana, grinning. "I thought you'd never ask," she says.