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The Warded Circle
Date of Scene: 14 June 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Zatanna and Angelo advance toward removing the sword's spell and learning how Angelo can channel his innate magic.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Achilles

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee must become the live wire and call on the magic that sings in her blood - a long process that has driven her to consult the rare old texts on the Viking runes that run down the center of the magic blade. Hours of study have blended into days as she delved deeper into the labyrinth of meanings behind the runes on the sword.

Two weeks pass. Angelo comes and goes, checking on her progress, contributing to her research from his memories of time spent among the Vikings. He has free admittance to the mansion - freedom only granted to those closest to her. Finally, Zee reluctantly admits how much she has come to depend on his composure and unique view of life honed through the centuries, missing him when he is gone.

Dawn of the summer solstice is her goal. During the last week, she only snatched a few hours of rest. When she finally sleeps, runes march through her dreams and music throbs like distant thunder. Then, finally, she wakes before dawn with a double ward circle shining in her mind's eye.

On the outer ring, colored runes inscribed with the elements fundamental to her magic. To the north, earth, the green rune Uruz for strength and perseverance. Opposite it, red Fehu, the rune of primal fire and creation. The eastern rune, the water rune, is the blue of deep fjords and inner depths. And, to the west, Ansuz, Odin's breath, infusing all the elements with life.

Zee climbs out of bed, only covering herself with a white robe in haste to preserve her dream, and runs to the study to write it down. Barefooted, she stands with an old-fashioned pen in hand, filling in the ward circles on the empty chart that had teased her for so long.

Achilles has posed:
    After weeks of coming and going, of watching Zatanna working herself to the bone, burning the candle at both ends, and a few other metaphors for overworking oneself, Angelo finds himself up bright and early. It felt both awkward, and completely natural that after he showered and prepared for the day. Yeah, today he shaved -nice- and smooth... but after all that, he put on some casual and comfortable clothing consisting of a white polo style shirt, and khaki slacks.

    That done, he approached his hall closet and opened the door while holding a bag from his private stocks. It's not wine. It's nothing so much as old Turkish gourmet ground coffee. Opening the hall closet door, he stepped through and found himself in one of the hallways of Shadowcrest manor. Only a man who has seen so many strange things over so many years would accept this as normal.

    Once in the manor, he made his way to the kitchen, where he has come to an understanding with the staff. Joking around with them and generally charming them all is something that comes natural to him. But when Zee worked her way out of bed, and staggered to her study, Angelo waited and once she was inside, he approached with a tray. Upon the tray was an omelet with feta cheese, and a few other spices from the old world stylings. A cup of that rich gourmet Turkish coffee sent forthe tendrils of scent to help the mind wake up even before they can get the caffeine into their system.

    And the tray is simply placed beside Zatanna as she works, the coffee slid so that the handle is mere inches from her hand. Wordlessly, Angelo finds himself standing back and admiring... well, everything about the situation. The studious nature of his friend. The.. *ahem* curves of said friend, and the feeling in his mind that is poking and prodding him to admit that this amazing woman is becoming more than merely a friend.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The first ring done, Zee comes back to herself and the earthy aroma of well-brewed coffee. She looks her appreciation at Angelo then leaves her precious document to slip an arm around him and lay her head on his shoulder with the steaming demitasse of coffee held carefully in her other hand. Still leaning against him, she sips.

"A real lifesaver. The best coffee this side of the Atlantic."

Nodding to the desk, "I'm halfway there. That, my friend, is half the ward circle. The other half is still indelibly in my head. We'll be ready for the Solstice."

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, so long as you take the time to properly fuel yourself." says Angelo as his own arm comes about her torso. Hand resting on the far hip. "And, the irony is -not- lost on me, that I might be the weirdest person to not have any magical talent of my own, given my whole... ancestry and such. Plus having had enough time to learn about it a dozen times over." he admits in a moment of deprecating humor.

    "But since I lack the touch and skill, I figure the best thing I can do is watch your back and make sure you eat well while you are doing so much work. Plus, if you need an extra pair of hands, you know you have only to ask. Right?" he asks as he leans his cheek down onto the crown of Zatanna's head for just a quick moment, a gesture of affection and closeness that doesn't have the same effect as a kiss, but still just as affectionate.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Treasuring the moment of relaxation, Zee smiles as he lays the weight of his head on hers. Forehead wrinkling at a thought, she separates from Angelo, coffee in hand. She sips contemplating him silently, her sapphire eyes focusing on his face then unfocusing as an idea dawns on her.

"Are you so sure about that, Angelo? I've wondered since we met whether you can wield the magic that is intrinsically part of you. Allow me to do something."

".wenis dna doolb sih eniviD" (Divine his blood and sinew.)

Achilles has posed:
    The blood is just that, blood. But there is so much more than that. Only esoteric magical divination would really reveal the truth beneath the surface. Beneath the DNA and white and red blood cells. The fact that he has been made immortal by being fed the food of the gods, and being immersed in the water of the gods. The divine waters of the Styx... and little known fact, mortals who are immersed in the waters will most often just flat die a very painful death. Demigods have pretty much even odds of survival. Though the waters of the Lethe also mingle with the Styx here and there, and can make a person lose all of their memories. So when immersed as a baby... without real lasting memories, that helps with that latter part. The whole death angle was prevented by Ambrosia.

    But even to science, his blood would look... to draw upon a pure scientific term... it would appear wonky.... hinky... Totally FUBAR. Yes, those are the official terms for it. But to divination, it appears to be something like .... well, picture a rope made of three completely different types of fibrous materials each adding its own unique strength to the woven strand of the rope. There is the blood of two different gods mingled in his biology, and then the augmentation of having consumed food that is reserved for the gods, food that for all intents and purposes, helps them remain immortal. And then that immersion in what can only be called pure undiluted toxin that burned out anything mortal in his body... but left the immortal behind. The amazing thing is that there is any humanity left in his soul.

    All of that flashes through the mind of Zatanna between one heartbeat and the next. The raw power is there, but the multiple sources of power are woven together, supporting one another. They -could- be drawn upon if the skill to do so were learned, but it might weaken the weave, if only temporarily. So to do powerful magics, it might lessen the man's agelessness, his ability to heal and recover and... avoid death, until the power reserves built back up within himself. So in a very real way, he would be sacrificing immortality in the short term, to accomplish major spells. Minor ones... they would be like a tiny ripple in a pond. But major ones... yeah.

    After all of that, he just lifts his brows, waiting patiently for Zatanna do to her detection, her analysis. "Okay. I trust you. What -is- this something of which you speak?" he asks.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
All physical objects in the room fade to transparency save for Angelo's corporal form. Magic transforms it, lighting it from inside and making an occult hologram of vivid colors. Zatanna reads the triad of magical powers part and parcel of his blood and bone, each dependent on the other. Intermingled are the divine power from Thetis, his mother, and his father's father, Zeus, melded with the catalyst of immortality, the Styx.

Some measure of self-preservation probably blocks him from using the powerful innate gift. It occurs to her that using magic would be tantamount to weakening the very fiber of his being.

Zee's eyes close, and when she opens them, only the mundane remains. She takes a deep breath. "It would require sacrifice. There is a price. Using great magic will make you vulnerable as any mortal."

She fills her lungs again, "The question is how you would do it. Incantation or gesture? Some throw power like lightning or use their blood to create spells."

Full of wonder, Zee smiles.

Achilles has posed:
    Blinking once, twice... Angelo attempts to realign his paradigm of the world. "Huh?" he asks with the utmost eloquence. Okay, so he looks a bit flustered. "It would... require... oh, wait a moment. Are you saying that... I mean forgive me if I am getting this wrong... I mean you... and I was..." Yes, the man is stammering, rambling, and confused.

    "I could perform magic?" he asks after taking a deep breath to steady himself. Then he tilts his head to the left and turns to face Zatanna directly, looking into her sapphire eyes with his emerald green ones. "And it might make me mortal to do so?" he asks. There is the temptation to just blow out so much magic that he was able to be mortal forever. I mean to quote the late great Freddy Mercury... who wants to live forever?

    But he shakes his head like he just got punched between the eyes, and he was trying to recover from it. "I... don't know how I would... I mean it's... huh?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna erupts into happy laughter at his fluster. Smiling, "Slow down. Take a moment and think about it. How do you think that you can wield Hestaephus's gift so easily? It's paradoxical, the weapons protect you while drawing on the power you contain. But, I think we can approach it differently. Your blood allows you to be a conduit for magic, you are not the battery. Still, drawing it weakens you but not forever, I think. It is going to take experiment under controlled conditions."

She closes the distance between them and offers him an embrace, arms sliding around his muscled abdomen. Then holding his face between her hands, she regards him closely, saying softly, "Well, you have waited this long to discover it. We will take it slowly. Who knows you may be able to help me with more than coffee and food."

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, I -do- enjoy cooking." Angelo admits with a bit of a smirk as he recovers his emotional equilibrium. "But I am not against the idea of figuring things out. As for my gear..." He glances at his wrist where the bracer remains. "I had thought they worked because Hephaestus -made- them to work for me. But I can see your point. They may only work for someone of godly descent, or... well I don't have the foggiest idea -why- they work for me. I have simply accepted that they do."

    His face does break into a smile as he is clasped in her hands. "As I -have- said before, time is something that I have in abundance. I admit that I am curious about it. But I am in no rush to learn how to weaken myself."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
They share a smile and Zatanna seals the moment with a light kiss, pressing his face between her palms. She steps back, saying, "It's going to be interesting watching how you go about it. How did your mother work her powers on the waves and make illusions? Did you see her do it?"

The drawing on the desk calls her back, the outer ring remaining unfinished. After a glance at Angelo, Zee picks up her pen and studies the diagram, her brow knitting in concentration.

Achilles has posed:
    The kiss makes him go cross-eyed for a brief moment, brows lifting in reaction to it. Just when he is opening his mouth to inquire about it, Zatanna speaks up and changes the subject. Talk about excellent tactics. He just shakes his head and lifts a hand absently to touch fingertips to his lips as he replies. Honestly, it's like he doesn't even realize he's doing that.

    "My mother?" he asks. "It was more an act of will. She willed it, and it happened. She never really did much to alter the natural state of the waves though. There was no real need for her to do so. If she used illusions to alter her appearance, it was done when I was not present." A pause and he shrugs, "I spent -very- little time that I have memory of, in her presence. Most of my time was spent at my father's court, and then in hiding before the war."

    But then he shrugs, "I think that we will need to figure out the methods together. I -presume- that as the acknowledged expert in magic, you will be my master and I will be your Padawan." he adds as he leans forward to peer over her shoulder.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Eyebrows raised, Zee glances at him over her shoulder, "Maaaybeee. We will see? I have something in mind. But first." She raises a finger in the air, then points at the drawing. "One thing at a time. We have a deadline, of sorts."

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding his head, Angelo grins, "Yes Master." he says, throwing a little bit of Scottish brogue into his voice. If only to sound like Ewan MacGreggor for a moment. But then he looks down at the paper and asks, "How can I assist here Master?"

    And he steps back a bit to give some space. "I would be happy to assist in any way you need. Consider my hands as a pair of extra ones to do whatever is needed."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The Master earns a narrow eyed look from her which she mitigates with a faint smile. "No master for now. For the moment, I need to recall what I saw in the dream. Then, we'll need to gather some things together before the warded circle is made. Yew, rowan, ash, roses, perhaps. When I have finished the ruins, we will know. And thank you, Angelo."

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding, Angelo steps back. "I could go and collect whatever it is you require. Leaving you here to do the research and arrangement." A pause, "Plus, you are going to want a good dinner later. So I was thinking that I could roast some lamb for you. With lemon rice and basic veggies." he adds, focusing on -how- he can support all of this.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hmmmm, food would be good."

No sooner spoken, the doors to the study open and a liveried footman brings in a tray with a warm baguette, butter and a pot of blackberry jam. A pot of coffee steams next to it along with plates, cups and cutlery. There is enough for two.

"We will make a list once I've written them down."

Achilles has posed:
    Glancing over to the footman delivering the food, Angelo comments, good natured of course, "Spoilsport." Because, as much as he sucks at growing food, he's quite talented at preparing it. And it's something he enjoys doing.

    But he gives a nod of thanks to the servant and makes sure to pour Zatanna's coffee before pouring his own. Old world manners and all. And so the meal is enjoyed... in preparation for the hard work to come.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna lifts her head at the servant's approach to thank him, then offers a smile to Angelo for pouring her coffee. She plunges back into studying the diagram, finding herself on the outskirts of the dream that woke her.

The dream remains as fresh as this morning. A double wheel of colorful runes, one within the other, rotates suspended before her. One by one, she plucks them from her waking dream to note them on the waiting parchment.

The inner circle contains the elements, fire, water, air and earth set at cardinal points. They are the bedrock of Zatanna's magic and will channel the power necessary for ridding the sword of its life-force draining spell.

Now, for the outer circle with runes of protection, balance and power. Each rune is associated closely with a god in the Norse pantheon. Frigg brings balance, channeling the natural order of things in the rune, Mannaz. Heimdallr stands among them, luck bringer, manifested in the elk-shaped rune Algiz.

One by one nearly the entire pantheon of gods, glorious and powerful, are written into the circle to be inscribed into stone by spell when the time comes.

At this point, Zatanna remembers a thunderous voice heard during the dream, welcoming her. Odd. Zee has never called on the Old Ones, ever. Her father taught her to be chary about calling on the gods.

Achilles has posed:
    Seeing the runes and such, Angelo observes. But he also smirks a bit. It is appropriate to draw upon the Norse pantheon for a Viking's sword. He is just always amused at how runes seem to work. Yet nobody seems to have the same sort of symbiology for his own distant relatives. It's a good thing it wasn't a Kopis shield or a Xiphos sword.

    Either way, he provides materials when asked for them, and stands by to lend whatever support is needed, be it physical or metaphysical.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Every rune has a plant or tree associated with it. We will gather those the night before," Zatanna observes without looking up from the parchment, naming Angelo as her apprentice wizard by default. "Every rune has a color associated with it. I still haven't decided how to do that in stone. This is as far as I will go with it for now."

The ink and parchment are put away with care in a warded drawer. "I'm hungry. I've put off breakfast far too long. Should I order more toasted baguette from the kitchen?"

Achilles has posed:
    With a snort, Angelo shakes his head, "Oh, they work hard enough. Let's give them a morning off, eh? In fact, why don't you come help me where I am the wizard... in the kitchen." He smirks then and adds, "I can even cook for the staff if you like. I was thinking of something light. Maybe a bit of teganite." He pauses with a shrug, "Honey covered of course." he adds with a smirk as he turns to reach for the door, opening and holding it for Zatanna.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Teganites? It sounds explosive to me. But honey sounds nice. Is it an old Greek dish? You know the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. So lead on." She gestures to the door with a flourish and a grin.

"I've gotten wind of you charming the staff, you know. Go ahead, Angelo, charm me."

Achilles has posed:
    "It's only explosive later on." offers Angelo with a smirk. But then he shrugs. Then he saunters his way towards the kitchen. He moves semi-slow, and seems to be in -no- rush.

    At the comment from Zatanna about charm, he glances back over his shoulder, "Are you not enjoying the view?" he asks as she walks along behind him. But then he gives a beatific smile and turns to walk backwards a bit. His arms spread out from his body as he goes. "Would you like for me to quote some poetry to you?" he asks before he backs right into the doorframe... apparently his aim was a little bit off. He stumbles and recovers his balance a bit before blushing and lifting a brow, "Um. I meant to do that?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee's eyelashes flutter in reply to his question about the view, she smiles, shaking her head at his antics. Just before he walks into the door frame, "Poetry or heroic lays would work."

He gains a laugh when he stumbles and recovers, "Sure, you did. The picture of manly grace. Now, feed me and charm us all."

Achilles has posed:
    And then into the kitchen he goes. "Okay. I will just need some flour. Buttermilk and Honey." he suggests as he begins rummaging through cupboards. The magic of the place tends to make things readily available. There are modern tools that -do- help out of course. Things that did not exist back in the ancient times.

    A whisk, a mixing bowl, and with that, he begins mixing the buttermilk and the honey until he gets it into a single consistency.

    "Can you pour the measured flour in while I stir?" he asks as he looks up from the bowl, whisk moving steadily in little circles.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Cupboards spring open at a flick of Zee's fingers. A bowl, a spoon and the ingredients Angelo wished for settle gently to a the central kitchen table. Last, but not least a pot of golden honey with a wooden honey spoon joins the other ingredients.

"Of course, I can at least do that. What kind of pan do you need and do want olive oil or butter to cook them in?"

After a glance down at herself, the magician murmurs, "Something more suitable." Her robe is replaced by wide legged linen pants and a halter top the color of her eyes, and slip-on sandals.

Achilles has posed:
    "Oh, Olive oil. It -has- been a while since I made these." Angelo states as he shakes his head, "Here, let's mix a half cup of oil into the batter too." he states.

    But he looks at the wooden honey pot, tilting his head and asking, "Did you get that one from Winnie the Pooh?" But then he smirks and shrugs, "Once we have the oil mixed in, then we can griddle cook it. A cast iron skillet also works." he suggests. "We should get it nice and hot, and then these cook in much the same way as modern pancakes."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee hmms to herself at the amount of olive oil and remarks, "It reminds me of an Italian cake my nonna would make with lemon zest in it." With a whisper of flour puffing into the air, she pours the flour for him.

A flat griddle rises from a bottom cupboard and settles with a faint clang on the old-fashioned range reminiscent of a professional kitchen. The stove lights itself. "There you go!"

Achilles has posed:
    "Cheater." remarks Angelo with a smirk. But he mixes the batter up and then pours a small amount of oil onto the griddle until it bubbles and pops. When that happens, he pours out a few circles, discs of the batter. Each about the size of a classic coffee saucer.

    And with a spatula, he begins the process of making them golden brown. "So, would you prefer honey, or cheese on top of yours?" he asks as he begins scooping them off of the griddle and placing them on plates.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee monitors his progress at his side. "Not always a cheater. It's not something I do all the time. Maybe showing off a bit for an appreciative audience. I like doing things the normal way, too."

Licking her lips, "Why not both? What kind of cheese do you need?"

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, back in the day we did not have this amazing invention... I think you know it as cream cheese. But we would mostly use whatever we could make. It usually turned out something like modern Feta." offers Angelo. "I have also learned to love sharp cheddar. So, dealer's choice." he says as he plates up two or three of the cakes per plate. "Either way, you should get the cheese on while it's still piping hot. I am going to go with cream cheese myself. I think I am addicted to it."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The fridge opens and Zee walks over to it and rummages until she finds a package of cream cheese and a wedge of cheddar. "The cheddar is lovely stuff from England. The cream cheese is from the US." A cheese grater is fished out the old fashioned way from a deep drawer.

Plates float down from another cabinet, fine china. Cutlery makes a silvery clink as it joins the plates along with snowy white linen napkins. "What should we drink?"

Achilles has posed:
    "Oh no. I choose the dish. You pick the drink." replies Angelo as he scoops a dallop of cream cheese to spread over one of his cakes. The cheddar is shredded, and he layers a bit of that over another cake, and only then pours honey on a third.

    "But I am a fan of the simple classics. You know.. Orange Juice, Apple Juice, etc..."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Of course!" Back to the fridge which seems to hold much more than its size, Zee pulls out both apple juice, a bottle of sparkling water, orange juice and more buttermilk for herself. She sets them on the table then seats herself, facing him and the stove.

Achilles has posed:
    And with the meal prepped, toppings set up... all that, Angelo finally sits down and gestures to Zatanna's plate. "I insist that you try yours first. I must know how bad a job I did." he states as he leans back and grins.

    "Be prepared for me doing a terrible job. It has been a -loooong- time since I made these." (Of course, he -is- a good cook, so odds are he -did- a good job.)

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Finger pointing at the table, Zatanna magics a bowl of glistening, bright red strawberries. "I don't know. I thought these would go with them." Picking up her fork and knife, she pauses, saying, "Thank you for cooking. I like trying new food."

She savors the word before taking a bite, "Teganites for the win." Her face brightens at the first mouthful. "Was this common food when you lived in Greece? It's very good. But you know that."

Achilles has posed:
    Digging in only after Zatanna has, as is the custom when one cooks, Angelo nods his head, "Usually just dipped bread. But on Kiriaki..." A pause, and he translates, "Sunday, we would have teganites."

    He eyes the strawberries and shrugs, "Fruit is good. And I do like strawberries. But... I think I'll keep it to honey and cheese for now." he adds before cutting another slice for himself. "So..." he says, trying to change the subject, "How close are we to being finished with the ritual preparations?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Another day to gather materials, at least. I thought I would add the stone or crystal precious to each god to the circle for added protection and clarity. Five days to the solstice."

She takes another bite, observing thoughtfully, "I am taking added precautions so that I can preserve the matrix of the sword once the spell is dissolved."

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding his head, Angelo thinks as he chews, then swallows and says, "I admit, I'm not as knowledgeable about the Norse mythos as I am about my own blood links. But..." He pauses and asks, "Does it really matter what importance various items may have held to others? To the gods, the warriors of the time? I just wonder if it would matter more that whatever you use resonates with -you- and your power and belief."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee chews, smiling faintly at Angelo's last observation. "Subtle. And true, too. It works both ways, depending on who or what you are calling on."

Achilles has posed:
    "As is the case from what I understand, magic is more an art than a science. What may be true for your magic might -not- be true for another wizard." offers Angelo. He takes another bite and uses his fork like a wand, "Like I said, I never had a talent for magic, but I have seen magicians over the centuries.. and every single one did things their own unique way... yet achieved the same effect."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"And now we will discover how -you- will channel yours," she declares before pouring herself a small glass of buttermilk. After licking a trace of buttermilk from her lips, she adds thoughtfully, "How do you call your weapons, Angelo?"

Achilles has posed:
    Inclining his head, Angelo pauses and thinks it through. "I guess it is a combination of specific muscle movements, and the bracers listen to my will." a pause and Angelo shakes his head.

    "Hephaestus really is a genius. His crafts have always been more art than science too. It's like they are magic, but more than mere magic. They are unique in that they tailor themselves to their wielders. He made the weapons for all of the gods. The only one he did not craft was Zeus's thunderbolt." One more pause, and he nods, mostly to himself. "And that isn't all. They have adapted somewhat to the times too. It is almost as if they are semi-intelligent.. knowing what I want, when I want it..." Then he smirks, "It really is difficult to put exactly into words."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nodding silently during his recital, Zee focuses on his animated face. After a pause, sapphire eyes turned upward while she thinks, Zee suggests, "We will just have to experiment. Can you project your shield to protect someone else, do you think?"

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, I do know that when I form my grip into what it should be for that weapon.. and want it in my hand, it will be there. I have never manifested one away from my own grip." Angelo pauses and turns away a bit before holding out his left hand. The shield forms there, and it's not like just some POOF effect. It looks like the metal spirals outward like a liquid and a solid at the same time.

    The sound of metal sliding against metal can be heard for just a moment before the Aspis rests there. "I can reach outward and place it before someone else. But I.... I do not know if I can manifest it outside my own grip."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nodding sagely, Zatanna narrows her eyes, saying slowly with authority, "I think you should try. The metal does not come from you. You channel the magic to manifest. It does not have to be just in front of you or in your hand."

Achilles has posed:
    Nodding his head, Angelo dismisses the shield.. which shrinks down almost as if it were bathed in Pym particles. The items are in fact stored in a pseudo otherspace type of effect. Shrunken down inside the bracers, but -also- not really there physically. Don't think about it, it'll melt brain cells. Divine Genius, remember?

    Either way, he grins and says, "Let's clean up our mess before I make an even bigger one." and he stands to begin gathering plates.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Through the optic of a practiced magician, Zee watches the shield shrink to nothing. "Yes," she mutters, whether it is to needing to clean up or to what she saw is not clear. "This is why the house staff loves you. We can stack the dishes by the sink and put away the rest unless you feel you must wash them."

Plates and cutlery rattle as she stands and gathers them. She pops a strawberry in her mouth and smiles at Angelo as she carries plates to the sink.

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, I will wash them. But they can wait a bit." offers Angelo as he places neatly stacked dishes on the counter by the sink. He looks off to one side and points a finger, "I am washing these. Nobody else needs to bother with them. Got it?" he asks, acting all stern, before he grins, "If that's okay with all of you." he says to the room itself, assuming the staff will hear him either way.

    Then he turns and regards Zatanna, "I find myself wondering if your lips taste like strawberry right now." he states before shaking his head and turning to start wandering away. TEASE!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A strawberry in the fingers of one hand, Zee stands next to him at the sink, placing a glass on the stack. "Like I said, this is why the staff adores you. I, on the other hand, am terribly spoiled and do not lift a finger. It is their fault. They don't like it when I do."

Looking at him from the corner of her eyes, she poises the strawberry between her lips, then turns to him without a word, trying without complete success to not giggle.

Achilles has posed:
    As he turns, Angelo notices the strawberry there. His eyes narrow and he says, "Okay. That's just not fair. It's not your lips that will taste like a strawberry. It's the strawberry that'll taste like a strawberry... and yes, I have now found a way to say the word strawberry five times in a single statement."

    As he is speaking, he steps in close and does his best impression of a viper by rushing his head in towards hers. But he pauses just a couple inches away and lifts a hand.... his index and middle finger reaching with knuckles to honk Zatanna's nose. Then with that distraction in place, he goes in to bite the strawberry in half, grazing his lips gently over hers as he does so. Yes, the whole point was to kiss her while she was off guard, and maybe crosseyed looking at her nose.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
As if he could distract her to the point of not seeing what comes.. Capable of juggling a full deck of cards in the air, keeping them airborne while talking to her audience, Zee grins around the strawberry till his lips brush hers. She is, indeed, crosseyed following his pinching fingers but it does not stop her from swallowing her half of the strawberry and leaning softly into the kiss. Their very first. Eyes uncrossed, her sapphire eyes waver between his, getting lost in their green. They have flecks of gold.