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Latest revision as of 19:47, 29 March 2020

Practice at the Junkyard
Date of Scene: 28 March 2020
Location: King's Scrapyard
Synopsis: The Crimson Dynamo and Naomi meet!
Cast of Characters: Naomi McDuffie, Galina Nemirovsky

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Once more Naomi is at King's Landing Scrapyard. She was originally shown this place by Spider-man as a great place to safely practice so she has taken up a spot in the middle of the scrapyard and looked over at the vehicles he said could be melted down without issue. She first flashes a bright light as she transforms into her super form and then she floats up just a moment, just floating there and getting used to the feeling. Then she tries to draw up that same feeling she had when she punched that jerk Zambudo.

Staring at the cars for a long moment, she pulls her right hand back and it begins to glow brightly before she aims her hand right at one of the cars and a powerful beam of energy shoots out and the car all but explodes on the spot, parts flying up and away and into other parts before things start to settle.

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    What the hell has the Dynamo been up to since she defected anyway right? Well as of just recently, she's begun to patrol once again just like the old days. Today however was more about sensor calibration than anything, because well things are different here, and so reports of an explosion are not immediately taken at face value. Not until she swings her visor around and, yeah ok the explosion detection rig was working just fine. She arches her back, rolling over to sweep off to port before cutting her thrusters.

    Red and black splintered camo, covered in a few errant scorch marks here and there. Theres a certain angular quality to the lighter Dynamo armor, and well the presence of things like mag pouches and a god damned AK is a pretty fair tip off. Anywho she comes down in a neat ballistic arc, firing her thruster pack only on final to grant her a fairly soft touch down on the hood of an old Buick.

    Casually she hefts that Kalashnikov up to rest against her soldier, just as casual as can be. "Good afternoon!"Comes the call, playing it cool whilst her onboard AI tries to match Naomi with a superhero identity in the database...

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
The AI won't really find anything on this person and she blinks at the appearance of Galina. She tilts her head a little, having seen that armor before even as she lands on the ground and smiles, "Hey!" She calls with a wave and then blinks, "Oh..." She looks over at the exploded car and then back at her, "Sorry, did you see that? I'm just practicing." She nods her head, "If that's why you are here. I assume that is why you are here." She nods her head. She then rolls her shoulder once as she walks over toward Galina, "I'm rather new to this whole thing."

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    "Ah, new?"Theres a shrug of the shoulders there as the Dynamo steps down from that Buick. "Is ok, good place for practice I think."She lifts a gauntlet to tap after her face plate gently. "Perhaps best to wear mask though yes? My sensors still not fully functioning, but big explosion draws many eyes. If I can find you, evil men can as well yes?" Then again she goes and snaps her own face plate up immediately afterward.

    Pausing to dip her head down to get a cigarette lit, before glancing about the scrap yard. "Do you have name yet, Hero? Is important to be consistant with public on branding, don't want to get confused for somebody else you know. Ends badly every time."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile and she shakes her head, "I really don't use a mask." She states simply enough and nods her head, "And I really don't have a name yet, either." She shrugs, "I'm focusing on not flying off into space every time I power up or accidentally killing someone with my power." She nods her head, "I'll work on the other stuff as time comes." She nods her head as she looks over at the area she blasted and then looks back to Galina, "Not that I won't get involved if I'm needed." She smiles and nods her head, "You're...Dyanmo, right? Crimson Dynamo?" She tilts her head.

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    "Da, I am the Crimson Dynamo. Is pleasure to meet you, my young friend."Theres a smirk there for impact, before a little shrug. "Is best to think about these things early, and likely is best idea to try and find somebody who is of similar power. Can be difficult, but just having somebody to spar with is important."Theres a little shrug again, as she hops up onto a fender to take a seat.

    "I do not have these powers like you, but I have served on team with many who had great powers. I would suggest, focusing on small use of powers. This builds control, and also does not let enemy know exactly how much of a priority target you may be."She fishes out that pack of smokes finally, to offer them towards Naomi. "If you have power you will of course be drawn into conflict, this is the way."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A hand up and she shakes her head, "No thank you." To the cigs that are offered her way before she nods her head, "I already know that." She frowns and looks down, "I have already had to use these powers pretty heavily on the first night I got them." She then looks up at Galina, "I am just...worried about others. I am thinking of ways to alter who I am when I'm not using them to better serve this form." She laughs a little, "Though it is only so I can finish High School." She nods her head and then looks over at the other stuff around her before looking back to Galina, "I will try that though. Starting small. I could spar someone but the last time I punched someone, he was powerful enough to destroy half a planet where he came from and I punched him hard enough to send him flying. I'm not eager to accidentally punch someone I like that hard."

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    "You must learn to use less, so that you can make best use of having more."Galina offers, helpfully. "Learn to knit, and do so when at full charge for instance. Foundations first, then you build to the sky."Cigarettes are tucked away casually. Talk of planet cracking power is filed away, but well she doesn't -seem- particularly alarmed. "Maybe Teen Titans, they are popular group of heroes your age yes?"

    "For now though, until you are ready to fight? Wear mask, keep low profile. In your current state somebody might go after your family, simply to provoke a reaction yes? When you are strong the mask does not matter so much for you, but it is to protect the people around you more than anything."Theres a little shrug there. "I was public servant, little different for me. My name and face had to be known, and as result my father was killed to send me a message."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A bit of a smile and she gestures, "This is what I look like when I power up." She nods her head, "I don't...really get a choice in what it looks like." She nods again before she shifts in her spot and rolls her shoulder, "And I'd feel bad for anyone going after my family unless they really had some serious power." She looks up, "My dad is..." She shrugs, "I don't want to tell people's secrets but less say that my father and a friend of his would not be someone I'd want to fight." She nods her head.

She then looks up and frowns, "I'm sorry...to hear that." She nods her head a little and looks down, "That...really sucks."

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    "Shit fucking sucks, what can you do?"A hand is raised casually to wave the talk of her father away. "Well in anycase you need to find somebody you can spar with, especially when you are very powerful."She flicks that cigarette aside, before giving a little shrug. "Until then, you can come patrol with me if you want. Is not always proper, but is best way to learn yes? Not many Heroes with my level of experience open to anyone tagging along yes? Give you an opportunity to see how it is done yes?"

    She digs through a thigh pocket for a moment, before producing a little metal box about the size of a deck of cards. She pitches that little gizmo over towards Naomi ever so casually. "I will not always respond, but is radio keyed to my frequency. Charges inductively, so put near outlet and it will recharge yes?"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Reaching out, she catches the box and looks at it before nodding, "Sounds cool!" She nods her head and then she considers, "I'll try to reach out to you then. I actually have a few people I hope to call on soon for help. THe Titans might be a good choice but I'll have to get in more contact." She nods her head as she looks down at the box, "Thanks for stopping by, Crimson. I appreciate your time." She nods again and then stands up straighter, "I really hope that I can help people when the time comes."

Galina Nemirovsky has posed:
    "Do not worry, You will be ready when you are ready. There is no need to rush through these things yes?"She gives her head a sharp snap foreward to sling that plate back down over her face, that split visor erupting with a red glow moment's later. Half turning as she gives a lazy little wave. "Just Dynamo, too many Crimson Heroes in America yes?"And with a little hop, that thruster fires up and off she goes in a lazy arc. Off to do, well whatever the hell the Dynamo gets up to.
    Lots of Drinking is what she gets up to, actually.