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Latest revision as of 01:18, 20 June 2022

Drop in for a visit
Date of Scene: 19 June 2022
Location: Mystique's Office
Synopsis: Mystique feeds Azazel pastries and tea while giving him the latest news, and an assignment for the Brotherhood.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Azazel

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Knowing that Azazel was on his way for a visit, Mystique ensured his favorite alcohols were available, as well as a snack she knew he would like, and of course usual carafe of coffee. There were a lot of balls in the air right now, with the Brotherhood's plans and her wedding coming up, but she knew she had to take time, once in a while, to just breath. This would be one of those times.

Visiting with Azazel would kill two birds with one stone. She could see how he was doing, and also let him know what the Brotherhood was about to do.

Azazel has posed:
    After getting the text, Azazel bamfed from his lounge chair on the pool deck facing the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to his closet to change clothes. Shortly after, wearing his normal tailored suit, he appears in the seat in front of Mystique's desk with, say it with me, a *BAMF* and slight smell of brimstone.

    "So, actual business for a change? Or have you just decided you must have me now, and this was the most private place you could think of?" he asks with a smirk and slightly raised eyebrow.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique doesn't even blink as Azazel bamfs in, she is just so used to it at this point. Anyone else and two daggers would have always flown across the room toward them.

Once he's settled, she stands up and walks around her desk to sit in the chair closer to him, reaching out to grab the end of his tail in her hand. "Of course I want you right here, right now, on my desk," she replies. "However, that would mean moving the computers and you know how OCD I am about organizing my desk."

Using her other hand she gestures toward the trolley with the food and alcohol, "Help yourself, I thought you might enjoy some hand made Kartoffelhornchen. Eddie has /finally/ got the recipe right."

Keeping a hold of his tail, because she /loves/ his tail, she sits back and crosses her right leg over the left. "A little business, a little pleasure, have to keep you interested after all."

Azazel has posed:
    Azazel chuckles at her response "Hand made, you say? That's unusual these days with all of the machines the humans use to mass produce everything. And all we'd have to do is take a picture of the desk and put everything back afterwards."

    With his tail claimed, the cart is slightly out of reach, but there are certain advantages to knowing magic. He gestures at the cart and it obediently rolls into reach, allowing him to pick up a small plate and one of the Kartoffelhornchen.

    Taking a bite, the eyebrow raises again, but in a good way. "Yes, I would say he did. If not for the fact that I can pop up here any time, I'd have to steal him from you."

    "That being the pleasure part spoken about for now, what kind of business can I help you with?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both yellow eyes narrow slightly as Mystique studies him. "Leave Eddie where he is, he feeds an army, almost literally."

Finally releasing his tail, she leans to pour herself a cup of coffee and sits back with it in hand. "The Brotherhood will soon be on the move," she begins. "There are numerous countries that refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, and where the mutants in those countries are suffering."

"I admit that the US is not perfect," she continues after a sip of her coffee. "But it is far better than other places, so we will be liberating mutants and their families from these nations, very soon, most likely in the next couple of weeks."

Azazel has posed:
    "Ah, now I understand. My rather specialized talents could be useful in that sort of operation, I imagine. I can get some of your people wherever they need to be for scouting, infiltration or attack. It's ok if you want to use me my dear, I understand." The sardonic grin is back, be it from teasing Mystique or the thought of being unleashed when dealing with the humans for a change. He's been amazingly well behaved since he's been back, and it hasn't always been easy. He's even paying the staff on his island rather than just forcing them to work for him.

    "Seriously though, I'd suggest some on the ground recon to get a good idea of where you want to bring your people in. Probably somewhere fairly isolated and hard to reach, then your teleporters and I can provide transport to and from there while making it almost impossible for military forces to get to us."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Laying her hand on his arm, Mystique lifts her eyes to look right at his. "You and I will be going in first," she says with a coy smile. "Assuming the role of locals of course, to see what we can see. The more details we can obtain before we land with the group, the better. I want to find where the mutants are being forced to live, so I know exactly where to go."

She takes another sip of her coffee before reading for one of the pastries and a napkin, "I have some reports of locations to look, but I do expect resistance in the form of the military. I will offer the countries government the options of peacefully permitting their mutants and their family to leave if they wish to, and should they resist, it will be detrimental for their own human citizens."

Azazel has posed:
    Nodding, he takes another bite of the potato croissant, then collects a cup of coffee as well. "Sounds like fun, and a good idea as well." He looks over at her and chuckles. "Bet a hundred years ago you never expected this to be where you'd end up."

    "Then again, I would never have seen me where I am, so I suppose we're even on that. But I think yours is a step up, where mine is a step down. I don't even have a throne in my house like I'd been expecting to hand down judgement from."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Laying the pastry on the napkin, Mystique rests it on her upper leg as she considers his words.

A hundred years ago I would have believed myself to have already taken over the world for mutants," she admits with a chuckle, then cants her head.

"I don't think you've taken a step down Azazel," she then says softly. "I think you've taken a step up, because for the first time in a long time, you are truly free to do what you want. You aren't responsible for anyone else or leading a horde against an enemy, unless of course that's what you want to be doing."

Smirking slightly, she then adds, "We can get you a throne."

Azazel has posed:
    With a shrug, he says "Well, that is true, but given my plans actually were world domination I'd have to say going from that goal to my current reality is rather a large difference. Mind you, I like my island, but it's a far cry from Imperator Azazel. Which reminds me, I may need your help at some point. I'm thinking it might not be good if someone summoned my old compatriots up from the Brimstone Dimension, so I want to try and find any mention of them in documents, magical texts and the like and remove those works from existence. If nobody knows they exist, they can't be whistled up to cause trouble for me."

    He takes a drink of his tea and continues, "It can wait until we get though all this upcoming mutant moving, but just something to keep in the back of your mind." He reaches over for another croissant taking a bite and he sits back in the chair.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique raises both brows as a mischievous smile plays across her face.

"Where as I would normally say that's cheating, I whole heartedly agree that we do not need your former compatriots on the loose." She shifts in her chair slightly, then breaks off a piece of the pastry.

"I will have H & D do a full search of documents, books, etc. as a starting point. The internet is a beautiful thing, and they have full access. If we can find reference to them anywhere, it can be removed, and the location of physical copies can be found."

Azazel has posed:
    He nods, "Sounds good. I'm getting proficient with the basic internet stuff, but anything serious like that is far beyond me. So send them to do their magic when they have time, and we'll worry about the rest after we make the world a better place for mutants."

    He glances over and asks, "So in this, I assume I can take off the kid gloves when dealing with forces trying to stop us?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One nod is Mystique's answer.

"If they refuse to cooperate and attack, the answer will be full force back against them, without concern for collateral damage," she then says bluntly. "They will be given the option to avoid bloodshed, but you know how these governments can be, they believe they are in their right to abuse and neglect mutants. It will end up a full on battle, and we will win."

Azazel has posed:
    A little sparkle comes into Azazel's eyes as he grins evilly. People never, ever want to be the target of that particular expression. It simply doesn't bode well for an outcome that did not involve quite a lot of screaming. "Oh, this will be fun. Just like the old days." He actually keeps up on world news, so he does know exactly how these countries are likely to react to being given that sort of ultimatum.

    He finishes his coffee, then nabs a couple more croissants and stuffs them in a pocket. Armani lovers everywhere wince for no reason they're aware of. "Ok, I'm going to go put a kit together and do a little exercising. I've been getting a touch soft lazing in the sun. You know how to reach me when it's time."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique gets to her feet, pausing as the croissants are pocketed, then steps over to give Azazel a hug. He usually doesn't give her enough time for one, but this time the croissants offered her the chance.

Placing a soft kiss on his lips she wraps her arms around him. "You will never be soft," she whispers before kissing his cheek and stepping back. "It's not in your DNA."

"Expect a call in the next few days, we'll be going in soon to start our scouting... and enjoy your work out, they can be so relaxing."