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YA Beginnings: The First Steps
Date of Scene: 18 June 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: America drops in on the Avenger's Mansion and meets with Black Panther and Captain America to discuss the foundation of the Young Avengers. She makes a good enough of an impression on the two titanic figures to get their approval.
Cast of Characters: America Chavez, T'Challa, Steve Rogers

America Chavez has posed:
    America knew a lot of locations in the greater multiverse. A lot of places were beacons on collective power and energy and on the Starling Highway they glowed with their own myriad hues. The foyer of the Avenger's mansion was one such place and she stopped in the pocket realm that was her own and looked at the glow for a long while before shrugging. "First time for everything" she says before rearing a fist back and puching the soft hum of light.

    In the foyer, a blue five pointed star appears and the interior crumbles in on itself revealing a blue-white light before a young woman steps out of the portal. Likely a number of alarms and signal flares went off at the intrusion of the young woman but she seemed not to care too much about that as she stood and, aftering waving the portal behind her shut, took in the sights of the entry hall.

    She's dressed in her usual. Black hotpants, red high tops, and a blue shirt with silver stars on it. Her star spangled denim jacket is slung aroun dher shoulders loosely just to keep off the worst of any evening chill she may experience were she outside.

T'Challa has posed:
If there's one thing that tends to get people showing up, no - it's not Tony's cooking. It's an alarm, and when alarms happen responses tend to be swift and immediate. They also tend to be in costume, which is how the Black Panther enters from another part of the Mansion.

Upon his arrival, he shows all the signs of being set for a fight with the unknown: a ready stance, claws out, aggressive body language. Even upon seeing who it is, as facial recognition software in the lenses of his mask begin to run a check on the young woman's identity, his words are neither calm nor is his tone forgiving. "You have three seconds to identify yourself and explain why you are trespassing before the Avengers respond accordingly."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Fortunately Steve was /dressed/ just out of his shower, so he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt, boots, no shield visible or anything. But he's dangerous enough on his own, so he comes in prepared for a scuffle. It's a good thing T'Challa is properly in costume or the Avengers just wouldn't be representing.

    He frowns at the woman standing in the foyer. "...Wait, I recognize you, don't I? From the party on the asteroid." Which is the /weirdest/ thing he's said all... week, at least.

America Chavez has posed:
    America instantly raises her hands up to show she isn't a threat. The star tattoos on the isides of her wrists sparkle with their own glittery blue and red ink. "My name is America Chavez and I'm here to talk to... well you guys." The emergence of Captain America gets the man a finger wave.

    "Yep. Hi, M--I can't call you Mister Rogers I just can't--" she's smirking. "Can I go with Steve?" she asks the Captain. "And you're--" She looks back to the man in black. "The Black Panther. Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just... I needed to speak with you guys and when you can traverse entire universes by portal..."

    She makes a somewhat embarrased face. "Doors tend to get forgotten."

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther sheathes the claws for a couple reasons: primarily, Steve's recognition of the woman intruding on their space. Second, while she doesn't /look/ like a threat, he knows appearances can be quite deceiving. However, she has immediately named herself, apologized, and began to explain things.

With a barely perceptible grunt behind the mask, he speaks first to, evidently, the Mansion itself. "Disable alarms. Register designate: America Chavez as a visitor with temporary access authorized pending further information. Duration: twenty-four hours." There is an acknowledgment in the form of the alarms deactivating and a voice responding, "Complete."

Now, he turns his attention back to their visitor. "Speak, and what is this about portals across universes?" A story from a couple years ago in one of the newspapers is found following the search for records that he's run.

Almost too casually, he adds for Steve, "This would not have been Janet's party, would it?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve raises his eyebrows at 'traverse entire universes.' "Well, doors do exist for a reason. You couldn't have opened your... portal... /outside/ and then knocked?" His tone is amused, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Alright, well, what do you want with the Avengers, then?"

    He glances aside to T'Challa. "It would be. The joint birthday party with Nadia; they had it on an asteroid orbiting /Jupiter/." He shakes his head; still can't quite get over that. "I think she'll probably forgive you for not coming if you think of a good enough gift. Janet /loves/ gifts." He's grinning, just a little. Is he joking? Maybe. /Maybe/. But probably more at Janet's expense than T'Challa's.

America Chavez has posed:
    America responds to Steve first with a shrug. "I don't choose where the ambient dimensional energy deposits me. It just sort of tells me where I want to go when I want." She adds with a smile, "I hope she likes the galaxy I gave her." Then her eyes turn to Black Panther and Steve both. "I... sort of want to petition for... support. Join up? Maybe as a junior member or something?" she offers, perhaps a bit lamely. It sounded better in her head.

    "The easy answer about what I can do is... I'm from a pocket dimension called Utopia Parallel; it's gone now--" there is a bit of pain there but she's mostly over the fact that her home is gone, "--but the important thing is we were one of the first universes ever created and our people lived in tandem with the Demiurge." A pause for breath. "Some of us were born with the innate power to traverse the fabric of spacetime. These people were called Starlings. I'm the last of them." And the last of her people. "I open a portal, and a blue highway that can go... literally anywhere... allows me to go place to place in literlly no time at all. I can hop dimensions, universes, planets, doesn't matter and I just think of where I want to go and the Highway does the rest for me."

    She lets that settle in. "But really, I want to offer my skills to you guys or maybe even build something of a Junior Corps of Avengers... or..." she snpas her fingers, "Young Avengers! That sounds better than Junior." A beat. "Can I put my hands down now?" she asks with an arched brow.

T'Challa has posed:
Gesturing for America to lower her arms, Black Panther is listening, both to her and to Steve. "I am sure I will find something appropriate for them. Other duties required my attention," he explains.

Crossing his own arms, he studies their star-crossed voyager from behind the impassive mask he wears. If anything, it promotes a dangerous countenance, if only due to the angles and lines, given it lacks a mouth or much else beyond the lenses he sees through. "That is quite a journey, and origin. As for a 'Young Avengers,' there is no such group here, but that is not to say there cannot be one. We have not had a discussion about it before. It is not something we could authorize without a level of trust toward anyone involved."

The King's attention turns back Steve's way for his own input.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "Yeah, we'd have to... well... I think the Titans are kinda the, uhh, kids and sidekicks of the Justice League people, right?" Steve glances at T'Challa. "I don't really have a sidekick, do you?" Falcon doesn't count. Honest. And Shuri would probably vociferously protest being called a 'sidekick.'

    But then he frowns thoughtfully. "Then there's Nadia, though... Vivian... hmm. I guess we /do/ have some younger people around, but..."

    He gestures with one hand. "Alright, start from the beginning. Why us, why here? What are you proposing and can offer?"

America Chavez has posed:
    America lowers her ams and quirks her mouth to one side. "I mean..." she shrugs slightly. "I mean, I'll be blunt here. I am looking for a family here. A group of friends that are not averse to dimension hopping and solving problems that arise here and elsewhere." She smiles and places a hand on her hip.

    "The Titans are great, don't get me wrong, but they're in Metropolis for one and -enorme-... I think the Outsiders got Gotham, and I am content to leave them to it that place is too crazy even for me... but here" she taps a toe to the floor, "In good ol' NYC? Nothing for the younger generation."

    She runs a hand through her dark curls, flipping them over one shoulder. "Donna's mentioned wanting a Titan's NYC division and well... I'm here all the time. Maybe I could lay the groundwork and we move from there. I have a number of disparate pieces, but nothing to collect them under." She's been busy and is looking for a home to house her own merry band of youthful heroes it would seem. Not too strange from what the article a few years ago said about her. She didn't work, she didn't need to... she considered her job to be fighting crime.

T'Challa has posed:
Black Panther holds up a finger. "In fact, she is telling me just that as we speak," he says of Shuri, who is evidently eavesdropping again. He will have to have a conversation with her about privacy and /being there herself/ if she wants in on all the talks.

He adds, "He makes fair points, but I am uncertain of the need for..dimensional travel. Assuming you are the only one who can initiate that, what happens if you are somehow prevented from returning? Then an entire group of people may be lost forever." He stops shy of the question being 'What if you end up killed?' but the point is the same.

"The Titans are their own group, and I do not spend much time in Gotham City to know much of theirs. If you are here to petition us about this, is that to say you have already selected people to be part of it? What resources would you require?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve nods at T'Challa. "That's a /really/ good point. I don't really want to be a party to stranding a bunch of people in some other dimension, whatever their age."

    He considers for a moment while T'Challa asks more questions, frowning thoughtfully. He's clearly turning the whole idea over in his mind, but it's America herself he's considering. Knowing Cap, he's more interested in personal connections before making any promises.

America Chavez has posed:
    "Resources?" America asks with an arch of her brow. Her eyes scan the foyer briefly for any cameras. There are probably at least 20--all hidden in this room for all she knows. "I mean... look, I'm not looking for funding or a base or anything like that. I can handle that myself. What I want is... maybe a show of support. Authorization to operate in the area on your behalf and I'm sort of offering my own services to you all as well. You guys are the big dogs here, like the Justice League is in Metropolis and Batman is in Gotham" she says.

    Her expression growns vaguely defensive. "I've been at this for 8 years now and I've never lost anyone who's travelled with me" she frowns and looks aside a bit. "I've gotten locked out of this universe -on my own- for a while but I'm back now and I just... maybe I want to set down roots or seomthing. I don't have a home anymore... maybe its time that changes. But the world can get pretty cramped and I'd not want to be stepping on your guys' toes by setting up shop on your doorstep," she gestures for emphasis, "so to speak."

T'Challa has posed:
"Eight years? Then that means you are overdue," Black Panther states. It sounds like he's saying it flatly, bluntly, but he goes on to add, "And perhaps you will break the odds and never have to deal with that. You say you have already faced the loss of your people, so I believe you understand the concern. What you want is noble, and we would be irresponsible not to help, because I see in you the sort who will do this with or without our blessing, just under a different name, but it would be irresponsible of us if we did not question you thoroughly first."

Again, he takes in Steve's demeanor, his expressions, for he may have things to ask as well, but T'Challa may also be covering a lot of it himself. "You want our trust, our support. It is important we have yours as well, if we are to enter into a partnership. We have only just met. So, why do we not sit down and speak further?" He gestures toward one of the meeting rooms that exist in the Mansion.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve nods. "That's a good idea. And maybe we can get you something. Water, coffee?" How old /is/ she? Is offering a beer okay? He leaves that be for a moment.

    "Look, it's not a bad idea--but for myself, and I think most of the rest of us, we'd want to know you first. So why don't we talk about /that/? What you and the Avengers can offer each other--and then down the line, if you've got some young people you need support for, you won't have to give us a whole pitch. It'll be... kinda obvious.

    His expression softens a bit. "I get wanting a place to belong when everything you knew is... gone. Putting down roots, that's something we can help with."

America Chavez has posed:
    America smiles and follows along in the Panther's wake. She looks to Steve. "Water is fine" she says with a smile. Once in the meeting room, she takes a seat and looks at the pair. "Well... what do you want to know? I mean, I help people all across the multiverse. I'm a known figure in a lot of them and I have similar friends in a lot of them, parallel's from one or another."

    She shrugs a shoulder again. "But after a time... it's time to move on and go to another universe. If you want a dossier on what else I can do... uhh... think Captain Marvel, but without the energy blasts and with portals. I'm strong, fast, most things can't hurt me. I can fly. And of course, like I said..."

    She puches the air and a small portal of a five pointed star appears in the air, she sticks her hand through and copy of the portal appears on the other side of her face where her hand emerges and waves. "Portals." She draws it back through and dismisses both portals with a casual wave of her hand, reality sealing itself back up with ease.

T'Challa has posed:
Upon taking a seat, Black Panther says in a lighter tone to Steve, "Since you are offering, I will have water as well. Thank you. While you are up, get something refreshing for yourself." There is a moment that passes before the mask and helm with the feline-shaped ears atop it draws back and away to reveal T'Challa's entire head, showing his hair and beard along with a kindly enough, yet often serious expression.

"Miss Chavez, it is good to have an understanding of your capabilities, and.." A gesture of a hand toward the star-shaped portal, "..such a demonstration. How familiar are you with the Avengers? The ones of this reality, I mean. I would assume you have encountered different versions, if you have been to different realities?" It is also a time for him to sit back. "Steve, it is said the older one is, the wiser he becomes. Are there questions I have not thought of that are on your mind?" This would be a touch of needling at the man he has come to know well, and he is not the first Wakandan King to have done so.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve eyes T'Challa and shakes his head as the King of Wakanda graciously allows him to get himself some water. But it's a vaguely amused expression, coupled with an eyeroll at the dig about his age. "I spent most of that time in the ice, you know," he notes as he brings three glasses of water over to the table, setting them out and then taking a seat himself.

    "I'd ask what else you've done in this dimension, too. You said 'Donna'... do you mean Donna Troy, of the Titans? She wanted to talk to me about a 'Titans New York,' but we didn't get too much into the details at the party. She seemed... distracted, kinda." He shrugs. Superheroes have complicated lives, after all.

America Chavez has posed:
    America doesn't miss the dig at Steve and she too smirks with an amused quirk of her lips. At Steve's ID of Donna she nods. "Yeah... the very same" she replies. "I -am- part of their crew but my position is... well... I come and go you know and besides; New York is more my home than Metropolis. I've done plenty in this dimension. Worked with Ms. van Dyne and a bunch of the Titans to get Nadia out of the Red Room facility back when she was taken a while ago. I've done some other little things here and there. Broke up a bank heist sort of a few days back."

    She thinks and then starts. "Oh! I went with Diana and a number of the other Amazons to kill a giant sandworm that almost ate a city in Egypt last week. So... that was something." I think Diana and the rest of the JLA are following up on that one..." She shrugs. I just..." she smiles. "I want to help people and the Avengers here... you guys have saved the world on numerous occasions. I mean... you're the Avengers. All that garbage with Loki... the old one. Not the one I know best. But you do good work, most of you are pretty public about it and I'd like to maybe be a part of that... like minds and all."

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve listens to America's stated reasons, taking a long drink of his water as he considers. "So you've already got some connections to the Avengers, and you've been doing the hero thing for a bit here. The Themiscyrans are good people. I get wanting to be part of something bigger than yourself."

    He shrugs. "I'm willing to give you a shot. You seem like your heart's in the right place. I'd like to maybe get a demonstration of this 'universe hopping' ability, but that's for another time." A smirk. "Besides... I like the star motif."

    He looks at T'Challa. "You probably have more questions, huh?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa feigns an exasperated sigh at Steve's approval of the star thing. He /would/ say that.

Upon listening to what America has to say, along with the rest of Steve's answers, he steeples his fingers together after a sip of water. "It is clear you have spent some time around others, including some of our own. I have a feeling they would vouch for you. I would say, proceed with your efforts. Let us worry about the rest once we have seen who you wish to be a part of it. If they are going to be a group of 'Young Avengers,' we will want to meet them ourselves, especially if any need mentors."

The King looks Steve's way then remembers to explain to America, "They will need to be added to the Mansion's logs at that point, and we will change your access in the meantime."

America Chavez has posed:
    America's smile is bright enough to vouch for her monicker. "Excellent!" she says. "Thank you. Both of you. So much. I really appreciate it and I promise we won't cause you any unecessary stress." She takes a sip of the water, a long sigh escaping her. She was composed for the most part under the scrutiny of not only a King but Captain -Freaking- America. So it's not surprising that she was nervous.

    "Also, if you need to meet the others I can track down the couple I've spoke with and get them over here..." she glances at Steve. "We'll use the door this time." She looks between the pair. "So where do I sign?" she asks.