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Latest revision as of 20:35, 20 June 2022

Same Job Different Ways
Date of Scene: 20 June 2022
Location: The Velvet Room - Sitting Room
Synopsis: A new member is welcomed in!
Cast of Characters: Rien D'Arqueness, Patience Alperen

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien has been informed that there's a new recruit to the JLD and that she could be met in the Velvet Room tonight. So it is that the short blonde is settled in at Nameless and is in the process of adding yet more songs to its repertoire. The current song being How To Save A Life by The Fray. Unfortunately, this means having to listen to the song play 22 times consecutively for Nameless to add the song to its playlist. So she sits at the piano, mentally marking the halfway point as Nameless starts in on the 11th go-round of the tune.

While Nameless plays, Rien checks a newspaper from France, flipping through it until she comes to the sports section, checking on her team's progression through the Nations League, and groaning over how poorly they're doing now that they've reached the big matches.

Tossing the paper down, she goes to make some tea instead, waving a hand for an electric kettle full of water and a simple tea service to appear near the sofa. She checks the looseleaf blends before selecting one and setting it aside.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen had been in the castle for a little while. Chas had shown her around with the ten-cent tour but encouraged her to explore on her own - with caution. He mentioned something about the garden and being careful. She hadn't gotten that far yet.

Hearing music, the brunette made her way back to the sitting room, looking curious. Seeing the blonde, she smiled. "Hello.." she walked over and stood not far away.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien looks up from the tea service to offer a smile, "Hello. You must be the potential recruit Chas mentioned. I'm Rien, its a pleasure to meet you." Rising up easily, she steps forward and offers a hand out. Her voice is low, a bit rumbly, a husky alto, and holds a faint French accent. "Would you care for some tea? I'm afraid Nameless takes a little while to get new songs entered into his playlist, so we still have a few minutes listening to this one."

Moving back to the sofa, she takes a seat and motions Patience to take a seat as well. "Do you take anything with your tea? It's a simple whte tea with rosehips and lemon peel. And please, tell me a bit about yourself." She sets up two cups, waiting for the electric kettle to beep before pouring the water over the infusers in the cups.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen smiles and nods. "I suppose that I am, yes." She shakes the hand warmly. "Patience." For her part she has a Nova Scotia, eastern Canadian seaboard accent. Now colored by something oddly out of the Bronx.

She smiles. "Tea would be nice, yes. Thank you. Whatever flavor you have is fine." She looks to Nameless curiously. "Mmm.. insteresting.. there is alot for me to adjust to here, I have found. But it isn't boring!"

She moves to sit as well. "A little honey if possible. If not, straight is just fine."

Patience Alperen has posed:
She sits back, "Well. I guess we'll start with why I guess Chas thinks I should be here. I am the current end of the Bloodline of Mary Magdalene and.." she takes a breath. Never gets easier to tell someone this, ".. and Jesus of Nazareth. Because of my lineage, I have certain.. abilites. The Church has used Mary's descendants, each woman as a weapon. A tool. They call use The Magdalena. There is only ever one in a generation. When.. we have access to the SPear of Longinus.. the Spear of Destiny. We can awake in it the means to banish demons and other creatures of evil. So I guess you can call me a holy monster hunter.."

It sounds silly when said out loud.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Adding a touch of honey to both cups, Rien hands one over to Patience and gives a nod, smiling, "THere will always be honey if I'm making the tea. I prefer it to sugar." Stirring her cup gently, she taps the tea spoon lightly and sets the cup and saucer back on the service tray to let the tea steep for a few minutes.

Nor does she bat an eyelash when Patience tells her of her own origins, only nodding, "Good, good... we could use a few more demon hunters in the group. Impressive lineage." She reaches for the saucer and lifts the cup for a sip of the tea, giving a nod and removing the infuser to set on the saucer.

"Do you summon the Spear, or is it more something that you only bring out when you think it will be needed? Also, I should warn you, we do have a few technically demon-possessed on the team. They're known as Ghost Riders. Spirits of Vengeance. They exist purely to keep other demons in line and punish those who transgress or sin horribly. So you may actualy find that you have something in common with them." Rien flashes a quick, easygoing smile and sips from the cup again. "I'm a demon hunter myself, though mine is a bit more.. complex of a background. I'm not from this universe, you see, I'm from another one altogether. I ended up here after myself, my mother, and my father locked away two particularly nasty demons in a cage in Hell where they can eternally fight each other and never harm anyone else."

Because that in and of itself isn't strange.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen smiles and nods. "Yes. Honey does offer a deeper sweetness. It's more rich, I guess?" If she expected Rien to react to her personal details, she doesn't show it beyond a slow breath that she hadn't realized she was holding in.

She takes her cup of tea, offering softy, "Thank you." Sipping from it, she sits back to listen to the details being shared. She nods along the way.

"Well.. there are so many types of demons. Not all of them seem to be from the biblical version of hell. So it would stand to reason there will need to be different types of hunters to deal with them."

Another nod, "If they are not evil in the sense that they are seeking to harm mortals or damn their souls.. I will not have a problem with those spirits of vengeance." It's the best she can really offer in the moment.

"The Spear.. does not typically materialize as a summoned weapon. But..." she looks uncomfortable. ".. it is not currenty in my possession. It was stolen from me about a year and a half ago. I still possess a peortion of the shaft. But the spearhead holds all of the power. I have been trying to track it down. But I haven't been successful yet."

"Well.. I am sorry you are not in your.. home? But I sense that we are much the better for having you here.." She offers a smile.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"It's entirely natural, no chemicals... so it doesn't offend my senses or spoil the tea," Rien offers with a faint smile before lifting the cup for another sip. "I have an extremely heightened sense of smell, down to physiological or hormonal changes in the human body, or to chemical composition in other things. A lot of foods or drinks, I can't stand for the modern means of preservation or composition. Too many unnatural additions or chemicals."

She lets out a small chuckle and offers, "I don't just banish non-Christian demons. I banish any and all demons that are tormenting people. Regardless of pantheon. I'm not a servant to any religion or order, I was quite simply, created to fight, and kill, demons. I respect that for you it's a matter of religion... but it isn't necessarily true for everyone."

There's a small pause and Rien murmurs, "I think we need to clarify here. 'Mortals' is entirely too broad of a category. That's literally just anyone who has a naturally ending lifespan. They hunt evil people, they hurt evil people. They literally turn their own sins against them. They aren't damning anyone, those people have damned themselves with their own choices and actions. Murderers, human traffickers, sex traffickers, gang bangers, mafioso... those are their prey. The innocent are spared their wrath."

Rien gives a nod, slow and considering, sipping her tea, "Well then. Perhaps we can help you to locate and retrieve it. Powerful religious artifacts certainly shouldn't just be... out and about in the world."

Waving it off, she smiles, "I'm not. There was nothing back there for me. I was given freedom when I came here, and I treasure that. But thank you, I'm glad to be here, too."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen shakes her head, "I do not mean to suggest that I only will try to banish demons pertaining to Christianity only. But given my lineage. I am particularly suited to it. I have hunted vampire covens.. whatever monsters of unnatural origin I have encountered. I do not intend to fight narrow mindedly. And what I could learn from you, if you'd be willing to share, I would use as well."

She listens to the clarification of the mentioned spirits. A nod of better understanding."Thank you for clarifying. I realize I generalized too much. I should have asked for clarification first." She smiles apologetically. She is still young. Learning.

"I do not believe the Spear Tip is in the wild.. in the general sense. Someone who knew what it was went to great lengths to steal it. But there was no trace when I tried to locate it. It will surface again. I have been studying methods of tracking it. But nothing has worked - yet."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Excellent! We've actually just started recently delving into hosting classes to showcase and teach various different topics pertinent to the JLD. I'm going to be hosting one regarding demons and banishing, I'd love to have you there to offer your particular insight. There's likely to be others doing the same for whatever particular strain of demon they're familiar with, and I'll be handling the overall." Rien flashes a grin towards Patience.

She goes quiet for a moment, thinking, "We do have a vampire of sorts in the JLD, but it's.. complicated. Either Chas or Jon would likely be able to explain it better."

Then she lets out a small laugh and gives a nod, "Completely fine, I just wanted to nip in the bud right away and explain what it is they do and why they are here. It took a little for me to get used to as well, there's the instinctive urge to banish their inner demon, but they serve a purpose."

Rien sips from her cup, then smiles and gives a nod, "And that's where having people from a variety of means and ways can help. Whoever took it clearly is aware of your heritage and purpose, so they may have taken pains to specifically block your means of tracking and locating it. But some of us aren't even associated with Christianity or Catholicism, and have other ways of tracking items of power."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen listens and nods. "I would like that." Attending those classes. "How ever I am able to help, I will. Yes, absolutely" she affirms. A sip of her tea, then she smiles. "I am able to discern between good and evil. If I am told these are our allies, I will adapt. I am not compelled or inclined in blindly attacking anyone. That was the way of the Inquisition. I'll never work that way again. I want to be sure of who or what I am banishing. The consequences are... too dire to make mistakes."

She nods regarding alternatives "Whatever help the League coud provide, would be valued beyond measure."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Excellent! Chas said he got you a key to the Velvet Room, yes? So you can come and go as you like, you'll see announcements, class sign-ups, and the like posted up near Nameless." She motions towards the piano that is still winding its way through the song she played on it, then smiles at Patience. "The other leader of the group, Jon Simms, is taking a little time off to deal with a personal matter, but you'll meet him soon. Otherwise, if you have any questions or concerns, if there's anything that you want to know about, please let me know."

Rien settles back against the sofa and sips her tea with a smile, "That's good to know. We'll try to let you meet with everyone so you know who you'll be working with and so you can acclimate to them. I don't know who will register as what, but at least this way you'll know ahead of time."

Tipping a nod in her direction, Rien seems pleased, "That's good. Things like that should belong with their true owners, it never ends well when stolen artifacts are used for personal gain."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen nods, "Yes.. it .. manifested? On its own. I guess? Chas said that since it happened, that the castle has decided it would allow me in.." She laughs. "A bit hard to understand. But I hardly one to complain about being accepted."

"Thank you. I am sure I will have many. I just have to arrive at what they are and how to ask them" she says with another quiet laugh.

I'd love to meet everywhen when the opportunities allow. Thank you."

A final nod. "Yes. It... was no small blow to realize the Spear was gone but for an eighteen inch length of the shaft. But when I have the peices again I can restore it."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Smiling faintly, Rien gives a nod, "The castle is... interesting. It seems to have something of a limited sentience of its own that we are still learning the fullness of. But it -is- amazingly intuitive towards our needs. If the castle allowed you in and gave you a key, then chances are good you're meant to be there."

"Yes, it's easy to be overwhelmed by -which- questions to ask. But... I have a literal eternity, so feel free to ask them whenver you like. Oh, and if you have any particular interests or pursuits, magically or supernaturally speaking, feel free to say. We're still working up the different classes and types of classes we're going to be holding, so knowing what people want will help us determine what classes to prioritize." Rien's smile widens and warms, this being something she's particularly interested in.

Finishing her tea, RIen sets the cup aside, then motions to the kettle and lifts her brows, "Would you care for a top off? Yes, don't worry about that, people will come out of the woodwork to meet someone new to the group." She lets out a small breath and gives a nod, "Like having a piece of yourself stolen... I certainly understand. Well, we will be happy to help you find it and bring the thief to justice."