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Sun King Ascendant: Mars in Retrograde
Date of Scene: 19 June 2022
Location: The Midnight Mission
Synopsis: Missed texts and missed calls lead the Heliopolitans to discover Jonathan Sims has gone missing. Spells and deductions and a fly-over from Scarlet Scarab indicate he's being held in Egypt by a deadly foe, and the group goes off to effect a rescue.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Layla Abdalla El-Faouly, Lydia Dietrich, Jonathan Sims, Marc Spector

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael remains jumpy and wary about being out of her warded rooms - still prefering to have others around to keep an eye on her, even with the freshly healed tattoo(s). Thankfully, though, she's not alone.
    And she doesn't simply mean Bear, who is so excited to be back with his person, that he's full-body-wiggling with his tail wag, and licking her repeatedly. "Yes, yes!" she laughs. "I've missed you too! Seriously, Bear, you'd think- it's only been a couple weeks! And it's not like I haven't seen you!" She scratches at his head, trying (and failing) to avoid his tongue. "Seriously, Bear..."

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
With the glooming shadowing of nighttime starting to filter into the room, that time between sundown and moon up, leaves the room with a rather potent atmosphere of quiet, mysticism. The lighting of the room certainly helps, making everything appear to be bathed in moolight even without the rising moon to provide it.

Settled into one of the seats tucked around the area is one Layla Abdallah El-Faouly, with an old-fashioned lapdesk settled on her thighs, papers and a book settled on the surface, along with a scattering of small artifacts and pieces that look to be from the Middle Kingdom era. She seems to be cross-referencing the pieces and making notations, though closer inspection would show that she's also apparently pricing the items.

There's a small tea service on the chair next to her, a red tea with honey and a touch of milk to help smooth the rough edges of the tea. She looks up as woman and dog come into the room, smiling at the pair, "Hello again. I see our hero is back on his feet and delighted to be reunited..." Pausing, she makes a face, "I didn't mean for that to rhyme."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    It's morning for Lydia, so she's all bright eyed and bushy tailed when she comes into the Mission, her cheeks still a little flushed from her earlier feeding.

    "Hello, Layla!" she says brightly. "That tea smells good." Seeing that Cael is up and about her smile grows wider. "Hey, Cael! How's the tattoo? No itching or irritation I hope? Glad to see you and Bear reunited."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "No, nothing like that. Jon healed it past the annoying, itchy phase - you know?" She stoops to wrap Bear into a tight hug, breathing in his reasonably-clean, doggy smell. The pup does get regular baths, after all. "Didn't you have fun playing with Lady and Agnes? Hrm? You act like I completely abandoned you for months." She scratches at his shoulders, straightening before she tosses a ball for him to pursue.
    Bear seems //utterly delightly// and bounds off in pursuit, acting like a puppy a fraction of his actual age.
    Looking towards Layla she adds, "Looking after me is literally his job so- I can get why he was so dispondent. Poor guy."

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
"Hi Lydia, thank you. It's a rooibos. Not very traditional of me, but I like the earthiness of a good red tea." Layla shifts slightly to keep the lapdesk balanced as she reaches for the cup of cooling tea on the tray, sipping from it lightly. Setting the cup aside, she looks back to her small collection, tagging one and carefully wrapping it in soft cotton before tucking it into a satchel.

She picks up the next piece, examining it carefully, even pulling a jeweler's loupe out and tucking it to one eye so she can get a closer look at the details. Setting the loupe aside, she flips pages in the book, running her fingers along the text before pausing to read. "Hm..."

Blinking, Layla looks up from the book and towards Cael, "Emotional support animal, or guard dog?" No judgment, just curiosity. She tags the page in the book with a strip of cloth, closing it and shuffling everything together, wrapping the pieces up to tuck them away for later.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "I love a good rooibos," Lydia says settling down in one of the chairs. "Tea is one of the few human things left that I rather enjoy. Don't get me wrong. I can enjoy food, but it's more of an aesthetic enjoyment, you know? Like looking at a beautiful painting."

    She nods at Cael. "Good, good. I'm glad to see you out and about."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Emotional support," Cael confirms. "I mean - he's a legitmate, trained service dog, for working with PTSD. Uhh - I mean. I mentioned the stuff with the angel in my head. It's- that's a lot of it. A //lot// of it."
    As Bear comes bounding back - still wagging his tail so fiercely he has the whole-body wiggles - Cael wrestles the ball from his mouth, and after a brief scritch, gives it a toss. There's a small smile on her features to show just how much //she's// missed her dog. "He's a good boy," she murmurs quietly, before giving Lydia a nod, and a small, slightly tense smile.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes has been hiding in her room a bit, maybe a /little/ in awe of the avatar of Tewaret who's casually sitting around appraising artifacts. Mostly because the girl doesn't want to bombard poor Layla with questions. So aside from a brief emergence earlier in the day she's been nowhere to be seen.

    Now, however, she comes padding up the stairs with Lady Grey at her heels, frowning down at her phone. "Cael, do you know where Dad is? He's not answering his--" She looks up and blinks at all the people. "Oh, sorry. Hi, Lydia! And, umm, Ms. El-Faouly." She clears her throat. "Just... Dad isn't answering texts. He said he'd be back after he grabbed the mail from home."

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Nodding, Layla smiles towards Lydia and refreshes her cup before motioning to the tea service, "A good rooibos is like.. what's the American expression? Like warm apple pie. Comforting. Please, help yourself to a cup if you'd like. There's honey and cream to make it to taste." She sips from her cup as her attention turns back to Cael.

"It's alright, you don't have to share any details you don't want to," she offers a slight smile towards Cael. "He -is- a good boy. A very good boy. I'm glad you have him to help." Laula turns that smile towards Agnes when she comes running in.

"Hello Agnes. Call me Layla, won't you? And please, you're not bothering anything," she motions the teen deeper into the room, then lifts both brows. "Hm, I haven't had any alarms from Taweret, but let me see if she can just... peek in on Ma'at real quick and make sure everything is okay." Leaning back in her chair, she closes her eyes to better focus as she reaches out to her Goddess. "Perhaps try calling him? Maybe he's somewhere with bad reception and the texts aren't going through."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia grins at Layla and nods. "Don't mind if I do," she says, reaching over to pour herself a cup of tea. She likes it straight, so she doesn't put any honey or cream in it. She settles in and cups the mug with both hands, letting the warmth of the mug seep into her cold flesh. She brings up to her nose first, inhaling it's scent, finding it relaxing and, finally takes a sip. "This is good tea," she says.

    Agnes's arrival gets her attention. "Hey there," she says, giving her a warm smile. "I haven't seen you since the... incident. How you holding up?" She scowls when she hears about Jon. "That's odd. It's not like him to not answer." She nods at Layla, "Or maybe he forgot to charge his phone and it's out of power."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon? Not charge his phone?" Cael scoffs, pulling out her own cellphone, and hitting on- well, let's face it - her most recently called numbered. "It's ringing," she remarks simply, while giving Agnes a reassuring smile.
    Bear, meanwhile, has returned with his ball, and nuzzles at Cael repeatedly, trying to get her to take it.
    "Still ringin- it's gone to voice mail," she remarks, before saying into the reciever. "Hey Jon? You better call me back. Marc is here saying something about how Lipton is the best tea - or else why would it have such a massive marketshare. I mean, you can't let that stand, yeah?"
    She clicks the disconnect button, then gives Agnes another smile. "There we go. If that doesn't give him to call us back..." Nothing will.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes flushes, skin going darker in her cheeks and the tips of her ears. "Oh. Okay, umm, Layla. Sorry." She looks back at Lydia. "I'm alright. Miss my room, a bit, which is a thing I /never/ thought I'd say." She eyes Cael as she sets out that voicemail to Jon, clearly waffling between giggling and being sternly disapproving. Lipton? Really?

    Those with sharp ears might hear the faint sounds of Marc Antony's "Vivir Mi Vida" coming from somewhere downstairs, while Cael is calling Jon's phone, and then cutting out abruptly as she says it's gone to voice mail.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla isn't smiling, unfortunately. And as the silent dicussion with her Goddess continues, her brows furrow, a small scowl on her face. She lets out a heavy breath with a small, "Thank you, Taweret. Please keep trying to reach Ma'at and we'll look on this end." She opens her eyes and levels a serious look towards the others, "Ma'at can't be reached either. And that should be impossible, unless she's also been sealed away. Which... takes a lot."

She looks to Agnes, "But we know that they're still alive, right? Because you're not the Archivist. So we have time." Looking to Cael and Lydia, she offers, "Taweret said their last known location was still in the city. So unless someone is magicking them away, they're probably still in the city."

Layla sets the lapdesk aside and rises up to her feet, taking a few steps away before summoning her ceremonial garb, "Okay. Agnes, where exactly was your dad going?" Then to Lydia, "Can you... scry? Or like... uhm... do a location spell? I don't know how your stuff works, I'm sorry if I'm way off." Then to Cael, "I don't want to keep you out of this, so you tell me. Can you reach out? Trace him somehow? I'm not familiar enough with you guys to know everything you have access to."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia goes stock still as Cael rings Jon's phone. It's uncanny how still a vampire can be when most of her organs simply don't function. "I hear his phone," she says, her tone turning worried. "It's downstairs somewhere."

    Suddenly she stands and puts the mug of tea down. "Come on, maybe I can track him." she says and, without waiting for anybody to respond hurries down the stairs.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...what?" Cael asks Layla. The jovial, joking smile disappears from her features immediately as she fixes Layla with a look. "No, nothing like that. But we can track his pho-"
    But then Lydia is saying it's here - and from the way Bear has stopped pushing at Cael's leg to cock his ear, it's clear he hears it as well. "...he never goes anywhere without his phone. He just doesn't." She keeps a strangle hold on her fear and anxiety for Agnes' sake, flashing the girl a small, tense smile. "We're going to figure this out. Just like I promised to come after you, yeah? Just like I went down to Duat and brought Jon back. We're going to figure this out."
    She gestures for Lydia to lead the way, as she dials the number again, to make it ring once more. "Maybe when we find his phone, we can find some clue as to what happened to him."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes presses her hands to her stomach as she stares at the adults, but she follows them downstairs quietly. "If someone kidnapped him they did it without alerting the dogs," she notes quietly. Indeed, Lady is still standing next to her, looking around at everyone with doggy concern.

    Following the sound of the ringing phone leads to the kitchen area down in the basement of the Mission. There's no sign of a struggle, but there's a few things sitting on the counter. A manila envelope, hand-addressed to Jon and Cael's apartment. Several glossy high resolution pictures: Agnes and Cael's faces on a jumbo tron, Agnes and Cael at a henna parlor, the entrance to Jon and Cael's apartment, Jon leaving a building in Brooklyn. Jon's phone sitting next to instructions for a tracking spell, addressed to Agnes as "homework," and next to that a Ziploc bag containing a lock of hair.

    And one more thing: a letter made up in the same fashion as a ransom note, all individual letters from magazine clippings. It reads:


cOmE TO neW YoRK HARbor, wAReHOusE 31 at sunDOwN tO ANSWER fOr yoUr CRImeS aGAinsT thE LorD. COme AlOnE. teLL NOonE WHERE yOU arE gOinG. heEd tHesE InstRUcTiOnS OR We wiLL pAy yOuR PRIce with ThE BLOod Of those CloSesT tO YOU.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla nods and follows the others downstairs to the kitchen area, tense and unhappy. That's two Egyptian Gods down and out. She sends a quick mental nudge to Taweret to be careful and watch her back now that both Khonshu and Ma'at are out. Then they find the phone. The mail. The homework. The note. "I can get there fast. See if I can find out anything. Is that Jon's hair? Do we -have- Jon's hair, or like... something that the spell could latch onto?"

She looks between the trio, then steps back, "I'm going to the harbor. I'll see if I can find some clues. Cael, you have my number. If you guys can track Jon, let me know and I'll meet you there." She looks to Cael, "I can carry you to the harbor if you want to come, but if they can get the tracking spell going, you might want to be with them. Up to you."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Once Lydia gets to the room, she immediately starts sniffing around like a dog. "His scent is here, but it's a few hours old." She circles the room once and puts her hand on one of the walls. "He left from here, I'd imagine. Or he came in here, but I would suspect that after getting that message he'd immediately go to the location."

    Once the hair is pointed out, she goes over to it and opens the bag and takes a sniff. "Yeah. that's Jon's. A scrying spell wouldn't be too difficult for this. We'd need a crystal, some string, and a map of the city." Her gaze drops to Agnes. "They want you to do it," she says. "If they're strong enough to whisk away Ma'at, they might be strong enough to block the scrying unless she does it."

    "What do you think?" she asks Agnes. "Want to learn a simple scrying spell?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael takes in the scene - and there's a tense, flat expression on her features. Bear nuzzles his head into one of her hands, whining at her - and getting a distracted scratch in return. Her other hand reaches out to rest on Agnes' shoulder.
    "Hold up a moment," Cael says to Layla, before looking between Lydia and Agnes. "How long will this scrying spell take? If it's simple, and quick enough - then flying off in the wrong direction might be a waste of our time."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes frowns at the paper and then at Lydia. "I can't... that's /way/ too complex for..." She shakes her head. "Dad doesn't give me 'homework' like that. I... I haven't even /started/ learning those kinds of spells. He's still got me practicing properly writing my unilaterals. I think, umm... if I'd seen this, I'd have come gotten you guys immediately. I don't know why he'd..."

    She shakes her head again, frowning down at the floor. "He wouldn't be depending on me, except maybe as a backup of a backup. He... he told me if he was ever lost to have one of /you/ do the spell. I don't know why he didn't just... /say/ that... but..." She bites her lip and leans toward Cael a little, fingers twining and fretting.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla halts when Cael motions for her to wait, brows lifting as she looks between them. Looking back to the spell, she glances to Cael, "If you guys want to start on the tracking spell, I want to jump over to the harbor. I want to know if they're using magic to hide his location or if they're just keeping him knocked out, and try to suss out what they've done to Ma'at. That's the second Egyptian God to get taken off-grid in a handful of weeks. That's bad."

She taps the wireless bud in her ear, "Call me when you get the tracking up and running and I'll meet you. Trust me, I can get to the harbor and back -really- fast." Then Layla's stepping away and smiling to Agnes, "We'll get your dad back." Then she's heading off to get to the harbor!

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia looks over the spell instructions and the materials provided. "This looks pretty simple," she says. "Even Cael could do it. It'd take ten minutes tops to perform, really. I'll go ahead and do the casting unless you want to," she tells Cael.

    She nods at Layla and reaches into her pocket to retrieve the wireless bud of her own, and sets it in her ear. "We'll contact you as soon as we know more."

    She nods to Agnes. "Fair enough. Stay put. Hug Lady and Bear. We'll get Jon back."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I've never cast a spell before," Cael answers. "I wouldn't want to mess it up. You do it." She watches Layla leave, her lips pursing together, then turns back towards Agnes. "Jon did it this way so they could tell the truth." She points at the message without touching it - it is, after all, evidence. "Tell noone," she points out. "If they ask if Jon told anyone - they didn't. They left homework for their daughter. You know they can't lie."
    Despite her calm demeanor, and carefully shielded features - she can feel a dark anger, and restlessness inside her.
    Mine. Jon is //mine// - and someone has taken them.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes nods, smiling briefly to Layla. "Thank you. All of you. I'll be fine. Just... find my father. Please." She kneels down and wraps her arms around Lady's neck, burrowing her face in the dog's neck.


    It doesn't take Layla long to find 'Warehouse 31' at New York Harbor in Brooklyn. The loading door on one end has been left up, huge lights within still illuminating the space. There's no one around that Scarlet Scarab can see.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla lands at the warehouse, dropping down quickly and pacing forward, scanning the area. Reaching out with her senses to see what might still be lingering. She moves cautiously but swiftly, her head on a swivel as she tries to head towards where the strongest lingering sense of magic is in the area.

Hopping up onto the loading dock, she moves through the open door, still looking this way and that in case there's anyone in the building that's here specifically for people coming looking for Jon. But her senses are drawing her to the far corner, and that's where she'll head, those metallic feathers rustling slightly as she moves, summoning a pair of short swords, just in case.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia nods at Cael and starts setting up the spell. "Easy enough," she says, and disappears from the room to grab all the components needed for the spell. When she returns she's got some chalk, salt, incense and a copper bowl.

    "All right," she says, peering at the instructions, and she sets the bowl down and puts the cone of incense in it. Then she takes out the chalk and starts making symbols and runes on the floor.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I went to Duat for them. This'll be a piece of cake," Cael promises the girl - flashing her a brief smile. There's a moment of hesitation, before she moves in towards the girl, wrapping her up in a hug. The hug only lasts for a breath, before Cael steps away again, to watch Lydia impatiently. "Layla's on her own," she remarks, as if the woman needs anymore pressure right now.

Marc Spector has posed:
    A new figure steps into the room. It's clear almost immediately that it's Marc, despite the finely tailored business suit he wears. The top button and tie undone and the gait and fatigue in his posture. He stops upon seeing the others. "Oh... is there a reason we're all gathered here?" he asks looking at their faces in turn.

    He can sense the dour emotions in the air, it doesn't take magic to notice that. He pauses and asks, "What's happened?" He stops and frowns. "And where is Layla?" The measure of concern rises a touch, even if she can clearly take care of herself, her absence is noted.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes blinks at Cael's hug and smiles, then turns away to see Marc entering. "Dad's missing," she says, and then seems to decide to let someone else explain before she bursts into tears. So she ushers Lady and Bear out of the room to give Lydia space to cast the spell.


    There are both physical and magical signs of a struggle in the warehouse, residue of sunlight and darkness, ice and fire. The power of Ra clashed with the power of... not Ma'at, but the Archivist directly. There are scuff marks, multiple footprints--clearly two people fought, but there were far more than just two in the place.

    Over in that corner is a large magical circle burned into the concrete of the warehouse, and whether or not Layla can read the spells, Tawaret certainly can. A circle specifically constructed to contain Jonathan Sims, the Archivist, avatar of Ma'at, to cut him off from the goddess and use him to suppress her power. Whoever did this knows Jon well enough to know his True Name in a way that could be translated to a form of Archaic Egyptian that has not been spoken since before the Pharaohs were the Pharaohs--the last time Ma'at had a direct avatar. Whoever did this knows Archaic Egyptian like they were born speaking the language, and there are very, /very/ few people living who can do that. Avatars of the gods, and Archivists, are about all that comes to mind.

    There's no sign of Jon, though there's dried blood in the circle. Whoever did this, they're long gone.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla frowns as she starts getting information, both from her own studies and from Taweret being helpful! Not that any of it is GOOD, of course, but at least now she knows how Ma'at is being suppressed. She kneels down to really examine the circle closely, so she can recognize the symbols specifically for Jon, committing them to memory before she rises up and starts walking.

"Siri, call Cael..." even as she walks out of the warehouse, she connects with Cael. "Hey, it's Layla. So, as expected, they aren't at the warehouse anymore, but I found the remnants of the binding circle they're using to keep Jon captive and Ma'at suppressed. I'll be back at the Mission in a minute. See you in a second." Then she disconnects the call and launches herself skyward once more.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "Hey, Marc," Lydia says absently as she continues to set up the spell. Now that she's done with the sigils and runes, she takes the salt and pours a line that circles her. "Jon got abducted. Well. He was blackmailed to abduct himself," she says pointing at the ransom note.

    "He left instructions for a scrying that will let us know where he is." She looks up at him with her golden eyes and says, gravely, "Ma'at is gone, too."

Cael Becker has posed:
    With Agnes gone, and Bear reluctantly with her as well - any pretense of hiding her emotions immediately melts away, and Cael begins to pace the room, a dark, angry expression on her face. "That's that fucker claiming to be Amon Ra, right? Or it's Elias. Or it's both. I will fucking tear out their throats. If they've harmed him... If they've-"
    She cuts herself off as her phone rings, and she puts it to her ear. "Yeah?" It's not a friendly voice. "Gotcha."
    "Layla said something about the remnants of a binding circle. Jon's not there. She's on her way back."
    Her gaze fixes on Marc as she adds, "I need weapons. Now."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Shit..." he mutters under his breath as he removes the coat and tie and hangs them on the back of a chair. Cael's demeanor is noted and he frowns. "While I understand your frustration, you need to calm down..." he says to her, his voice firm and direct.

    He looks to Lydia and asks, "Can she be trusted with a weapon in her current state?" Is the look to to Lydia for judgement on this matter fair to Cael? Absolutely not. Does it look like Marc gives much of a damn about fairness right now? Absolutely not.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla wasn't kidding when she said her flight is fast. Before the ritual can complete, she's landing and letting herself back into the Mission, heading through the main room and making her way downstairs. "Hey guys. So Taweret and I were talking a bit on the way back. It looks like... like the person who cast the circle is a former Archivist? Who is now leading a cult of Ra, and maybe made an Avatar of Ra? Buuuuuuuuuuut they're actually the cult of Apophis that attacked me to get to Marc. So. We might want to hurry. Things are coming to a head quickly."

She hits the bottom of the stairs and halts when she sees Marc in MOST of a very nice suit, blinking. One corner of her mouth hitches up into a half-smile, "You didn't dress that nicely for our wedding day. Looking good." Then she shakes her head and looks back to Cael and Lydia, "Good news, I think I can break the circle to free Jon and Ma'at both when we can find him."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia considers Cael's state of mind for a bit before nodding at Marc. "She's going to be a little angry, a little more trigger happy, but she shouldn't jackal out on us. We have a tattoo on her that should prevent that." Her attention swings back to Cael, remembering when they did those tests the other night. "Her instinct is going to be protecting Jon, from what I've seen, so the only people in danger are going to be the ones who kidnapped him." She shrugs. "Which, let's be honest here, wouldn't be any different from what Cael would normally do otherwise."

    Once the circle is closed, Lydia closes her eyes to center herself. Striking a match, she lights the incense, and then fishing the lock of hair out of the plastic bag she sets it alight, too. The acrid smell of burnt hair fills the room as she carefully puts the burning hair down over the incense combining the smoke.

    She looks at the paper with the instructions on it and murmurs something in ancient Egyptian as best she can, and then leans over to inhale the smoke. She sit there with her nose in the smoke for a bit before she leans back and opens her eyes.

    "Neat," she says, tilting her head this way and that. "I've got, like, a HUD with an arrow pointing to his direction and a distance in kilometers. I never would have thought to do it this way."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael flicks an aggrevated look to Marc, and is about to comment, when Layla returns and catches her attention.
    This does nothing to calm her emotions.
    "Fucking Elias Bouchard," she growls out. "It //is// him. It has to be. He has //Jon.//" The look she gives Marc fairly screams, 'And you want me to be calm?!' Still - she takes a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions under a reasonable amount of control. "He fucking dies. He //can't// be allowed to continue. He can't."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc sighs and and concedes. "Very well. Follow..." he says as he turns and heads for the central room of the downstairs dorms: his armory. He moves to one of the cases that holds one of his myriad suits and types in a code into a panel next to it. The glass slides open and he starts to remove the shirt and slacks he is currently wearing.

    One thing about Marc Spector is that before the mantle of Khonshu settled on him he was already a heavily scarred man. Gunshots, stabbings, and beatings were a regular thing in his life as a mercenary and his body has a number of marks that still linger. His body is a tale of hardships as much as his lifestyle is.

    "They're in Egypt..." he says. "That much is probably a given. We can use your magic HUD to pinpoint it but we can take the Mooncopter to get there." He slips on a black bodysuit before starting to fasten pieces of armor on his arms, legs, chest, and shoulders.

    "Cael, rack on the west wall... pick something that suits your fancy" he says as he suits up. On the west wall is a rack of weaponry. There are a few bladed weapons, but most are geared toward the area of Marc's own proclivities: blunt force trauma. Mauls, clubs, staves, escrima sticks, and a variety of projectiles are set upon racks. There is a single bit ornate axe among the weapons as well as a pair of kopheshes and spears.

Layla Abdalla El-Faouly has posed:
Layla sticks her tongue out at Marc as he passes her by without so much as a hello, then shakes her head and looks to Lydia. "Just how far away -is- Jon at this moment?" Because that seems to be pertinent information. She already has her phone out and is pulling up a search engine so she can try to get them at least to a country, maybe even a city.

She glances towards Cael for a moment, as the woman bristles, watching her for a long moment, but not halting the woman from getting weapons. Instead, her attention returns to Lydia as she waits for the others to get readied, or as readied as they need.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "About 9700 kilometers, east southeast," answers Lydia. She pulls out her phone to do some calculations with a map. "Yeah. Egypt sounds about right. Shouldn't come to a surprise for any of us." She pockets her phone as people are gearing up. "Grab a spare t-shirt. I have a feeling that I'm going to end up ruining this blouse."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael grabs her combat attire, and studies the wall of weapons with a suddenly cold, and dispassionate gaze. The axe is claimed, along with the silvered, collapsable spear she'd used last time. Yes, it could be used against her - she was keenly aware of that - but it's not like she hadn't been vulnerable to //regular// spears last time. It always could have been turned on her.
    She looks towards Lydia at the confirmation of the location, an aggrevated frown on her features.
    "Alright. Let's go. We don't have time to waste."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Marc fastens the last locking mechanism on his Mk 1.7 suit and looks at the others as he flips the hood of his white cloak up over his head. "On that, we agree..." he moves toward the parked aircraft at the back of the amory. Layla is the only one who hasn't seen the vessel before and it is a work of mastery over the sky.

    Marc enters a code into the panel before its landing pad and ramp opens up at the back. "Lydia, co-pilot seat..." he says as he heads for the pilot's chair at the front of the craft. "Once we're in Egyptian airspace we're going to need you."

    He straps himself in to the seat and starts the flight sequence while the others get in their seats. It's not long before the crescent shape of the craft is streaking out over the Atlantic.