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Latest revision as of 23:52, 22 June 2022

Breaking Ties
Date of Scene: 20 June 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: A demon knife owned by Thomas Blake meets its end through Zatanna's magic.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Zatanna Zatara

Thomas Blake has posed:
But it wasn't the enclosure. He felt the twinge of teleportation. Compared to demonic portals it was a joy ride. "You have a nice touch with the magic. Seriously. The Ex... she twisted you inside out. My tiger hated her. That should have been a clue." He looks around, careful not to touch anything.

"Nobody does mansions like in Gotham. This is nice... Listen I appreciate your doing this for me. I know the Bat would have a fit if he found out. But I'm pretty sure he won't." Small smile.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Intuition and common sense brought Zatanna and Catman back to the safety of Shadowcrest. Working magic in an unprotected area, open to discovery and interference from well-meaning guards would have put them in jeopardy. The library of the inter-dimensional house offers both space and reference materials in its warded walls of 16th Century paneling.

It is a well appointed room with a sitting area, a desk and a large table to one side of the book lined walls. A fireplace large enough to stand in dominates one wall. Two couches facing one another and a tea table between them are in front of the fireplace, along with several comfortable wingback chairs.

"You are welcome. Please have a seat. If you are thirsty I will have whatever you desire brought and then we will get to the business at hand." With a gracious nod, she smiles faintly at his compliment.

"I have no intention that Batman will know. It is magical business we are about and he does not abide by it or believe in it."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods and takes a seat. "I don't need a drink, thanks. Hunh, he doesn't believe in magic. You don't need to understand how something works to believe n it. Take big cats and me? I have no idea how I get them to follow my lead. But they do. He lacks imagination. Sometimes you need imagination and instinct to see you through." He stops talking feeling like he's whistling in the dark. Truth is he's a little off, not being in control of the situation. His tension shows. That often means someone will be badly hurt but Zatanna has a certain calming effect. In fact he hasn't thought of making a pass at her or mentally undressing her yet.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then lay the knife on the table, please." Eyebrows lifted in regal disapproval at his commentary on Batman, she indicates the table with an open hand. "He lacks neither, believe me."

With a wave of her hand, she seals the door to library then stands next to the round table. "This table is an heirloom, passed from magician to magician since John Dee read Queen Elizabeth her horoscopes. It is well warded and made for objects like yours."

The table of dark wood has the high gloss of repeated waxings. Inlaid in the glossy wood is a double circle of gold etched with magical signs around its circumference, etched in different metals dear to alchemists and magicians.

Thomas Blake has posed:
'Bury me, in the wood. See what the witch does,' the whiney, insistent voice comes from everywhere and nowhere.

"Fuck you, knife," Thomas says, laying the weapon down politely, and not pointed at either of them. He notes the eyebrows and shrugs. "Sorry." So much for currying favor. You're a crook, she busts people like you. Keep this in mind. You're kind of friendless at the moment. Batman has many friends. He's frigging nobility to these people.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna straightens at the evil little voice, a faint satisfied smile playing on her lips. It is a good sign. The warded circle has the knife on guard.

"All well and good. Thank you for not taking it up on the suggestion. Now, tell me in detail how you acquired it. It is not a spell you know." She looks at him pointedly, "But something stronger." Something she doesn't care to name out loud. The knife giver held no real love for Catman, if she did then why gift a knife containing a demon?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake heaves a deep breath. He does not like talking about feelings. He tries to think of a succinct way. He looks away before he speaks.

"I guess it was out of love."

"We loved each other, she gifted it to me, in return for sucking some life force each time we were intimate. That should have told me the demon side was winning... you won't believe this... in the beginning, she was incredibly sweet. Anyway she made t and told me, it would cut an elder demon or Superman. It'd also pass the life force of someone I killed onto her. I didn't use it that way. But, soul fire hurt me more since I got it, she had more influence over me and eventually I left for Africa... that's a whole other story."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Fingetips poised on the edge of the table, Zatanna focuses intently on the man as he describes his love and how she enticed him into wielding an incredibly powerful weapon. But at a price. "Did she ever ask you for your blood? Did she marry you to the knife and through it her?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ponders that. then he firmly says, "No. I mean I got scratches and such when we were together. But never anything of note. Said the many with scars on every part of his body. But no, she never wedded me in any sense of the word. We had an open relationship. In fact se rubbed that in my face by bringing home a kitsune. I stayed with the kitsune. She's lovely. No she just whipped tis thing out on me one day and bagged how brilliant she was."

"I want to be free of it. I understand the risks. I accept all of it. I may die but it will be on my feet. Anyway... I have a magic cloth that won't let me die. It worked so far."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Then rely on your magic cloth. I will do my best to free you," she replies and casts him a grave look. "One more question before I begin. Does the knife have a name?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shakes his head. "I never liked the damned thing. So do it." True to his word he gets to his feet and waits. Will it be painful like being clawed? Doesn't matter. One way or another it will end. The cloth will work or not. He waits in a slight crouch. That's how he faces trouble. Hands are empty because a knife won't do any good. He thinks of Mike... Terry... Saeko... Gabby... Mom... Rasputin.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
With a wave of her hand, the lights lower in the room and with another candles spring into life around the room. The candle flames waver and then steady, burnishing the wood and both their faces with a golden light. Zatanna touches the symbols around the warded circle that glow with an inner fire then taps her forehead, mouth and the center of her chest in a greeting reminiscent of the Middle East and her mother's homeland, Turkey.

Whispering, she invokes the aid of Peresphone to protect both her and Catman and accept the demon that she is going to expel back into the realms of the night.

Lifting her hands, palms inward over her head, she becomes the witch. She becomes a priestess of old. There is a scent of mint and wild oregano in the air. Sign that the goddess has heard her.

The homo magi's voice fills the rooms as she invokes the powers of the Underworld. "Lady, accept this demon back into your realm. It will drink the life force of Thomas Blake, no longer. No longer will it prey on the innocent."

".dlo fo seit eht reveS ! emoh nruter nomed enogeB"

Thomas Blake has posed:
He feels nothing. Does he not have the senses to feel this? Then there is a sharp tug and it's gone. Like a sound you aren't aware of till it stops. He brushes at his chest, expecting more, a little disappointed. He rubs his eyes wearily, suddenly tired. Then he nods. "It's gone, she's gone. Thank Lady Persephone for me. Is the knife just a knife now?" He regards it warily.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna regards the knife fixedly for a moment and then gives him a solemn nod. "Did you expect a large flash of light?"

She had heard the wail when the separation came and had tensed at the sound, expecting a whiplash of force and the bitter bite of woman scorned even if she had left Thomas first.

Under her breath, she fervently thanks Persephone for her presence and then lifts the knife and presents it to Thomas with both hands.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes it gently. "It's still a fine knife. She took one of mine for the base... thank you. For whatever it's worth, I owe you large. If you ever need me check Happy Harbor, Shore and North Streets. You can't miss it." He sheathes the knife carefully at his back. Maybe that cloth does work and kept him alive.

"I'll take my leave now.Don't forget, I owe you. Non-transferrable. Thanks again. Which way is the exit?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee makes a loop in the air and opens a portal. A purple line appears and becomes a door awaiting Thomas. "Best for you to go out this way. You are welcome. And though I don't put a price on my magic, I will remember your promise.  Thank -you-. for bringing the knife to me. The world is better without it. You did a good deed bringing it to me."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake walks towards the portal. A good deed. Imagine that. A compliment even. He'll take it. Beyond the portal he glimpses the streets of Manhattan and steps through. Back to reality.