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Knock Knock Knocking On Old Age's Door
Date of Scene: 23 June 2022
Location: Second Floor - Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Diana visits Cassie the morning after her 21st birthday to check in, and give her the special birthday gifts!
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Cassie Sandsmark

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had let Cassie enjoy her birthday without any ceremony. She knew that the young woman was more about just having a low-key organic experience to it, and though she'd spoken to Cassie's mother leading up to the big day, and on the day-of, she just kept her distance until the next morning.

This is when the Princess STRIKES!

There's a soft knock at Cassie's door on the second level of the Embassy. Diana stands i nthe hallway wearing white clothing, loose slacks, and a sleeveless tight-fit top that is tucked in to her slacks, a black belt cinches around her slim waistline. In her hands, Diana is carrying a gift box, with a red and blue bow, along with a tray with a cup of coffee, a pair of Aspirin and a second glass filled with ice water...

"Cassie?" Diana quietly says through the door.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Despite the history of superheroic parties and elbaorate gifts, Cassie had definitely pushed for a more low-key birthday celebration (plus she already got one with the Birds!). Or maybe low-key wasn't exactly the term for it. Rather, a 'normal' experience, eschewing exotic locales for just hitting the bars. In fact, she'd gone so far in putting off the heroic side of things that Diana had gotten a little tip-off when she talked with Helena: her daughter had asked her to exercise her unique parental power-veto, leaving Cassie mortal for the evening! No super stamina to fight the booze! Real danger if she got sloppy drunk and fell down some stairs! The TRUE experience!

All of this leads to the scene the following morning, with Diana's arrival. Knock-knock. No answer. Knockknocknock.




There's no answer. But at this point, Diana's hearing is likely to assert a fact or two, WONDEROUS as it is: there's no chainsaw-loud snoring from inside the room, as is sometimes the case when Cassie really snoozes. Annnnnd...

There's the very slightest sound, otherwise impercetible but unmistakable to Diana, of a footfall on a stair. One of the smaller side staircases that are mostly used by embassy staff during events to get around without disrupting things. A quiet side route, almost a secret path, one might say. Or at least a sneaky one when the place is dead quiet and no one has any reason to be back there!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was about to try the door's handle when she realized there was no sound for a reason, Cassie wasn't in there. How could she know that without opening the door though?

Well, she suddenly hears the person on the steps, and can sense their hesitation... so she just makes a guess.

The Princess lowers her chin a little as she starts to step back from the doorway and toward where she hears the creeping.

"There are pancakes downstairs. Waffles... French Toast..." The Princess says softly toward the sounds of the feet, her voice calm, collected, as she walks upon her two inch tall heels, carrying that package and the drinks.

"I thought we might take a drive today too... perhaps to a lake upstate, and enjoy some relaxing on a lovely boat? A bit of sunbathing to make the day just delightfully simple."

Then the Princess pushes the door open to that servant stairwell, to peer beyond it...

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
And there she is!

Cassie is inevitably discovered, lurking in the stairwell and looking quite the sight. As ever, she favors the Wonder-brand red and gold, but for ONCE without any of said iconography. Instead, she wears a red mini party dress with some gold sequin accents and matching jewelry. She's also barefoot, carrying her heels. This may be for STEALTH purposes, as she skulked up the stairs. It may also be due to the fact that one of the shoes has a broken heel!

This is but one of the ways she looks bedraggled, with messy hair (fully down, for once!), baggy eyes and makeup that's definitely been on too long. She's frozen in her sneaky pose as Diana finds her, but quickly gives up the game with a laugh. "Ya got me..."

With this, she straightens up, although her pose is still somewhat slouch-y and tired. "Oh, waffles sounds good..." she admits, suddenly looking a bit more energetic at the mere mention of food. However, the idea of going out on some kind of field trip into NATURE of all places causes a wince. "Yeah um, raincheck on anything sun-light-y. Way too bright out there." There's a beat. "Do you even know what a hangover is?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Of course, over Diana's shoulder is a well lit chandelier that shines behind the Princess and illuminates the second floor quite brightly too. This light bathes down across Cassie in the stairwell, and after she speaks, Diana just tilts her head and smirks. Her red lips part as she shakes her head. "I know the definition, if that is what you mean..." She quips back dryly before she steps out of the way and leaves the door open for the young woman.

"And fair enough. No wonderful boat trip...." She picks up the cup of coffee and has it waiting, extended, for Cassie when she inevitably comes upstairs.

"So it went well?" Diana asks, looking the young woman over, noting the broken heel. "Very well... so it seems..." Diana notes then with a semi-distracted voice.

"I will have some food sent up to you then. I imagine you'll be staying all nestled up in your room today." She hints a grin along with these words.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Ugh. Such a Princess." Cassie definitely seems a little jealous of Diana's naivete in this regard, as she shambles out of the stairwell and into the hall, cringing from the light like some kind of troll! She even ends up kind of using Diana as cover, standing in her shadow. Cuz she TALL.

"Yeah, mm, coffee maybe," she agrees, making a grabby hand for the extended drink, but coming up a little short of it, before re-calculating and making a second attempt that actually latches on. Is she hung over or... still drunk?! Sometimes one blends into the other.

"Don't think I can sleep with this headache," she admits, making a further stumbling progress past Diana and toward her door on the far side of the hallway, now with the cup in hand. "So I guess I can eat and then try after."

Throwing open her room's door she continues her halting progress, not closing it behind her. Which... maybe someone should. Because as soon as she gets inside and empties her hands, dropping one shoe, then the other, and finally the coffee off on a side-table she passes, she rather unceremoniously reaches down and pulls her dress up! Before tossing it aside. Her room is not neat to begin with, but this is still an extra level of just throwing things wherever.

At least she's facing away from the door, as it's not the kind of dress you wear a bra with.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana takes in a deep inhale through her pert nose as she watches the younger woman just stagger toward her bedroom. She'd thought Cassie would take care of herself, even without her super powers that her mother had restricted. Another part of her thought... well... this is pretty much how it would turn out.

Diana is right behind Cassie up to her passing in to the room, and then just doing what the blonde does. This makes Diana just shake her head gently as she turns to the desk in the room and sets the present down with the water still on the tray with the Aspirin.

Diana then just looks around the room while Cassie does what she does, averting her gaze, not that she hasn't seen a lot of her young protege over the years, she remains in the doorway to help cover should someone pass by! Like a 15 year old kid who has been living here! He should be at school right now though...

"Well then. You made it through the night... So, did you have fun?" Diana asks, sparing a glance toward the back of Cassie's head. "I assume so. I believe your mother intends for you to experience the Hangover in its entirety as well, so your powers may not return for a day or two?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is assuredly not very shy around Diana (those Themysciran bathhouses are on another level!) but there is a certain apparent lack of thought process for her to consider who might be wandering by outside! She just ambles her way back and forth without a care, taking things off but fortunately also putting things on: she's survived her FANCY DRESS ordeal and now it is totally comfy pajama shorts and tank-top time.

"Mmm? Oh yeah, had a great time! We uh, hmmm..." Her memory, of course, promptly escapes her on the immediate details as she tries to recall how things actually STARTED. In fact, she posted a very comprehensive itinerary of the bars they were going to visit beforehand, so that people could drop-in and drop-out as they desired. So Diana probably has an overview of all of it. (It might have been a requirement on her mom's part to agree to turning off her powers: the last time she did it, they both got captured and Cassie got locked in a trunk!)

"Actually I kinda forget a lot of it. But mostly we just went around down by school, I know we hung out in the park a while... There's a lot of cool places over there. Like there's this one that has like... 300 kinds of beer!" She does not confirm how many flavors she sampled! "And that one that's really old... Mcsomething's? Oh yeah and we went over to the cube, and uh, went to one of those ramen places on St. Marks, past the sex shops..."

It truly sounds like an odyssey!

Still, the details are somewhat hazy, and after finding a hair tie in one of her drawers and taming her suspiciously wild mop of gold, the young woman turns and just falls backward onto her bed. "You said there's waffles?" Then she blinks a bit, sitting up. "I think she said... uh... yeah, maybe tomorrow. Though if there's an emergency you can call her, or whatever."

She flops back and stares up at the ceiling. "Don't want me drunk-punching a giant robot or something!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just comes to lean back against the corner of Cassie's desk, folding her hands together over her lap as she smiles at the young woman tying her hair back. She watches her flop back on to the bed and just smiles warmly at the sight of it.

"I will tell your mother that you had a good time, and that you will call her in the morning." Diana relays to her sister before exhaling lightly.

"I love Washington Square Park. It always has interesting performers there on the lawns. I haven't visited many of the bars, which I'm sure does not surprise you..." Diana states with a growing grin. "But... that is not to say I would not. Perhaps I could try one of all three hundred beers, and choose my favorites?" She asks. "Now that you are twenty one, you can be the one to introduce me to the place... now that I will not be 'laming you up around your friends'." The Princess grins once more.

"So did you stay at a friend's, or were you jsut now ending the night of place to place, as it were?" She inquires next as she gives another glance around the room which is fairly well tidy? Marginally?

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh yeah! There's always something, like people doing skate tricks, or playing music, or even like... juggling! Plus it's a great place to buy wee-"

And that didn't even require the lasso to get out of her!

Cassie mumbles something unconvincing as a coverup and then continues on like it never happened. "So yeah, we hit a bunch of places. Couple had dancing. Oh yeah, and pool." It's hard to imagine her playing in that dress! Or at least, hard to imagine while adhering to standards and practices! "Hmm? Oh? No, nah. We just kind of killed time like that. Maybe ate again? Blah blah." She circles a hand in the air dismissively, although there maybe is a little bit of a sense, ONCE AGAIN without lasso required, that she's glossing over a bit, "Eventually I just got an uber back. I was planning on just crashing right away. You know, not bother you."

In retrospect, it IS a little silly for her to have thought she needed to SNEAK in, but perhaps that's an old habbit. Or speaks to a guilty conscience!

Diana Prince has posed:
The Princess just leans there against the corner of Cassie's desk. Her hands folded over her lap, and her eyes upon the blonde's own. Her head does tilt when 'wee' is mentioned, and she shows the slightest hint of a grin... but does not comment on that. "Well..." She says finally then. "That all sounds very lovely. Truly like the life of a young American girl... Mh. Woman. My apologies." Diana corrects herself there as she stands up again. She takes the tray from atop the package and then sets it down upon the desk. Her hands gather up the package nextly, and she steps toward Cassie.

"And you will never bother me." She adds with a growing smile.

"Here, enjoy, and then I shall leave you be to let you rest, and rejuvenate."

The package is fairly large with blue glossy paper, and that red and blue bow, mixed with a little golden rope to tie it extra closed...

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I'm not gonna change my codename," Cassie protests, staring up from the bed. "I'd probably end up 'Wonder Lass' or 'Amazona' or something else weirdly lame."

Eventually, she hauls herself to sit up properly, if only because she is lured with GOODIES. She takes the package in her lap, and starts undoing it, although her bleery-eyed coordination ends to a less than graceful job with the wrapping. Pretty as the packaging looks, she's soon ripping and tearing with gusto, tossing crumpled bits of paper to join the other mess she's making of her room. Eventually, she gets it open, and reaches inside.

The chalice is removed and regarded. "It's really pretty." While she may be stuck pondering over it a little, turning it over in her hand, no doubt imagining how practical it is to host Themysciran-themed parties on her home turf, she finally notes that there's something underneath it. No doubt, she'd mistaken it for just more packaging, something soft to keep the cup safe. But it's... clothing?"

By the time she has it taken out, laid out partly over the bed and partly falling off the side, the young woman looks rather perplexed. "Uh..."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana steps back as Cassie gets the package open, watching some of the paper fall to the floor at her feet. She just shakes her head at the exuberance being put on display, but would expect nothing less. Her fingers lace together in front of her lap as she watches the cup get revealed.

"The very first night I had the chance to drink with other members of the Amazons, to my heart's content... The very first night I got truly 'drunk' amongst my sisters... was with that cup. They gave it to me. They called it the 'Princess' Prize'. It has been in my bedroom within the palace ever since... until I removed it, ready to let you have a few memories with it. Be careful now... it can make you quite ... intoxicated, off of even the most simplistic of drink." Is it magic? Did Diana just give Cassie a magic drunk glass?

When the suit is produced, it's laid out across the bed, and yeah.

"That...." Diana says with a nod toward the well crafted Deer costume. "Was what I did when I was first drunk upon the island. The friends that I was with? We broke in to the theater wardrobe... and put on a collection of those, then began a drunken parade down the city streets. We woke everyone up in the process, and when the night was done? Well, let's just say that Mother found me in my bed, still wearing that costume... She was... none too pleased with the news of our little parade through the city either."

Diana smiles to Cassie. "Next time you are in Themyscira, and you do a bit of drinking... consider wearing it? You might be surprised how many others will show up to join you in what has become a very... less than spoken of ritual of celebration."

Diana grins to Cassie then as she steps over some of the torn wrapping paper upon the floor, and starts toward the doorway, her right hand gently reaching for the door's handle. "I will not pester you any further... I am glad you had a good evening, Cass. Wonder Girl for life."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
With its apparently unsual (but 'helpful') powers revealed, Cassie more curiously examines the cup. "Huh. That's kind of a weird thing to magic up, isn't it? A chalice of +3 drunkeness? I guess maybe there's some ritual applications..." There is the obvious GETTING PLASTERED application, but it seems like Cassie is somewhat suspicious if that could be its sole purpose. Tricksy Amazons!

And yet, it is not the centerpiece of all of this by a long shot!

The cup is set aside on her nightstand (gently, unlike every other item!), and she scooches over on the bed to grab up the costume, holding it up partly, then laying it flat again. Given that it's whole body, she finally relents to abandon her comfy bed and stands up to hold it up to herself at full length. It looks like it would fit her, which makes the idea that it would fit Diana EQUALLY suspicious, but maybe there's more magic involved. Or... the Amazons have a LOT of deer costumes laying around, which raises further questions!

"You're telling me you got drunk and... had a furry parade?" Of course, her mind leaps to the modern equivalent, and not the context of ancient people pantomiming the world around them in sacred performance. "Hahaha, that's wild." Whether she's actually willing to take up the challenge to try it herself, when next she parties on the island... who's to say? Still, after looking it over, she folds the costume up and sets it on her dresser, showing it the same extra level of care her own wardrobe did not receive.

Diana, by then, is at the door, so she happily flops back in bed. But not without a rather imperious demand, while she still has her special birthday status for a few more hours: "Don't forget to send up the waffles!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows a big smile from the doorway, "I would dream of forgetting the post birthday breakfast to get over the ... what did you call it?" She tilts her head. "Hang... over?" Now she's just playing with Cassie!

The Princess raises her right hand up to her crimson hued lips, places her fingertips against them and blows the younger woman a kiss.

"Enjoy your rest." She says softly as she pulls the door closed and proceeds out in to the hallway, her heeled shoes getting quiter upon the hardwood floor the further down the distance she goes.