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Latest revision as of 04:31, 25 June 2022

Fish Sticks and other Oddities of the Sea
Date of Scene: 24 June 2022
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: Aquaman stinks. But he has a point.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Divine

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The water sloshes across the docks with a rush and a roil, too much of it passing out of the old vehicle that once perhaps belonged to a 1920s gangster, only now it's been revealed and brought forth from the depths of the East River by none other than Arthur Curry.
    A curious thing, the old roadster has definitely seen better days and the river has taken its toll. The frame is rusted and fallen in on itself, all fabric is gone, and crabs are still crawling out of parts of it, clacking their claws and trying to scuttle away. Beside it, however, is Arthur Curry. Grimacing as he pulls off a shoe and is trying to wipe the mud off the sides of it. Definitely a bad scene and dirty, but also the smell... could be better.
    "Ugh." Is all the man has to say, at least for the moment.

Divine has posed:
Boredom was a terrible thing. And Divine found herself in that state far more often than she liked. She didn't have a 'real' job. Just did a little contracting on the side. It was a nice way of saying she did dirty jobs when needed since it paid more than the fast food joint down the street. The ones that required one to have an identity established through govermment channels, like a state identification card and social security number. She had neither. But she might eventually if she was able to save up enough for false documents to be made!

Until then, she spent most of her time sort of wandering through the world. Learning more as she could. She had a tv but she could only afford one streaming service at this point. Computer? It was on that someday list.

Which is why she is sort of flying around the city at a leisurely pace, watching the world going on below her with a sense of detachment. Until she spotted the wreckage that was once a car. With Aquaman beside it.

She floated down, booted feet landing in the water that now covered the dock, eyeing the wreckage a moment before looking to the man. She wrinkled her nose. "You need a bath." Because that was certainly helpful to point out in this circumstance.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "You need to learn manners," Arthur says in growly rejoinder as he takes off his other boot and more water sloshes out of it, but more mud as well. He must've had to really dig the vehicle out considering the amount of refuse, grime, and detritus that has marred his boots and the lower part of his jeans.
    But then he's setting the boots to the side, getting up and walking across the docks to consider the car in front of him, arms resting on his hips as he scowls to himself. "Freakin' Davey." He says, admonishing whomever this Davey might be.
    Leaning forward he grabs the doorjam of the car and yanks the frame apart partially, opening what's left of one door and causing more water to wash out over the docks. "So this homeless guy I know. Says he's psychic, says he has a vision, important for me to go to this place and dig up what I find. Being a gigantic sucker..." Arthur turns to look at Divine. "I do."
    And as he says that he leans into the vehicle while holding his nose and scowling, "And exactly what I thought, nothin'."

Divine has posed:
"I was told that if someone is in an embarassing circumstance, one should help the person by telling them. Such as if you had a booger sticking out of your nose, I should tell you. Was I told incorrectly?" Because he might not know he stinks. After all, lots of people out there seemed to stink and not be aware. Course, Divine might just be more sensitive to smells than the average Joe.

As he wrenched off the door, Divine moved over next to him to peer in at his side. Because of course he wouldn't mind. She looks over the car and sees nothing but rust, mud, crabs, and just a general mess. Then she tries using her x-ray vision to see if she's missing something.

"What're we looking for? And why are you listening to homeless guys who talk to psychics?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Cuz sometimes he seems to be onto things," Which, unfortunately, seems like it's not the case here since the car is mostly empty of anything that might be of interest. It mainly just has old river life and muck in main. Even the glove compartment is empty save for some mud.
    "Maybe not this time." Arthur says as he rubs the back of his neck, frowning. "Then again..." He looks off to the river, "Maybe I'm lookin' in the wrong spot."
    That said and the search apparently done for now he looks over at Divine, "Whatchoo want? Got a reason for being here or just bored?"

Divine has posed:
Not picking up anything of interest inside, Divine leans back and realizes she isn't getting an answer. She might be naive in some ways but she's not completely stupid.

"Bored," Divine she admitted. "Usually I go people watch. Sometimes I walk around. Today I was flying, sort of watching from afar and seeing if there was anything interesting."

She looks at the heap that once was a car then back to Arthur. "This is about it for interesting. Not every day I see someone pulling a car out of the water."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "If you're bored there are a fair number of cars under the river," Arthur's lip twists up as he imagines her scraping up the riverbed and cleaning it out, then he tilts his head as he considers there are worse ways to spend a day. Turning back to her he tilts his head and seems to see her for the first time, looking at her anew.
    "You know, there's a thing going on I might need your help with." He points at her a little then rests his hands on his hips. "Since you're reasonably fast and have x-ray vision, right? And all those tricks and whatnot."

Divine has posed:
"Very fast."

The correction is immediate though there is no annoyance in the tone. But reasonably just will not do when categorizing her abilities. She just wants to be sure she is recognized for how awesome she really is. It's kind of in her genetic makeup. Or how she was raised in the lab. Or something. It might just be a quirk of hers because she has feelings of inferiority due to being a clone and thus needs to cling to anything that feels 'more' in any way possible.

"Yes, I have those abilities," she did agree though. "So how can I help?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Mm," Arthur stalks back across the docks, trailing wet footprints on the wooden slats. He scoops up his boots and tucks them under his arm even as he turns to look sidelong at her. "You got a cellphone yet? There might be a point I could use your help to scout up something when it raises its ugly head."
    He turns the boots upside down one at a time, frowning to himself as he shakes them out, almost comically so. One might almost imagine a fish come thumping out and flapping its fins. Yet once it's relatively clear he starts to pull it back on. "If you can do it then I'd owe you."

Divine has posed:
If there was one thing Divine had learned helping out the criminal element? Being owed a favor was important. It was almost as important as money. But it was something she was willing to consider. Especially if it helped fight her boredom.

"I do." She pulled it out of the back pocket of her pants, and typed in the code. She didn't use the whole facial recognition or fingerprints because being a clone, there was more than one person with those things. So she used an old fashioned typed in code.

"I almost always have minutes now." Which indicated she was using what one might call a burner. One she could buy cards for time when it ran out. At least that kind didn't need a fortune to buy nor credit cards to add time. Since she didn't have one of those either. Just buy a card at the dollar store with cash then add it in the phone. Easy.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Arthur produces his own which is a curiously robust thing she might note. For it comes with a tight case and isn't entirely a normal phone. Yet he only gives her a moment of exposure to it as he brushes his phone near hers letting it work its magic...
    And after a moment they both have their information populated about the other. "Alright, I'll give you a ring. It might be in a rush if things start to happen quickly, so if you get a call from me I'd appreciate you picking up."
    That said he steps over to the old roadster, kneels down partially by the back end of it and then with a /huf/ he casually _lifts_ it up and onto his shoulder with the creak and squeal of the old frame protesting.
    "I'm gonna march this down to the impound over there." A nod is given to the end of the docks, "I'll be in touch, alright?"

Divine has posed:
"Alright." Divine just takes that at face value. She doesn't ask questions. No need for details. It'll be something she might do to help and it won't be boring. She hopes. That's all that matters.

As he heads for the end of the dock, she glances toward the river. A quick bit of x-ray vision shows exactly what he was talking about. There were a lot of cars down there. She sat down on the edge of the dock she was standing on, not caring that her pants got wet. Then she started to remove her boots.