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Latest revision as of 13:34, 26 June 2022

Like Nitro and Glycerine
Date of Scene: 26 June 2022
Location: A small curio shop in New York City
Synopsis: What happens when the Bearers of the Ember and Glacier Stones cross paths in a small curio shop? A whole lot of tension!
Cast of Characters: Patience Alperen, Glorianna Silver

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen had begun to learn more about her new role with the Justice League Dark group. Given the collective knowledge and skill that the rest of the team possessed was quite intimidating adn overwhelming but she was determined to meet the challenge and contribute.

She worked through the situation in her mind in the way she worked best - by wandering the nigh forgotten antique and curio shops fairly hidden and scattered around Manhattan. Entering one such curio shop, she was dressed casually in a teeshirt, jeans, and running shoes. Idly she moved along the narrow aisles looking at the random tchotchkes as her mind turned things over.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
As it turns out, Patience isn't the only patron in the curio shop today. A well-dressed redhead is in the back, browsing through ancient tomes. To a businesswoman like Glorianna, the research is more a hobby. She is lost while leafing through a book when a voice suddenly screams in her mind.


Glorianna looks up, her breathing quickening when she spots the new patron. The book is forgotten and set down as she approaches Patience with casual steps.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen had been so busy working over her thoughs about joining the JLD team that she had simply pushed down and ignored the whisper in the back of her mind as she had gotten within a block of the shoppe. It wasn't until she was halfway down the aisle she was browsing that she was mentally chastised for her inattention.


Right to the point.

Patience winced and instinctively recoiled as if someone had actually shouted in her face. They had after a fashion.

She turns slowly, her brown eyes moving to where the Glacier Stone was telling her to look. Her eyes met those of another woman - who is now drawing closer to her. This could be.. bad?

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver looks at the other woman, finding her gaze returned. She smiles. Yes, she knows. And she also knows that this woman knows.

After that moment's pause, the redhead steps up confidently and extends a hand. "Hello there. I'm Glorianna Silver." she offers, stifling the screaming in her head.

"I believe we may have something in common."

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen watches Glorianna size her up and then press the advantage in getting closer in the guise of a formal greeting. She watched the woman cautiously, but she wasn't tense. Yet. She trusted her training. And the knowledge that if either of them chose to, well act out, in public, it was not going to go well. For either of them. And so it was an awkward meeting to be had instead.

Offering her hand in kind, Patience greeted the woman, "Hello Ms. SIlver. I'm Patience Alperen." It was a friendly hand shake. As tense meetings go.

A nod. "It would appear that we do, Ms. Silver. Though I cannot help but wonder where it will tke us from here." She wonders the last cautiously. Will there be bad blood in public? Or just gentle barbs and threats?

She did her best to ignore the pleading of the Glacier Stone in the back of her mind. It wanted to do _so_ much more than exchange friendly words with the Bearer of the Ember Stone. None of those things were very friendly.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver's grip is firm and confident, professionally so. She chuckles softly, adding a nod. "Where it will take us? Well certainly not anywhere -rash- or -impulsive-..." the woman replies knowingly.

"You have something of unique and intrinsic value. I wish to purchase it from you. Would ten million US dollars be of sufficient interest to start the conversation?" Ah yes, ever the businesswoman.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen lowered her hand as the woman prepares her sales pitch.

"Mmm. not rash or impulsive. It really is better to remain calm and clear headed." A brow rises as the offer is made.

"My... and we just agreed not to be rash or impulsive.." she muses with a smirk.

Studying Gloriana, she shakes her head, "We both konw that our... interests.. cannot have a price placed upon them. Truly priceless. I am afraid I must declne your offer, Ms. Silver. Though if you would like to.. donate yours.. I assure you it will be given the utmost care and security." She can't help but smile sweetly.

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver tilts her head, green eyes brightening at the counter-offer. She laughs softly, nodding. "No, of course not. Which tells me you have a good understanding of the stakes involved in this negotiation."

"Every negotiation starts with 'No', of course." Glori declares, sizing up the other woman more closely now. "Perhaps I can offer another option instead."

"Would you be interested in meeting somewhere more appropriate to the scale of this endeavor? Somewhere more secluded, perhaps?" Yes, away from civilian casualties.

Of course Glorianna doesn't doubt the outcome of such an encounter, nor that there would be an epic battle between opposing forces.

Patience Alperen has posed:
The outcome of such a meeting might well be without question. For the singular reason that Patience has zero interest in letting the Glacier Stone go, well, full nuclear as it so longingly pleads her to let it. And by that same token, it is likely that Gloriana would hold nothing back in her efforts to win such a contested battle.

Patience smiled slowly. "I know enough to understand the gravity of being foolish. Whether by selling a item that can have no pricetag. Or by meeting you in any location where you are not forced to behave with civility. I am sorry Ms. Silver. The answer is still no."

Glorianna Silver has posed:
Glorianna Silver's green eyes flicker and a parade of emotions cross her face. She settles on a smile, however, and reaches into a pocket to produce a business card. "I understand, but of course my disappointment will not come as a surprise to you."

Her hand extends, offering the card. "Please take my card, Miss Alperen. Should you have a change of heart, feel free to call me at any time, day or night."

The Ember Stone practically howls in her mind, but Glorianna stifles it. Again.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen hasn't stopped smiling. She perfected the art of a neutral smile when dealing with the Caridnals of the Inquisition, a far more distasteful experience than this, all things considered.

She does take the card, glancing briefly to it. "I find that entirely unlikely, Ms. Silver. But I do thank you for your candor."

And in the back of her own mind, the Glacier Stone is fairly frothing and straining to come out, even just a little. It is all Patience can handle to keep it's urges at bay.

"Do have a good day Ms. Silver." SHe turns abruptly and leaves in quite a hurry. Two blocks away, she turns into an alley, throwing her back to the wall, breathng heavily as she holds her head. "....shit!"