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Latest revision as of 14:06, 26 June 2022

A New Arrival
Date of Scene: 05 May 2022
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Balder, Sara Pezzini

Balder has posed:
    Sara is probably explaining what the rookies have gotten themselves into now that they have landed in Special Investigations. Mostly they were thinking about being around when heroes do their thing, maybe getting on camera or the like. Of course, that's actually the minority of where they will be. Sewer monsters and creepy things in the basement, not to mention just the crazy people who call swearing something with tentacles is following them will actually make up 99% of their workdays.

    Shortly after her lecture, she gets a call to head to Central Park. Reports from hordes of people in or near the park describe a column of rainbow light lancing down inside the park itself. Once she gets there, taking a few reports gives her a general sense of what area of the park to go to.

    As she moves along the pathways, quite a number of other people are going the same way - Everybody needs to stick their nose in. Arriving at the right general area, it's not difficult to find today's complication. It comes in the form of a rather well-muscled man standing with his back to her, a royal blue cloak hanging from his shoulders. He has a smaller man dangling from one hand by the back of his clothing, and appears to be in conversation with one of the park police.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The idea of all these rookies who volunteered to try being in Special Investigations actually made Sara laugh. These were the same officers who only a year ago called her the 'freaky one' and sent all the odd investigations her way. Now here she was, the lead officer in a new unit and they were flocking to her like bees to honey. They really had no idea what they were signing up for, but the fact that she was an Avenger now, as well as maintaining her position in the force, seemed to have turned their opinions of her to a more likable nature.

The call regarding Central Park and the rainbow was obvious to Sara, mostly because she knew who Thor was and had been doing her research with Avenger and SHIELD files. Someone used the Bifrost, but that was the extend of her knowledge. This case would likely get passed to SHIELD in the end, but the idea of the Special Investigation Unit was in fact to ascertain that sort of thing.

Arriving to the park, she sent several of her rookies to maintain the crowd, keep them back, and learn from a distance as she made her way to toward the man in the blue cape with a small man in his hand.

"Excuse me," she offers with a calmness to her tone. "But I really think you should put that man down now."

Balder has posed:
    The larger man turns to face her with a smile on his face.

    He's beautiful.

    That word isn't usually used for men, but it fits in this case. He's got the kind of beauty that Disney princesses start singing songs about whenever they see him.

    He nods and says "That was what this good guardian and I were discussing." He lowers the man so that he's standing on his own feet, but doesn't let go of him. "This one was taking advantage of the confusion my arrival caused to try and steal from several of the people staring at me, so I apprehended him so that he could be given to the correct authorities. Would you be one of those, perchance?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Christ almighty. Sara was not expecting beautiful man. She'd met Thor once, but he was more ruggedly handsome, this Asgardian, accent gave him away, was just... gahhhhh. Okay, keep it together Pezzini.

Waving one of the rookies over, a younger man, a true rookie who didn't already have an opinion of her. "Officer Larson here will take custody of the assailant," she offers as the young man steps up. "And I will take your statement on the matter, Mister...?" She leaves the last part hanging, obviously, trying to get a name out of him.

Balder has posed:
    He turns the pickpocket over to the indicated officer, then motions to three people standing nearby, "These three are the ones he stole from."

    Turning back to Sara, he replies "Balder. Prince Balder Odinson if you wish to be formal about it. I apologize for disrupting your day, I was supposed to land on the Asgardian Embassy grounds, but apparently Heimdall is holding a grudge because I beat him at a dice game a couple days ago."

    Did sunlight _actually_ just glint off his teeth?

    "Anyway, as I looked around after the Bifrost dropped me here, I noticed the people staring at me, but saw that one taking the distraction as a cover to steal, so I apprehended him."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The officers presently, even the Central Park Security, are having troubles not staring... so is Sara. Unearthly beauty was something that grabbed people's attention, so that explained in part why people were distracted upon his arrival. The other part was /how/ he arrived. She wasn't an expert on the Bifost, but she had seen one very short CCTV recording of it in part, before the energy in the area shut the cameras down.

"We call that a citizen's arrest," she offers, taking a moment to note whom he pointed out and another set of gestures sent some rookies to question them. Although the actions of a thief were not anything special, they were all still New York City police officers, so the matter would be taken care of.

"You did indeed miss your landing," she then comments with a slight chuckle. "Perhaps next time you should let this Heimdall win so you don't end up in the Hudson."

"I'm Detective Sara Pezzini, agent of SHIELD, member of the Avengers and wielder of Witchblade. My introduction may be longer," she grins almost slyly at this. "But yours is far more impressive. Are you willing to make a statement as a witness to the crimes?"

Balder has posed:
    "Of course, Detective Pezzini, I would be most happy to do so. Upholding law and order is key to maintaining a proper society after all. Ask me your questions and I will answer them to the best of my abilities."

    A sparrow flits around Baldur's head singing it's heart out, then lands on his shoulder, still singing. Baldur tilts his head towards the bird, then smiles and whistles, the sound indistinguishable from the sparrow song. The bird hops one or twice happily, then takes to the air again, caroling as it circles him.

    "I apologize, Detective, but they do love to show off. As I was saying, please go ahead and ask what you need to."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara maintained a professional smile, one that wasn't too suggestive and yet looked comfortable on her face. That smile twitched when the bird 'shows off' however. She'd seen a lot of things in her life, most horrible and disgusting, but a sparrow landing on the most beautiful male she'd ever seen, singing it's heart out and then the man sings back? No, that was a new one. Cael would loath this guy.

She offers a soft, faked chuckle, "You know birds, always wanting to show off." Clearing her throat a little, she reaches into her pocket to remove a small note pad. Sure, she could use her phone or a tablet, but she learned from two very old school officers, so she kept it old school.

"I just need for you to describe what you saw," she says, trying not to look at him and yet still look at him to keep a professional face. "I'll note what you say, then have you read and sign it as your words."

Balder has posed:
    Baldur nods, "It can sometimes get distracting with all of them yelling 'look at me!' or 'see what a fine nest I have!'. But I can usually tune them out when I need to. Now, as to what I saw. Once the Bifrost closed and I could see clearly, I noted a crowd of people all staring. They were probably not used to seeing such things, I imagine. I noticed the man stealing because he was about the only one not staring at me. I saw him steal a.." he gestures with his hands, outlining a rectangular shape. "a wallet, I believe it is called from the woman's bag, and two more, one from each of the men your officer is talking to. So I moved to catch him so that I could hand him over to the proper authority."

    He pauses here while Sara writes down the information. Once she has done so he asks, "Could you possibly point out the direction the Embassy is in? I need to get in touch with my brother as quickly as possible. There is a great danger coming."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara writes down everything he says, minus the talk about the birds. Her report did not need to include this Asgardian talked to birds, that was for a different report.

"Midgardian's travel by air, land and sea, so the Bifrost would be a shock to see," she admits, finishing up her writing. It's short hand, but the information is all clearly there. "When we finish here, I'll give you a ride to the Asgardian Embas... brother?"

She looks up, suddenly realizing in full what he said. She was writing, so it was a case of his mouth to her ear to her hand, not processing until that moment. "Who is your brother?"

Balder has posed:
    Baldur laughs merrily and says, "Why, Thor, of course. What other Asgardian would I be coming here to bring a warning to? He spends far more time here than at home, so if we need to talk to him, then we must come here to find him."

    He leans a little closer and lowers his voice, saying "Though we have been sorely tempted a time or two to simply pluck him up with the Bifrost, but that is considered bad manners, so instead, here I am."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For one brief moment Sara enjoys the image of Thor being sucked up by the Bifrost while in the middle of something, in her head it happened to be shopping because that's something people do in Midgard. It's a hysterically funny imagine, both being just plucked away and, Thor shopping.

"I work with Thor," she offers, before turning the note pad around for him to look over. "If everything there matches your statement, please place your initials at the bottom of the page, then I'll take you over to the Asgardian Embassy. I wonder if across realms cell phones could become a thing..." she muses at the end, more to herself then him.

Balder has posed:
Nodding as he quickly looks over what she has written, he accepts her pen and signs his initials where she had indicated, then returns the pen. He nods when she mentions the across realms phones, saying "It would be nice to have some reliable method of speaking to those we wish other than having to come here in person, but for now at least, the visits are our only option.

    "Yes, you did say you were one of the Avengers, as I recall. That works out nicely, despite my wayward landing. Do lead the way detective, and we shall make our way out to find my brother. I apologize for the trouble, but am thankful for the assistance."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pauses long enough to pass her note pad to one her team, give them a few reminders, get them to stop staring at Balder, then indicates for Balder to follow her.

"Normally we suggest people call the police when a crime is being committed," she offers as they walk back along the paths toward the street. "You however, are capable of taking care of yourself against anything a normal Midgardian could do, so it's not as big of a deal. I think however, that in the future, it might be a good idea not to try and handle things on your own. The laws of these lands have far too many loopholes for criminals to use."

Once they reach the sidewalk, she heads toward a black SUV with the lights still blinking, but no siren. No need for that annoyance. Opening the passenger side door for him, she waits for him to climb in and says, "Perhaps we'll get you a cell phone for when you do arrive here, then you can make calls to get rides when Hiemdall is a sore loser."

Balder has posed:
    Climbing into the car, he settles into the seat and looks around, "This looks like a serviceable mode of transport, though from watching others go by you may have too many in one place. They all seem to be going rather slowly." He settles back into the seat and says, "Very well detective, let us be on our way. And that sounds like a good idea, to have a way of contacting him when I come here."

    Looking out the window at the buildings all around, he's made no move to put on the seatbelt. Not a surprise, given that he has no idea what a seatbelt is and doesn't need one since he really couldn't be harmed by any sort of car accident.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara has to take a moment to decide about the seatbelt. The law was clear, everyone in the vehicle had to wear one, but this guy wasn't from here. Reaching up she pulled her own seatbelt into place, trying to make a bit of a show of it, but he's already looking else where. Shit.

"I need you to take that belt there," she points to the seatbelt on the side of the SVU. "And fasten it down here," she indicates the buckle by his side on the seat. "We call that safety, not that a car accident could hurt you. I could actually get in trouble for you not wearing one."

She glances to the rubberneckers, there was /always rubberneckers. "They've slowed down because the lights on the SVU indicate the police, and they are attempting to see what is going on. We call them rubberneckers, they're an annoyance but they aren't breaking the law, so there's nothing we can do about it."

Balder has posed:
    With a shrug, he pulls the seatbelt around and fastens it as explained. "If it is the law of the land, then of course I will do it." Examining the seatbelt once it is on he nods and says, "I can see how these would help should two of these vehicles collide, considering that most of you from Midgard are rather easily injured. It is smart of you to build safety restraints into your vehicles and make them mandatory to use."

    He glances out of the window again as they start moving, watching all the people and buildings go by. "There really are quite a lot of you, aren't there? I'm glad you offered your assistance, it would have taken me forever to get to the embassy on my own."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Now that he's actually secured, Sara starts the SUV and pulls into traffic. Once she's moving she turns the lights off, no need to abuse that power to get him to the Embassy, but she wasn't against it should the need arise.

"There are trillions of humans on the planet," she offers, watching traffic so not looking at him while talking. "You are presently in the country called the United States, but there are numerous nations as well, each with their own laws."

Stop light, so she looks over at him a moment. In another moment, she'd be trying to take his picture, but she's a professional, so not now. "Vehicles like this are the primary form of transportation in the United States, but we also have public transit for those who don't own cars."

Pulling through the intersection when the light goes green, she sets her chosen roads to get them to the Embassy. "Part of my job with the NYPD includes ensuring that visitors from other planets, realms and realities, don't start getting themselves in trouble by breaking the laws of this state and country. Taking you to the embassy ensures you don't do that, but that aside, it's my pleasure to help out."

Balder has posed:
    "I have heard a decent amount about this place, given Thor's affection for it. I'm by no means familiar with it, but I understand the general geography at least. Thor has described some of the less built up places where your planet's beauty rivals that of Asgard. I hope to see some of it one day, but for now, stern duty compels me to seek out Thor above all else."

    Listening to her explain her duties, he replies "Well, I certainly do not wish to break any laws here, so that part is simple enough. And I do appreciate you taking your time to help me personally, you could have had one of your men take me, leaving you free to deal with any truly dangerous events should they occur."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara almost laughs at the mention of one of her men doing it, she just barely manages to keep the laughter back and instead sort of snerk coughs. The idea of one of her new to the whole concept of something other than humans, driving an Asgardian to the Embassy, probably the long way to ask a hundred questions, was just humorous.

"Rank has privilege's," she comments with a chuckle. "They get to do all the paper work, while I get to go for a ride and make a new friend."

At another red light she glances over to add, "That and they would flip out over being in a car with you, most have never dealt with anything not really... of earth. We were all part of the clean up after the invasion, but even still, we didn't directly deal with it. It's new waters."

Balder has posed:
    "Yes, I remember Thor's stories from when he first arrived here. Of course, with father taking his powers away until he proved himself, he must have appeared to your people as a madman. He was fortunate to run across Jane Foster. Or be run over by her, as I recall the story. Still, I guess it worked out well enough, all things considered." He chuckles at the memory, then sighs, the light in the city seeming to dim for a moment.

    "I only wish my visit here was for a more pleasant reason." He glances over to Sara and then continues, "You should ready your troops as quickly as you can, there is a great danger coming to all of our worlds soon, and those who are unprepared may find themselves engulfed by it."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara frowns deeply. This wasn't good news, especially after the fact that they'd /just/ managed to get the angels back where they belong. For a moment she is silently while her brain is turning this information over a few times, then she finally asks, "Can you be more specific on the type of danger? I have connections all over, including the Justice League Dark, perhaps if we had more to go on then 'great danger coming' we could actually prepare."

She wasn't going to go into being a leader of the JLD, that's just not needed right now and she still still questioning that decision. "Are we talking magical, alien, demons, something else?"

Balder has posed:
    Shaking his head, Baldur answers, "We are not certain, mother and I have both been casting spells of divination since I first sensed a great danger, but whatever it is seems to be able to block or elude us somehow. All I can be certain of is that I have never felt more danger. Usually the warnings I get are personal danger, or danger to those I am close to. This time it seems to be a danger to all things."

    He looks at the bracelet on her wrist and addresses it directly, "You should be ready as well Godslayer. I cannot tell exactly what is going on, but it may well match or even exceed your strength." He sits back in the seat, his face a study in emotions as he mentally catalogues the most powerful things he knows of to try and match it to the danger he senses. Given that he's been doing that for days, noting productive comes of it and he shakes his head. "I hate to be so vague, but I only have so much to work with."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara's eyes flick to the bracelet, not that she needs to see the red stone turn to an orb of swirling back smoke, she can feel it. Witchblade stirring in mind and the eye opening to look directly at Balder. He'd been slumbering for a few days now, due to the exertion of his energy to bring Cael back from the brink of death. Now he was awake, the sound of Balder's voice addressing him directly being enough to do it.

"Sometimes vague is all we have," she comments, starting to field a number of questions in her mind from the Godslayer. "We both thank you for your warning, no matter how vague it might be Balder, it's more than we would have had other wise."

Pulling into the Embassy's property, the semi circle drive that takes visitors right to the guarded from door, Sara pulls to a stop. Reaching into her jacket pocket she pulls out a card that she offers to Balder. "Once you get yourself a phone, this is my number. If you learn anything more about this danger, no matter how small, please call me and let me know. Thor isn't exactly the sort to be open with information, and if the entire world is in danger... again... we need information."

Balder has posed:
    He accepts the card, tucking it into a belt pouch for safekeeping. "I am certain someone at this embassy can provide me a communication device that works here. I will keep you informed of anything else that we figure out. And I'll remind Thor that he needs to play nice with those he works with." That grin comes out thinking of that, and it seems like the world gets a little brighter.

    "It was a pleasure meeting you, Detective Pezzini. Just a pity it was for this sort of reason and not simply a visit." He figures out how to release the seatbelt after a moment's poking around, then opens the door and gets out of the car, waving to her as he heads for the doors of the embassy.