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Latest revision as of 14:06, 26 June 2022

Saeko in the Lion's Den
Date of Scene: 04 May 2022
Location: Thomas Blake's new safe house. Not yet tiger friendly.
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Saeko

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake discovered a lot of supervillains did contracting work. It made sense. If you could build a freeze ray you could install an AC. Heck, Jenny was even calling herself the Carpenter. She'd laid a nice floor in fact and was fin to watch at work. the basement was not yet fixed up for Rasputin and the 12 foot high trees to screen the yard where on order. He'd have a hot tub delivered next week. Best of all no more flipping imps running around.

It did not feel like home just yet...

Saeko has posed:
Maybe it wasn't home enough, maybe not, but it beckoned enough by it's occupant, he'd here a soft clearing of a throat. Sure enough, Saeko was here... but not in her full foxy glory. Instead she was even in her blonde human guise, lest another mortal step in and see her. "It is almost strange," she muses lightly, "to see you in a home without all the damage the imps cause."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake makes a soft chuffing sound of disgust. "I fooled myself into thinking I was a partner in that arrangement. I fooled myself about a lot of things. Some good came from it." He steps closer to the kitsune, unaccustomed to her blonde guise and strokes her hair absently. "I got something for you, well in honor of you."

He opens his shirt to reveal a small fox head tattoo on his deltoid muscle. Hiragana beneath it spell out -"Socko."

"Did the guy get your name right? S-A-E-K-O, right?" Thomas asks seriously.

Saeko has posed:
"Fooled? Perhaps...or maybe it was simply just the limitation of how it could be..." she murmers softly before giggling lightly as she feels his hand brushing through her hair. A little shift and for a moment one of the strokes seems to sweep the blonde away back to her normal dark raven locks. "Oh? Something for me?"

The reveal of the tattoo brings a giggle from the vixen. "I am...unused to seeing it written in English..." she murmers, before drawing her fingertip over the letters. "It is...the thought that counts, no?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake leans in next to her magical color changing hair. "Oh well, I have some dinner for us -cheeseburgers. I'm thinking of something afterwards, can you guess what? I want this thought to really count." He gives her a hug, big cat style. Half romantic and half, well it looks like he'll kill her, break her under his weight. He stops short of this of course, but retains his grasp.

"You can see if blondes have more fun. Or not."

Saeko has posed:
The hug does indeed take the beath from her lungs, the embrace returned even if her physical form didn't quite have the strength to match the intensity of the squeeze. Still, she could speak, she could indeed breathe... and so she would grin. "Thomas..." she giggles, looking up to meet his gaze. "-Kitsune- have the most fun..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods. "This is why was attracted to you. Plus, you are unflinchingly kind to me. I know you shielded me from a lot of things in your gentle way. This is why I'm gentle with you. Rasputin senses it too. He loves you. So listen, this is not something that comes naturally to me but if you should want to be exclusive, I'm willing."

Saeko has posed:
A little shift of her hand and she traces it upwards, making to stroke against his cheek before closing her eyes. Leaning upwards, her brow touches his own before she speaks again. "Is that what you desire Thomas...? Willingness is one thing but...I know you know my nature... what it means to be immortal for relationships..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake considers his words carefully. "If you prefer this, I'll do it. I offered the same to the ex. She wanted no part of it. But I offered it. If it makes you happy, I will do it. If you like things the way they are I will continue the way they are. As for being immortal, I'm immortal, till I die. I doubt I will have an old age to worry about. But this is good." He lifts his head to softly kiss her on her forehead. "I... want to tell you about me, how I got the way I am. Do you want to hear it?" He leads her to a couch. If she'll go.

Saeko has posed:
"Tell me then," she murmers lightly, leaning back from the kiss after it occurs to gently recline like she were laying lounging...even if it was reclining lightly in the air almost weightlessly. Easy enough to carry until she's lowered back onto the couch and gravity seems to affect her once more. "I am certainly curious to your story..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake kisses the kitsune and seems to draw some confidence from the act.

"My mother, Sienna was an actress, till she met my father, Reese -a bastard. She retired from acting after the wedding. He kept being a bastard. He abused her, a slap here, and snark there. I remember on safari she took issue with him and his killing and he tore her shirt open to humiliate her in front of hi crew. She was never the same after that. I thin k she wanted to run but was scared for me."

"No superheroes to rescue Thomas and Sienna. When I was in my tweens I heard them arguing. She was screaming at him and then, a body fell down the stairs. She was dead when I got to her. I remember Captan Gordon sitting with me for a while after that. Then the inquest ruled it accidental. I knew, the good honest men and heroes were not going to help me. So I helped myself. Another jury ruled that Reese Blake was shot when a rifle his son was cleaning went off. I shot him through the heart and... I became the ruthless bastard he wanted me to be. In fact I shouldn't have drilled him through the heart. I should gotten him in the thigh, let him bleed out, slowly... but I was a kid. What did I know?"

"Then I decided to destroy everything he'd left me, mansion, money, family name. I wanted nothing from him. I was broke and talking about the Batman in a club when I decided to be a costumed criminal. Dishonor my father further. You know the rest. I'll never hurt a woman if there is any other way. Men have it easier than women in so many ways. I try to make them happy -not that it's like work for me. Till you, I never stayed with one for long. So truly, tell me, what do you prefer?"