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Latest revision as of 14:13, 26 June 2022

Something is going on at Area 51
Date of Scene: 28 March 2022
Location: Area 51, New Mexico
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Amy Sue Allen, Shredder, Hellboy

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Amy was asleep when the call came, as it was near the middle of the night. Still she is an Air Force office and on call any time of the day or night in an emergancy. She was dressed and in the briefing room in ten minutes.

She saluted the Major (who happens to be her father) and stated, "Lt Allen reporting for duty sir."

He said cisply, "We have lost contact with one of out other facilities, we need to get Bombshell there ASAP to find out what is going on. Grab you comset and get in the air. Dismissed."

Amy turned and started from the room, her skin already turning silver as she brought forth her Dilustel shell. A quick stop to grab her communications headpiece and get directions ans she was in the air, headed south and a bit west at mach 3.

Shredder has posed:
    The Shredder had lost word from his own infiltration team at Area 51. At first, he thought they had simply failed him, and been caught, but upon further investigation, he learned that they weren't the only ones who hadn't been heard from. The team had been an experienced one. They weren't common to just vanish without reporting. They had been doing this for some time. It wasn't long before the master made the appearance himself. The nearby foothills provide the best cover for an incoming stealth team, and that's where he's had his elites arrive. Despite the recommendation of his Chuunin to bring a larger force, Shredder has only brought with him a single team of four elites, their garb of black with brown rice hats a natural camoflauge with the dusty surroundings of the Nevada desert.

    The Shredder himself doesn't feel any need to change his commonly recognized armor. He's had a knack for centuries of hiding regardless of his attire. At the top of a foothill by a scraggly bush, he crouches, examining the layout below for activity.

Hellboy has posed:
    A black helicopter flies over the Nevada desert. Inside, most of the persons are dressed as one would expect special forces or black ops agents to dress. One, however, stands out. Hellboy is not only quite a bit larger than the humans, but he is a demon, which kind of makes him the odd man out. Fortunately, the people around him are incredibly disciplined and don't stare. He is the person they will give their lives to protect to get him to the drop zone, this time around. The irony of that isn't lost on him.
    As the helicopter flies low near to the secret base, one of the men tells the cigar-smoking demon, "It's time, sir. Good luck."
    Hellboy gets up and moves to the side door. Another agent opens it for him. He jumps out and down, landing before tucking into a roll. Rolling to a crouch, his large sidearm is drawn. Never know when one might encounter a wendigo or chupacabra in the North American southwest.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
The military base seems notmal enough at a glance. Amy would not know it had anything wrong before she was mafe a Qunatum Soldier. Now she could sense some kind of energy permeating the area. She landed near the main entrance. There is a guard post, so she would expect to be challenged, assuming things were going normally.

Watching from the hills, Shredder sees a figure fropping from a helicopter on the other side of the base and also sees a familiar flying silver woman land near the front gate. He then sees a beam of blue light strike her from the guardpost and knock her off her feet. Hellboy, having landed on the other side of the base from the ninja, sees a flying silver figure (who is female and dressed in an air force uniform if you can make that out) land and walk up to the frond gte before being knocked down by a blast of energy.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder doesn't frown, he doesn't smile, he doesn't give any emotional response as he watches the hero and the demon arrive on the scene. He simply starts walking down toward the side fence, unconcerned with the new arrivals. It does tell him that something has drawn their attention other than infiltrators. He motions for his elite to follow, and spears in hand, the four elites creep down the hillside as they make their way for the installation.

    The blue light draws all five of their attention, pausing their advance. A weapon perhaps? One can never really tell in a world full of superpowers. The hero's fate is not his concern, though. Shredder advances more quickly on the gate, intent on taking advantage of what has just gained the center stage. He sprints at the gate, and begins a series of handsprings, speeding up his momentum, and then suddenly adjusts at the base of the gate, causing the torque of the spin to launch him skyward and over the fence, and down to the ground on the other side.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy is a vision of discretion, especially when there's someone firing off super-powers of indeterminate power in the vicinity. He sprints behind cover, peeking out to look at the watch tower.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Bombshell's Dilustel armor reduces the intensity of the power, but even so she lies there clutching her head as she struggles to keep the alien presence out. It withdraws in seeming puzzlement as she remembers to start absorbing power, reducing the effect even further. She staggers to her feet as the attack snaps off.

Amy comments, for the benefit of the people listening back at Project Quantum, "I have come under a strong mental assault. Just before the attack I saw the guard's eyes glowing blue. I will investigate to see if it is only the one guard, or if there are others similarly capable of attacking me."

She is at a different anglr than Hellboy and notes his presence. She hurries over towards him, and pauses for a moment when she gets a better look at his asymmetrical form and red pigmentation, She says, "I am Bombshell, working with the USAF to investigate the loss of contact with this base. Do you know anything about wat is going on?" She has decided not to take things at face value, or she probably would have attacked the demonic being.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder watches the interaction between Bombshell and Hellboy, before turning his attention back to the installation itself. Whatever trouble has befallen the installation is not his problem. He wants his people out. He may sacrifice his shinobi for his causes, but he does not waste their lives needlessly, and his intentional care for them is part of why his followers are so loyal.

    He makes his way into the compound, observing the guards. They have little variation in their routes, or as best as he can tell. A habit that should not be present for such an installation. The response is an almost casual approach, using this to his advantage as his elites fan to other corners, looking for similar convergence points toward the center of the compound as he searches for his missing team.

Hellboy has posed:
    "Just got here," Hellboy says. He nods toward the watch tower and says, "Wasn't briefed about the laser weaponry." He looks over the woman and concludes, "You must be the heavy artillery for such an event, huh?"

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Bombshell responds, "That was not a Laser, Lasers can not hurt me. It was some kind of mental assault. I barely managed to keep my mind my own, I get the feeling that he I had made eye contact with that guart without this shell between us it wouldn't be."

Shredder has been in enough military bases to realize there is something wrong here. It seems like everyone is going through their routines on automatic.

Hellboy has posed:
    "Psycho nut jobs, got it," Hellboy says. "Okay, well, you keep them off me. I'm going to head into the bowels of this base and see if I can't complete my mission." Hellboy rushes from cover to cover, largely ignored, but he's not taking any chances. He's a shadow in the night...er...a big, red, sprinting demon in the well-lit compound who thinks he's a shadow in the night. Yup. Totally the right agent for a covert mission like this. He disappears into one of the buildings.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder continues through the base, making his way to each of the compound buildings. The suspicion that there is not a true military presence has come to the forefront. It's like the entire security is on a form of autopilot. Replaced by robots? No...something else.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Amy does not want to hurt the people on the base, so she starts concentrating on emiting paralyzing energy pulses. With any luck it will hold people motionless, in spite of whatever is controlling them. It seems to work, the guard freezes and she just walks by him. She soon realizes her mistake though, she can not concentrate on her energy sense to try to track down the power source at the same time as she is concentrating on emitting the energy. Further, her energy field has a limited range, so once she moves far enough, the guard unfreezes. Being on automatic, he sounds the alarm...

Shredder has two real choices, he can look for his people, or he can try to find what they were searching for.

Shredder has posed:
    People are always the more valuable resource in the eyes of the ninja master. He keeps an eye on the more direct approach of Amy, and when the alarm is sounded, that gives him a new opening. The elites in their areas of search take to the roofs of the buildings, and ready for combat, while Shredder makes his way directly for the building that his people had been stationed in.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Bombshell elects to wait, her best bet is to get as many people as she cat at the edge of the paralysis zone, and then catch them in an explosive energy release. That means letting them attack her, so it is a good thing she is pretty bulletproof. She might have to worry if they bring out anti-tank munitions.

Shredder makes his way to the lab area where his men were working as assistants. Oddly enogh, despite the alarm, everyone in the lab is apparently doing routine lab work. It does not take him long to locate his men, but he immediately notices they are acting as much like automatons as the others.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder watches the work for a moment. Whatever is causing this is certainly a common foe. He walks to the fire alarm, pulling it for the building to see what response comes from the workers. He is not remarkably concerned for his safety. Instead, he is curious as to what will happen. He is starting to understand why Bombshell was sent in to address the situation. But the question remains...what exactly IS this situation.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
The people react exactly as if it were a fire drill, which in this case means closing fireproof cabinets before they leave and then filing out of the building single-file, leaving Shredder alone inside.

Amy has a circle of people surrounding her, just at the edge of her paralysis range where they froze. Another group is just flightly further back, firing at her ineffectively. She realizes, however, they if they are following the playbook (which they likely will, they seem to be blankly following procedures with no thoughts of their own) the next step will be to bring out heavier weapons. She drops the paralyzing impulses, causing those who had been caught in the field to fall rorward onto the ground, and then uses the ability that gives her the name Bombshell, heleasing an explosive blast of energy whoes overpressure wave knocks out everyone in the field around her. She starts looking for the source of the energy field while she has time...she knows it will not be long before the heavy weapons arrive.

Shredder has posed:
    The explosion goes off, and Shredder frowns behind his mask. He goes to acquire the intel his team had been seeking, using the time he has alone in the building before exiting to check on the situation.

    The elites, however, have a far better view from atop the buildings. They spot their comrades exiting with that automatic stupor, and descend, heading past Amy's battle. They don't seem to be concerned with helping, either. Upon reaching the infiltrators, they take their spears, and move to knock them out. Their mission is to get out the team. The master wasn't particular on the method. They don't know if these are defector traitors, or if they have some other cause of their behavior. They don't care. They have a job to do.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Since the technicians and scientists shut down and locked their stations as they left, it may take a bit of effort for Shredder to dig out what he is seeking (depending on what that is and what he already knows).

The Ninja Elites, as soon as they are seen by their erstwhile comrades (if they are seen, remember those looking still have the skills of Ninja themselves) will witness their eyes begin to glow and come under mental assault as Amy was earlier.
    Bombshell located the nexus of the energy she is sensing and heads towards it. It seems to be in one of the housing units.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder has many skills, but as it is, computers are not among them. It isn't long before he abandons the idea of taking the information from the computers himself, and returns to see his elites being taken control of by some form of unknown force. He looks out at Bombshell, and decides that it may be time for him to help. He wants to make sure his people are free. He takes off in a sprint for Bombshell's direction, hoping that she has an idea. Did he fight her recently? Yes. He doesn't hold a grudge, though. She is a practical ally at the moment.

    As if she should have expected him, he announces himself as he reaches her. "What manner of sorcery have your people unleashed?" he asks. "I am not keen on my family being manipulated in these strange manners. What is the explanation for this?" he asks with a calm, collected, but decidedly intentional voice.

Amy Sue Allen has posed:
Bombshell is busy concentrating on the energy signature, it is hard to trace, when Shredder addresses her. She is glad the Dilustel Armor partly masks her, to help cover her surprise. She says, "You again? Look, I do not know what is going on, I was sent to investigate because the Air Foprce lost contact with the base. I think the cause of the problem, or at least the focus of it, is over this way. I can feel something radiating energy, though each person that it controls seems to act as a repeater making the total signal stronger..."