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Latest revision as of 14:14, 26 June 2022

Date of Scene: 14 March 2022
Location: Greenhouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Susan Sullivan, Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan wears a 'vintage', yellow, rubber raincoat as she walks through Gotham City's streets. She hums a jaunty tune and nearly skips. She approaches a large, glass building filled with unnaturally large and unusual plants. It's not exactly a secret that it belongs to Pamela Isley. Susan pulls keys from within her rain coat's pocket and flips through them as she hums. She finds the right one and plugs it into the lock, giving it a turn. The lock hasn't had time to rust, for this is a common trip for the chipper goth. Just inside the door, she stops and takes several deep breaths as she takes her hood down. The plants send some ominous tendrils her way, but in moments, they retract, giving Susan more freedom to move.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It's all been somewhat suspicious. First the vampire-like girl she met with the van, now the life-like Susan that resembles the last one but is .., alive. And now she's walking out of Aunt May's house? This merits investigation! Impulsive-like just like Gwen likes to roll. It means turning off the spider-HUD and call out for other ALLIES.

Like a certain Miles.

<< Hey, meet me at....>> She is perching up atop a building from the garden Susan is walking into, a suspicious look from under the mask. Poison Ivy's turf? That's one of Gotham's criminals from what little Gwen knows of them... << Gotham. Ivy's perch. Looking into our new spider friend. >> and just to be helpful she even sends her location through text. Because she's smartphone savvy like the best of them!

She walks to the edge of the building and squats down while waiting, fully dressed up as Ghost Spider. Black and white with the pink rims around the eyes of the mask.

Miles Morales has posed:
"I! I've been watchin' you! I think I wanna' know ya'! Know Ya'!"
"Said I! I'm a little dangerous! Girl, I'd love to show ya'!" o/~

The musical stylings and singing are coming from above as the black and red Spider-Man swings through the city of Gotham! That's right, the Urban Spidey's swinging to the beat of Morris Day and The Time bumpning through is headphones on his way towards a particular greenhouse of known plantery!

"My jungle love, yeah! Oh-We-Oh-We-Oh!" o/~

Spider-Miles, as he affectionately calls himself, lets go of his webline high above the buildings and his descent is extra stylized with some helicopter spins with the breakdancing in the air. Showing off for absolutely no one as he lands on the other side of the rooftop from where Ghost Spider has perched.

Taking a moment to turn off his tunes and pull his headphones down, Spider-Miles just kind of hops over to the other side of the roof to perch next to Ghost Spider. "Best Back Up Ever is here." Signature Spider-Crouch Activate. "What're we doing again?" Guess somebody just /skimmed/ the text. Oy.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan is explored by planty tentacle vines as she moves through the dangerous web of plant life. There's one that looks less enthusiastic about being an animate plant, and she moves to it. From their perch above, the spider-friends wouldn't be able to see what she does, but once she's done, the plant perks up. She gives one of its flower petals a soft kiss and moves on. Soon, she's got a watering can, filling it at a faucet deep within the plantlife. She's likely invisible from the street, but from above, she still stands out in that bright yellow raincoat amongst the deep green of the foliage.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Why is it always raining in Gotham? Ugh, this is why she is a New York girl. At least she has her own tunes to listen to while waiting for Miles. A little Garbage with 'Only happy when it rains' What? She loves the 90s!

Head is still bobbing back and forth when Miles finally arrives but she letting out a sigh at those last words. "Investigating the new girl." she tells Miles. "You know, the one that's been going to Aunt May's place?" she lets out another sigh, pointing to the greenhouse Susan disappeared into. "Turns out our 'friend' just went into what appears to be one of Poison Ivy's gardens so ...." she lets that sink in. But then she remembers this is Miles she is talking to. "Poison Ivy is one of Gotham's known criminals..." just in case he didn't know!

"So let's go in, investigate, see what she's up to." And with that she launches a web and goes airborne, graceful and elegant as she spins up to the roof to find an entrance through there. Or at least some windows she can peer through to see what Susan may be up to.

And she seems to be ..., watering the plants? That makes Gwen tilt her head to the side, "Uh ..." she eloquently tells Miles.

Miles Morales has posed:
"Right." Miles sounds like a Power Ranger with that response since he's paying attention to the informational download that's coming from Gwen. It's all locked into his memory right then and there, while he also tries to figure out what this person could be up to while dealing with the likes of Poison Ivy.

"Poison Ivy's definitely bad news. She has her own Subreddit." Just in case that helps explain just how much he knows about such a Gotham based Rogue.

"Right behind ya'!" Miles is up and thwipping a lot less gracefully and more wild styled than Gwen. It's supposed to look bad on purpose but at least he's quick with the movements. It doesn't take him any time to follow up and end up on the greenhouse roof as well.

"Yeah, uh, so she has to be mind controlled or something, right?" Miles is referring to the plant watering. "Nobody I know would water this many plants on purpose." Miles corrects himself, "Especially evil plants."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    From her space inside the greenhouse, Susan notices the plants reaching for something up above. She looks up and sees two spider-figures. Reaching out her hand, a tool handle with no tool on the end comes to her like Rey's lightsaber. She grabs it and swings it at her legs. Pinching it between her thighs, she sits on it like a witch's broomstick as she lifts up and up toward the windows. Once there, she knocks on one near the two's feet. "Hey!" she calls up, the sound muffled by the wet glass. "What are you guys doing?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Her 'subreddit is it?" There's amusement on Gwen's voice when Miles explains where he knows Ivy from. "I thought you were going to say her instagram." yep, totally teasing him now. Gwen shifts her position up on the ceiling after, hands glueing to the glass like a .., spider..., she moving over to the side for a window, aiming to go in until....

Ooops, they got busted.

"Why did I have to choose white for my outfit...?" she grumbles a bit to herself. Not great for stealth missions! "Well, might as well go down and talk to her now.." she tells Miles. A beat, "Also, don't think plants can actually be evil, can they? Unless they would have a mind of their own and that would be a scary thought." she opens a window on the side and peeks her head in, making sure to still be far away from any stray plant that could try going for her. "Is it safe for us to go down there?" she asks.

Miles Morales has posed:
"Listen, just because I follow her on Instagram doesn't mean..." Miles does a double take. "Hey! How do you know who I'm following on Instagram!" Either Miles really does or he's just leaning into the teasing. Whatever the case may be, it definitely makes the stakeout a couple more levels of entertaining. Usually these things are pretty boring.

Spider-Miles does the stupid Spider In Headlights wave at the plant waterer below when they are caught. There's really not much else to do when something like that happens so easily. Granted, it's a greenhouse which is like eighty-eight percent glass, right?

Miles follows Gwen's lead except he chooses a different window to stick his head through. "Yeah, uh, I've seen Little Shop of Horrors. Good movie but not a fan of Audrey II's fondness for human flesh." Miles is definitely not flipping down there until there are some plant assurances made.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan meets Gwen at the window. "Not really," Susan says, shaking her head. She pulls her hood up. "I'm one of the boys, so to speak," she says. "They see me as one of their own, as much as a plant can see anything." She looks back at the plants that are reaching as if to hunt the spiders on the roof. Looking back toward the window, she says, "Give me a bit to finish up, and I'll meet you guys behind the building."
    Susan doesn't seem to notice Miles as she focuses on Gwen. When he slips through the window, the world seems to tilt. Gravity gravity break? As he is pulled back, he's kept outside the range of the hungry plants as the window is re-closed.
    "Please don't feed the plants," Susan says toward Miles without looking at him.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I am not even going to ask ..." Gwen says across to Miles when he speaks of that movie. One she hasn't seen apparently! Yet her attention quickly goes back to Susan when she speaks up to them. "Fine, meet at the back then. And hey, no using your powers on Carbon!" she warns Susan when she notes him being pulled back. She's still suspicious about things after all.

Then a lift of her shoulders when she regards Miles and asks in a low tone, "Are you still going as Carbon or....?" she doesn't know what his hero name might be these days.

A moment later she closes the window she was perching by and then launches herself down to the ground, behind the building to wait, arms folding together, "So, what do you think?" she asks Miles.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I'd rather be rude than for him to get hurt," Susan says. "I'll meet you in the back when I'm done." She reaches out and closes the window. She then rides the handle to the floor where the plants are pleased to be watered once more.
    It's about fifteen minutes before she's fully done with her responsibilities, and she comes out the front door before going around the corner. Unfortunately for her, there's a gentleman waiting for her with a knife as soon as she comes into view of the alley. A knife is pulled on her. "'ey, girlie," he says. She can't smell the qi of the other men behind her through the falling rain, but it's a safe assumption. "Let's go for a ride."
    "Oh, I wouldn't do that, if I were you," Susan says calmly. "I'm cursed."
    Much like gravity felt like it broke for Miles, the knife arm of the man threatening Susan moves toward his own throat. He fights against it, but fear grips him. Susan turns to look at the other two men. Their hands also hold weapons, but not guns. Not knives, either, but they drop them immediately as soon as their arms start to misbehave. When a weapon is dropped, control of the arm is returned, and the two men run off terrified. Susan turns her attention back to the man with the knife who apologizes profusely to the curse itself. With a death grip on his knife, Susan simply walks past him. "Excuse me," she says, politely. She stops. "You should probably go to church or something to get that curse off you."
    As soon as she's around the corner, she can hear footsteps as he runs away. Well, she did let go of him, so that was a thing. She looks up toward the rooftops. "You guys coming down, or am I coming up?" she asks toward the alleyway sky.

Miles Morales has posed:

Miles is already nervous about these plants now there's some invisible guidance happening to him. "I mean, I've heard of hanging around but this is--"

When the gravitational grip around him is no longer there, Miles drops to the rooftop with an annoyed thump! Underneath that mask, there is definitely some frowning. Top tier frowning.

"Seriously?!" That one's louder so that Susan, wherever she is, can hear it.

Spider-Miles crawls back to his feet and is in the middle of dusting himself off. "Nah. Just uh... Spider-Man now. Can't beat the classics, right?" Miles tries to explain stuff away, "The Carbon phase is over. So is the Shadow Spider phase. The Kid Arachnid phase. The Recluse phase." Miles realizes this when he says it, "... I had a lot of phases."

There's a leap down to be next to Gwen for this and a shrug. "I mean, I didn't get thrown across the city. Or cursed. So uh... Benefit of the Doubt time?" There's at least one + in the Not Evil Column.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
As Miles starts going through all his names Gwen opens her arms to the side as if he's just proving her point. "Wait ..., the Recluse? When was -that-?" is it disapproval in her voice? Well, it's an amused disapproval at least. A brow arches up under her mask and she shakes her head a bit to herself, "Actually, nevermind. Spider-man is just fine! I mean, I did call myself Spider Woman a long time ago ..." when was that?!

"I like how you are a glass half-full kinda guy, Spider-man." See? Already using his new name. "Well, let's be chill with her at least. I have met her a few times before, and even if this does sound strange maybe she has an explanation for it."

The spider-sense tingles up at the nearby danger and she looks over yonder to see Susan dealing with the thugs, "Gotham, amirite?" there's always a thug. Or a masked crusader. Sometimes both!

"We are down here already, come over." she tells Susan, "So what's up with watering Ivy's plants?" she asks.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan furrows her brow. How does one even BE stealthy dressed like the top of a police car? Still, they've got their interfaces off, so they don't show up in Susan's contacts. They didn't seem like they had wanted to be seen despite their choice of hiding places when they first arrived.
    Walking to where the spiders were, Susan stuffs her hands in her pockets. At least she was dressed for the rain. Those suits didn't look warm at all. "Abundance of qi," Susan says. "Why? I'm not participating in anything criminal. Just watering plants."

Miles Morales has posed:
"I dunno. Watering the plants of a sexy evil plant lady is kind of criminal adjacent." This is what happens when he's thinking about the Instagram which is totally Gwen's fault by the way! He definitely didn't bring it up!

Gwen gets a thumbs up due to the fact that she's using his new name that's an old name and not even his but it's just like... it's too classic to pass up, right?

"But we definitely didn't come here for trouble. Promise." This is Miles trying to keep everything diplomatic. "You gotta' cut us a little slack. Usually people walking in and out of this place?" Miles thumbs towards the Greenhouse. "Are Ivy's Plant Patrol or whatever she calls 'em." Miles is probably just digging this hole way deeper than it needs to be.

"Also, what's a Qi? Is this like a half-baked quiche or...?"