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Latest revision as of 14:16, 26 June 2022

Just a normal afternoon... maybe
Date of Scene: 22 February 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Johnny Blaze, Sara Pezzini

Johnny Blaze has posed:
It's been...strange.

Johnny's been checking on Pezzini off and on, but he's also been trying to care for and manage the house. He's even put some old skills to good use, fixing up pieces of the house that looked old or aging, parking his bike in the garage, fixing up Sara's bike a little bit to give her a bit more 'oomph'. Just little things around the place. Though honestly? The weirdest part of all of this was that Johnny was in a house.

A house where he was welcome, loved, and adored. Such a strange thing really, to be in a house at all. He thought he was going to be on the road for the rest of his life. And he was almost right. So he was sitting on the couch, looking around at the place. A TV that was now working was sitting on a entertainment center made out of dark wood that Johnny had put together.

It looks...not horrible. It clearly wasn't made professionally, but it works. If you can put a bike together from scratch, you can put -anything- together. Typically.

He had hoped Sara was still resting. He had given her...quite the welcome home the other night, but he knew she needed her rest. So Johnny was on standby, watching the news.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The bedroom that Sara had as a child and teenager wasn't much different from those years of her life. The primary change was the beg, a larger one had been placed in the bedroom at some point, probably while she was in college and at the academy. Her father used to stand in the door way to talk to her, she could almost hear his voice when she slept in that room, which is why she was asleep in the den on the couch. Some parts of being back in this house were still hard to face.

Having left the hospital a day or two before they wanted her to had given her two days without that irritation to actually put her head together, and in doing that she had managed to reconnect to The Witchblade and break the geas placed on her by Barachiel. For the first time since being chosen by Witchblade, she actually felt like she was actually meant for the task of wielding him. She no longer questioned her purpose or why she chosen, she merely accepted, and that had allowed them to become one again.

No longer requiring the immobilization sling, she kept her left arm in a normal sling as the magical healing went to work on the severed muscle. As she wandered out of the den, dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, she pauses for a moment to note the first of the small changes. Moving into the living room she pauses to once again look around. It was different, not at all how her father would have kept it, and that made it perfect.

"You've been busy," she offered with a grin. "I like that entertainment center."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny made it pretty clear to Sara that she could leave whenever she wanted, even if he wanted her to rest and recover her strength. But it looks like whatever she needed to get sorted out with Witchblade was sorted out. Johnny hums while he watches the TV, though the descent of his now-girlfriend down the stairs makes JOhnny turn his head to smile at her, standing up and approaching her as she wandered out of the den.


He leans in to greet her with a warm kiss, if she permits the contact. "Yeah, it's been a moment. But, well, it was a good project. I was hoping you'd be happy with it. I'm sure your family did better woodwork but-" He frowns a little bit. "It is what it is." Johnny chuckles a tad, though he looks at her arm. It's in a lighter sling. "I see you're doing better."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The kiss is welcomed and returned, Sara's right arm encircling him in a hug as well. He seemed more relaxed, which was a good thing. The stress of her being in the hospital had taken a toll on him and Wade as well, but she was home and not intending to go anywhere for a while. What was happening out there right now, there was nothing she could do about it and she'd come to terms with that. For the time being the game of gods and angels did not require her.

"My dad wasn't too bad with wood," she states as she steps back. "But like myself, his primary hobby was motorcycles. My uncle used to take care of things before he passed, so that's when my aunt would come by and just look at the things that needed to be done, and sigh at her brother, my dad."

Once again her eyes go to the entertainment center. It was odd to her brain to have the television in the living room and not the den, but it made more sense in modern day home design to have it in the living room. Her father had merely kept it the way her mother had kept it, and thus Sara had kept it the same.

"Find the two rooms in the basement that need to be finished?" She then asks with a grin, wondering if he'd actually try to finish the rooms or not. "My father started working on them when I went to college, I think the only parts left are a couple of dry walls and painting."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Nor did it seemingly require Johnny, aside from him attempting to keep everyone's shit together as best as he could. Though she kisses him right back and Johnny's eyes close as his arms encircle her and bring her close to him. Though as they finish their kiss, Johnny chuckles. "Been making those since I was five." Johnny teases her. Though the two unfinished rooms makes him sigh.

"Don't remind me, I've been breaking my back trying to fix those up. I'm decent at drywalls, but I didn't know what kind of paint you'd like." Johnny frowns a little bit, though he shrugs.

"But, the house is fine. Come sit with me and tell me how you've been doing." He reaches for her hand as if to tug her along, if she so desires. He takes a seat on the couch to watch the news, largely just things like 'Manhattan to rebuild following angelic attack' and other whacky headlines.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Letting Johnny take her hand, Sara is lead over to sit on the couch. Again a weird sensation over the TV being right there, but it passes quickly when she decides to sit in his lap rather than beside him on the couch.

"First off, you don't have to do shit around here Johnny," she states. "If you want to, that's another matter entirely, but there's no obligation. I hadn't touched the house since dad's death, but I know he had a lot of little projects going that he would never have finished, even if he was still alive. He was a cop first."

She adjusts her arm in the sling, then rubs her left shoulder a little. "It's healing nicely, can already feel the strength coming back," she then offers and removes the arm from the sling long enough to reach up and caress his face. "Sensation returned to my fingers this morning, so I know the healing is going slow but steady." The arm slips back into the sling. "Just keeping it in the sling to remind me not to try too much with it yet."

"That week in the hospital, the... dream Gaea allowed for Yee to speak to me, it all lead me down a path of acceptance." She finally says after listening to the news for a moment, and then she looks back to his eyes. "I used to question everything about Witchblade, why did he choose me, was this what I was supposed to be doing, was it a spur of the moment thing, would he abandon me as he had others. A lot of doubt, all the time. That's all Barachiel cared to see, because it gave him the excuse to geas me." She snorts, lifting her right hand to look at the duel bracelets wrapped together. "He believed the geas would be the clinchpin, that I would give up, when in fact the geas pissed me off so much it forced me to ask the hard questions and find the answers."

A mischievous smile plays across her lips, "He was afraid of the power Witchblade has, and knew if I fully accepted, I could wield that power more readily. The geas was meant to stop that moment from happening, instead it hastened it."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny sets her on the couch and he sits down after her. Though what surprises him a bit is that she chooses to slide over until she's sitting on his lap. His hand moves until it rests on her lower back as he looks at her. She slides her hand out of her sling to touch his face, and Johnny looks her in the eyes. "I live here, Sara. Gotta take care of the property or it's gonna go to shit." Johnny counters with a bit of a grin.

"That makes sense." Though she puts her arm back in the sling and he smiles at her. "Good to know. and good, thank you for oding that. Last thing I want you to do is push yourself. Your healing is good, but not -that- good, you know?" At least Sara has a healing factor. Johnny gets what he gets, transforms, then goes right back to the state he was in before he transformed.

Though hse speaks of Barachial. "Yeah...sometimes shit happens. Sometimes we can't question the how or the why. Barachiel thoughth e clipped you, when he helped you grow. Turnabout's fair play." Johnny lifts his shoulders in a shrug.

"So, congrats, your a badass babe."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara lays against him, that grins still on her lips. "I've always been a badass babe," she chuckles, wiggling her brows a little. "Now I'm a total, all out, badass babe who happens to /finally/ know what I'm doing."

She gives him another light kiss before sitting back up to just study his face. The healing Witchblade offers could be quick if needed, but not always thorough when he went that route. For others, Sara can lay the gauntlet on a wound and heal it almost instantly, for herself however it was a process she and Witchblade agreed needed to be complete, skin, bone, muscle, and this took time.

"There's still a great deal for me to learn about Witchblade, but at least he's now willing to actually tell me," she adds with a soft sigh. "One of the things I learned however is that he /hates/ being alone, that's why he searched for those who can wield him, and it's not just anyone. I was literally born from a long time of people who can wield him, which means... and this is the part that still messes with my head, but it means that every wielder before me, I'm related to, in some way."