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Latest revision as of 14:16, 26 June 2022

Hunting a Hulk
Date of Scene: 21 February 2022
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Betty Ross, Clint Barton

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Double Blind. For the purposes of a scientific experiment, it was when those performing the experiment and those analysing the experiment did not know what data set and work there were doing. Often with bits left out to ensure that the evaluation is not prejudiced. In the case of equipment.. It meant that when high priority equipment was sent out in multiple convoys, loaded up and with no one knowing which delivery was carrying what.
    Perhaps not until it reached it's next station.
    For those intercepting the convoys, it meant not knowing which one was the real one. This convoy..
    Was not loaded with the real one. Loaded up with fascimilies that to a casual scan and analysis would read as legitimate, packed in thick lead lined and insulated containers to make scanning harder without being in them. In three large trucks escorted by a variety of armored cars. Even hte trucks themselves had been randomly loaded, two with empty crates loaded with weights to match those of the real one so even judging which of them was the heaviest would be difficult.
    And all of them booby trapped. Riding along with the group was a motorcycle, riding through the dunes of the desert.

Betty Ross has posed:
    While the Leader is brilliant, he sometimes isn't as brilliant as he thinks he is. Which is perfectly brilliant. Thus, he doesn't really admit when he's not sure about something, like the exact convoy path for the target he wants.

    Not that he cares. That's what you have brainless minions for, to send out to all the possible convoy routes as needed. If they succeed, it's because of your superior intelligence and planning. If they fail, it's because of their brutish stupidity and doesn't reflect on you at all.

    Which is why a tall figure is lurking along the route.

    Who attempts to stop the convoy through the simple plan of stepping out in front of the lead semi and bracing herself for it to hit her. The driver will have a surprised and brief moment to see a towering red-skinned muscular woman in front of his grill, grinning at him, before impact.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
This is not off to a good start. While they were expecting an interception, a Hulk level being is still not something that is within their standard equipment to deal with. Not without saturation level bombardment or specialized equipment and personnel. So as Red She-Hulk comes out and goes to leap over in front of the lead semi, the driver and passengers -barely- have timem to react as the vehicle is smashed, upending thanks to intertia and flipping over, the cab being crushed over at point of impact! And the motorcycle is rapidly twisting along to head in an arc!

Betty Ross has posed:
    Step one handled with the convoy's path being blocked, the attacker crouches low, shifting the assault rifle slung over her shoulder, then kicks off, leaping angled to land behind the last vehicle in the convoy, passing over the motorcycle in the process. Stopping the front is accomplished. Now, she's moving to make sure that they can't turn around and escape either. It's fortunate there's not much traffic on this highway as it' sdefinitely going to be block until the turned over semi can be moved.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Now they're hemmed in and not going anywhere without heavy equipment or on foot. It's a textbook ambush and entirely effective. The age of the tactic dating back to the time when the wheel began didn't make it any less efficent. And the relatively close quarters meant that the agents couldn't use whatever booby traps, if any were in the equipment without having themselves in the blast radius.
    Agents would fall back; those who were still able to with standard issue weapons, opening fire at Red She-Hulk. To no doubt about as much effectiveness as a horse snipping it's tail at flies.
    The woman on the motorcycle would come to a stop, putting the kickstand down and going to take a large cylinder off her back about the size of an RPG. To the front of it she would add a large harpoon.

Betty Ross has posed:
    Curiously, while the Hulk attacking is definitely doing damage to the trucks themselves (in that she takes hold of the rear one and flips it), she's not really attacking the agents as of yet. In fact, she's almost ignoring them. And it's very evidently a she, giving the skin tight and somewhat revealing black top and pants she's wearing, along with combat boots in her size and fingerless gloves. Black hair with a red streak, and slightly glowing yellow eyes complete the look.

    Having blocked things off, she heads for the middle truck, wanting to head off any attempts to drive across the divider or somehow get turned around, a hand going to the rear doors as she flexes, starting to rip them off the check this interior.

    This may set off the booby traps, depending how they're wired. Not that she knows that.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The 'booby trap' is a cloud of -very- powerful acid that erupts at the point the cab is opened with raw power as opposed to the careful decoupling needed to do so. What's followed is some blasts of nasty poison gas flooding the area. And quite potentially spraying all over Red She-Hulk, immediately melting the containers and perhaps splattering all over her with their contents as the agents would scramble away, going to yank down gas masks and hazardous materials gear.
    First trap, complete. The woman on the motorcycle is rapidly putting the harpoon into place, activating a power coupling and letting it charge.

Betty Ross has posed:
    The red menace sputters at the facefull of acid and gas, coughing as she backs up, then waves her hands to try and waft the vapors away from her as she blinks shaking her head. Her outfit seems to be made of pretty tough stuff, as while it has some smoking spots, not many holes actually appear. The holes that do appear are on her skin, which start healing over almost immediately. But she's momentarily distracted.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Poison gas settles on the skin, making it hard to get off short of tearing things off. For a Hulk, it's very likely something that their healing factor can deal with handily, but there would still hopefully be that burning from the acid and gas.. Then the woman on the motorcycle would line up the large harpoon and fire it! Presuming it would fly true, it would be launched to hopefully hit the staggering She-Hulk in the torso.. Then the capacitor would power up to try and give as massive a power jolt of tasers that could be done without extremely specialized equipment.

Clint Barton has posed:
<"Nat, need a hand?">

The coms light up with Clint's voice as his eye looks through a scope on his bow. He has a clear shot. The kind you only see in movies. Arrow knocked, his fingers loosen at it's end, the arrow piercing through the air as it flies.

If it flies true, the arrow's head beeps with a red light, the words reading 'boom' on its carving. If it strikes Red She-Hulk, the arrow will explode in a concussive blast. It could stop a speeding car in its tracks. A speeding Hulk?

Far more questionable.

Betty Ross has posed:
    The crimson Amazon staggers at the harpoon hitting her when she's still blinking bleary-eyed from the acid and gas, rapidly seeming to shake off the effects before the harpoon thunks into her solidily, then electrofies her. There a scream of pain and rage at that, followed by the arrow hitting her when she's off balance and exploding with enough force to toss her on her back.

    "Motherfucker!!!" come a definite female tone, as the red woman reaches up, fighting her jerking muscles to grab hold of the harpoon, then rips it free, throwing it to the side, before she pushes herself up. "Heh...you SHIELD girls and boys know how to throw a party...." she purrs.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Even as Clint is coming, Natasha is going to take out the large cylindrical object on her back. This time she's loading up a smaller charge of something in it. Aiming it at the face of Red She-Hulk while she's off balance, Natasha goes to fire it once again.


A glue grenade aimed at Red She-Hulk's face with the super-strong, super-stretchy substance that in theory she couldn't breathe through.
    Speaking along the comm <"Your assistance is appreciated.">

Of course theory was one thing. Use in the field.. Quite a different one.

Clint Barton has posed:
<"She's a tough one isn't she?">

Hawkeye had designed some arrows to keep Banner on his toes, but none ofClint's designs could take out a Hulk through blunt force trauma. So he had to get smart. If this machine gets too close, Nat and Clint could go splat. He draws two arrows, the tips crackling with electricity.

Heads up.

He looses the arrows and the sail through the air, intending to hit Red She-Hulk in the kneecaps if she doesn't move. 50,000 volts of electricity might tickle her, right?


Combined with Nat's bomb, hopefully it'll do something. If not? Creativity time.

Betty Ross has posed:
    Rulkie starts to move her hand as Natasha fires, but isn't quick enough to keep the grenade from splasshing her face, half blinding her and covering up her nose and mouth most as she shakes her head furiously. Another roar of pain and rage comes from the arrows striking home as her knees buckle, her hand reaching up to tear at the glue covering her face, before she inhales, then coughs.

    The glue over her mouth immediately starts to sizzle and burn away as if by acid, clearing her airway as she raises both arms wide, then slams her hands together, sending a shockwave through the air.

    Then spends a moment unsticking her hands with an annoyed grunt. "Clever. This isn't an actual convoy, is it....?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
A shockwave is still a bit more than Natasha can deal with. She's knocked off her bike, sent flying, and the large cylinder on her back would be flung off, breaking on impact. So much for whatever further weaponry she had available in there. She's immediately drawing a sidearm, aiming even with both eardrums ruptured. Taking off quick shots attempting to fire at Red She-Hulk's eyes. The shots might not inflict any damage even if they did hit, but at least they would -sting- if they did.
    Red She-Hulk's query gets no verbal response.

Clint Barton has posed:
Alright! Clint never- "Oh shit." The shockwave reaches all the way to his vantage point, knocking him down and cracking rocks easily. Clint lifts his hands to his hearing aids to make sure they were still in tact.

Broke. r
Being deaf right now is not good. He can't hear shit, but he's still on mission. Reaching to collect his bow, Clint fires off arrow. It aims for center mass of She-Hulk. Nothing like a good bit of C4 arrow to hopefully piss off the red giant enough to distract her from Natasha.

Betty Ross has posed:
    The explosion at least forces the towering woman back a step, but no more as she gets her feet under her, raising a hand to block the incoming shots from Natasha like a person irritated at the sun in their eyes. Her other hand unslings the assault rifle on her back, bringing it up one hands as she fires, spraying the area near Natasha and Clint with suppression fire with an experienced touch...if she was using an automatic pistol instead of an assault rifle, anyway. "Well aren't you tricksey..." she mutters, ducking to the side to try and get one of the fallen trucks between her and the incoming fire, continuing to empty the magazine on her rifle to keep Natasha and Clint's heads down until she's clear long enough to switch out the empty magazine for a new one. "Curious, did you know I was coming or am I just lucky?" she calls.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would keep her head low to the ground at the return fire. Since when did Hulks use firearms? And something that big had to be custom made and manufactured. Which would be something to follow up on later. She would go to fire another few bursts with her pistol at Red She-Hulk, aiming for the gun that the big woman had. Natasha was calculating the accuracy of the weapon and how Red She-Hulk held it. She would be circling over, using the trucks as cover. Then moving to pop a smoke grenade.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's only hint that bullets are flying are from the flash muzzle of Red She-Hulk's assault rifle. The suppression fire brings Clint to the ground as he takes cover. He reaches for a trio of arrows as he takes a deep breath.

"Try this."

He looses three arrows. Polyurethane Foam, a real bitch of a restraint solution that makes meta humans easier to capture. Didn't work on Banner, probably won't work on her. But if he can still get movements for even a moment, he can give Bat a better shot if his arrows make it.

<"Nat, I'm deaf. Waif for the opening.">

Betty Ross has posed:
    The fire from Natasha *spangs* off the heavy assault rifle, apparently reinforced enough that it doesn't come apart. But the shots certainly throw off its aim.

    Plus, the next time Red She-Hulk leans out to fire, she gets a face full of foam arrows, one of which hits the rifle directly, fouling its barrel and function as she staggers back, then shifts, flexing, her eyes narrowing as the foam starts to splinter, then her free arm breaks freed, followed shortly by her kicking her way out of the rest. The gun, however, is useless, and she simply smashes the foam on her right hand against the truck next to her, denting it but cracking the foam as she shakes it off. Thus far she's not hurt, but the attacks are doing their job of keeping her too busy shaking things off to actually attack so far.
    TUntil now, where she raises a foot, then kicks the unoccupied cab, sending it skidding along the ground wildly in an uncontrolled sparking spin with a *WHANG* of metal impact.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She hears the call from Clint updating his status. The Black Widow stays close to the ground, letting the smoke be her concealment over as she would maneuver. The cab would go flying well past her, thanks to Clint's distraction. And Natasha has very litlte room to maneuver here and very few useful tactical options. They're not going to take down the Red She-Hulk without heavier weaponry and specialized equipment, but they can hold her off long enough for it to arrive. Or at least that's what the hope is. Natasha is going along and staying close to the ground as she would move to flank. Then she's going to if she could try and leap over Red She-Hulk to land on her back, get into a scissor hold.. And then if possible goes to pop out the pincers of her Widow's Bites directly into the Hulk's eyes to fire them and unleash the full charge!

Betty Ross has posed:
    Whatever what Rulkie was expecting, it was not Natasha appearing like a ghost to jump on her back. Or to jab her eyes with her Widow's Kiss. Fun fact: being a Hulk doesn't mean you lose your instinctive reactions as a human, and getting jabbed in the eye is definitely a distraction as Rulkie let's out a yell, electricity running over her head and her hair starting to stand on end as she staggers. At the same time she responds like a trained fighter, her hands going back as she tries to grab hold of Natasha and hurl her in Clint's general direction, or at least dislodge her from her current position on her back.

    That done, she hmmphs. "Sayonara, suckers." She flexes her knees, then leaps, the ground cratering around her with the force behind the jump as she soars into the distance, starting to bound rapidly away. Leaving her discarded rifle behind as well as some blood, some of the acid that burnt away the glue over her face. But oddly still controlled and not in a rage the way most Hulk's would be. Maybe she really is more like She-Hulk..in some ways, at least.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would be picked up and flung away from Red She-Hulk and barely be able to flip herself to avoid being hammered into her fellow agent while Red She-Hulk would jump away. Natasha is moving to whip out her sidearm while ejecting the spent charger cartridges from her Widow's Bite and tracking She-Hulk until she was out of line of sight. She would holster the weapon. then glancing at Clint.

"Barton, status." She would go towards him and make sure to hold her head in a position where he could see her lips. This had been a wash.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is on the move, though a cab landing in front of him makes him run right into it and bounce off the thing as i comes to a stop in its momentum. Clint cracks his neck as he tries to get back up to his feet, only to barely get missed in being steamrolled by Nat.

"What?" Clint questions, though he reads her lips. "I'm alive and fine. Should've brought bigger arrows." He groans. "You?"

He looks around. "Where's Big Red? Did The other Avengers show up?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to offer her hand over to Clint to help him up, "She disengaged at the point she concluded this was not worth her time to pursue." And disengaged rather than continue to fight. Her expression would be flat but she would muse.. "Troubling. She displayed some experience with firearms, combat tactics, and was able to adapt on the battlefield even when taken by surprise." Then she would look over at the gun and the blood.

Clint Barton has posed:
Helped up to his feet, Clint looks around and sighs. "Sorry I wasn't too much help. She was just eating everything we threw at her like it was breakfast. She knew exactly what she was doing. Did you get a tracker on her?" Clint asks, though he's watching Widow.

Clint's looking at her like he was searching for injuries. "Do we know of any programs making posed iff Hulks?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shake her head, "No, I wasn't fast enough to. I was surprised at how quick she was." A rare enough admission of Natasha of a mistake. "A few possibilities. There have been some rumors. Something more substantial than rumors has been confirmed." Yes, Natasha did have a sense of humor.