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Latest revision as of 14:16, 26 June 2022

The Fall Out
Date of Scene: 18 February 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Stella Roundtree, Kyani Kohanna

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord's fingers fly over the keyboard as he finishes the letter. His big old brain lets him compose, edit and type in one operation. Bobo grabs the letter that prints out on Kord Co stationary. Kord signs it with a two hundred dollar pen. Rich people know about such things. Use a Bic on one of them and they'll wipe their snooty nose with your missive. Finally he folds the lett... strike that. He hands the letter to Bobo, who folds it with mechanical precision and inserts it in a Kord Co. envelope. Make that an ahnvelope dalhling. Very Transalantic chic. Ted adds a slip of paper with names and phone numbers on it. Then he rubs his eyes.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella is in an amazing mood. She still feels like she's buzzing, vibrating and- she forgot a few things and misses the bots, so she's practically whistling her way up the elevator. She's got a fresh set of clothes on and her long hair is blown dry and glossy. Her cupcake-scented conditioner wafts off it. Her manicure sparkles. Her makeup is on-point, a crisp cat-eye and gold lids. "GOOD MORNING!" she announces, full of pep and energy. Her winter jacket is open, and there's a green tiger-striped shirt under it, though one can only read
     by the way she has her jacket buttoned. "I HAVE COME FOR THE REST OF MY THINGS and to give Bailey a smooch. I think I left a hoodie here, actually," she says.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks up and says, "Of course. You left in a hurry. Come see Bailey and the rest, whenever you want. You're her girlfriend. Uhm, Bobo may want a show of affection." The two bots begin jockeying for position. That is Bobo, slower but bigger tries to head off and block Bailey who whips around the big goon and presents herself and her new pink nail polish. Bobo sees the way this is going and flies over towards Ted who holds up a hand.

"I'm not kissing you. He takes the letter in hand and goes over to Stella. "I got something for you, if you want it and it is not smothering. Seriously." He holds the envelope out. "It's a letter of introduction from me, and a list of businesses I have dealings with. None are anti-Mutant by the way. This will get your foot in the door to see the head man. Show them what you can do. I am sure they'll wind up owing me one."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Yeah, I thought you wanted me out?" Stella asks, confused. "You just kinda left me there by the pool, so... yeah. Oh well, what's done is done," she says with a shrug. "Moving on. But thanks. I'm glad I can still visit," she says, leaning over Bailey to take a look.
     "You do such a good job!" she squeals. "That's a very pretty color. Do you guys need hugs?" she says, but is stopped by Ted's letter.

"Ted, thank you. I really appreciate that," she says, taking the letter and slipping it into an inner coat pocket, revealing the full message of her shirt is, DEATH TO ALL BUT METAL before she closes it back up. "You can give me a smooch if you want. Cheek's fine," Stella says. OOh. Baiting. Seems like some wild got into her last night. "Go ahead."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord comes around the desk and gives her a bear hug. It is a pale imitation of Hella's. He gives her a peck on the cheek.

"You said you could be out tonight. I was going to let you decide on the when. It looks like you're doing well. I'm glad. I really have grown to like you a great deal. Oh." He puts her down so her feet are flush with the floor again.

"You can come see the bots whenever you want, or me. or for a dip or whatever." He lets out a sigh of relief and holds his fist up for a bump.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I'm actually moved in with Hella! We had a nice long chat last night," the brunette says, allowing the hug. She doesn't push it, or grab any part of him that might incite more. But she's warm and she smells like her perfume and hair products. "Oh yeah, I figured you wouldn't want to see me right away, but I need things I left here, so..." she says. "Some time apart living-wise could be good. And then we'll see about some hang outs," she says, stroking a finger under his chin, eye contact very intense. "I can plan a few low-pressure things. There's no reason that'd be a problem, would it?" she asks. She taps a finger on his fist and gives him a little tickly electrical charge.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods slowly. "If you need any help with your stuff let someone know and you can grab a couple custodians to help. Uhm hanging out will be fine after the dust settles. I'm glad we're friends. I was considering putting together a team of supers... and me. If you are interested I can keep you in the loop. Usual gang of nuts and my friend, Nitro. He does a speed thing. You could probably work up all manner of dirty fighting with him. I'll say now, I am also asking Joan to join but I think she'll be more Joan like than when you guys met and she came on like Magneto. We had... stuff to work out. It was nothing against you. She likes you in fact, I'm pretty sure." He has a studious look as he speaks, like he's disarming a grenade.

Stella Roundtree has posed:

     "Oh, I KNOW you had stuff to work out," Stella says. Very close. Not touching, but definitely in his bubble. "Hella told me. She was a crying mess last night because she felt so bad. And she should. In fact, more people should feel VERY bad about it." She pulls out a little battery charger and flips it a few times over in her hands, like a fidget spinner. "You guys want to Pam and Jim it up, fine. I'm glad she didn't simper her way into your office if things got serious with us and cry about how she looooves you and didn't knoowww until there was another girl." She rolls her eyes and steps back, flicking her wrist and discharging the energy into the air. Someone's been practicing.

     "People always think a door will be open forever, and when it looks like it starts to close, they go crawling in. She had time with me, without you in the room, to tell me this. She didn't." She pockets the battery.

     "Let's review." She flicks up a finger for each point. "One. She had time to talk to me alone, and she was shitty. Two, she talked about her feelings for you in front of me while I was passed out. Three. You weren't going to tell me, were you? How exactly should I feel, Ted?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "One: I will not justify her shitty mood. That was wrong. Two: How did you find out what was being said about you while you were passed out? I can't comment on this because she said anything like that while I was out of the room. Three: She didn't even let ME know. She couldn't or wouldn't. She barely met you and she gave us space. I didn't think there was anything left to tell you. And damn straight I was not telling you right this minute. I think we both had enough to process for the time being. But... I did not lie to you. I told you what I thought was the situation between us. Was I attracted to her yes. But... I had gotten nowhere with her and I was looking elsewhere. Was I... substituting? I'm not going to say I never was there, never did it but... you sent a thrill through me when I saw you and we met. I will not deny that to anyone. I was very glad for your company. You are a very attractive woman. You would be great on my team and I hope you join and Joan doesn't have to. If she has a problem I understand. I hope that clears the air. I do not want you to feel shitty. You certainly are entitled to feel the way you want."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Oh, because Hella told me last night. Weeping. For like an hour. I guess she and Booster and Joan all had a little chit chat about feelings while I was out," Stella says. "It was kinda hard to picture someone so strong openly ugly crying, to be honest, until I saw it," she admits.
     "And boo hoo, Joan didn't know until she might not have been able to have you. I've heard that sob story a buncha times at my old job, emotional hang-ups don't move me. Just glad I didn't get cheated on," she shrugs.

     "Anyway. Whatever. Last night I had the time of my life in a ring, with other mutants, and it was glorious," she says, beaming with a big smile. "So if you're saying there's a team available where I might be able to fight people who deserve it and your office girlfriend won't be on it? Sounds good to me," she says, brushing her hair back over her shoulder.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says levelly. "I said, I was inviting you /both/. I'm not excluding anyone. Hey... superteams are built on angst and working out stuff. Why back in the Justice League International... there was... no I can't tell that, they'd kill me, well we had... no better not. Guy! Gy Gardner! Ultimate jock pain in the ass Green Lantern! But the point... what point was I making? Anyway, not sure Joan will want to take the field. She might just want to handle paperwork." Something sinks in and he says, "Hella was crying? I... she's very tenderhearted when she isn't ripping up a streetlamp to whomp someone with. I definitely got that impression. She feels things very strongly. Joy, anger or hurt."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Well, as Joan as she doesn't speak to me or make eye contact, I can live with that," Stella says. "She can paperwork away all she wants," she says with a shrug. "And yes, Hella was crying. We had pizza, and I was talking about how I needed a little break from being too enmeshed with you, but hey! I was gonna plan some cute little dates after we had time apart, you know. Movies. Mini-golf. Couch cuddles and board games. Normal people stuff and try from there, and then she just blabbed about Joan."

     She purses her lips for a moment, "She was obviously really upset, I think she thought she was helping everyone find a solution. I'm not sure about Booster's involvement. But oh, I'll find out. Because now I *live with his girlfriend.*" she says, laughing. It's just a hint of an evil cackle. "He didn't come out of the bathroom all night. Might've been scared off by all the crying in the living room."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "I'm sure you two can work it out... and I will ultimately be found to be to blame." He smiles a little. "Also a pruny Booster... eew. Maybe he shrunk a little and is normal sized now. Oh excuse me... Nitro is here to see me... don't go. I already chased you off once." He hits a telltale on his desk and is rewarded with a beep.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "No, I'm pretty sure I blame someone in particular. Just keep her out of my way as much as possible, and we won't have a problem. She can email me whatever I need to fill out and we can limit contact," Stella says, shaking her head. "Nitro's another team person?" she asks, crossing her arms. Certainly less friendly than she was the last time she was up in the penthouse. Which is hard for her, because her natural state is extroversion.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It has been a while since he was last back here, but again here he is. Having gotten a call from Ted, Kyani figured he would stop by, he already has a few things to talk to the Titans about, so seeing Ted was no biggie. There is a whooshing sound, a cold breeze, followed by a yawn, "Yo, mah guy, you need to really get security on your stuff." says a voice from a man sitting in one of the couches. "Sup." he says as he looks to Stella.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord snaps his fingers and the bots take up position around Kyani. They were sort of moving in a tough guy way. Even Bailey.

"Meet my new security. Nitro, this is Stella. Stella this is Nitro. I wanted to see if he'd join tis little enterprise. He doesn't come around since the high and mighty Titans made him a member. How the costume holding up man?" He goes over to Kyani and the bots back off when he gives him a handshake and then a bro hug.

"So what have you been doing besides rattling windows and letting Captain Thunder eat your dust? Hey uh Bing, make us some coffee, Bailey get some snacks. The Cheezits with the groves PLEASE!" he calls after the bot.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     Stella's long hair billows in the breeze, and she brushes it out of her face to get a good look at the speedster, "Hey there!" Oh no, the cheerfulness has come back! All it took was a new person to distract her from her irritation. She watches the robots get all imposing- as much as possible. Bailey, small as she is, even has pink-painted 'nails' on her little arms, so that might make her less intimidating.
     "Nice to meet you, Nitro," she says. She sits on a separate couch, not wanting to crowd, but very eager for snacks.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani gets up and bro hugs Ted, "Whatever man, and your bots couldnt take me." he grins. "I've been doing well, I'e not been with the Titans as much, been doing family stuff, making sure my aunt and her girl are taken care of." he says as eh looks to him.

    He then turns to look to Stella, he bows his head to her. "Nice to meet you Stella, I hope you're doing well." he smiles to her.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord scoffs. "Ferget the bots. Worry about the owner as they say." To prove the point the bots return with snacks and coffee."

"You're ok with caffeine? I don't want to shoot you into the Speed Force. I do it with a shot of espresso. The right way."

Okay... Stella is sitting, ready to eat. things are improving. The business with Joan is troubling. It'd be more troubling to him yesterday. He's realizing he can't, nor should he try, to fix everything." He gives her a smile.

Well I'm going to start my own privately funded team and I hope you'll join us, if the commute isn't too bad. Uhm while I'm at it here's some promotional stuff on Booster's new enterprise, it's app for supers. People who need help will quote a price they can afford and a service needed. We're vetting the supers personally. Oh, there's a limit on it of three jobs a day to give everyone a chance. Hey Stella here. Maybe you know someone who could use this or have an interest." He goes over to the brunette -who obviously does not have any superhero secrets! and gives her a flyer. No excluding normals.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "Doin' better every day. Sounds like things are going good for you, too!" she says, perky as can be. But incoming coffee will keep that train chugging along. "Oh, I might know someone who has an interest," she grins. She looks over the flyer, "How do we- er, they- vet the clients?" she asks, raising a brow a bit. "Are they apped and approved?" she asks. She seems to be mellowing, for the moment.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord says, "We're doing interviews. We're asking established supers to recommend their friends. No villains please and no people who think waving a gun makes them a superhero... arrows are okay. know Spider-Man and I'm extending an offer to his amazing friends and oh! Rave will get an invite. I met with er a few times. She's another speedster." He eyebrow waggles at Nitro. "A fast one." Another eyebrow in motion and a wink. Shade his bots will he.

Bailey and Bingo arrive with the coffee and the snacks, including peanut butter M&Ms, and Oreos.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Nitro quirks a brow as he moves and sits down again, "Mountain Dew, and the suit could use some upgrades, but it's still useable." he says as he looks to Ted. He goes quiet for a long moment, taking in the information, "I'm good with joining you. You've already done a lot for me, and I've helped you. Hell you know me pretty well, so I'm down." he says to Ted.

    Looking over to Stella, "You joining?" he asks simply. "Are you two friends, dating, buddies and such too?" he asks, "Man, the Speed Force is no joke and honestly, it can be pretty pleasent." he says again. Though this is coming pretty quickly as Nitro speaks who now visibly focuses and slows down his speech.

Stella Roundtree has posed:
     "I think so, we're just hammering out some of the particulars," says the brunette on her couch. "And, oh, Ted, what aaaaare we?" she asks, teasing him. What's the fun if she can't prod a bit? She's definitely more sedate than the speedster. "And my question is more... how do we make sure we're not gettin' catfished?" She gives Bailey a little pat and picks up some coffee and M&Ms, snacking as she listens.

Ted Kord has posed:
A lightbulb goes off over Ted's head. "Yeah we'd need someone who deals with such things on a professional basis... and doesn't put their boss on the spot. You know anyone? As for what we are... you're a wise ass and I'm too good natured. But you're easy on the eyes."

"But apart from Nitro and Spidey's pals if they agree we are going to be interviewing if they apply through the app and they pass a background search."

Stella Roundtree has posed:
    . Stella gets serious for a moment as she assesses. "It's a gamble either way. Depending on what level of verification we go with," she says. "So there's still a risk of even an approved person being used by someone else, or that their device is hijacked. Even if you use biometrics to make the log-in and submission process, people can be held hostage, for example. I'd definitely suggest a check-in or confirmation that all's goin' well and an alert if it's not to inform the other heroes that assistance is needed. Body cams, too. You can do a lot, but it's only so much," Stella says. "But risk, reward, you know how it goes." She taps her lower lip, "This is actually really interesting... we should get all the potential super...people... together and address concerns, huh?" She finishes her coffee, "I do need to get going, though. Nice to meet you, Nitro!" And with that, she flounces off, back to whatever her day had in store.