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Latest revision as of 14:23, 26 June 2022

Even Knights Get Invitations
Date of Scene: 25 December 2021
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Dane Whitman, Sandra Wu-San

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Different people handle Christmas in different ways. Across the world. The country. And particularly in New York. The snow helps the spirit, however. Outside the rain fall had changed over to a gentle flurry ever since the sun went down. It left most people with the sentiment to get indoors, to hunker down under covers, to enjoy time with family and friends.
    But for others, there's still that desire to get out. To be with people that they don't always see. To get back out into the world and connect. Or at least pass the time until the holiday is over and where things can return partially to normal. Something they view kindly.
    Tonight, at Reggie's Jazz Bar, the place is at the least open. Quiet. There's a soft smooth jazz combo playing Christmas music now and again, though they mix it up with more modern pieces. It's not the be all end all focus of the club tonight. More just background noise for the bar-dwellers to enjoy.
    Which a fair number are doing. There are about twenty punters all enjoying their drinks, watching the televisions up on the walls of the bar, though some are gathered near one eight top table that has a man at one end and one at the other who seem to be in a contest of sorts. Trading drinks apparently while some of the men around them laugh and lay their bets while the contest goes on.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The knight morose is incognito tonight, and out for something different. His visit to Gotham recently had been an effort to sample the music scene, but that had gone...poorly. A chance encounter had led to him doing things that he prefered to not be known for, and so here he is enjoying an inferior version of one of the few things that city across the way has going for it compared to his current city of residence.

Dane's poison of preference is scotch, and he's currently enjoying it on the rocks at the bar. He's managed to avoid having anyone next to him thus far. He would like to keep it that way for the time being.

The tender asks him,"So, y'gonna just drown yourself, or y'gonna grab a bite t'dilute that wit?"

Dane shrugs noncommitally at first, then considers. He replies after a beat,"How's the burgers here? Get me one with the works. No fries."

Yes, Dane's a carnivore. He cracks a smile as the tender struts off to satisfy the request.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
People come and go without much notice for many of the people inside the club. After all, it's just a night out before the holidays the next day. For those that celebrate that particular holiday. For her part, Shiva doesn't really care. Actually, she doesn't practice any holidays unless it suits her purposes at the time. It simplifies life.

She entered and headed toward the bar. The music playing was pleasant enough. For one that liked that sort of thing. She paused there, dressed in a long black leather tenchcoat as her only protection from the outside chill. Beneath it were black pants, a red button up shirt and a pair of boots. She had put on boots for once instead of her preferred slip ons.

Once at the bar, she settled on a stool there, smoothing the jacket into place as she sat. A half turn so she could watch the room as she did so, eyes traveling over the patrons before the bartender caught her attention. "Whiskey. Neat. Your best." Because she did like her high-end comforts.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    In the background the room continued with its steady hustle. Conversations were muted and ongoing, occasionally a voice lifted and a laugh resounded when one or the other of the men finished their drink and /clinked/ their glass down upside down. At a glance both seemed fairly into their cups, though one was a touch taller than the other, more weathered with a large black pea coat on the back of his chair. He seemed to be amused, subtly swaying a little, but holding his own.
    Around the room one lone waitress tended to the tables and their orders. She moved casually around the room, taking what orders needed taking, smiling politely. But it's the tender that seems to be doing the lion's share of the work considering the people at the bar... they were there for that heavy business of drinking.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The drinking is what the man is here for chiefly, but not the drowning that the tender had joked about. Dane is realy only on his second glass, he's here to not be by himself tonight.

Dane is something of a grinch.

Too much cheer, too much fake benevolence. Too much hypocrisy.

He's one of those. It might be why he's been so philanthropic recently. Trying to be of actual benefit, not the sort that puts a cheap tee shirt on someone that hasn't got a roof or warm food in their belly. These are the sorts of pessimistic thoughts floating through his head as he eyes the latest parade footage on the telly. That is until one of the toasting boozers trips over the waitress flitting through and bumps into Dane at exactly the right time to cause him to splash his drink at someone else...oops...

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
Now that was interesting. Shiva's attention was on the drinking game going on. Particularly the one that seemed to be wavering. Only something was wrong about it. She considered as her drink was delivered.

Which is the moment there was motion to her side. Enough motion she turned her head. That man was definitely far into his cups and should be getting himself a rideshare home. Then he bounced into a waitress, bumped into Dane, and his drink went sloshing. She watched as it fell about an inch shy of her, splattering to the floor as she didn't budge a muscle. She did give a little sniff of annoyance because she would have been quite upset if she'd been doused with cheap beer.

"Perhaps you should get a ride for this gentleman?" she suggested to the waitress. Then she looked directly at Dane. "You are unharmed?" Which was an odd way to say 'you okay buddy' but she wasn't one to speak in a casual vernacular typically. Then there was recognition in her eyes and she gave a node. "A pleasure to meet you. Though I am guessing you are incognito and should not be referred to by your other name?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    A spill, a splash, some tumult. It echoes in a bar. There's some reaction around it and on the floor. A man grimaces and pushes his chair away, another looks over with a severe scowl. But it's mainly up to those people at the bar to see how things fall out. Yet tension. Tension is indeed a thing that one can now feel in the room.
    Which translates well to the game being played at that table.
    "Don't look over there, the game's here man. Hey. Hey asshole, pay attention!" One of the men betting on the contest gestures severely at the aforementioned asshole. Who just so happens to be James.
    "Mmm?" He asks at first, a little bleary, a little distracted. "What's that?"
    "Focus on the game, man. Unless you want us thinking that's some friend of yours trying to distract us so you can swap your booze for water or some shit."
    To which James' succinct answer is a casual, 'pffft.'
    But for now, the contest continues. The bottle of tequila is tilted on its side, poured with a casual gurgle as it fills Jimmy's shot glass. He lifts it up, salutes his opponent. Downs it.
    There's some more laughter and money changes hands.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The big man down from Shiva arches a brow at being addressed thusly. The bar miraculously settles down, which speaks well of the clientelle. Most other places would have exploded at such a disruption.

Dane glances to the drinking game at the frustration lingering there in the wake of the events that have transpired, but nothing comes of it and so he's promptly back to her and replies,"Yes, quite."

Then it clicks that she asked other questions, said other things if note. He smiles affably and adds,"I'm hardly incognito, though your concern is appreciated. Dane Whitman."

With most things settled, Dane's attention is undivided. The significance of that alone should be obvious.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:

There was no offered hand. Just the single name give. "I have some business to discuss with you, if you are interested. But please, give me a moment?"

She picked up her whiskey, taking it with her as she approached the drinking game. She walked over to one man taking the bets. Taking out a few bills, she passed them over. "All on him." She nodded toward Jimmy. Then she headed back to the bar, this time taking a seat a little closer to Dane to make conversation easier. She sipped her whiskey, putting it back on the bar in front of her. "My apologies. I did not want to miss the opportunity. His opponent will not last much longer." She sipped again then continued.

"Your skill as a fighter is highly renowned. As such, I would like to invite you to join a friendly tournament I am organizing." She pulled a business card out of her pocket. It was white, emblazoned with a silver Chinese-style dragon.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    In a bar like this, for the locals that go to it, they might have a sense to a discordant vibe. When such a thing is present they start to give it some room. Which might not come to be a surprise to Shiva nor Dane, as while they have their discussion those near to them at the bar give them casual wide-berths. Nothing obvious. More a shift of body language, a turn to look and focus their attentions away. On the televisions, the game, the bowl of peanuts in front of them.
    Yet when Shiva makes her way from the bar, casually stepping to the table where the game is being played... for a moment it's enough to stop the action as eyes turned to her.
    The bookie gives her a once over, but he's professional enough. He gives a nod and sets her money in front of him in its own place of prominence. That stack of bills on the Canadian guy to win.
    One of the other bettors grins and thumps James on the shoulder, "Looks like you got a fan, buddy."
    To which James sort of grins, exhaling something almost a laugh but then nodding that it's his opponent's turn.
    But one of the bettors on the other side of the table, lifts his voice likely expecting she won't hear him as he says, "Yeah? I got somethin' for her to check out if she wants somethin' ta be a fan of, right?" He nudges another man's arm and there's a bit of laughter though subdued.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The big man takes up the card, studying it intently. He's sensing a multilayered oddity in this situation. He's not entirely certain what to make of the synchronicity at play. His gaze flickers from the card with the dragon back to Shiva; Dane really doesn't care about drinking games, but he does reply,"A tournament? I accept. What sort of tournament?"

No, there's no serious hesitation. Not in his manner of consideration. It had indeed been curiosity that delayed him at all. That whimsical devil that oft demands answers where there may be none to have...

Dane is genuinely interested, though a certain pride had been tickled at the recognition. The sort that dresses in protocols such as a knight not refusing a challenge. He rises from his seat at this point to discuss matters more appropriately. It's rude to remain seated when discussing matters of import with one who is standing, or with a lady. Or even when one is uncertain of one's place in a present hierarchy. Always safest to rise for a guest, or in the presence of business.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
The comment from the betting man was heard. It was also not appreciated. She didn't even turn her head or give him attention. He was ignored. For now.

She had business and that always came before pleasure. Or so the saying went.

"You may change your mind when you hear the rules," Shiva stated as she remained standing to continue their conversation. "It is a martial arts competition. Or hand-to-hand for those who prefer that phrasing. Matches will be random. Then the two involved in the round will determine the rules for their match. Open hand, weapons, first fall or first blood. It is up to those in that round. If the pair cannot come to an agreement, then it will come to me to decide. One winner each round, until two in the final match." So he may or may not be getting to use his sword. Or any other weapon for that matter.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    There was some jostling at the table, one man pushing another around, so that smart aleck got some hassling in return. But the focus remained mainly on the drinkers who kept on keepin on, a shot glass at a time. Sometimes the gang there would hold up, and when one of the participants seemed to be wavering there was a flurry of bets to decide was this it, was it not...
    Only for the game to continue.
    Luckily that match faded a bit into the background as Shiva and Dane conducted their business. The tender did come up long enough to look at each of them to see if another order was needed, though when he perhaps caught the tone of the conversation he realized... this was a convo he didn't want to overhear.