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Latest revision as of 18:23, 27 June 2022

A Tentacular Meeting...
Date of Scene: 19 December 2021
Location: Hidden Warehouse Laboratory
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Otto Octavius

Dane Whitman has posed:
Until recently, this warehouse had been condemned. Most aren't aware of this status being removed, even. The five story building is quite the shabby affair to look at, and is situated near the bridge from Manhattan to Staten Island. Quite hard to miss and featuring a dismal view of the rocky surf from its rooftop.

The location is well fenced in such that a stealthy approach by land or air is difficult to accomplish without detection as the parking lot and abandoned yard are even now well lit, even if the lights flicker occasionally. Rumors abound that trucks were spotted here a couple months back unloading...things...into the building and that lights are seen flickering within at night. But these are just rumors, the place is quiet as can be by day.

A haunted warehouse adds color to the local communities.

Dane Whitman as the Black Knight circles overhead this evening atop his aging pegasus Aragorn. The poor fellow doesn't get out much anymore, and not because his years are showing. He's a clone of his uncle's old warmount, and a genetic improvement to boot. Even still, he doesn't compare with Strider. For city skulking such as this however, he does quite well. Broad white wings softly thump as Dane watches below. Looking for any sign of life...

Otto Octavius has posed:
Condemned for various reasons.... not to least of which is the cost to benefit ratio. Still, that's no obstacle to Doctor Octopus, who has a tentacle harness to handle the heavy lifting of renovation... and so for the last month Otto has been claiming the area. Motion sensors and new escape tunnels now litter the warehouse and it's surroundings -covertly of course- as Otto has been busy.

Otto is only just getting himself setup as a force to be reckoned with... but he's not an idiot by any means.

Still, it doesn't take long for Dane to see a light come on in one of the top floor windows...

Dane Whitman has posed:
The flash of light below is hardly mistable at this hour. There's scarcely enough sun to produce a glare. Aragorn saw it as well, and whinnies high as Dane tugs the reigns, guiding him down for a landing.

The downside to an identity as a warrior of ancient Camelot is that stealth is NOT your strongpoint. The clatter of hooves and beating of wings are not easily suppressed, to put it mildly. Fortunately, Dane's mind was previously in motion and he goes ahead and tugs what appears to all the world to be a scrollcase from the side of Aragorn's saddle. This is slung across his back as a device is plocked from his belt.

The landing was announcement enough for anyone within, he knows. Time to see exactly WHO is within to answer!

Otto Octavius has posed:
Various forms of sensors suddenly blare silent alarms at Doctor Octopus within the warehouse from a wrist mounted tablet, and he stops the renovation he was doing to stare at one of the cameras he pulls up for the intruder.

"Observation... but to what purpose? He wouldn't be sitting there if he was a vigilante..." Otto muses to himself before his eyes dart quickly to the stairwell to the rooftop... then, he looks towards one of the hallway doors... before he thinks better of it.

One of the escape tunnels out of sight. Don't give the intruder anymore information than he can.

Within moments, a set of four metallic tentacles shoot out around him as Otto speeds towards the basement, heading towards one of the hidden tunnels...

About ten seconds later, the obvious sound of metal clanging against metal can be heard to Dane's right. Outside.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The rooftop knight registers the sound as surely as whomever below heard him.

Closing his eyes, he steadies himself to focus on the sounds below and get an idea where he needs to go to head off his target. For a long moment he is still as a statue save for the tails of his riderot as the breeze disturbs. The thick leather shields him admirably from the chill, as intended.

When his mental picture comes into clarity, he stalks back towards Aragon mounting him with practiced grace to send his companion diving forth!

Wings spread wide like a pale demon against the rising moon, the mounted knight swooping down to land in a clatter of hooves as the wings whoosh before drawing in. The horse cantering round to give him a full view round of whether his target truly be here...

Otto Octavius has posed:
Otto makes no attempt to hide as his tentacles 'walk' him up to the top of a rock formation, all the while facing the warehouse. It's a rather non-subtle announcement of himself as he watches the wings, then glances around as his actual body twists and turns checking for anyone else.

After a moment, black goggled eyes glance around in a sweep as he speaks, "What do you want?" He asks, loudly.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The mounted warrior from a distant past trots his winged steed boldly towards the strange scientist. Aragorn chuffs noisily like a hot headed youth itching for action, but Dane pats the side of his neck, whispering calming assurances before reaching that hand back to the slung case...

Then tosses it through the air towards Doc Ock once they are in good reach!

Dane yells back in his affected accent,"I wish to seek thine assistance! To strike a deal this fine eve!"

Should the doctor choose to open the case, he will find the schematics for an atomic power cell that could fit in a watchman's flashlight and yet run a tank for hours...

Otto Octavius has posed:
The case is caught by one of the tentacles. Rather deftly, actually. Otto clearly has experience with them and the practiced ease makes it clear he knows how to use those things...

The brown overcoat flutters slightly in the wind as he lifts up just a bit with the three spare tentacles, and he glances towards the case under the goggles, maintaining the illusion of still facing Dane. Old english? Otto can't quite place the accent, but he can recognize slang and cultural influences. "A deal for...?"

He does /not/ open the case. Yet.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The anglophile knight is keeping that pegasus steady with a similarly practiced ease. This is no more his first rodeo than the other's. He calls back promptly,"Thou'rt nay the only man of intellect in hiding. Some merely hide in more colorful manner, one might say."

Pointing towards the case with a meaningfully thrust finger, Dane continues,"Within yonder case be schematics of an old make. I am desirous of an update. An improvement. Makest me an offer that we may reach common footing."

Otto Octavius has posed:
"What can you offer?" Otto replies back, the case still not moving from where it is.

At this point, it's easily noticeable; the tentacle holding the case is completely still, no movement. Unlike organic muscles, it stays completely still with no movement. It's as if it's hovering in place.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The knight marbles under his breath, the horse trotting in a circle nervously in dislike of such dull negotiations.

Dane replies candidly,"'neath this carapace be a physicist of some repute. I knew the man who produced those schematics many years ago. My predecessor, in fact. Favors of technological nature are within my reach to grant. I seek ye for thine prowess with the atom. Mine own lie chiefly with the photon."