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Latest revision as of 06:11, 30 March 2020

Getting High(In elevation)
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: Unspecified New York rooftop.
Synopsis: Miles and Chizue talk about finances.
Cast of Characters: Chizue Nakamura, Miles Morales

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    It'd finally stopped raining, and well aside from how damp everything got it wasn't a bad night otherwise really. The air was surprisingly clear as a result of course, and well most bad guys had called their various nefarious schemes for the night. Not that it makes much difference to Owari, because well she's on the clock rain or shine it seems.

    She's set up a tripod beam antenna, and has been quite leisurely using it to sniff out networks in the bank across the street. Not that she's terribly interesting in stealing from said bank, today anyway. Big enemy Ninja clans aren't cheap to operate, and well even Ninjas use banks right?

    So she's reclined against a big roof top AC unit, her armored face halt cracked open to permit the nibbling of carrots and that comically huge can of Bang she was gifted at work. Thusfar anyway all she's done is glare suspiciously towards said caffiene, because how is that much caffiene at all healthy? Really?

Miles Morales has posed:
    Tonight is not a night of stealth. Despite it being night, cloudy as can be, and only recently had the rain stopped falling, tonight is a night of excess and noise. Tonight Miles isn't working on his superheroing, he's working on an experiment.

    A deep thumping sound echoes between the buildings, and as the source of the sound gets closer the drums are filled in with a driving electric guitar, and when it all falls silent for a moment.


    The music bangs back in, coming from the speaker dangling from the small backback on the webslinger's back and he has his arm outstretched to the rooftop and he comes sailing down past the antenna with his bright eyes lingering on the gadget as he swings past and then lets the arch draw him back before he falls suddenly.

    "Oh no." Carbon Spider complains as he falls and hits the rooftop and rolls twice before standing up and dusting himself off. "Experiment 17, failure." He mumbles into his phone as he takes a note on the screen.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    She watches passively, eyebrow raised behind that armored faceplate before..well Miles hits the rooftop. "Woah dude."She offers immediately, but well she isn't exactly getting up. Oh no she's got herself nice and set up, bento boxes full of fresh veggies and a comfortable seat? Hell no.

    "Yo keep it down a little, you know? I'm tryna do some ninja shit over here, it's -super- complicated."It isn't, not at all actually. Incidentally she doesn't exactly sound terribly irritated either."Hey you ever had a Bang drink before? This guy I work with was all about them, and floated me a single to give a test run. Mainly because he's trying to get those digits, but like is three hundred Miligrams of Caffiene really not all that much or something? I mean it feels like that would be too much, you know?"

Miles Morales has posed:
    Miles looks to Chizue and his eyes widen for a moment, "Right." And he slides down the menu on his phone and with the music still blaring from his speaker, he eventually turns it off and slips the phone into his backpack and then the speaker.

    "Better?" He asks as he approaches and lowers the hood of his jacket down around his shoulders and he approaches the antenna, with it catching his eye and he looks in the direction it's aimed. "Whhhat are you doing? And don't make me stop you from doing it... I mean, c'mon I'm right here."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I'm sniffing for unsecured devices in that bank over there."She does at least offer Miles her little tin full of baby carrots, because she's nice like that. "Big office buildings always end up with tons of unsecured stuff on the upper floors, because upper management never knows what the fuck they're doing. "She points to that antenna, which is constructed of -mostly- copper and pvc pipe of course because she's a ninja on a budget. "Once I get a clear picture of the network, I'll figure out where I want to attack and then I'll hack my way into the bank."

    Typical hero shit, obviously. Not that Owari seems terribly worried about blabbing all of this mind you. "Then I can start to work out who's got accounts of interest, and reverse engineer who owns what. Then I can start to build a picture of the money map, and understand who the real power players in New York actually are. Same stuff you spider-guys get up to, right?"

Miles Morales has posed:
    Miles reaches his hand out towards the tin and as he's taking it he pauses, "Yeah, I said give me a reason to NOT stop you..." Miles lowers his chin towards the cyber-ninja and puts his empty hand on his forehead. "Again, no, we spiders don't break into banks for information and things like that... This isn't cool." Miles does lift his mask over his nose though and takes a bite of a carrot and

    "Mmmmm, Dang that's good, I'm still gonna have to smash your antenna though. We don't break laws." He says as he puts the tin down and starts to approach the antenna to begin dismantling it.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    That gets a raised eyebrow for certain, and a pause from our favorite Ninja. "Well wait up a moment here, alright?"She makes a point of lifting that little forearm computer off her arm and setting it aside. "I'm new to the American scene, but I'm not new to the hero game. Like most of my clan, I was raised from day one for this. Hell I was on the street kicking ass by myself when I was twelve, and I've been at this game pretty much every night since then."

    Slowly she rolls into a decidedly more upright seated position. "I'm not going to ask a bunch of probing personal questions here but, I'm going to go out on a limb here. Am I wrong to think you're kind of new to all this, the costumes and the crime fighting and stuff?"

Miles Morales has posed:
    "N-no." Miles responds quickly with a look over to Chizue and then he lowers his mask back down covering his face fully. "That is still an invasion of privacy and how do I know you're not just getting accounts and routing numbers and everything in order to steal?" Miles says as he starts to lift his hands towards the antenna. "Just because you're kicking ass doesn't mean you're a good guy."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I appreciate the paranoia, truly I do. However look at who you're talking to, I'm a Ninja dude. We aren't usually thieves, I mean sure if the bad guy has a widget you gotta get to save the world then whatever. If I wanted to rip off bank accounts, I could have done that at home in my pajama pants."And finally a nod towards the bank. "If you want to just always be reacting, and patching people up -after- the thing has gone down? Then sure go do what you think is right."

    "This though, this is how you get out ahead of that stuff. You know enough and you can stop the bad guys -before- civilians get hurt, you can stop little plans before they become big plots. You can tell which bad guys are friends with which bad guys, and what they own."She snags another carrot for herself, before offering that box back to Miles. "You need to stop thinking like the Police, and start thinking like a Hero or you're going to end up with body bags."

Miles Morales has posed:
    Miles looks perturbed even behind his mask he's thinking it over. "I - n-no. No." Miles finds his conviction and his morals lead him to speak up. "No, that isn't right. I'm here to help people for sure, but I'm not going to break laws and rules in order to do that." Miles slowly turns, squares his shoulders and lowers his hands to his side, feet shoulder width apart. He's deliberate in his actions as he squares up a bit away from Chizue, "We're not stooping to their level. We have to be better." He REALLY wants to smash that antenna.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Then sit down and talk this out with me, and lets not resort immediately into property damage and physical violence."And well she takes another carrot, before slumping back into her previous little seat. "Look I've stopped, I'm willing to talk through this with you. If I was some petty crook, Then we'd be getting wild already yeah? No need for a philosophical difference to come to blows."

    "Now knock it off with this "we're" stuff, because my tradition predates the founding of America. I'm upholding the honorable and effective traditions of my ancestors, and I respect that you have a different path you may want to walk. Hell I will help you walk your own path, but please do not presume to tell me my own."Still her tone is neutral, body language decidedly casual. "What you need to realize is that money and secrecy, are weapons. I seek to deprive my enemies of those weapons."

    "Of course I may skim sufficient cash from a take to cover my expenses, but I do not profit from this endeavor. If I take down a score, those funds are donated to charities. Now if you don't like that, then that's perfectly fine with me. We're heroes and we're allowed to have differences of opinion, but I believe it bad policy to get in the way of another hero's work out of my own preferences."And with that she roots around in her chest rig for a moment, before producing what looks like a large solid gold coin she offers towards Miles. "You know what this is?"

Miles Morales has posed:
    Miles takes a breath and it's obvious he's letting his anger go and he takes another breath for good measure, forcing the adrenaline to subside. He even moves lowering himself and taking the backpack off his shoulders and setting it down to his side as he takes a seat for what appears to be lesson time. "Yeah, it's a gold coin. You already made it clear money is a tool for both sides, I get that, I don't agree with it, but I get it." The young teen sighs softly as he tries to sit still.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "That is from the Tokyo Justice Society, it's my gold badge. See you start with tin, and work your way up to Gold. The Ninja I'm replacing, made it to platinum at which point she was basically a Japanese Avenger. I would have liked to get a Plat myself, but I was needed here instead."She lifts a gloved hand, to retake that golden coin. "It's cool to not like it dude, It's not like I think any less of you for it. The Ninja way is to be pragmatic, I understand I'm operating by a very different set of rules than you are. All I ask is that you understand I'm your friend in all this, and that our diversity gives us strength."

    Quietly she offers Miles that Bang, and another hit from her carrot box. "It's not like I'm the punisher over here, killing mother fuckers like it's going out of style or something. I'm a Ninja, I'm the chick who hooks you up with intelligence so you can go save the day. Intelligence work is ugly shit, no lie though."

Miles Morales has posed:
    "Yeah, I'm getting that idea, but if you're working with me or the other spiders, no killing, I'm pretty sure we'll fight you or at least not like you for a while. I'm not sure how that goes, and I really don't want to find out." Miles says, lifting his hand and refusing the carrots, suddenly not in the mood for something to eat. "You /are/ in our country, you could try to follow our rules, yeah?" Miles asks, hints, maybe suggests as he is at least talking about it. "I mean, we spiders tend to stay on the ground floor, we're not avengers, we're after the small time folk, making a difference in the little people's lives. Y'know. So do us a solid yeah?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well I would agree as it pertains to common criminals, they deserve their day in court. When it comes to outlaw Ninja, well I'm not going to be able to abide by that."Theres a sigh there, as she tucks that coin back into it's pocket. "I won't take you off into the weeds here, but theres some stuff going on with Ninja. Two clans fled Japan because they fell into evil ways, and we tried to put a stop to that. We were trying to put that right ages ago, but then we had a pair of two world wars and then the cold war. So the big three clans were fairly distracted, remember that we're not so big either yeah?"
    "The Ninja in America, are outlaws. Once they swear an oath to their clan, they're part of this life. Usually their indoctrination erases whomever they were before, makes men into animals. These practices are especially outlawed, of course. I was sent here to put a stop to these fools, and I will put them to the sword."Owari gives a little shrug there. "No Ninja begins service under any illusion we're going to get out of this alive, We all know exactly how this is going to end for us. Now you web one of them up, thats cool they're all yours. Just don't be shocked when they suicide to avoid the dishonor of capture. I won't get out infront of you guys doing your own thing, I'm just not going to stop doing my own thing either. The other Spider man understood this at least."

Miles Morales has posed:
    "Like the bushido code, yeah, I get that honor and death and glory and all that hooplah, yeah, but still, like I said, no killing while me and Spider-man or Scarlet are around. Ya feel me. I need you to say yes to that, at least. I'm here trying to extend a fig branch." Miles says, not getting the saying quite right.

    Standing up, putting his backpack back on and stepping forward, putting his hand out to shake, "C'mon, play ball with me, I'll play ball with you."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I am extending you the same agreement I made with your friend. I will not slay any you have captured, and I will not undermine your endeavors in the least. However I can not swear off the war in your presence, I have already made a vow. I was born for this work, as were my parents before me."She does offer her hand at least. "I will not lie to you, nor will I break my promises. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I'm not going to dishonor myself nor you with a lie."

Miles Morales has posed:
    "Good. And I can handle that. I think." As hands meet a stream of web shoots out of Miles wrist and he yelps after a moment pulling his hand away and ripping the end of the webline off to toss to the ground but it sticks to his fingers for a moment before falling away. "Well... I'm going to go work on that. You... behave." He says with a point over his shoulder as he steps to the ledge and stands there.

    Phone out he's getting his music back on and as it does, he leaps off and THWIPs away, semi successfully again.